*Official launch in April 2023*




Well, a lot has changed over the past year. Hell, a lot has changed over the past 10 years! So, with all the changes and events that have taken place, what governing system is America now? Well, first we need to look at what defines the different systems and compare that to what has been…

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Freedom Fighter Workout Routine

With governments imposing more unjust laws and more freedom restrictions, rallies and protests are inevitable.  As police departments becoming less focused on individual rights and defending the constitution, they are being weaponized to enforce the unjust laws and  freedom restrictions.  This routine keeps you in shape and ready for whatever may happen at a rights…

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Fix Your Facebook Settings

Hey, if you want to continue to use a service that violates people’s rights (kinda like Jim Crow Laws, but for the digital age, and ideology instead of race), than that’s on you. Since you don’t think violating people’s rights on the internet isn’t a big enough deal to act, then, at least, at a…

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It is amazing to see the sheer amount of people demanding that OTHER people forfeit, suspend, neglect, and give up their freedoms because of a fearful feeling imposed by unreliable stats and unconstitutional government orders.  Even vilifying people who exercise their constitutional rights.   What is the rationale behind this?  Are their  concerns legitimize?  The…

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Because The Government Said So

Well, it’s officially obvious, a majority of Americans desire peaceful slavery over a dangerous freedom.  They are willing to obey a system that puts their human rights on hold for the flu.   They are so…

Racial pandering is racism

According to Democrats, if you are a minority, you must act and think a certain way, based on your skin color and culture. And if you don’t think or act the way they think you…

Get To Know Joe Biden

Think you know this guy?  Well, let’s dig into who he is, what he has said, and what he has done for America. Summary of his actual track record: Supported and worked WITH racists and…

The Problem is The Police

This is going to be a tough pill to swallow for the diehard “Thin Blue Line” crowd.  But, it either exposes their blind sheep-like mentality or their willingness to understand a serious issue going on…

HEALTH [Life Gym]


Axe&Sledge; The Grind, EAAS+Hydration

We call this the “Mutant Killer.” Mutant BCAAs was at the top of your rankings for All day, Recovery Day, and Off Day supplements for a while. But this stuff, this stuff smashes it. Everything Mutant has, plus more. All the BCAAs the body needs and electrolytes, just like Mutant, but this ALSO has all…

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The Corona Body Blast Workout Routine

 home workout that does not need gym equipment and builds muscle!   Straight body weight workouts but not just your normal body weight workouts.   There are some tweeks in how to do them that will make a huge difference.  Come out of quarantine with a ripped physique! Roughly 1 hour workouts, 6 days a week.…

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Bare Essentials of an Effective Routine

If you are looking to get back into working out after a long time off, or getting into shape for the first time, these are the bare basic essentials for any and all effective routines. There are two areas that must work together for any routine and regiment to work.  Having a healthy diet regiment…

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Betancourt B-NOX

From the Manufacturer: “Since 2009 B-NOX™ has been an industry leader in the pre-workout category and Betancourt Nutrition® continues this tradition with its newest edition of B-NOX® formulated to deliver the same great energy and intensity youʼve come to expect from B-NOX® plus our unique Ripped Juice® blend for weight management support.† Ripped Juice® has…

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The Vanity Beach Body Workout Routine

So, with this covid-19 winding down and our mommy and daddy governments giving us permission to live free again and go out, let’s not forget it is just about SUMMER TIME!  Beach body season!  And THIS is the Vanity Beach Body Routine to get those bods into shape for beach fun!  It’s simple, and combines…

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Isometric Muscle Building

Who would have thought pushing against an immovable object for an extended period of time would be of any benefit.  A skinny guy trying his hardest to lift a literal ton, exerting effort for 30 seconds before taking a break.   What if I told you that studies have shown that, that builds muscle, almost as…

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Body Weight Prep and Endurance Routine

This is a routine I will do for 30 days after taking a long time off from working out.  Kinda of preps my body, mind, and muscles for hitting the weights again.  It increases muscular…

Finding Your Inner Motivation

With out GENUINE motivation all your hard work at the gym, and the goals you set wont mean a thing.  Eventually you will fade and give up.  To prevent fading and giving up motivation is…

Losing Weight Quick Isn’t Always a Good Thing

Some people want and need to lose weight, in some cases, a lot of weight.  Their over all health and future health depends on it.  But then there are some who are so obsessed with losing weight,…

Apps to Track Progress and Results

I am a data nerd!  I track every data point possible so I see trends and spot inefficiencies.  Last thing I want to do is waste my time.  Personally, I use Google Sheets to track…

Do Wrist Wraps Work?

We see all sorts of people wearing wrist wraps while they work out. Some big guys lifting big weight with few reps and some small guys lifting a lot of small weights with a lot…

The Actual Resistance of Resistance Bands

Feel like a boss curling 50lbs resistance bands don’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s far from actually 50lbs. So don’t run off to the gym and try to curl a 50lbs…

Want Perkier Boobs?

This is a struggle for some women.  Some women lose a lot of weight and it causes their boobs to look saggy.  For other women, their boobs are just large, which over time, begins to…

The Bench Press Arch Debate

For some reason there are all kinds of people who debate about the proper form of how to do the chest Bench Press the best.  Seen some pretty odd videos with some weird forms and…



Existence of the Soul

How can we know if we have a soul? How do we know souls exist?  First it takes accepting that logic can be used to deduce truth.  If you don’t believe truth exists or don’t believe it is possible to come to know truth; that is for a different argument.  This article will present 4…

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The Quran: Who Wrote It?

Is the Quran today the same as the original teachings from Muhammad himself?  Of course Sunni Muslims would say yes.  In fact, all Muslims must agree that they are, but, in the Shiite sect of Islam, not all are in full agreement of the source of the final product of the original teachings.  To remove…

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Has The Bible Changed?

This is a question for some people that is a genuine concern.  For others it is an attempt to belittle or patronize a religion.  The question it self is a valid question for any and all documents that claim to be the source of unchanged universal objective divine truth.Has the teachings and documents evolved and morphed into…

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When Someone Says “The Lord told me…”

Some people will claim God spoke to them directly, either verbally, in a vision, in a dream, on their private air plane, or they were lifted up to heaven and met God face to face.  But are their claims true?  If these claims are true, what are the implications?  If they are not true, what…

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Jesus’ Political Activism

Jesus was very engaged in the local communities; constantly traveling from city to city, town to town, healing and preaching.  People asked him all kinds of questions about social issues and expected him to do be this political force and king to lead them into a revolution against Rome and win them their freedoms and…

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Arguments For Abortion

We will logically, rationally, and, with the use of research and science, consider the arguments for abortion to determine if they are, in fact, logically and rationally, justified.  If you have any other arguments not addressed, please contact us so that we may consider them and determine a response. Argument #1:  Women have a moral right…

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Evidence for the Crucifixion of Jesus

How do we know Jesus died on the cross?  We must look at the historical evidences recorded for us in ancient history.  What evidence is there?  We have the ancient accounts from Jewish historians, Syrian…

Why is there Something rather than Nothing?

The simple fact of conceiving this question, using a tool (computer), and searching for an answer to the conceived question is evidence there is something already.  But why is there something?  Why is there something…

The Great Flood

This is a hotly debated issue; was there an actual historic Great Flood or is Noah’s story just a myth taken from other cultures?  To address this question we will look at the ancient flood…

Earliest Mention of Israel in History

  The Merneptah Stele is the most widely recognized and accepted earliest inscription of “Israel”.  The inscription is from the ancient Egyptian king Merneptah who ruled between 1213BC to 1203BC.  This stele is estimated to…

The Tel Dan Inscription

A fragmented slab of stone found in Israel with Aramaic characters carefully engraved in the stone describe a military victory of the Aramein King over southern nations; one of which is stated as: “The King…

Early Accounts of Christianity from Non-Christians

Secular and Non-christian ancient writers were made witnesses without even knowing it. Now it is easy for these and any ancient account to be attacked but think about this:  We talk about and teach about…


FOLLOW US TO FREEDOM: Get Off Facebook, Stop Tweeting

So, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter are coming down hard on free speech. They are enacting some real authoritarian, anti-freedom measures, and the government won’t be doing anything about it. So, what that said: Connect at THESE MORE Free sites, and follow us. Use tiny url to conceal links. Minds.com/potr1774 Parler.com/PatriotsRepublic1774 Gab.com/potr1774 Steemit @Potr1774

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There have been reasons to boycott. Some have been successful, others not so successful. What are justified reasons to boycott and how do you make them successful? The colonialists conducted some very successful boycotts of British goods. They hurt British owned companies and suppliers who were compliant with British tariffs. Boycotts are part of American…

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Conservatives, Your Protests Have Gone Nowhere

Let’s face it, your nice and sweet peaceful protests have done absolutely thing. You protest abortion, and guess what, millions of babies are still killed every year. You protest Gun Control, and guess what, laws that infringe on the 2nd Amendment keep growing. It’s a nice show to put on with big names, but in…

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The Confederate Flag, Racist or Heritage?

There is a lot of discussion about the Confederate Flag; whether it represents racism or heritage. But, considering it from a rational logical stand point, we can see through the feelings and determine it’s actual meaning. We will look at both sides of the argument. The view that the flag represents racism and the view…

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Raging Bull (1980)

TOTAL – 14.5  PTS, 2.9 AVG Undeniably one of Martin Scorsese’s best, Raging Bull features Robert De Niro as a tumultuous, but lovable, boxer. Definitely an 80s classic. Acting – 3 Story – 2.75 Visuals…

The Color Purple (1985)

TOTAL – 14.5  PTS, 2.9 AVG Directed by Steven Speilberg and based on Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Price-winning novel, The Color Purple was easily one of the decade’s best films. With a first-class ensemble (including Whoopi…

13 Hours(2016)

TOTAL – 15.35 PTS, 3.07 AVG During an attack on a U.S. compound in Libya, a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos. Man, I’ll tell you what, this film really lights…

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

TOTAL – 15 PTS, 3 AVG World War II American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people, and becomes the first man in American history to…

What Lies Beneath (2000)

TOTAL – 14.45 PTS, 2.89 AVG The wife of a university research scientist believes that her lakeside Vermont home is haunted by a ghost – or that she is losing her mind. This is a…

Dunkirk (2017)

TOTAL – 14.55 PTS, 2.91 AVG Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, and France are surrounded by the German Army, and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II. This movie felt so…

Shutter Island (2010)

TOTAL – 14.65 PTS, 2.93 AVG In 1954, a U.S. Marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderer, who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane. The acting is great, the story is very well…

Minority Report (2002)

TOTAL – 15.75 PTS, 3.15 AVG In a future where a special police unit is able to arrest murderers before they commit their crimes, an officer from that unit is himself accused of a future…


Climate Change!

The climate changes!  That is a fact.  Before the ice age, the temperatures were warmer, then the ice age hit, then they eventually warmed up again.  There have bee an estimated 5 or so ice ages that can be detected.  Hu… LONG before the industrial age, plastic straws, SUVs, and mass agricultural farting cows.  What…

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Do Masks Work?

Part of diet and fitness is your overall health.  With so much hoopla about COVID and Face-masks, we want to know, supported by reliable data driven experts, if wearing a face-mask works, or does not work, or risks more harm or less harm; and how that can help you plan your safe, lower risk, workouts…

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Antibiotic-Free, Cage-Free, GMO-free, Food

Is antibiotic-free, cage-free, GMO-free, food better?  Are there any harmful side-effects to humans?  Is it immoral and unethical?  Are there health benefits?  All these questions are important but we must focus on the science and hard data, not on our feelings and the emotionalistic aspect of the topic.  I will answer, Is antibiotic-free, cage-free, GMO-free,…

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Do “Balance” Bracelets Work?

The nutrition and fitness industry is like the wild west, and that’s a good thing!  Freedom drives innovation and discovery while fact-based insights and marketing help keep the freely driven industry accountable.  That is how…

How Fat-burning Works

f you want to melt away body fat, you should first understand how it works.  We lay out how fat storage and burning works, then give 4 principles to fight it, with a list of…

Stress And Anxiety

Don’t get addicted to pill popping some addicting narcotic or get advice some from nut job spiritual guru. There are some REAL things YOU can do to reduce your stress and anxiety, supported by studies.…

How to boost your Testosterone, naturally!

Injecting steroids is for losers and those cowards who are scared of the hard work, dedication, self discipline, self control, and self respect.  BUT testosterone is an extremely important factor in building muscle and burning…

Can We Rightly Judge with Statistics?

The first important question is SHOULD we, as Christians, make judgements on a person, or groups of people, based on Statistics?  Can we rightly judge solely based on statistical analysis?  Why is this even an…

The Worldly Construction of ‘Race’

In changing times and as cultural identities evolve, a constant issue has been and seems always will be the struggle of favoritism and discrimination of people who look and act different.  Even God’s people struggle…

Modern Secular Historians and The Bible

Not only do Christian scholars and historians find The Bible to be historically reliable (of course they would) but also some secular historians as well.  Not every historian makes their religious beliefs (or lack of…

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