The LifeGym Mission

  1. Unfiltered, unaffiliated, unbiased, independent, expert and a source in the area of health and fitness.
  2. Industry accountability.
  3. Community support, encouragement, and empowerment.

As an unfiltered, unaffiliated, unbiased, independent, expert and a source in the area of health and fitness, I strive to be a reliable voice for all those of us who can’t afford to higher private chiefs or have our very own full time private physical trainer like all these celebrities, athletes, and politicians get to have.  I am not pressured or influenced by any company or outside 3rd party pushing me to favor their products or ideas.  Their I test their product, and it sucks, ill tell everyone that it sucks.  What makes me an expert are a number of things:  First, I’m a certified personal trainer and a certified nutritionist with the American Sports & Fitness Association;  I have had military training in the areas of fitness and health; I was interested in health and fitness all throughout college and have taken ample courses throughout the years in sports science (could probably have declared it as a minor); Lastly, I test everything on myself, I am my own guinea pig.  If something works, it works because I personally know for a fact it does through my data collection and results.  So yes, all of the years of education, training, and experience, I am an expert.  I just chose not to make it my job or profession.

  • Personal Trainer Cert.
  • Sports Nutrition Cert.
  • Undergraduate courses.
  • Military training.
  • Over 10 years of experience.
  • Personally tested.

Industry Accountability is important to me.  But, this is not a call or support for some sort of government intervention or regulation.  The government stifles innovation, private industry is where all the major advances are made.  BUT, this industry is dependent on the customers for its on-going progress.  Therefore, it is the customers, such as myself, that need to hold the industry accountable.  If they are selling trash and scams, they need to be held to the fire by all of us.  If they are selling high-quality products, they need to be supported.  I am all for the free-market and supporting the honest quality organizations and their products; but I am also all for poor-product and or poor-organization boycotts and public call-outs and shaming.

Community support, encouragement, and empowerment is the end result of the first two principles of this site.  The health and fitness community who is real, true, and honest, supporting professionals, athletes, products, and organizations who are real truth and honest.  This then creates a healthy ecosystem of support, encouragement, and empowerment for everyone.  This site wants to make health and fitness fun, maybe a little nerdy, but that’s okay too.  We are simple 1MR and general stats calculators, free.  We have a free forum for anyone to join.  And we welcome comments and discussion on this site!   

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, see below: