Tag Archives: The Church

The Inconvenience of Serving God

We have our daily and weekly routines.  Work, Wednesday small group, family time, and Church on Sunday.  We often and easily forget that God does not work by our schedule.  Sometimes, God gives us an opportunity to serve him and glorify him at times that interfere with our daily or weekly routine.  How we respond to this reflects where our heart stands with God’s Will and our ultimate desire to worship and serve him.

Recognize that God does not NEED our service.  Acts 17:25 explicitly reminds us of this.  Jesus himself declares that he does not need to be served (Mark 10:45).  We are not doing any favors to God for going out of our way to serve him.  Nor do we do God a favor by going to church or attending a weekly bible study.  It is God who supplies us the ability and opportunity to serve him! (1 Peter 4:11).  So, we must first strip the subconscious self-righteous mindset away from ourselves and recognize that he needs nothing.  He is not lacking in any glory.  In fact, he will be glorified no matter what we do or don’t do.  Thus, faithfully and willfully serving God, is a manifestation of our own heart.

Routines of weekly habits of service is nice and establish healthy habits and constant positive influences.  Volunteer at your church of weekly at a local food bank is a good thing.  But serving God does not end once our volunteer shift is over.  God’s will is continuous and eternal.  Jesus is the prime example.  He was constantly serving.  Not only did he attend all the weekly, monthly, and annual organized religious functions but he did more than that.  He served continuously outside of weekly, monthly, and annual organized religious functions.  He fed, healed, and preached in unorganized ways (but orderly as ordained by God).  When something needed to be said, he said it.  When something needed to be done, he did it.  When people were in need, he met that need.  In fact, more often, when Jesus obeyed the will of his Father, it was at seemingly inconvenient times.  Of course, to God, nothing is inconvenient; but from our worldly perspective it would have been. How does this translate to us now?

We may have just got out of Church and boom, someone that did not attend church is in need of help.  We may have had a family lunch planned after church, and this person who did not bother to attend church, needs our help at that moment.  This person may not even want to attend church or bible studies; it does not matter.  We may be having a nice family time, watching a movie or playing in the back yard with the kids when someone in need reaches out to us.  How do we asses the level of need and importance?

There are of number of quick questions we can ask: 

(1) Has this person heard the Gospel?
(2) Is there need manifested from a greater spiritual need?
(3) What would magnify the glory of God more?  Address the need later or immediately?
(4) Is this an opportunity to love and serve God and others?

Point #1: The gospel message is the most important and greatest message we can ever have the opportunity to tell someone.  Paul said it is of first importance (1 Cor. 15:3)!   Even when Paul couldn’t meet a physical or material need, he made sure they heard the Gospel regardless (Acts 3:6).  The greater spiritual need can be seen by the fruit being manifested.

Point #2: Questions about Jesus’ childhood, worship on Saturday or Sunday, or not celebrating Halloween is one thing (disputable matters, Romans 14:1-23); but questions about desiring getting divorce (not due to abuse), desire to use drugs, willing sexual desire of the same-sex or cheat on their spouse, desire to steal, and be greedy all come from the heart (Matthew 15:19).  And it is these manifested desires reveal a greater need;  If these individuals do not know the Lord, they are children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3-5; Romans 1:28-32) under God’s judgement, they NEED the freedom and healing only found in Christ.  They NEED a follower of Christ to love them by gently speaking the truth of God to them.  divorce, greed, theft, drugs, sexual immorality, are all symptoms of the greater problem (Matthew 10:28).  They risk the ultimate consequence of sin; eternal separation from God.  And THAT is an urgent need to address!  This may be their only and last opportunity to hear the truth of God and see God’s grace and love shine through you.

Point #3:  Going out of your way for someone else has a far more meaningful effect than pushing it to the side, planning it later (when its more convenient), or pawning them off to someone else.  This helps people to see how important they actually are to you (and to God, once they understand).  This greater impact shines love and grace brighter.  It also elevates the importance of the truth you speak to them about.  Elevating truth, love, and grace to a higher (the highest) level of importance brings God glory.  It also shows within yourself, how you value serving God and how much you really feel about sin.  If you truly believe sin is the worst form of offense and those who live in sin are eternally offensive to Almighty God; this will manifest in the urgency to address it.

Point #4:  Godly LOVE, that glorifies God, is selfless and sacrificial (John 15:13).  Are you denying yourself to follow Christ (Luke 9:23)?  You must ask yourself what kind of love are you expressing to that individual and before God.  Does the love you show them out weight their love for their sin?  Their selfish love may be leading them to desire a divorce but your selfless sacrificial love quickly intervenes.  Their selfish love may be leading them to desire to hurt themselves or someone else, but your selfless sacrificial love quickly intervenes.  If we just simply desired to love selflessly, but we do not actually act on the importance of that love, our love is no more urgent or important that their love for their sin.  True Godly Love IS INCONVENIENT at times.  But we get over ourselves because we love God and others more than ourselves.

Unwillingness to Do What Is Right

If this person has heard the Gospel, presented personally by you or someone you know than they have heard the most important message.  But serving does not end their either.  James is pretty blunt when he said “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17).  When we are confronted with a actual need, and we know the right thing to do is help, but justify how busy we are with other things, we fail to do the right thing, we sin.  We must ask ourselves if this persons need may have a greater impact on the life of them and others around them.  If they follow through with their desire for a divorce (not in cases of abuse or sexual assault), that will have a longer lasting sinful impact on the loved ones around them.  That sin may then become more acceptable and more normal.  That person is already under God’s judgement due to their unrepentant sinful desires, but we fail to do the right thing and address it, we too are then in sin. Proclaiming the Gospel and selflessly sacrificially loving those who are lost and in need is what is right.  Jesus even commands us to LOVE our enemies (Matthew 5:44)!  Keeping in mind that we all were once enemies of God (Romans 5:10), yet, he still selflessly and sacrificially loved us by going to the cross (Romans 5:8).  Now we are slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18) and under the Law of Life (Romans 8:2).  Do you feel the godly obligation to obey Christs commands to selflessly and sacrificially love?

Duty and Obligation to Serve

This is not legalistic.  The inherent sense of duty and obligation to obey derives from our faith; it does not justify us.  We are not scoring extra browney points with God when we go out of our way to serve him and others.  We do not gain extra favor from God.  We are just doing exactly what we are called to do.  We are being obedient to Christ and seeking God’s eternal glory.  That is why we SHOULD and WILL desire to serve people when it is inconvenient.  The understanding of this duty and obligation comes with the maturity of our faith.  When looking at the fruit of the spirit we see the characteristics of a mature and maturing faith (Galatians 5:22-23).  We should SEEK to mature in faith (Hebrews 5:13-14), so that we can quickly and easily assess how urgent that need is and know the best ways to respond in faith.  If someone is reaching out because they are feeling like they are going to hurt themselves or someone else, failing to help them in that moment is sin.  Even pawning the request for help off to someone else is us failing to meet that need.  That person reached out to you, not someone else.  God is granting you an opportunity to serve and love him through this situation.  If we are far away, and can not physically meet a physical need, the Church is there to serve, just as you are.  If you reach out to the church for assistance to address in that persons urgent need; they should find the resources and personnel to assist.  If people in that church are not willing to address an urgent need; that is a discussion that needs to be had with the church leadership.  

How Do We Know If Someone Is A Believer or Not?

Do they openly claim to believe that Jesus is Lord God (John 1:12, 8:24, 58; Col. 2:9; Eph. 1:13; 1 Cor. 12:3; Romans 10:9)?  Do they seek to follow Christ and glorify God (1 John 2:4)?  Has God actually changed their life (John 3:3, 7; 1 Peter 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:17)?  Because God will change lives, do they actually serve God in faith (James 2:18-20)?  Does their life produce spiritual fruit of obedience (Matthew 7:15–21; Romans 8:14).  Why does this matter?


If people are not believers, they are slaves to sin, and thus, we can only expect them to have sinful desires.  But, if someone claims to be Christian and follower of Christ Jesus as Lord God and Savior; they are expected to serve God and others.  They are expected to be repentant of their sin and seek holiness.  When they are unrepentant and sinful, we are to humbly rebuke and correct them so that they repent and spiritually mature. But this is reserved for only those IN the church (1 Cor. 5:12-13).  Jesus even prescribes disciplinary measures to ensure the church seeks holiness (Matthew 18:15-17).  Paul declares that all scripture is profitable for “teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16).  Paul even had to rebuke Peter publicly and sharply (Galatians 2:11; Titus 1:13).  Thus, we need to hold all those in the church accountable for not selflessly and sacrificially loving and helping those in need, even when it is inconvenient.  Jesus was the most harsh with those who were very religious but fruitless.  God disciplines those who he loves, his children (Hebrews 12:6).  A church is least effective when they are not assisting those in need and no one is held accountable for the lack of love. 

Our Time and Possessions

We need to understand that all our time and possession are not ours!  Literally, EVERYTHING belongs to God (Hebrews 2:10).  Even our bodies are not our own (1 Cor. 6:19)!  Therefore, with everything, we must LOVE God with all our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbors (in the church and outside the church, even our enemies)(Matthew 22:37-39).  The same Godly love that is selfless and sacrificial. 

One of the primary missions of the church is the reach those in need and lost.  And if it is lacking love, it is failing to be obedient to Christ Jesus and is less fruitful.  If it is actively loving those in need and seeking the lost, God is most glorified and the Holy Spirit works through it!  This, at times, maybe all the time, is inconvenient in our daily and weekly routines, but are to we seek God’s glory and his will, not ours- all the time, even when it is inconvenient.

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The Blessing And Priviledge of Oppression

There are two ways to view oppression and persecution; (1) as being a victim and the negative societal effect or (2) as a righteous opportunity with positive eternal effects.  But how do we properly see oppression and persecution through the eyes of God?  We must take to heart what Jesus spoke and believe it, trust it, and apply it.  Are you an oppressed victim or a victorious servant?  Does how you handle oppression bring God glory?  Is he pleased with how you live under oppression?  We need to look at what Christ Jesus reveals to know and see how oppression can be turned on it head.  How oppression can be a blessing and privilege in the life of a Christian.

Jesus’ Absolute Warning

Jesus gave us a heads up when it comes to living out your faith and proclaiming the gospel.  “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33).  Is Jesus a liar?  Did he say you may experience hardship?  No, he said, with an absolute, you WILL have trouble.  In John 15:18-23 Jesus states “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you...If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you….The one who hates Me also hates My Father. Jesus, God, makes it clear, the world (all those who have not in Christ) does hate you.  Sorry, you can’t appease everything no matter how hard you try.  This form of hate can be in various ways.  And did they persecute Jesus?  Yes.  Therefore, they (those who are not in Christ) WILL persecute you.  Again, the persecution can come in various ways.  Hate can be disguised to seem nice and ‘good’.  It can be in form of government systems or individual feelings.  It can be disguised as help and assistance when in fact it is subtle oppression through economic slavery.  But, no matter what, if you are IN Christ, you WILL be hated and persecuted.  If you are not, are you faithfully and obediently following Christ and called out of the world, or does the world love you as their own still (John 15:19; Romans 1:32)?  Guess what, you may fight for generations to become freed from government and societal oppression; but, you will still have oppression in the world.

In the Face of Hate, Oppression, and Persecution.

Being hated, oppressed and persecuted is meant to break you down and control you physically and mentally.  It demoralizes and dehumanizes.  It devalues the individual mentally and physically.  It attempts to force a dominance of the oppressor over the oppressed.  But, Jesus, flips the table (literally and metaphorically).  The Sermon on The Mount is THE go-to sermon for all those who experience hate, oppression, and persecution.

The poor in spirit, are those who have been broken down by hate, oppression, and persecution.  Their self worth is devalued, their hope is struggling, and their will to continue on is jeopardized.  Jesus declares, that they are vastly worthy, their hope is greater than anything of this world, and the will to continue is taken away from things of this world and placed at the feet of God Almighty (Matthew 5:3). 

Those who mourn, are those who have lost everything.  Their worldly freedoms, possessions, even family members and friends taken away by the oppressors.  The sense of freedom, individuality, and value ripped from them unjustly.  They mourn for their losses.  But Jesus declares that they WILL be comforted, by God Almighty (Matthew 5:4).

The gentle are taken advantage of.  They are used and abused by the oppressors.  They lose out on worldly success, material gains, and relationships that could foster protections and societal growth.  Yet, Jesus declares they WILL inherit the earth.  How?  Jesus, himself, will subdue the oppressors and deliver justice (Matthew 5:5).

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness hunger and thirst because they struggle with revenge and the natural desire to seek their own justice on the oppressors.  They know, their own justice is not sufficient and their own revenge would not truly satisfy or be justified, so they hunger and thirst for something greater- true divine justice and rightness.  Jesus declares that they WILL be filled through the work of Christ Jesus (Matthew 5:6).

The merciful are blessed.  The fact that they show mercy to the unjust deeds of the oppressor already reveals they have the inherent sense of the Godly nature of Mercy.  Thus, they show mercy because they know it is more right than to not be merciful and seek to punish the oppressors.  It is because they show mercy, they will be shown mercy from God.  The oppressor on the other hand, who is not merciful in their oppression, will not be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7).

The pure in heart are blessed.  They are those who recognize the inner rightness of God’s Law.  They exhibit, in their heart, characteristics of God himself;  Selflessness, love, forgiveness, mercy, kindness, seek goodness, truth and honesty; in the midst of being oppressed.  Because they are self aware of these, they can more clearly see God himself.  Thus, they are rewarded with the greatest of these, they WILL see God.  In some way they “are” already blessed, they see the characteristics of God (Matthew 5:7).

The peacemakers are blessed.  They seek peace in the face of injustice.  At times, they even willingly submit to the oppression just to maintain peace.  These are not those who are already at peace but they are peacemakers.  Their efforts to seek peace is why they are already blessed.  They overcome evil with good.  But this is even true for those who were the oppressor, who then, breaks away to seek peace and not oppression.  All those who seek peace are declared children of God because they share in Christs passion for reconciliation (Matthew 5:8).

To sum it all up, those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed.  Righteousness is found in all those above.  The humble, the sinner who knows he is a sinner and needs a savior, the gentle, those who desire righteousness, who are merciful, pure in heart, and peacemakers. The truest form of these is found in Christ Jesus and that is why they will inherit the kingdom of God (Matthew 5:9).

Those who are insulted and persecuted for their unwavering open faith in Christ, are blessed.  The hateful, oppressive, persecutors will stop at nothing.  They will make up lies about the faithful. Distort, manipulate, misquote, vilify, slander, and unjustly judge.  But, despite all that WILL happen, Jesus declares to “be glad and rejoice, because your reward is great in heaven” (Matthew 5:11).

True Freedom while hated, oppressed, and persecuted

Faith in Christ Jesus is TRUE freedom.  But how so, if those who have faith in Christ are hated, oppressed and persecuted still?  Being free in Christ means you are not a slave to the mind set and sinfulness that lead people to become hateful, oppressive and persecute.  We are given the ability to not fall into that sinfulness, and if we do, we are empowered to be freed from it.  Not only free from that slavery, but also free to exhibit characteristics that rise above it.  Mercy, forgiveness, grace, selfless sacrificial love, and kindness are Godly attributes that can not be taken away by haters, oppressors, and persecutors.  They have NO power to stop you from being merciful.  They can not stop you from forgiving them.  They can not stop you from showing them grace and kindness.  They have no power to stop you from being selfless.  You are free (John 8:36).  And THAT is the blessing and privilege of being hated, oppressed, and persecuted!  How so?

Haters, Oppressors, and Persecutors are Actually Slaves.

Those who are haters, oppressors, and persecutors are this way due to their slavery to their sin.  To the sinful desires of their heart.  They are blind and in bondage to their sin.  Thus, the sin in the heart is manifested in their hatefulness, oppression, and persecution.  In reality, they are the ones actually oppressed by their sin because they know no other way and without Christ are powerless to resist their sinful desires.  They are bound by the Law of Sin and not by the Law of Life which is only found in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2).  This is the truth, and it is knowing and believing this truth is what sets people free (John 8:32).

The Privilege

Being hated, oppressed, and persecuted in this world the becomes a greater opportunity to magnify the attributes of God and serve God through it.  We bring glory to God when we bless the oppressors and pray for those who persecute us.  An opportunity that we would not get other wise.  Paul states “Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. 13 Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:11-15).  Jesus even declares “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may show yourselves to be sons of your Father in heaven. For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:44-45).  In the face of evil and unrighteousness, hatred, oppression, and persecution; the children of God, who are in Christ, are given the unique opportunity and ultimately the privilege to not only glorify God in that oppression but also worship God through it.  An opportunity that no one else gets.  The faithful who are not oppressed do not get that opportunity.  The worldly who are oppressed by their sin, don’t get it either.  In some ways, it is even a test and judgement.  

Your Right of Freedom From Oppression?

It is a privileged not to be oppressed.  We are all sinners and are not worthy in our own merit to be delivered from oppression.  Paul states “For government is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong” (Romans 13:6).  God declares “By me kings reign” (Proverbs 8:15) and “the Most High has power over human kingdoms.  He gives them to whomever he wishes” (Daniel 4:17).  God may not even approve of the rules that mankind desires, but he still allows them to rule as judgement over the people (Hosea 8:4).  We can even look at Egypt where God judged Egypt by hardening the heart of Pharaoh (Exodus 9:12).  God guides the hearts of rulers and leaders for his will and purpose (Proverbs 21:1).  When a government becomes oppressive, it is because God allowed it for his judgement.  Not necessarily a judgement on God’s people in that nation or region, but over those who approve and support the evil of that government.  They are handed over to their sin (Romans 1:24).  It is not God’s people who suffer because in reality, they are free in Christ and already have the great reward waiting for them.  Jesus even tells us “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). But because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and all have fallen into sin (Romans 3:23), and no one is good (Psalm 14:1-3; Psalm 53:3; Romans 3:10-12), who are we to demand some kind of right of freedom from oppression? (Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:20). This is only reserved for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:2), given as a gift from God alone (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:34, 6:23).  Freedom from spiritual and worldly oppression is a gift from God- not a right.  

As made known in the first paragraph, Jesus makes it clear, that oppression WILL happen and looking at the lives of the Prophets, Apostles, and the early church; freedom from the worldly oppression is far from a right we can demand.  Does God deliver people from oppression, in the worldly sense?  Yes, but it is only at the will of God for his purpose and is not a right for use to demand.  Instead, we are to “Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  We are even called to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds...Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him”  (James 1:2, 12).  Thus, we are called, in Christ, to rejoice, pray, and give thanks all while being oppressed.  

Should we call on God to bring about justice and free the oppressed from worldly oppression?  Yes, it is a duty within the church to defend the oppressed and seek justice.  But we must also, at the same time, remain Christ-like, eternally focused, and remind ourselves that we have something greater waiting for us in heaven, greater than a freedom from worldly oppression.  Our more important mission is to proclaim the gospel to free the spiritually oppressed and this, will lead to freedom of systematic worldly oppression because it alone changes the hearts and minds of the culture. Changes in systems and public policy is a result of changed hearts and minds- from proclaiming the gospel, while under the systems and polices that are oppressive.

The blessing and privilege of oppression magnifies the gospel message and the attributes of God shining even brighter through those who exhibit them in the face of hate, oppression, and persecution.  Not all Christians have the honor to exhibit this intense mature faith- but all should seek and desire it.  When exhibited, they are the undeniable salt in the world and the brightest light that exposes the evils of oppression in a more clear way.  This transforms cultures and nations, governments and public policies.  It brings undeniable honor and glory to God and projects the righteousness of Jesus Christ for all the world to more clearly see. And that is a blessing and privilege to be chosen by God to participate in his plan of that magnitude. 

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Women Pastors And God’s Design

This has become a touchy issue in recent history.  With more American and European churches allowing more woman pastors in teaching and church body leadership roles than ever before, we ask, why in recent history and not prior?  Why do some object to this?  Is this gender discrimination?  In all the questions we can ask, we must first and foremost turn to Holy Scripture to determine what is truth and what God reveals about this issue.

Exegesis 1 Timothy 2:1-15

The first verse(s) we turn to is 1 Timothy 2:1-15.  First Paul starts off by stating that thankfulness and prayer should be for everyone; men, women, and kings or all those put in their position by God.  Being thankful for them and praying for them is pleasing to the Lord.  It is a service to the Lord.   Then he states that he was “appointed” as an Apostle and as a teacher.  He did not just wake up one day and choose to do so.  He was appointed by the sovereign God.  His role and purpose in life was ordained by God and thus is in line with God’s design as a man and in the role God declared.


Then he breaks down “therefore” (1 Tim. 2:8) and begins to differentiate between the roles of men and women in church.  He first speaks to the men of the church.  He wanted men to ensure they are focused on prayer, everywhere, in all churches.  Keep in mind, the context of this letter is to the church body and church body gatherings (Sunday service for example).  One church does not and should not pray more than another but that ALL churches should focus on prayer.  He is restating what God already wants both men and women to do, but in this targeted statement toward men, he is addressing a common issue.  Men like to argue and get angry about issues in the church.  Instead, Paul wants them to focus back on what God expects them to do, without anger or argument.    “Lifting up holy hands”, is still speaking to Men, that they are to be set apart unto God and not have their hands dirty in sin.  The reason has to do with the role God has designed for men in the church.  Even in prayer, men need to not pray in an anger or argumentative sense.  When men make public open angry or argumentative prayers it hurts the body as a whole.


Then he turns toward the women of the church (1 Tim. 2:9).  He is resisting the commonality of women to be flashy and draw attention to themselves and instead of others.  Women are to be spiritually focused on inner beauty and less on physically focused on outer beauty.  And that their “good works” are the witness of their spiritual health and not how they feel how they need to dress for service.  Getting all dressed up for church, but have no “good works” for God to show for it, reveals a heart issue.  Just as a man’s angry or argumentative prayer does.  This selflessness of both men and women, to look past themselves and to focus on the Lord and others in thankfulness and prayer combined with their good works makes them perfectly dressed before the Lord.

But then he makes the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, and worldly offensive statement.  “A woman should learn in silence with full submission. 12 I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to be silent.” (1 Tim. 2:11-12).  What does he mean by this?   The same word for silence, is the same word used in 1 Tim. 2:2.  It is not silence in the English sense but rather, better translated and understood as peaceable and without contention.  The idea here Paul is getting across is for women to receive teaching of the men of God.  This is the concept of submission.  To receive the men’s teaching peaceably without contention.  This also addresses a common issue in that culture as well.  Where women would interrupt the teaching with questions and comments to their husbands during the service.  The concept of this kind of submission is to respect and acknowledge the order of authority.  Not an order or authority taken by men but an order and authority “appointed” by God; of which, this order and authority was appointed by God for the men.  

The Word “Submission”

The word literally means “to be under in rank” and thus, is a order and ranking structure ordained by God in the Church.  This does NOT mean and difference in value or ability.  A manager of a business needs his staff as much as they need someone to be the manager.   This sort of order and ranking structure can be seen in the very nature of God.  The first person of the Trinity is God The Father and the second is God the Son.  The Father exercises authority over the Son and the Son submits to the Father.  Paul points us back to God’s original design before sin (1 Tim. 2:13-14).  Where Adam was created first and given authority over the earth.  If you notice, God’s very first command (Gen. 2:16-17) was given to Adam, before Eve was created.  God did not wait to first create Eve, then give the command to both, instead, God gave the command first to Adam, then created Even.  When Paul uses this, he does not say “Eve”, but instead purposefully says “woman” thus, the application to all woman.  This direct command from God to Adam, before Eve, is not dependent on the whims of culturally change because this was given before sin entered the world.  This structure was deemed “good” by God.


Paul makes it absolutely clear that to “not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man” and his justification is God’s order of creation.  Because The Holy Spirit is speaking through Paul, he is not in sin.  Not all speaking or teaching by woman is necessarily a violation of God’s order but that the woman who speaks and teaches in the congregation must be done in submission (the biblical understanding) to the men who God has appointed to lead that church.  Paul’s context is public worship of the local church, each local church.  Just as Christ is the head of the church, God appoints men to lead it under him.  This NOT talking about politics, business, education, or anything like that.  Paul is specifically talking about the ordained designed roles within the church.  This is also not saying that every woman is under the authority of every man in the church either.  He is talking about only the local churches.  We must continually remind ourselves that this is has nothing to do with inferiority or superiority.  God the Father is not superior and God the Son inferior- they are equally God and perfectly harmonious in their unity- and so is the design of gender roles within the church. 

Paul’s Justification

We then go to 1 Tim. 2:13-15 and see the order as discussed in The Word “Submission” above but then he makes a seemingly puzzling addition:  “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed. 15 But she will be saved through childbearing, if she continues in faith, love, and holiness, with good judgment.” (1 Tim. 2:13-15).  It is true that Satan went to Eve to initiate the rebellion and spark the sinfulness in the heart.  Adam then failed to lead as he was ordained to.  It is though Paul is reassuring women that even though the woman sinned first, they have the assurance of salvation just the same.  But it is more than that.  He is also pointing out that child bearing is a ordained privileged God granted to women and not men.  Another form to bring God glory, that men can not.  Secondly, it is the woman who will bring God the Son into the world.  Thus, through the generations of child birth, it will ultimately lead to the birth of Christ, who will bring about Salvation.  This goes straight to the heart of the equality of value.  Even though the woman did the absolute worst (ushered sin into the world), she will also do the absolute greatest too (usher Christ into the world).  A value that the world would not count if they do not know Jesus Christ.  Without this element, it would seem unfair, but with that element, it is perfect redemption; in a greater way that any man could do.

1 Tim 2:1-15 Take A Ways

  • Gender Roles are ordained and appointed by God.
  • Spiritual authority as given to men by God.
  • Women are to respectfully and peacefully, without contention, submit to the ordained role of the men by God.
  • Women are not to have authority or doctrinaly teach without subjection to the leadership of men in their local church.
  • If no men are leaders in the local church, they will be head accountable to God for their lack of obedience.  
  • If women assert themselves as the local church authority, they are also disobedient to God.
  • Women, in their different role, is equally valuable and equally important to God.

The Totality of Scripture

But to gain a greater grasp on this issue, we need to look in all areas of scripture.  The very next chapter, 1 Timothy 3:1-13 gives us actual qualifications for pastors and teaching elders with spiritually authoritative roles in the church.  In the very first verse, Paul says “if anyone aspires to the officer of overseer, he desires a noble task“.  That “anyone” in context, is talking about any male.  Then the very next verse Paul says “…the husband of one wife“. Clearly, a female can not fulfill this requirement.  Then when Paul addresses the qualifications for Deacons, he again states “Their wives likewise...” and “Let deacons each be the husband of one wife.” (1 Timothy 3:8-12).  Again, these qualifications can not me met by any woman.  Thus, an authoritative role of Deacon is reserved for men, as ordained by God.  In Titus 1:5-9, Paul directs Titus to appoint elders and states as a qualification “the husband of one wife” and “holding to the faithful message as taught, so that he will be able tot both encourage with sound teaching and refute those who contradict it.”  Again, we see the same qualifications to various churches where only men can be qualified.  Therefore, in the Godly ordained roles within the Church structure we see a role that only men can be qualified and justified before God to fulfill.  To assume this is an oppressive structure or a devalue of womanhood is dishonest and untrue.

Value of Woman’s Role in The Church

Women have the equally important task to proclaim the Gospel to the lost (Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15).  This task supersedes any gender role because it is the duty of obedience and faith for all people.  But women can better influence and reach other women and children (Titus 2:3-5).  Some women further excel than men in some spiritual gifts, as they are one part of members of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-31).   Not all are “teachers” (1 Cor. 12:29), yet, still all equally important and equally valued in the Body of Christ as a whole.  Looking at the spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22-23, we cannot help but to see how our mothers more closely resemble some of these vital fruit.  The love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness perfectly describe a godly mother.  When it comes to Women’s Health Care and Crisis Care ministries, woman are better suited for this extremely life saving service.  The nurturing care of a mother is what Soldiers at war need most.  Living examples of a Godly wife are absolutely better taught by those Godly wives to other wives and not by husbands- even for marital issues.  Though Pastors direct marital counseling, a wife that applies the truths gained from a counseling session has a greater impact on her husband than just the counseling from the pastor.  Woman are not restricted from public pray or prophesying (conveying God’s truths), but only when its pertinent to the situation and local congregation (1 Cor. 11:5).  So we see a woman’s role in the church is immensely valuable and is used by God to reach areas that man can not.  They are truly equally valuable in the eyes of God in their different role within the church.  But, again, this is within the church.  This is not regarding politics and business.

Common Objections

  1. Women were typically uneducated in that time of that culture.  But, 1 Tim. 2:11-14 does not mention the educational status of men or women.  Thus, education was not part of the context.  If that were the case, the Apostles would be disqualified.
  2. Paul was only talking to the church of Ephesus.  It is true that Timothy was the pastor of the Church in Ephesus.  Ephesus was known for its temple to Artemis, and women were the authorities in that branch of paganism. So some would try to conclude that Paul was only resisting the female-led customs of the Ephesian idolaters, and the church needed to be set apart. But, 1 Timothy nowhere mentions Artemis, nor does Paul mention the standard practice of Artemis worshipers.  Thus, much like the first objection, does not pertain to the context of what and why Paul wrote what he wrote.  No matter the cultural norms in what ever region a local church finds itself in, being set apart is expected in general.
  3. Paul was only referring to husbands and wives and not men and women in general.  Much like the two objections above, no where does Paul put it in the context of husband and wife.  Are only husbands and wives to pray and do good works?  It is clear the he is making a gender distinction and not a marital one.
  4. Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah in the Old Testament were women who were spiritual authoritative leaders.  This is true.  These women were specifically chosen by God for a special service.  But, first, not all women in the Old Testament were. These three were unique.  Secondly, when it comes to the context of the Church, the church had not been established in the Old Testament.  The New Testament is a distinct shift in God’s plan for mankind.  Thus, involves a new unique structure alien to the Old Testament and not for the nation of Israel.  For the same reason why the church does not continue the same ceremonial practices of Israel.  The structures of religion in the Old Testament have no relevance besides their historical value, cultural understanding, foreshadow of the coming Christ, revealing nature of God, or universal morality.
  5. Priscilla in the New Testament were spiritual authoritative leaders in the church.  Yes, Priscilla was a faithful minister for Christ, but we all are called to be.  Yes she taught “the way of God more adequately” (Acts 18:26), but we are all are called to do so.  But no where in scripture was she ever be stated as being a teaching elder or pastor of a local church nor a authoritative leader of a congregation.  The only thing scripture reveals about her is she was a truly faithful servant of the Lord; as we all ought to be.  The typical argument assumes her pastoral role in the church, but this is incorrect as Scripture does not state this.  Her support from Paul does not validate a pastoral role either, there are a number of people Paul supports and encourages, who are not pastors.  Paul does not only speak about pastors.  A point the argument makes is that because she was mentioned first, proves that she was the leader.  Again, this is assumed.  She could have been mentioned first simply because she was more predominant and known due to other various reasons such as availability of service.  Maybe she was the primary message runner for the local church leaders.  We can go on and on about maybes and assumptions.  That’s the point.  Her, as a pastor, or lead elder is not stated therefore we can also assume just the same that she was not a pastor or lead elder.  But we let scripture interpret scripture.
  6. The Mother of John Mark was a pastor.  This is false.  Acts 12:12 just specifies which Mary of the house where they met to pray.  This is not a pastoral endorsement but a statement to help the reader know exactly who’s house they went to.  To assume this is a pastoral endorsement by Luke is a baseless conclusion and poor interpretation of scripture.  She simply hosted the gathering and was a notable faithful host.
  7.  Chloe was a pastor (1 Cor. 1:11).  Much like objection 6, this is a baseless assumption not revealed in scripture.  Though, she is noted as the household head, this could simply be due to her being a unmarried widow.  To assume she was a pastor would contradict other writings by Paul.
  8. Nympha was a pastor (Colossians 4:15).  Same for objection 8, this text simply states that the church met at her house and does not state that she was the pastor of that church.  Again, she could have been an unmarried widow as well.  She could have also been a predominate business woman.  The designation that it was her home does not imply pastorialship but a designation of a specific person that local church would know.
  9. Lydia was a pastor (Acts 16:14-15).  This verse is simply referring to a woman who was a business woman; who was converted by Paul and simply invited them over to her house to support his missions.  She was an influence in converting her family as well, as all mothers are. But to assume she then became a pastor of that new local church is not stated in scripture.  In all honestly, with the totality of scripture, she would have for sure influenced the spread of Christianity in the community and joined the local community.   
  10. God says men and women are equal, stated in Galatians 3:28.  This is true.  But, equality is not the issue, ordained roles is.  The difference in the roles does not negate equality.  The value of both roles are equal, yet, still different in role.  Galatians 3:28 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12 are both true.  When one argument is supported by one verse but contradicts another, it is the argument that is faulty.  This argument is faulty because it falsely assumes the different roles are not equal; but, in God’s eyes, they are equal.
  11. No men are available or willing to lead the local church so women fill their role.  This does not negate the truth revealed by God.  The men of that local church will be judged by God for not faithfully fulfilling their ordained role and the women of that community need to support and encourage their men to step up, not walk over them.  How faithful we are to the Lord reflects our respect and duty in our role, as men and women.
  12. The Common English Bible translation states the elder and deacon qualifications differently, it is gender neutral and states “spouse” instead of “husband” or “wife”.  This is a terribly failed agenda driven translation.  When we look at the actual oldest manuscripts, they do not state this.  This translation does not reflect the oldest manuscripts.  In their translation of 1 Timothy 2:8-15 we see them change from broad “men” and “woman” to “wife” and “husband”, yet, the same Greek word is used and the context has not changed; therefore, the proper translation would continue to translate the word as “man” and “woman” given that the context had not changed.  This poor translation also negatively effects Paul’s justification.  Paul cannot be referring to Adam as a husband because he is talking about something prior to Eve’s creation, such as his own; and Adam represents all men just as Eve represents all women in this context; or Paul’s argument is rendered irrelevant.  The same is true with Titus 1:5-9.  The manuscripts specifically state “if any man…the husband of one wife” where as the CEB translates it as “Elders… faithful to their spouse“.  The masculine noun Greek word ἀνήρ (see Literal word for word Translation of the NASB) is in the text which can only be properly translated as “husband, sir, fellow, or man”.  Thus, showing the poor translation of the CEB.  When basing doctrinal “truths” off an untrustworthy translation, you are naturally lead to false doctrines and false assumptions.  When ideologically driven translations are used to erase what is actually stated in the manuscripts, it can then be justified to make other assumptions that are not stated in scripture.
  13. Women pastors were only prohibited by The Council of Laodicea in the 4th century.  This is untrue.  When only considering Holy Scripture in its proper translation and proper contexts we clearly see that the office of pastor was ordained by God for men.  There could have been an influx of churches post-Apostles that began giving pastoral roles to women, which contradicts scripture, thus, the councils decision to act and address this issue.  But an increase in disobedience does not make the act of disobedience justified.
  14. Only allowing Men as Pastors is sexism, and thus is sin.  This must be assumed in order to believe that it is in some way unequal or different in value to God.  This is simply a failure to see the true transcendent value in women’s ministries and women’s roles as stated above.  That would also require the belief that Paul, in 1 Tim. 2:11-12, is sexist.  To then assume Paul was sexist, how can you not then question everything else he taught?  If he was wrong to teach that, how do you know he wasn’t wrong in other areas?  How can you tell someone else, when they say he is wrong about another matter because they disagree with something else he taught, that they are wrong? See the natural direction we logically go when we reinterpret scripture in our own image?  
The Common Problem

The common problem in all these objections is that they make a lot of assumptions about scripture, that are not justified by scripture.  The context is either ignored or what is not stated is just added in and assumed to be true.  A major assumption that plagues all these objections is that the difference in roles makes a difference in value and equality.  This is a lie.  A second major problem is the assumption itself.  They are assuming what scripture is not saying.  But because we are naturally inclined to believe a lie (our sinful nature) it is easy to believe the eisegesis interpretations and false assumptions.  They assume details that contradict other areas of scripture.  So then, they must make more assumptions in those other areas re-translate to justify the assumptions. To inject into Scripture what is not being taught.  From, with that assumed injection of falsehood, false doctrines are derived.  Because some feel different roles equate to different value and not equality, they then assume that Paul did not mean what is stated.  From there we get all sorts of wrongful assumptions and poor translations.  Eisegesis is this poor method of Bible interpretation that leads us to assume Nympha was a pastor and the CEB is an accurate translation.  Using this logic in interpretation, can we also not assume that God is a female?  How can you assume Nympha was a pastor and not assume God is also a female?  This shows the slippery slope of assumed justifications and assumed interpretations that naturally leads away from the truth God himself provides the church.

Verses To Study

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-15, 3:1-13
  • Titus 1:5-9, 2:3-5
  • Acts 1:8
  • 1 Peter 3:15
  • 1 Cor. 11:5, 12:12-31
  • Galatians 5:22-23 

 Final Thought:   

Men and Woman have different roles but are equal in value and importance.  Men will be held accountable by how faithful they serve the Lord in their roles ordained as men; and women will be held accountable by how faithful they serve the Lord in their role as an ordained woman.  In the end, God will be glorified, even if the culture and societies disagree with his ordained design of gender roles; and even if the church fails to remain completely faithful to God in obedience.  When we let scripture interpret scripture, as written by the Apostles, breathed by The Holy Spirit, we see the clear truth of God’s design in the church.

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Are There Prophets Today?

Much like Apostles, there is the Office of The Prophet and gifts of prophecy; two separate things.  We know both existed and used in the days of The Bible but did they continue on after all the Apostles of Christ died?  The word itself, prophecy can mean various things.  We need to see the biblical definitions and uses of the word, then analyze the character of its use in scripture, research church history and compare with modern claims.

The Office of Prophet

We can peice together the bibical definition of the Office of Prophet in the information put forth in Exodus 6:28-7:2, Numbers 12:1-8, and Deuteronomy 18:9-22.  These verses make it clear that The Prophet is one who is chosen by God and speaks forth the message to people which God has revealed to him. Forthtelling and foretelling are two different types of messages.  The later is less frequent.  Forthtelling involved insight into the will of God; it was exhortative, challenging men to obey. On the other hand, foretelling entailed foresight into the plan of God; it was predictive, either encouraging the righteous in view of God’s promises or warning in view of coming judgment.  The divinely chosen person would be charged with God’s message, proclaimed it in oral, visual, or written form to the people on God’s behalf.   It was their duty to admonish, reprove, denounce sin, threaten with the terrors of judgment, call to repentance, and bring consolation and pardon (Jonah 3:4).   Predicting the future was never intended merely to satisfy man’s curiosity, but was designed to demonstrate that God knows and controls the future, and to give purposeful revelation. The prediction given by a true prophet would be visibly fulfilled.

Old Testament History of Prophets

Now considering the historical perspective of this Office, it was rare.   Noah was technically the first Prophet post Adam.  God spoke directly to him and he attempted to relay the warnings of the coming judgement to the people of the world; but of course they didn’t listen to him.  Him as prophet was validated by God flood.  Then God spoke directly to Abraham and the was validated by God faithfully proving what he had revealed to Abraham (Genesis 12:2–3).  Next was Jacob, whom God spoke to in visions and later foretold the future that also was faithfully validated (Genesis 49).  Then there was Joseph which God spoke to him through visions of the future and allowed him to interpret dreams (Genesis 37, 40, 41).  Then there is Moses.  No doubt God spoke to him directly and validated him as a Prophet.  God even made his brother, Aaron, a Prophet, and mouth peice of Moses (Exodus 7:1–7).  Moses’ sister was also revealed to be a Prophet but nothing is recorded of what she declared besides the fact that eventually, her and Aaron spoke out of their own accord and not of God (Numbers 12).  The office of Prophet was temporarily given to The seventy elders of Israel during Moses’ time as well (Numbers 11:25).  Got not only allows people to temporarily fill the office but also allowed for evil men to be Prophets as well.  Balaam was such a prophet (Numbers 22–24) who’s sin Jude warns about (Jude 1:11).  After Moses died, Joshua took over and God spoke to him and validated him as well (Joshua 1:1–9).  Then came Deborah, the only recorded female judge of Israel (Judges 4:4)In Judges 4:6–7, Deborah either passed on God’s message to the military commander Barak or enforced it; in Judges 4:9, she related a prophecy of future events.  Then came Samuel.  Samuel received his first message from God in 1 Samuel 3:4 when he was a small boy. He spent his life as God’s messenger; two of his most significant acts were anointing Saul (1 Samuel 9) and David (1 Samuel 1:13) to be king. Samuel’s words of God’s wisdom to Saul went mostly unheeded, and Samuel even returned from the grave to announce God’s punishment for Saul’s disobedience (1 Samuel 28:15–19). Again, another instance where God called another seventy prophets (1 Samuel 10:10).  Gad was a prophet to received a message from God to give to David (1 Samuel 22:5). Nathan seems to have been David’s primary link to God’s words. In 2 Samuel 7:4–17, Nathan told David that Solomon would build the temple. In 2 Samuel 12:1–15, Nathan rebuked David for committing adultery with Bathsheba and killing her husband.  God spoke to King David revealing details about the coming Messiah (Psalm 8; 22; 110).  The Tabernacle musicians in First Chronicles 25:1–7 who were appointed by King David prophesied through their music.  In 1 Kings 3, God asked Solomon in a dream if there was anything Solomon would like from Him. Solomon chose wisdom.   Elijah was probably the most significant prophet who didn’t write his own book. He proclaimed God’s word in the northern kingdom of Israel at the time of the evil King Ahab. It was he who ensured a widow was always supplied with oil and flour (1 Kings 17:8–16), who had a showdown with the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:17–40), and who was strengthened by God’s still voice in his fatigue and depression (2 Kings 2:1–11). At the end of his life, a chariot of fire took him to heaven, and his mantle fell to Elisha as his successor (2 Kings 2:1–12).  Ahab had four hundred false prophets who told them God was with them, but Jehoshaphat insisted on a prophet who actually heard from God. Ahab knew of one, but was reluctant to call him, since he never had anything good to say. Micaiah revealed that God had sent a lying spirit to the four hundred prophets in order to lure Ahab to his death. Ahab went to battle anyway and was struck and killed by a random arrow (1 Kings 22:13–28).  Elisha was Elijah’s successor and the second-most important prophet without a book. He spent seven or eight years as Elijah’s apprentice before Elijah was taken to heaven. He then helped wipe out organized Baal worship (2 Kings 10:28), brought a widow’s son back to life (2 Kings 4:18–37), and cured Naaman’s leprosy (2 Kings 5). His power and authority through God was so great that, when a dead man was thrown into Elisha’s grave, the man sprang back to life (2 Kings 13:2–21).   After Judah’s crops were obliterated by a swarm of locusts, Joel compared the devastation to what God would do if the people didn’t return to Him. Joel also predicted the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Joel 2:28; cf. Acts 2:16–21).  Amos was a Judean shepherd who was tasked with prophesying against Israel. His warnings were ignored, and Israel was taken into captivity by Assyria some time later.  God had Hosea marry a prostitute who remained unfaithful after they married. To show how God longed to forgive His people, He told Hosea to take Gomer back. In addition to the message to Israel of God’s faithfulness, Hosea includes a prophecy that Gentiles would one day follow God (Hosea 2:23).  Isaiah holds the record for being the prophet who is most quoted in the New Testament. He was an advisor to King Hezekiah of Judah but also had to walk barefoot and naked for three years as a portent against Egypt and Cush. His book contains prophecies of Jesus and John the Baptist, and Jesus used Isaiah 61:1–2 to begin His ministry in Nazareth. It’s possible that Isaiah was also a priest (Isaiah 6:4).  Micah served as a prophet during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah. His message mixed condemnation of sin with the promise of the coming Messiah. His book contains the only mention of Bethlehem as the place of the Messiah’s birth.  Jeremiah was one of the last prophets of the Kingdom of Judah and watched helplessly as it was picked apart by the Babylonians. Known as “the weeping prophet” because of how his words from God affected him, Jeremiah also gave the people a word of hope that they would return from captivity in 70 years. His counsel to submit to God’s judgment was ignored, and he was eventually taken to Egypt with the remnant of the royal family (2 Kings 25:26). Jeremiah also wrote the book of Lamentations, a lament for the fall of Jerusalem.   Habakkuk covered a lot of ground in such a short book. He prophesied Assyria’s fall, the Babylonian exile, and the future victory of the Persians. His prophecies were revealed in the context of a conversation with God, wherein Habakkuk asked God questions, and God responded.  In the visions and angelic encounters of Daniel 7–12, Daniel revealed more about the end times than any other book besides Revelation.  Ezekiel’s book of prophecy appears somewhat psychedelic, with its strange visions. Ezekiel was a priest exiled to Babylon in the second wave of deportations and relayed God’s judgment to the rebellious people. He also made several prophesies about the future, including the coming of Jesus, the New Jerusalem (Ezekiel 48:30–35), and the millennial kingdom (Ezekiel 44). Ezekiel was one of the few prophets who eagerly spread God’s message no matter what the resistance he encountered—although that may have been because God told him if he didn’t prophesy he would be held accountable for the souls of those he didn’t warn (Ezekiel 33).   Malachi was the last prophet to prophecy in Israel until an angel visited Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. As such, Malachi’s message was a call to obedience and a promise of the coming Messiah. Following Malachi’s oracle were 400 years of divine silence.  Not every single person who heard from God is named here but given the population of the world over these thousands of years, a Prophet of God was very rare. [1]

In the New Testament, there are only 24 named Prophets of God or gifted with prophesy and 4 named false prophets.  Given the early church history; the 12 Apostles, 70 disciples, 500 eye witnesses of Jesus, and thousands of people who came to faith at Pentecost and thousands more during the ministries of the early church; again, a Prophet of God in the early church was also rare.

Now considering the history from Noah, all the way to John, there were only a couple hundred prophets in scripture over the thousands of years.  The Office of The Prophet was every exclusive and rare; even after The Holy Spirit descended upon the church.

Did The Office of Prophet Continue?

In Ephesians 4:11 Paul notes the designations of Apostles and Prophets.  Some jump to the conclusion that because he notes this after Pentecost that this must mean they continued.  But considering the history and time of his statement, we see that many of the Apostles and Prophets in the NT were still alive; thus the chosen office holders were still alive, still holding the office.  Those positions were still in present tense at the time of his writing. This does not say anyone will be following after them.  Also, The Office of Prophet is not the same as the gift of prophecy.

The Gift of Prophecy 

Paul then explains how the gift is different from the office.  In 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 he addresses the gift.  1 Corinthians 12:3 opens up and states “no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.”  Does this then make every professing Christian hold the office of Prophet?  No.  He then reveals the ‘gift’ rather than the office when he states “Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit.” in the next verse.  1 Corinthians 12:10 notes the gift of prophecy which is more specific and different than just professing simply Jesus is Lord.  In 1 Corinthians 14:1-3 he elaborates on this gift.  Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, and above all that you may prophesy. For the person who speaks in another language is not speaking to men but to God, since no one understands him; however, he speaks mysteries in the Spirit. But the person who prophesies speaks to people for edification, encouragement, and consolation.”  He then continues “I wish all of you spoke in other languages, but even more that you prophesied. The person who prophesies is greater than the person who speaks in languages, unless he interprets so that the church may be built up.“.  Why is this kind of prophecy greater than speaking and interpreting languages?  He then goes in into 1 Corinthians 12:22-25 “But prophecy is not for unbelievers but for believers. 23 Therefore, if the whole church assembles together and all are speaking in other languages and people who are uninformed or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your minds? 24 But if all are prophesying and some unbeliever or uninformed person comes in, he is convicted by all and is judged by all. 25 The secrets of his heart will be revealed, and as a result he will fall facedown and worship God, proclaiming, “God is really among you.”.  The big question here WHAT is being prophesied and what makes it greater than being able to translate and speak other langauges?  We see that The Prophets spoke the word of God to the people.  Paul declares in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness“.  Hebrews 4:12 declares “For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.“.  

And there it is.  The Gift of Prophecy declares The Word of God; and THAT is greater than knowing more than one language.  The Word of God is for believers in that it teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains in righteousness.  The Word of God convicts and judges the hearts of unbelievers and when it penetrates their soul, they fall facedown and worship God!  REMEMBER the time period.  In most cases, during this time, not all the writings of the New Testament have been written.  The Apostles did a lot of traveling and were not always present at the churches.   How then did these early churches hear God’s Word?  Through those who were gifted with prophecy in the absence of The Apostles.  Just as in the Old Testament, those who were gifted with prophecy could also be validated by those whom were gifted with miracles and healing; just as the Apostles themselves were validated.  This is why the gift of prophecy existed in the early church, during the time of the Apostles as Paul noted.  The big question is: 

Where there gifts of prophecy in the church post-apostolic age?  

Again, we must take into consideration the time.  By that time, after John, all the Apostles wrote Holy Scripture.   We can then look at the writings of the generations of the disciples of the Apostles to see if they record a continuance of the gift of prophecy.  Clement of Rome, appointed by Peter and disciple of John wrote pointing to the previous writings as his authority and did not exorcise any gift of prophecy.  Papias of Hierapolis, a disciple of John and friend of Polycarp who was also a disciple of John also did not note any continuance of the gift.  Ignatius of Antioch, appointed by Peter and a disciple of John, who was also friends with Polycarp does not note a continuance of the gift.  Polycarp of Smyrna, a friend of Papias and Ignatius, and disciple of John also does not in any of his writings note a continuance of the gift.  Irenaeus of Lyon, who was a disciple of Polycarp wrote extensively against heresies in his day, always referred back to what had been written by The Apostles and does not note any true continuance of the gift.

Irenaeus does however give an account of a Marcus who claims to prophesy.  It is very interesting how this self proclaimed prophet teaches another woman to prophesy, because it sounds very familiar to the efforts of Word of Faith and Charismatic people now.  “It appears probable enough that this man possesses a demon as his familiar spirit, by means of whom he seems able to prophesy, and also enables as many as he counts worthy to be partakers of his Charis themselves to prophesy… he frequently seeks to draw after him, by addressing them in such seductive words as these: “I am eager to make thee a partaker of my Charis, since the Father of all doth continually behold thy angel before His face. Now the place of thy angel is among us: it behoves us to become one. Receive first from me and by me [the gift of] Charis. Adorn thyself as a bride who is expecting her bridegroom, that thou mayest be what I am, and I what thou art. Establish the germ of light in thy nuptial chamber. Receive from me a spouse, and become receptive of him, while thou art received by him. Behold Charis has descended upon thee; open thy mouth and prophesy.” On the woman replying, “I have never at any time prophesied, nor do I know how to prophesy;” then engaging, for the second time, in certain invocations, so as to astound his deluded victim, he says to her, “Open thy mouth, speak whatsoever occurs to thee, and thou shalt prophesy.” She then, vainly puffed up and elated by these words, and greatly excited in soul by the expectation that it is herself who is to prophesy, her heart beating violently [from emotion], reaches the requisite pitch of audacity, and idly as well as impudently utters some nonsense as it happens to occur to her, such as might be expected from one heated by an empty spirit. (Referring to this, one superior to me has observed, that the soul is both audacious and impudent when heated with empty air.) Henceforth she reckons herself a prophetess, and expresses her thanks to Marcus for having imparted to her of his own Charis. She then makes the effort to reward him, not only by the gift of her possessions (in which way he has collected a very large fortune), but also by yielding up to him her person, desiring in every way to be united to him, that she may become altogether one with him.” (Against Heresies: Book I, Chapter XIII).

How does Irenaeus know that this prophet and the gift of prophecy is false?  He is dedicated to the teachings of the Apostles read with earnest care that Gospel which has been conveyed to us by the apostles, and read with earnest care the prophets, and you will find that the whole conduct, and all the doctrine, and all the sufferings of our Lord, were predicted through them.”  (Against Heresies: Book IV, Chapter XXXIV)

In 314AD, Miltiades, bishiop of Rome, wrote about the Montanist movement and their inability to validate their claims.  He paraphrases their claims: “For if after Quadratus and Ammia in Philadelphia, as they assert, the women with Montanus received the prophetic gift, let them show who among them received it from Montanus and the women. [they claim] For the apostle thought it necessary that the prophetic gift should continue in all the Church until the final coming. But they cannot show it [in scripture], though this is the fourteenth year since the death of Maximilla.”  Only 14 years after one of Montanist’s prophetess passes away and they still can not validate their claims.   Eusebius then adds “Miltiades to whom he refers has left other monuments of his own zeal for the Divine Scriptures“.  Miltiades is focused on scripture and seeks to only validate claims through divine scripture; of which Montanist’s can not.

The early church tests the prophets of Montanus of the mid 2nd centery and expose it.  Eusebius records Apollonius’ writings of the 2nd century refuting them.  It is again ironic, how it seems as though he is describing the Word of Faith movement now.  He is quoted “[Montanus] to be making additions to the doctrines or precepts of the Gospel of the New Testament, which it is impossible for one who has chosen to live according to the Gospel, either to increase or to diminish.

Already knowing Holy Scripture, Apollonius points out that these new prophets are “making additions” to the gospel.  Something Paul and John both warned about (Galatians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 11:4; Rev. 22:19).

 “... he [Montanus] became beside himself, and being suddenly in a sort of frenzy and ecstasy, he raved, and began to babble and utter strange things, prophesying in a manner contrary to the constant custom of the Church handed down by tradition from the beginning… Some of those who heard his spurious utterances at that time were indignant, and they rebuked him as one that was possessed, and that was under the control of a demon, and was led by a deceitful spirit, and was distracting the multitude; and they forbade him to talk, remembering the distinction drawn by the Lord and his warning to guard watchfully against the coming of false prophets. But others imagining themselves possessed of the Holy Spirit and of a prophetic gift, were elated and not a little puffed up; and forgetting the distinction of the Lord, they challenged the mad and insidious and seducing spirit, and were cheated and deceived by him… secretly excited and inflamed their understandings which had already become estranged from the true faith… and filled them with the false spirit, so that they talked wildly and unreasonably and strangely, like the person already mentioned….

Very interesting how these prophets, who violate what the Apostles taught, act like those who claim to be “slain in the spirit” or how they phrase ‘in the spirit’ now.  The church even met to consider their claims and actions to determine if they are in fact true or not.  When tested against Holy Scripture, it is easy to determine that they were not, but false prophets.

For the faithful in Asia met often in many places throughout Asia to consider this matter, and examined the novel utterances and pronounced them profane, and rejected the heresy

Just as Paul encouraged (Acts 17:11) and John required (1 John 4:1).  They remained faithful the Word of God and rightly judged these prophets as heretics.

His [Montanus] actions and his teaching show who this new teacher is. This is he who taught the dissolution of marriage; who made laws for fasting; who named Pepuza and Tymion, small towns in Phrygia, Jerusalem, wishing to gather people to them from all directions; who appointed collectors of money; who contrived the receiving of gifts under the name of offerings; who provided salaries for those who preached his doctrine, that its teaching might prevail through gluttony… We show that these first prophetesses themselves, as soon as they were filled with the Spirit, abandoned their husbands…Does not all Scripture seem to you to forbid a prophet to receive gifts and money? When therefore I see the prophetess receiving gold and silver and costly garments, how can I avoid reproving her?…For although the Lord said, ‘Provide neither gold, nor silver, neither two coats,’(Matthew 10:9) these men, in complete opposition, transgress in respect to the possession of the forbidden things.  For we will show that those whom they call prophets and martyrs gather their gain not only from rich men, but also from the poor, and orphans, and widows…But if they are confident, let them stand up and discuss these matters, that if convicted they may hereafter cease transgressing. For the fruits of the prophet must be tried; ‘for the tree is known by its fruit.’ (Luke 6:43-45)… Exposing him, through him we expose also the pretense of the prophet [Montanus]. We could show the same thing of many others. But if they are confident, let them endure the test… when Maximilla was pretending to prophesy in Pepuza, resisted her and endeavored to refute the spirit that was working in her; but was prevented by those who agreed with her.” (Book V). 

Is it ironic that the Word of Faith movement and the Prosperity Gospel seem to go hand and hand?  Interestingly here, we see the same thing, only 1,830 years earlier.  What the Word of Faith and prosperity teachers claim now, is nothing new.  They claim to see visions, prophesy, and ask for monetary blessings as they live in mansions, wear expensive clothing, drive luxury cars, and brag about owning private jets and luxury boats.  All the while misquote, twist, and add to Holy Scripture and profit off of doing so.

There are two extremely important factors here: (1) None of the disciples of the apostles, and their disciples, note the real continuation of the gift of prophecy, and (2) those who did claim be gifted with prophecy after the apostolic age fail when tested against Holy Scripture.  We CAN come to the conclusion that the gift of prophecy was not existent in the same fashion from the Apostles after they passed.  And that is just a fact of early church History.

It is CRITICAL to note what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23:

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. On that day many will say to Me, Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.

He also states in Matthew 24:11,24:

and many false prophets will arise and mislead many.False messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

Even Deuteronomy 13:1-3 makes known that false prophets can give signs and wonders THAT CAN COME TRUE.  That still does not make them a true prophet of God though.  A True prophet is seen in the message.  They make know the Will and Word’s of God that will NEVER contradict each other or purposefully lead anyone to idolize anything.  Their message is supremely the Glory of God alone and no other Gospel than the one the Apostles preached.

CAN There be a gifted prophet in our time?

All the discussion above is about history up to this point.  CAN God gift someone prophecy ? OF COURSE! God does as he pleases for his divine will.  Can a missionary go to a far away land where there is no source of scripture, and boom, the Holy Spirit grants him the gift of prophecy to deliver to them God’s Word?  OF COURSE!   The issue at hand is, are there CURRENT prophets or people who have the gift of prophesy?  Given the scriptural and historical evidences and testing the claims of popular modern teachers who claim it; not so far.  Current Prophets and those who have claimed the gift of prophesy have been nothing more than modern Montanists who either add to God’s Word and/or flat out contradict it.  Who knows, there very well may be very humble faithful believers who are gifted with prophesy who are not widely known.

What About Acts 2:17-18?

“In the last days, God said, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.‘”  This is a fun verse that Word of Faith and Charismatic people love to point to.  Here, Peter is quoting from Joel 2:28-32.  Keep in mind, prophesying can mean simply proclaiming God’s truths.  Notice after quoting Joel, Peter then gives them the Gospel message.  A message that can not be believed without having the The Holy Spirit in you.  So, God pours out his spirit and empowers anyone to receive and believe the gospel message, then, enabling them to prophesy the truth of the gospel message.  The Apostles and all the disciples were doing signs and wonders that validated their prophesying this gospel message; just as Joel stated hundreds of years before.  In the FULL CONTEXT of Acts 2:14-41, we see that Peter is pointing out that the time that Joel is predicting is for their age (“in those days”) in history and does not say “for the rest of history” or “in all the days to come” or “until the end of the age”.  Do not forget that preaching the gospel message, is, in a simple sense, prophesying.  It would be wrong to read into what is not said.  Peter and Joel do not say this continues but it also does not say it will stop.  It DOES however say that “in those days” of Peter, the Spirit pours out on “all people” (Jews and gentiles) and they will prophesy;  exactly as recorded in Acts and in the age of the Apostles.  Using this verse to justify modern day prophesy is dishonest and implying what is not stated. 


The Office of Prophet is chosen by God, ordained by God, in direct communication with God, the claims are in harmony with God, and validated by God.  The gift of prophecy was given by The Holy Spirit to those to proclaim God’s Word in the absence of the Apostles before the completion of Holy Scripture.  After the passing of all the Apostles, there is no evidence outside of scripture of any Disciple of an Apostle or their disciples, in their own writings, prophesying or stating the continuation of the gift or office.  Any claim or attempted of post-apostolic prophesy has been disproven by the false prophets own contradictory claims or their contradictions of God’s Word.  It is a historical and modern fact that the gift or prophesy does not exist the same way it did in the age of Apostles; or at least the known self proclaimed gifted prophets are not the same.  However, God, if he so chooses, could grant anyone at any time the gift.  Proof of the true gift is the prophesies faithfulness to all that God has already declared and consistency within itself.  There may be true gifted prophets out in the world but the ones on TV selling New York Times Best Sellers books are nothing more than modern Montanists for the digital age.

Because we can not state that the gift of prophesy has fully and completely ceased or that God will never gift it in the future, here is a biblical test to determine if prophetic claims are of God – The Eight point Prophecy Test

1.  https://www.gotquestions.org/prophets-in-the-Bible.html

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Are There Apostles Today?

This is an important question concerning Apostolic authority of divine witness and eternal truths.  It is key to understand what an Apostle IS, understanding the different types of apostles, their qualifications and validations, and then we can determine if there are Apostles today.

What is an Apostle?

Paul states in Ephesians 4:11-12 “ And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,  for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ”.  We see the uniqueness of the position.  An Apostle is not a prophet and is not the same as an evangelist.  Although, an Apostle can be an evangelist in purpose and change in position, but their roles are distinct.  “Some as apostles” denotes a special and unique office. 

Before Christ, there were not Apostles.  Then, Jesus Christ chose 12.  When Judas left the group and committed suicide he was replaced.  It is important to see that Judas’ replacement was not ever called an Apostle, but someone who is just filling in the office (Acts 1:20).  The actual person chosen by Christ was later identified as Paul.  Thus we can see that one of the primary qualifications of Apostle ship is a direct literal choosing from Jesus himself (Mark 3:16-19).

The first qualification for The Office of Apostle was being appointed by Jesus Christ himself on a personal intimate level.  Matthias was not chosen by Jesus Christ himself in the same way the others had been.  Therefore he was just filling in for the person who would later be directly and literally chosen by Jesus himself. 

The second qualifications for Apostle was someone who were witnesses of the resurrected Christ with the other 11 appointed Apostles (Acts 1:22).  This was Matthias, except, he wasn’t appointed by Christ himself.  Therefore he was just filling in until the actual Apostle was chosen.  He was given the gift of apostleship.  There is a difference between the Office of Apostle and the gift of apostleship.  In Acts 5:32, Peter and the other Apostles point out that they were eye witnesses just as Luke 1:1-4 also states.

The Office of Apostle are those who were tasked with setting the foundations of the church.  The Holy Spirit states “having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone”  (Ephesians 2:20).  The entire church and all that it believes and teaches were founded by The Prophets of the Old Testament and The Apostles of the New Testament with Jesus Christ as the corner stone of it all.

Jesus stated “He who receives you (The Apostles) receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me” (Mt 10:40).  Jesus exclusively promised the Twelve that the Holy Spirit “will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (Jn 14:26).  In Acts, Luke records specifically that the early church continually devoted “themselves to the apostles’ teaching”
(Ac 2:42). 

Who was the later 12th Apostle to fill the office of Apostle?

This person met both qualifications for the Office of Apostle; Paul.  He makes some very important statements about holding the Office of Apostle.  First, he was a witness of the risen Christ (1 Cor. 9:1, 15:8) and second, he was chosen by Christ himself for this office (Gal. 1:1).  But then he states “and LAST OF ALL”  meaning that he was the last whom the risen Christ appeared to and appointed to the Office of Apostle (1 Cor. 15:8).  What was he Last of all of?  The Office of Apostle.

Did the Office of Apostle End?

Paul stated the he was the last one called to fill the office of Apostle (1 Cor. 15:8) and from that point on, the Office of Apostle was referenced in past tense.  Jude, the half brother of Jesus states “I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”  Those who heard and performed miracles to validate what they witnessed first hand is described in past tense by the author of Hebrews (Hebrews 2:3-4).  Peter even states “that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken [past tense] by your apostles.” (2 Peter 3:2).  The Apostles themselves (Peter) speak of the Office as such an office that was limited.  Paul himself says he was the last one.  This is where they make the distinction between Office of Apostle and gift of apostleship.  As mentioned above, the early church continually devoted “themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Ac 2:42). 

What is the gift of apostleship?

There were many who were gifted with the gift of apostleship.  James (1 Corinthians 15:7; Galatians 1:19), Barnabas (Acts 14:4, 14; 1 Corinthians 9:6), Andronicus and Junias (Romans 16:7), possibly Silas and Timothy (1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2:7), and Apollos (1 Corinthians 4:6, 9).  But how was their role and position different from the Office of Apostle?  The Office of Apostle is the specific reference to those who were hand picked by Jesus and who had witnessed the risen Christ first hand.  The gift of apostleship refers to those who continued the gospel message with authority for establishing the universal church.  Paul discipled and entrusted Timothy with the gospel message.  He carried that message with him to wherever Paul sent him, with authority.   Those with the gift were not eye witnesses but were commissioned by those who held the office to delegate with their authority.  We see that apostles were not stationary.  They would travel to a location, disciple an elder and move on. They were concerned with the universal church more than the local church.  Does this mean there are those who are gifted with apostleship now?  We will touch on this later.


The Apostles and those gifted with apostleship could be validated in a number of ways.  First, they could be tested with God’s word.  Paul praised the Bereans for testing him with scripture
(Acts 17:10-11).  And that if anyone, including the apostles themselves, began teaching something different than that which was first proclaimed, they were wrong, false, and cursed (Galatians 1:8-9).  Those gifted with apostleship were validated by the Apostles themselves, with scripture, and with the God glorifying signs and wonders they did.  Therefore, if anyone who claims to hold the Office of Apostle fails any of the qualifying factors, they not true.  If anyone who claims to have the gift of apostleship fails the three validations (Apostolic support, scripture support, signs support), they are also not true.  Paul states “if anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command” (1Co 14:37). Speaking directly to the Twelve, Jesus said, “if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also” (Jn 15:20b). This brings us to our main question:

Are there Apostles today?

We can simply see if they meet the biblical qualifiers identified in God’s Word.  Can someone today, hold the Office of Apostle?  This is clearly a no.  They may make the claim to have seen the risen Christ like Paul did, but Paul sought the validation from the other Apostles (Galatians 1:18-19, 2:1-2,9).  People now can not do that.  ANYONE can claim they received a vision appointing them as an Apostle and then claim the met the risen Christ face to face.  Anyone can claim that.  The problem is that no actual Apostle is around to validate that (Paul was the last; 1 Cor. 15:8).  This leads into the next problem for people claiming to have the gift of apostleship now.  They can claim they have scriptural support maybe even claim to have done some amazing signs and wonders but they will never be able to obtain actual Apostolic support and validation.  It is no longer possible.

The Office of Apostle laid the foundations of Christian truth through their eye witness and testimony of Jesus on earth.  The gift of apostleship laid the foundations for the universal church body.  Now that the foundations of the gospel truth and universal church body has been laid; the office and gift are no longer necessary.  

Interestingly, those who teach now that they are the restoration of the office and apostleship feel as though they should never be spoken against, should never be questioned, because the person who speaks against them is speaking against God.  This goes against what Paul praised the Bereans for.  Paul, an actual Apostle of Christ encouraged validation because at that time, when those offices and gifts existed, they very well could be validated.  But since that time, as the author of Jude and Hebrews pointed out, that time has passed.

We do not deny that God can choose whom ever he wills for his glorious purpose, but He also does not go against what he himself has revealed through the Apostles with the Holy Spirit in Holy Scripture.  There can not exist anyone who was an eye witness of the risen Christ, until He returns.  The Holy Spirit declared Paul to be the last one to fill the Office of Apostle.  But can there still exist the gift of apostleship?  

Since we have the writings of the Apostles, we can technically validate or invalidate anyone who claims such a gift.  If someone receives a vision (which is in line with all teachings in scripture) or simply feels compelled to go to a far away nation that does not have a church presence and they teach that which has been passed down by the Apostles themselves (the true gospel message of Jesus Christ) to lay the foundations for a church in that far away nation; how can we say that they are not gifted apostleship?  Well, simply put, the church universally has already been established by the Apostles and those who were gifted apostleship.  They would then be nothing more than missionaries and disciples of Jesus fulfilling the Great Commission.  No different than the disciples of the Apostles, whom never claimed the gift of apostleship or apostolic authority either. 

Are Church Planters gifted with apostleship?

Again, no different from the disciples of the Apostles and their disciples after them.  We see in their writings that they merely describe themselves as elders, presbyters, and evangelists.  Basically, they were missionaries sent out into the world to grow the church that had already been established by the actual Apostles and those gifted with apostleship before them.  Paul lists apostles first, simply because they had to be first to lay the foundations.  He lists “helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues (languages)” last.  In our age, because the universal church has already been established, validated by miracles and healing; those who help grow the per-existing church and manage the church body in all the different cultures is the task at hand.  We are called to help and manage the body of Christ and proclaim the truth that was handed down from the Apostles until Christ comes again.

Word ‘apostle’ and its confusion and misuse

A word can have various meanings.  Such as the case with the word “apostle”.  In a general and broad sense, it means “sent one”.  In that case, every single believer is an apostle.  Once a believer comes to faith, they are then sent out into the world as a follower of Jesus Christ to proclaim the gospel. But that is not specifically what is being claimed.

The Apostles did not say they were gifted, but instead were chosen, directly and personally by Jesus himself.  They do however name some after them who were given the gift of apostleship.  But we must consider the time and place of these designations.  At the time of Paul’s writings, not all the Apostles were dead and the church itself was not fully established.  Considering our day and age, all the Apostles are dead and the church is fully established.  Now we are to grow and manage it in such a way that it brings glory and honor to God.

The disciples of the Apostles pointed to the Apostles works as authority, not themselves.  Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Papias, and Polycarp were actual disciples of the Apostles.  Yet, they quoted the Apostles as their authority.  Even Mark and Luke were in direct contact with the Apostles and documented the Apostles testimony, not their own.  The authority of truth was always pointed at those who witnessed the mighty works of Jesus himself on earth.  

Again, to be clear, it is not talking about people who claim to witness healing of headaches and pains but those who raised people from the dead and who sat on the shore of the Jordan river and ate fish with Jesus himself following his crucifixion.  It was the 12 that the earliest disciples pointed to as the apostolic authority; and no one after.  Those who were gifted with apostleship would travel continuously and be concerned with the whole church universally.  Elders, Presbyters, and Evangelists were stationary and focused on transforming the local community long term.


The Office of Apostle and gift of apostleship are two different things.  The Office is held by someone who (1) Was personally and directly called by Jesus for the purpose of writing what they witnessed in divinely inspired writings by the Holy Spirit and (2) where eye witnesses of the risen Christ.  The Holy Spirit makes it clear that Paul was the last to hold the Office of Apostle.  The gift of apostleship is the next major position in the early church.  These individuals were directly connected the those who held the Office of Apostle.  They were validated by those who held the Office of Apostle and were sent out to establish the church universally.  Because both these positions of apostle are directly linked to eye witness testimony, it is not possible to exist currently.  Too often, the word apostle gets confused and misused but when considering its use in scripture we see the uniqueness of both types of apostles and how it does not exist today.  Evangelists and church planters today, though do very important work for the local body of Christ today, are not actual apostles in the specific sense of Office or gift.

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Church Shootings

Church shootings are a tragedy just like any other shooting that causes the loss of life.  Some however feel that they are worse in the sense they are done in a ‘house of God’.  There have been 14 fatal shootings at a house of worship since 2012 with different motivating factors.  Americans tend to be more shocked by these type of shootings verses all other types but is there really a difference?  There are 3 major misconceptions in American society: (1) A Church building is the house of God, (3) Limiting Gun access will reduce murders, (3) Prayer is not enough.

The House of God

People have long thought of Church Buildings as a House of God and are sacred because some believe that the actual presence of God is contained in them.  When people are asked what church they are a part of, they point to a building.  This is partly a continuation of per-pentecost history.  Though God’s presence and actions were all over the ancient world, in the Temple, in the Holy of Hollies chamber, the actual presence of God was manifest.  Then, Jesus came, taught of the coming poring out of the Holy Spirit into all believers.  When it happened, God’s temple was each believer.  The word “church” comes from the Greek word ekklesia which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” Paul states in Romans 16:5 “Greet also the church in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in Asia.”  Paul makes it clear that a church is a group of people, “an assembly” and “called-out ones”; not a building.  Therefore, the House of God, is in each believer as they are the temple of God.  Jesus said in Mark 14:58 “We heard Him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple, and in three days I will build another that is made without hands.”  Just as Jesus drove out sin in the Temple prior to Pentecost, now Jesus drives out the sin with in us and purifies us because WE, you, every believer, are the temple of God now. 

With that said, Church buildings are nothing more than structures made of the elements no different from all the other buildings in this world.  Thus, they are vulnerable to the same sins and injustices in this world.  They are equally vulnerable to shoots just as any other building.  Church buildings are not the house of God, believes are. 

Limiting Gun Access

With every significant shooting, the discussion of stricter Gun Control comes up as a solution to these violent crimes.  That some how, more man-made laws will stop mass killings.  This is a false hope.  Looking into history we see mass killings throughout history long before Guns were invented.  Even after the invention of Guns we see mass killings committed by governments on its citizens who weren’t armed to begin with.  Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, China, Cambodia, and North Korea for example.  In cities in the US that have extremely strict Gun Control Laws, like Chicago, has the highest rates of killings.  In contrast, the countries with the some of the highest gun ownership per capita, such as Norway, Canada, and Finland have the least amount of gun violence.  These facts disprove that Guns are the problem.  The major dilemma for Gun Control advocates is the fact that criminals, by definition, do not obey laws to begin with.  And the ultimate law that should stop gun violence, murder, is already outlawed.  Increasing the number of laws does not stop those who kill.  What is the REAL and TRUE problem and solution?

The REAL and TRUE problem is the culture’s morality or lack of it.  If those who seek to kill other people lack the source of the value of human life; they will just use other tools.  More recent murders with the use of vehicles and knifes for example.  The tools are not the problem, the desire to use inanimate objects for the purpose of taking human life is; no different than Cain.  The second problem of the heart is that others feel the need to control other people.  Some FEEL as though they are more righteous in their anti-gun stance and want to control the people who are pro-gun.  Again, the ULTIMATE problem is of the heart; not inanimate objects or arbitrary man-made laws.

Odd that Christians who advocate for stricter Gun Control fail to address the sinful heart and fail to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every public forum and debate about gun violence.  It is not necessarily odd but directly relates to the second problem pointed out above.  Sinful people WILL kill; Cain used a rock before murder was ever witnessed, the Jewish authority used the lawful system to murder Jesus.  Communist Russia starved its unarmed people.  On October 31st, someone used a Home Depot truck to murder.  It is a problem of the human heart from day one.


Following the Church shooting in Texas, some people took to social media and patronized prayer.  Even elected officials made negative remarks about praying for the families of those who were killed.  The idea presented is that prayer does not work but that action has to be taken- their solution- gun control action.  The fact of patronizing prayer as ineffective also reveals the ignorant heart of what prayer is and does. 

They are right in one sense.  Sending prayers, ‘positive vibes’ and energy to the victims and their families doesn’t work.  That is not true prayer.  Prayer conforms our hearts to the will of God.  That simple.  If you pray for ANYTHING that is in God’s Will, it WILL be answered.  Sounds pointless right?  Sense God will act out his will anyway?  Two things:  (1) It conforms our hearts and minds to what ever God’s will may be.  It helps us accept the sovereign will of God.  (2) God has seen all events in time all ready, thus, he knows what is going to happen and what people will pray for; before space and time was created.  God is love in that he does answer the prayers before the creation of the world but he is ALSO eternally knowledgeable.   He knows the best solutions to draw people to himself.  Far greater than we would understand.  That is why some times it seems God does not answer prayers the way we ask.  Doubting prayer is actually doubting God’s eternal love, knowledge, and sovereignty. 

The elected officials and others who believe prayer is ineffective think THEY have a better solution and through THEIR power; THEY can bring about change and justice.  Its a tough pill to swallow but some times the only way to reach people is through tragedy.  God had his only holy Son killed so that the world could see God’s love and righteousness.  In Jesus’ time, a tower collapsed and killed 8 Galleans.  He used that example to call for people to repent.  There was a man was born blind, lived his whole life blind.  I’m sure he and his family prayed for healing but it never came.  Then, Jesus came along and healed him later in life.  Jesus stated but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3).

Name It and Claim It

Prayer is also not ‘claiming’ something “in Jesus’ name”.  If this was true, why not say this:  “I claim all mass shootings to stop in Jesus’ name” and boom. done.  right?  Why doesn’t the most righteous name it and claim it Word of Faith preach just do it already?  What are they waiting for?  You see, even the name it and claim it crowd do not truly believe their claims either.  Again, this is not what true prayer is.  It is just another attempt to feel in control over God’s sovereignty.
We pray to help us conform to God’s will and accept his vast perfect knowledge with the hope that it leads people to Him.  No matter what, his sovereign power is seen no matter the event.  He is in full control.  The illusion of humanistic Gun Control to save lives does not save others from all the other tools used to take lives; only God can truly save the lives of whom ever he chooses for his purposes.  The salvation of Souls is far greater.  Jesus declares “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28). 


The American culture will continue to decline and a vast number of tools to take lives will continue to be used despite passing vast number of regulations and laws.  Culture will decline because of the lack of morality and faith in God.  Church shootings will continue.  In fact, the Christian life under Rome was far worse still.  Unless the Church (believers in Jesus Christ) takes a stand and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the hearts and minds of American society will continue to decay and lead to more violence.  No humanistic law will solve the sinful hearts of the society; only proclaiming The Gospel can.  Proclaiming The Gospel is far greater than proclaiming any secular Gun Control law, denouncing prayer, and feeling safe in a building.

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The Nashville Statement

The Nashville Statement is a document published online and authored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that clarifies the orthodox Christian faith position on human sexuality.  Over 150 predominate orthodox Christian teachers from around the world have signed the statement.  Of course it is not without controversy given our day and age and with some rejecting Christians.  Regardless, much like in the days of The councils of past, it addresses and clarifies the orthodox Christian faith in this specific matter.  But is it biblical?  Read the statement here: https://cbmw.org/nashville-statement/

First and foremost, it is critical to understand that God’s truth is not contingent on the feelings of man.  Secondly, speaking truth in a clear way, is being loving; even if the world doesn’t want to see it that way.  How do we know that this statement reflects God and his truth?  Quite simply, we test it against holy scripture.  What does Holy Scripture reveal about the sexuality of humanity?

The Old Testament lays the foundation for marriage and anything that is outside of the God ordained covenant marriage. 

  • Humanity was created as Male and Female (Gen. 1:26–28).  This does NOT say both at the same time, or fluid depending on their feelings.  The Male and Females were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.  Thus, procreation was a blessing within the God created Male and Female dynamic.   
  • Man needed an equally valuable helper to co-exist equally in fulfilling God’s command to procreate and bless the earth.  When Woman was created, she was ordained to be a wife to man.  They come together and create a God ordained family unit (Gen. 2:15-25)
  • When sin entered the world, it was through the temptation to be like God and to decide for themselves what they want and desire- a part from God.  When accountable to God, neither, male or female, owned up to their disobedience but instead justified it by blaming someone else (Gen. 3:1-24)
  • The Law of God makes clear that sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage of a male and female is adultery and is explicitly forbidden (Exod. 20:14).  That even to “covet” another mans wife is equally forbidden.  Covet means to yearn to possess or have (Exod. 20:17; Deut. 5:18, 5:21).  As God reveals more, we see that homosexuality is also forbidden as they face the same death due to sin (Lev. 18:22, 20:13).  Levitical Law called for the physical death which is no longer required sense Jesus freed us from it in his mercy and forgiveness; but the spiritual death remains unless there is a changed heart and faith in what Christ has done for this sin.  
  • In Judges 19:22-26 we see that homosexual desires are far more dangerous to someone’s spirit than rape.  Though rape is explicitly morally wrong and corrupts everyone involved, homosexuality was far greater in its moral corruptible potential because it is less obvious in its corruption and immoral nature with its vast ability to spread.  Something only God can see and something the world would not understand.
  • Then we see the forbidding of transgenderism in Deut. 22:5.  Clothing isn’t the issue of the heart, it was the desire to be the other gender.  Gender confusion and transgenderism was not in God’s Will for mankind as this verse makes clear.
  • The desire of coveting another persons spouse and adultery grows into other horrible acts (Job 31:1, 7-15).  We see this in David’s adultery with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11:1-12:15.  Even though David confessed his sins and was forgiven, he still faced the consequences of his sin (2 Samuel 12:13-14).  Those with unwanted desires can seek the Lord in faith and he will save (Isaiah 59:1)
  • These sinful sexual desires can naturally come from birth (Psalm 51:5) BUT there is always hope in the Lord for restoration from natural sinful sexual desires (Psalm 51:1-19).  These sins may feel right and naturally tempting but lead to spiritual death (Proverbs 5:3-6).  These sins are to be avoided, fought, resisted (Proverbs 5:8-14).
  • Covenant marriage between the God ordained man and women is truly satisfying.  Having self discipline and being devoted to what God has ordained keeps man from a forbidden pleasure that leads to spiritual death (Proverbs 5:15-23, 6:20-35, 7:1-27).  Fully knowing that God sees all, even our hearts.  He knows when we step outside of the covenant of marriage (Malachi 2:14).

What does Jesus say about the issue of human sexuality?

  • Not only does Jesus support what is stated in the Old Testament, as he quotes from it as his authority, but also he expands on it in the sense that it is a problem of the heart, which manifests in actions.  When simply looking at another women lustfully, that is the same as committing the act of adultery.  Lust is having a sexual desire for someone.  If this is the case, he then follows up with how important it is to remove yourself from it.  It is far better to struggle than to be spiritually dead (Matthew 5:27-30).  This would obviously include viewing pornography.  
  • Jesus validates the truth and authority of Gen 1:27, 2:24, 5:2 which he reiterates that God made humanity as Male and Female for covenant marriage.
  • Divorce was permitted BUT not out of God’s Will but because of “the hardness of your hearts”.  In the beginning, before sin entered the world, there was no divorce.  But because as the hearts of mankind became sinful, it was permitted for the sake of the lives of the wives of the husbands who would marry other women and kick them to the street, or in some cases, have them killed just so they could remarry (Matthew 19:8-9).
  • Jesus recognizes persons who are unable to have sexual relations either by birth, by choice, or my punishments of that culture as persons who are still accepted by Christ for God’s Glory.  This applies to those who are born in which ever way that prevents them from desiring or acting sexually (Matthew 19:12). 

What does The Holy Spirit reveal about the issue of human sexuality?

  • Acts 15:20, 29 tell us to encourage those who claim to be in the body of Christ to abstain from sexual immorality.  What is the sexual immorality being spoken of here?  Everything revealed in the OT and by Jesus.  1 Thess 4:3-8 declares it is God’s Will that we abstain from sexual immorality and control our bodies and lustful desires.  Ultimately, rejecting this truth about sexuality is rejecting God (1 Thess 4:3-8).  The law of God is for the rebellious, ungodly, and sinful.  1 Tim 1:9-10 explicitly states sexual immorality and homosexuality is rebellion against God.  The law reveals our sinful hearts and points us to our need for Christ.  Everyone is tempted, just as Jesus was, but unlike Jesus, some are then drawn away from God’s truths about human sexuality and enticed by their own sexual desires which leads to sin and spiritual death (James 1:14-15).  The fact is that our fleshly desires are Waring against us, Christians are empowered by The Holy Spirit to abstain while others give in and accept them and even embrace them (1 Peter 2:11).
  • Those who reject God’s word and willingly pursue their own sexual desires and passions are then granted that by God and allowed to pursue them because that is what they ultimately desire more than God.  Paul’s example is explicitly homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27).  Pursuing their sinful sexual immoralities, they then openly support, encourage, and applaud others who pursue them too (Romans 1:32).  Christians are called to “put to death” the worldly natures of sexual immorality, impurity, and lust (Colossians 3:5).  An undefiled marriage is one that in accordance of God’s ordained covenant marriage.  All others, are judged as outside of what God desires (Hebrews 13:4).
  • Sexually immoral people will not inherit God’s Kingdom (eternal life).  But Paul reminds them that some of them “used to be like this” but have sense been “washed” and “sanctified” by “the Spirit of our God”.  Freedom from these sinful sexual desires is possible for all those who seek Christ Jesus (1 Cor 6:9-11).  In Christ, we are made NEW.  Our old ways are gone and we can live a life that is pleasing to the Lord (2 Cor 5:17).  In the truth of WHY Jesus died on the cross (sacrifice for sexual immorality) we can “take off [our] former way of life, the old self that is corrupted by deceitful desires” and be renewed in our minds by how we see our sexuality in Christ through purity and truth (Eph 4:20-24).
  • We are commanded to “run from sexual immorality”.  The sin is not against someone else but against their own body.  We are created by God and our “body is not [our] own” (1 Cor 6:18-20).  Thus the idea of sexual freedom to love who we want to love goes completely against what God has made known.  Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its [selfish] passions and [sinful] desires (Gal 5:24).  God’s grace leads us to deny worldly lusts and sexual immorality (Titus 2:11-12).
  • Sexuality is GOOD, within the covenant of God’s ordained marriage.  Marriage between a man and woman is even encouraged and highly recommended (though no commanded) to help resisting the temptation of sexual immorality (1 Cor 7:1-7).  
  • We must speak the truth about human sexuality.  But with speaking truth, it must be done in a loving kind way because there is hope and peace that comes with forsaking the sinful sexual desires (Eph 4:15).  This truth also means that we are all sinners, just as much as the sexually immoral BUT those who trust and believe in God’s truth about sexuality are in Christ and recognize their sinful sexual desires as something unwanted (1 Tim 1:15).
  • Gen 2:24 is also illustrated by how Christ is with the Church (Eph 5:31-32).  A holy covenant marriage in which there is no adultery in the sense that there are not allowed 3rd parties outside of the bride (the church) and the bridegroom (Christ). 

In light of what Holy Scripture reveals about human sexuality, we can then test the totality of scripture against what is stated in each article of the Nashville Statement.  When we do this, we see that it does not conflict with Holy Scripture but expresses what Holy Scripture declares in a modern language. 

Through early church history we see that the disciples of the Apostles and their disciples understood what scripture clearly declares about human sexuality.  The Didache written around A.D. 80 – 130,  Justin Martyr, c. A.D. 155,  Theophilus of Antioch, A.D. 168, Aristides of Athens in the A.D. 140s and Clement of Alexandria (Egypt) in the 190s explicitly agree with what is declared in the Old Testament and by the Apostles.  Some are even more specific in describing forbidden sexual acts such as Polycarp in early second-century, Irenaeus in France in the 180s, and Origen.  There has never been a time among God’s people that human sexuality outside of a covenant Marriage of a Man and Woman was morally right or justified. 

According to Holy Scripture, it is the position of true orthodox Christianity that the Nashville Statement is true in its expression of biblical human sexuality.  The authors and signers of this statement are in line with the teachers of the early church, The Apostles, Jesus, and The Prophets of the Old Testament.  Thus this statement unifies the church and clarifies biblical truth for the present generation and after.  Given the weight, relevance, and need for such a statement, and the unity of different teachers from different church backgrounds; this statement will be included to this site as an important historical authored document.  This statement proclaims truth and ALSO hope for all those afflicted by sexual sin.

Please read and understand the Statement here: https://cbmw.org/nashville-statement

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

Do Christians Need to Attend Church?

In the age of TV Evangelism, Podcast sermons, and everything we ever need at home, some people question why bother attend church.  They hangout with their Christian friends at times and get a sermon Sunday morning in their bedroom on TV.  What does the Lord say about being actively involved in a local Christian community?   First we will look at specific verses and then we will look at the actions and expectations of the foundational church. Then we can address the excuses and hit at the real problem.


Hebrews 10:23-25

23 Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, 25 not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Explicitly stated here to NOT avoid ‘worship meetings’.  These meetings was when the local christian community would gather and worship God together with music, teaching, sharing resources, and prayer; all together.  Sitting at home watching a Televangelist is not this.

Ephesians 1:22

22 And He put everything under His feet and appointed Him as head over everything for the church

Colossians 1:18a

He is also the head of the body, the church; 

Christ Jesus is head of the church;  Avoiding church is like avoiding a meeting organized by Christ himself.

Acts 2:41-42

41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. 42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.

Here we see the early church were devoted to each other.  Devoted to attending ‘worship meetings’ and obey what Christ instructed them with the Lords supper as well.  Which, can not be done or obeyed by avoiding the meetings.

1 John 1:3

what we have seen and heard
we also declare to you,
so that you may have fellowship along with us;
and indeed our fellowship is with the Father
and with His Son Jesus Christ.

John boldly says that all the things they have seen and heard and declared to the church, so to enable, and for the purpose of, allowing fellowship to take place!

Romans 12:9-18

Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. 10 Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. 13 Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. 16 Be in agreement with one another. Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes. 18 If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.

Paul drops the mic in Romans 12 when he makes it absolutely clear that the community of believers, and local body of Christ is family and focused on each other!   Sharing, serving, rejoicing, weeping, showing honor, and just about everything that makes up a community is what believers are CALLED to BE.   All of which can not be done when sitting at home watching TV sermons. 

Also read Me, Myself, And I and “Doing Me” 


There are actions and events that is meant for the body of Christ alone.  People who do not attend church fail to serve the Lord through the opportunities the Lord gives the church.  They miss out on spiritual fellowship and service.

Acts 14:27

27 After they arrived and gathered the church together, they reported everything God had done with them and that He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. 

Those who chose not to gather with the rest of the church were left out of the loop in regards to God’s Will.

2 Timothy 2:2

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Another statement that those who do not attend church fail to abide by here.  They are uncommitted to any local body and thus are not being taught or grow in fellowship and faith.

Hebrews 13:7

Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith. 

It is impossible to ‘carefully observe’ and ‘imitate’ someone’s faith if ‘church avoiders‘ are not in fellowship with them on a regular basis.  Thus, another request from the Apostles that non church goers won’t benefit from.

Acts 2:44-47

44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. 46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved. 

 The early church met EVERY DAY!  they met in the temple to hear the teaching of scripture and went privately, more like small groups, to houses to do what Jesus commanded them to do; communion.  They were joyful and humble and helped each other!  Their common attitude and meeting together everyday built family like relationships!  They grew in faith and matured together.  All of which, can not be done by avoiding attending modern christian community gatherings.

1 Peter 4:10

10 Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. 

Every believer is given gifts for the sole purpose of building up the church.  The gifts purpose is to be used to serve others!  What a waste of a gift if people never attend church.

1 Corinthians 12:12, 14-27

12 For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body—so also is Christ14 So the body is not one part but many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I’m not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,” in spite of this it still belongs to the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I’m not an eye, I don’t belong to the body,” in spite of this it still belongs to the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But now God has placed each one of the parts in one body just as He wanted. 19 And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? 20 Now there are many parts, yet one body.  21 So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” Or again, the head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 But even more, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 And those parts of the body that we think to be less honorable, we clothe these with greater honor, and our unpresentable parts have a better presentation. 24 But our presentable parts have no need of clothing. Instead, God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the less honorable, 25 so that there would be no division in the body, but that the members would have the same concern for each other. 26 So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.

So how effective is the eye without the brain… or the arms without the heart… If you left to go out to eat and left your stomach at home; how well are you going to eat?  So, how effective are you for the Lord if you are not part of a local community of believers?   How effective are you for the Lord if you are not part of His body?  How do other believers benefit from your testimony, resources, knowledge, and gift if you do not fellowship with them?

Also read An Inconsiderate Faith 


1 Corinthians 11:23-26, 

23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, 24 gave thanks, broke it, and said, “This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same way, after supper He also took the cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant established by My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me. 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

Luke 22:19

19 And He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

If Christians don’t attend a christian community meeting, how are they faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ in sharing with him His communion?  He said “Do this”; are you?


Matthew 28:19-20

19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

This is known as The Great Commission because it is stated for ALL believers.  It is not a suggestion but an expectation; Go, disciple, baptize, and teach.  Are you being faithful to the Lord by following this commission?  It is impossible to follow Jesus in this regard if Christians do not regularly meet with a local Christian community. 

Ephesians 4:12

12 for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, 

Another example of how not attending church makes it impossible to be a faithful servant to the Lord; seeing how a church avoiders‘ can’t train or build up the body of Christ, if they’re not in fellowship with it.

Acts 20:28

28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock that the Holy Spirit has appointed you to as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. 

No one can help guard and protect local believers if they don’t fellowship with the local church.

1 Peter 5:2-4

Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s will; not for the money but eagerly; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 

Some people may think their wise and trained in the bible, but by not being in fellowship with a local Christian community, they fail to be a shepherd and are actually being an example of the wrong sort for the local body of Christ.  This also exposes how ignorant they are in regards to scripture and how selfish they are in regards to The Body of Christ.  Ultimately their issue isn’t with the local church but with the One who is head of the church- Christ Jesus.

Thus, being an individual and not associating or being in fellowship with a local Christian community that meets regularly, is actually being unfaithful to the Lord and failing the Body of Christ.

Also read All Christians Are Missionaries 


What If I don’t Like Any Local Churches?

Get over your self and don’t hypocritically judge.  Recognizing flaws in a local body PROVES that YOU need to serve and help that local body.  Unless the church is teaching and pursuing heresies and things that which God hates; they need your service and gifts.

What If I Don’t Like Their Worship Music Style?

Get over your self and worship God!  There are no modern churches that sing the same songs in the same ways that the earliest church did.  Period.  Classical hymns, modern hymns, contemporary, gospel choir, WHATEVER!  Go, serve, and worship that God that has saved your soul!

But There Are No Local Churches That Have Ministries For My Family/life stage Needs?

Get over your self and start them!  Clearly you have recognized a need and you have the experience and knowledge of that need… sounds like that local church NEEDS YOU.  Children, elderly, women, teens, college students, single adults, married couples groups, whatever, “GO and MAKE and TEACH” just as Jesus has commissioned you to do.

But I Don’t Know Anyone?

Informal communication is the easiest for those who are just not outgoing.  Email people at the local church listed on their website or facebook message them from their facebook page.  Introduce yourself and tell them that you want to get connected! boom.  If you are out going, just show up one Sunday and introduce yourself to a greeter and ask to be introduced to someone who runs the ministry you want to be part of.  OR just bring a close and willing friend; but make sure they encourage you to meet someone there and get connected at that church.

But They Will Harshly Judge Me and Make Me Feel Unwelcome!

You just hypocritically and harshly judged them.  They are sinners just as much as you are!  Remember, Christ Jesus is head of HIS church and will deal with the members of his body as he sees fit.  You are not the judge and jury of what belongs to Him.  If this does happen, you call it out, and report it to elders and deacons of the church just as holy scripture calls us to do.  Christ Jesus is a far better judge than you and I when it comes to sinners.

What If It Is Too Far?

Visit our Church Finder page; I’m sure you can get yourself to a local church, especially if Jesus, the Apostles, their disciples, and the early church could do all their travels in ancient leather flipflops.

But Their Meetings Do Not Fit My Schedule

Search around, Churches meet at different times throughout the week as well.  Go to bed early so you can wake up early. If your current working hours prevent you from being faithful to Christ Jesus and His body, you may want to re-evaluate your life priorities. 


Ever wonder where all these excuses and failed justifications for avoiding church come from?  Its simple.  Our Hearts and our Sinful Nature.  In just about every case it is flat out selfish thinking and self-centeredness.   In reality, in the eyes of Christ, there are no justifications for not being part of his body, especially when he has called you and enables you through the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who cling to these excuses need to truly examine themselves and ask: Do I Truly Love Jesus Christ?  In some cases these people may not really be saved but just wanting to act and feel like they belong to a religion. Are you just trying to be faithful to a religion by watching a person of the same religion preach on TV or do you desire to be faithful to Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior by worshiping him through your service in His Body? 


When you find a church to get involved with; make sure it is a healthy, gospel-centered, Christ-focused Church body. There are a lot of meetings of people that claim to be ‘christian‘ but WHAT they worship and WHAT they teach can expose their man-centered worldly-focused worship.  Please see our Health Church test and Teachings test to be secure in that you are being taught by and involved with those who truly love AND KNOW Jesus Christ as LORD GOD and Savior as revealed in God’s Holy Word.  Confessional churches tend to be more gospel-centered, Christ-focused Churches in that no matter who their current pastor or church leadership is, they have firm understandings of what they hold to be true and are grounded in what has always been taught in the faith.  They do not have to be of a specific denomination and not all of them are.  Be careful of churches that focus on material gains and wealth– those tend to be man-centered worldly-focused in their core.  In the same way, be cautious with the more charismatic churches who can also lean man-centered worldly-focused disguised as ‘spiritual’.  Keep in mind, ‘non-denominations’ are a type of denomination of its self.  Don’t focus on any type of denomination or lack of, but focus on finding a healthy, gospel-centered, Christ-focused church first and foremost.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

The Positional Creed of The Universal Christian Faith

I believe in the human right to worship The One Triune God alone:
Who made male and female equal but unique for his glory:
Who made the human race equal but unique for his glory:
Who made mankind good, not perfect:
Whom sinned and all offspring birthed with a sinful nature:
Who grants the free gift of salvation from sin, only through His Son:
Whom will be judged by holy justice for sin:
I believe in Holy Marriage as originated by God:
Between one male and one female:
Male bodily born male and female bodily born female:
I believe mankind is a person, known by God, before birth:
The unborn child from conception is precious and living:
I believe my body is not my own but for God’s glory alone:
To abstain from all sexual immorality outside of God’s originated marriage:
To remain pure and holy for God’s good work:
I believe in the truth in scripture:
The righteous judgements of saints:
And gracious correction and merciful discipline:
Until The Son’s return and the resurrection of the dead:
Until judgement and reward:
I believe then I will be granted my perfected transcendent body:
Not male nor female, not married nor unmarried:
But unified with Christ in the eternal presence of God almighty: 

23 lines, 209 words.  This ‘Positional’ Creed addresses more common issues in cultures that the church has had to experience throughout history.  From Roman culture, to European and American culture, the church has faced the issues of human rights, religious rights, racism, sexism, sexuality, genders, abortion, and accountability.  A sound Creed founded in scripture and validated through early church history to have your family memorize, research, and meditate on.  Also read and memorize the broad and essential Creed of The Universal Christian Faith.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

The Creed of The Universal Christian Faith

I believe in the One true God, who is in three persons:
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
Who is eternal, holy, and perfect:
Almighty, all knowing, and always present:
Just, merciful, gracious, good, loving, and unchanging:
I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his one and only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary:
Having two natures; fully God eternal, and fully man incarnate:
He lived the sinless life, fulfilled prophecies, and proven with divine miracles:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead:
The faithless to eternal hell, and the saints to the new heaven and new earth:
I believe in the Holy Spirit:
Who convicts mankind of sin and is the counselor and perfect helper of saints:
I believe all mankind is sinful and unable to save themselves:
Those who are chosen by God are unconditionally elected by God the Father:
Their sin atoned for once and for all by the work of the Lamb of God on the cross:
And brought into faith and eternally sustained by The Holy Spirit:
The new life of grace and truth in Christ Jesus:
I am saved by God’s grace through this faith in His Son:
I believe in the holy universal church:
The communion of saints:
The symbol of baptism and remembrance in The Lords Supper:
Submission to the elders and deacons who are of the saints ordained by God:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting.
All revealed in Holy Scripture that which has been made complete:
Declared by The Holy Spirit through the Prophets and Apostles:
Which is God’s Holy Word, sufficient for Salvation and sole Authority of the faith:
All for God’s Glory, in all, and through all:
All for His Will to be done for all time, Amen.

36 lines, 358 words. Combining key statements from the disciples of the Apostles, their disciples, The Apostles Creed, The Athanasian Creed, The Chalcedonian Creed, and main doctrines from the Three Forms of Unity; which came down from the Apostles of The Lord as recorded in Holy Scripture.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

Being A Confessional Church

What does it mean to be a confessional church and why is it important?  In this day and age most people do not even know what being a confessional church is, in any shape or form.  This article will address a very important issue in the Body of Christ that most Christian leaders have neglected for generations.  We will review what ‘confessional’ is referring to, why it is important, discuss statements of faith, and clear up common misconceptions about historic Creeds and Confessions.

What is a Confessional Church?

Being a confessional church is actually pretty simple.  It is simply what the church believes to be true that which has been handed down from the Apostles.  Then you might ask, ‘but we have the bible, we don’t need anything else’.  That sounds good but if that was true, than we would not have Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, and other splinter chrstianish -‘isms’ that have branched off from the Christian faith- all of whom use ‘the bible’ as their source.  Confessions keep the church unified in its understanding of what the Apostles taught in scripture.  It solidifies true and sound doctrines but also guides the future generations into these same doctrines.  Confessions also helps the church resist and expose false doctrines before they corrupt the church as a whole.  Not only does it resist false teachings but also maintains the supreme value and authority of the truth in holy scripture.  Also read What is ‘Doctrine’ and does it matter?

What is “confessional” referring to?

Throughout Church history, there have been a number of times where the church body from around the world have come together to discuss exactly what scripture is saying and what it means specifically.  The Council of Jerusalem in 50AD was called and the Apostles attended where the debate of circumcision was addressed.  Thus, formulating a fundamental, universal, unifying truth, for the body of Christ.  Then in 325AD The Council of Nicaea met to address the three persons of the one God and addressed, what is now called, the Trinity.  The Nicaea council, together, unified, then authored a ‘creed’ describing the fundamental, universal, unifying truth, for the body of Christ.  These two councils set the church apart from heretical unchristian teachings and more clearly made known what the Apostles taught.  “Confessional Churches” refers to churches that agree with and adhere to the ‘creeds’ and ‘confessions’ declared that define exactly what they believe the Bible teaches.

What makes confessions important?

The Apostles had Jesus’ example.  The Disciples of the Apostles had the Apostles examples through the Holy Spirit.  The Disciples of the Disciples of the Apostles had all the explanations, elaborations, from the first hand eye witness accounts.   The 4th and 5th generation Church only had the divinely inspired writings from the Apostles and the writings from the disciples of the apostles who elaborated what the Apostles taught them.  As time went on, some people from with in the church started teaching their own version of what the apostles meant.  False teachings sprang up everywhere.  The councils came together and detailed exactly what the Apostles meant in a confession to keep the true church on track in sound doctrine.  The same is true for the church now.  “No creed, but the bible” is an ignorant phrase that opens the door for misinterpretations of the bible, thus leading to believing false doctrines about the bible. Also read Why The Disciples of The Apostles Matter Today

Its Bigger Than Just You

Confessions link you to all the brothers and sisters of the past.  It links your church community the all the previous churches throughout history.  It is a continuation all the way to the 70 apostles themselves.  It is you and your modern church community contending for the faith that was once delivered form the saints (Jude 3).  It is you and your modern church community following the pattern of sound words given by the Apostles (1 Tim 1:13-14).  It is you and your modern church community being rooted and established in the true faith that was taught by the Apostles (Col 2:6-7).  So that It is you and your modern church community will always remember what was taught from the very beginning from the Apostles themselves (1 John 1:1).  When a church wants to do its own thing, teach is own thing, in its own way, they fail to remember the church is not theirs but Christ’s and the corruption of the human heart has already began leading them away.  Confessions continually remind the church as a whole where it came from what was passed down to them.

What are the core Christian confessions?

  1. The Council of Jerusalem in 50AD denounced legalism and established Apostolic authority in Acts 15:7-29.  
  2. The Council of Nicaea drafted the Nicene Creed in 325AD which simplistically summarizes exactly what Christianity believes as a whole (The Nicaea Creed ).  
  3. First Council of Constantinople in 381AD affirmed the Nicaea Creed and Athanasian Creed  to further detail Christianity and distinguish itself from common false teachings of that time. 
  4. The Council of Chalcedon in 451AD explained Jesus’ two natures of being fully God and fully man (The Chalcedonian Creed).
  5. The Belgic Confession, written in 1567AD to clarify what Christianity is in relation to the Arminius heresy.  It consists of 37 articles which deal with the doctrines of God (1-2, 8-13), Scripture (3-7), humanity (14), sin (15), Christ (18-21), salvation (16-17, 22-26), the Church (27-36), and the end times (37).  It is known as One of the Three Forms of Unity. (Read it here)
  6. The Heidelberg Catechism written in 1563AD is the Second of Three Forms of Unity.  It is a teaching tool which also addressed false teachings in the Roman Catholic church.  It consists of 129 questions and answers with proof Bible references that span over all major areas of Christian teachings. (read it here)
  7. The Canons of The Synod of Dort, completed in 1619AD is known as the Third of Three Forms of Unity.  It settled the heresy of Arminianism and unite the international Protestant church.  It affirmed The Heidelberg Catechism and The Belgic Confession.  The Canons incorporate them and address false teachings of Roman Catholicism and Arminianism. (read it here

“Non-denominational”, Non-confessional churches

With the rise of non-confessional churches, we have also seen a rise of false teachings developed in our modern time.  The Word of Faith movement and the Prosperity Gospel teaching churches are all non-confessional.  They teach things that were not taught by the Apostles and attempt to use the Bible to justify their teachings;  the exact reason and need for churches to affirm the past confessions.

Now not all non-denominational churches are teaching corrupted doctrines.  Some are not affiliated with any one denomination but are confessional affirming. But when a church rejects being confessional the heart of the church leadership comes into question.  Are they scared to ‘scare’ people away from their church or offend anyone?  Church, is for believers.  That is a time and place where believers come together to worship God.  Is the church leadership attempting to appease man instead of God to fill seats and get more donations?  All these questions come up when a churches leadership reject affirming historical confessions of what exactly the Apostles taught.  If a church is unwilling to make it publicly known what they believe, do they even teach what the Apostles taught openly and publicly leading to their martyrdom?  What is the source for their hesitation, fear of the opinions of man?  To be fair, some churches just keep it simple, and generate “Statements of Faith”.

Statements of Faith

Another thing more modern churches are doing is crafting their own “Confession” or making a public ‘statement of faith’.  They will have it posted on their websites or give out booklets at their churches.  Scanning through the statements of faith you can see some times the church actually affirms a traditional confession (but too ashamed to openly admit it some times).  When they state they believe in the Trinity or Jesus having two unique but separate natures, fully God and Fully man; they are affirming what was detailed at The Council of Nicaea and The Council of Chalcedon.  If they state they believe that we are saved by Grace through Faith, they are affirming parts of the Canons of Dort and the Three Forms of Unity.  The unnecessary thing of it all, is churches don’t need to continually write their own Statement of Faith if all they are doing is rewriting what has already been written in previous historic universal confessions.  Christ4All.com makes a statement of faith with proof verses and ties in a supporting universal Christian confessions and church father; as multiple verified statements supporting the truth from Apostolic teachings.  The Bible makes absolute statements of truth, traditional confessions and church father support help make sure the biblical statements of truth are correctly understood the way they were meant to be.

The Apostles Creed

This is the most simple and famous of Creeds for the Christian Faith.  It contains the fundamental teachings from the Apostles. Irenaeus wrote what is known as the ‘rule of faith’ around 180AD after false teachings were springing up distorting what the late Apostles taught (read it here).  It continually developed as Christianity became more uniform and set apart from all the centuries of false teachings.  As the Arian Heresy grew, it developed closer to the form we have today. 

1. I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
2. And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:
5. The third day he rose again from the dead:
6. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
7. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
8. I believe in the Holy Ghost:
9. I believe in the holy catholic [universal] church: the communion of saints:
10. The forgiveness of sins:
1l. The resurrection of the body:
12. And the life everlasting. Amen.

Set The Record Straight 

First of all, these Creeds and Confessions are NOT equal to scripture.  Second, they are NOT divinely inspired by God directly.  They are NOT a dos and do not list and is NOT legalistic.  They are NOT meant to be divisive!  These are all misconceptions put forth by those in the church who want to teach things that the Apostles did not teach. 

These Creeds and Confessions DO aid the universal church to ‘rightly divide‘ (2 Tim 2:15) what was taught at the beginning.  They DO help the universal church stay in the unified pattern of sound doctrine that which was taught by the Apostles (1 Tim 1:13-14).  By knowing what the Apostles meant in their writings, the church can contend for the faith (Jude 3).  We can hold fast to what has been taught and expose what is false (Titus 1:9).  Truth brings people in to the church because Jesus Christ is truth.  Thus, by knowing and maintaining what is true that which was taught by the Holy Spirit through the Apostles; the creeds and confessions lead to unity and community edification.

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The Season of Advent

 Following the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles that remind us of things still to come; Advent reminds us to prepare our hearts to remember who already came and who will come again.  The weeks of the four Sundays before Christmas is known as Advent.  It is an extra-biblical season and by no means is required for Christians to celebrate but is up to the conscience of each person (Romans 14:5–6).  This article will get into the history behind Advent and its meaning.

Advent means arrival.  Thus, there are two advents to remember and celebrate.  Jesus’ first advent, and his coming second advent. But when this remembrance started is unclear.  The Apostles do not mention it in scripture nor do the disciples of the Apostles.  A call for fasting and prayer leading up to Christ was seen around 480AD and in 567AD The Council of Tours required all monks to fast and pray during the month of December leading up to Christmas.  Each culture has had its own traditions incorporated into the Advent remembrance celebrations but a common tradition is lighting a white candle each Sunday until Christmas. 

The core meaning of Advent is twofold.  First is to humble ourselves and joyfully celebrate the birth of the Son of God in the flesh.  The second is to serve the Son of God until he returns in the hope of eternal life with him.  Advent is a season for selfless service and joyful hope.  It is a season to call all believers to evaluate their hearts and worship God through humble service and joyous giving.  Fasting and Prayer helps believers focus on the significance of the Son of God’s advents. First advent as the suffering humble servant and redeemer, the second as eternal King.
Also read PRAYER  |  Repentance  |  Fasting

The Old Testament depicts two separate advents (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7; Zechariah 14:4).  It is clear the first advent has taken place through the person of Jesus Christ.  The second advent will have a different purpose and tone ( Zechariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7).  The Angels of heaven
revealed this (
Acts 1:11) and Jesus himself stated it (Matthew 24:30).  For believers, it will be a glorious event and something to earnestly look forward to (Titus 2:13); hence the reason for establishing the Advent season.  Not as a mandatory religious legalistic act that has not merit, but as a simple reminder of the blessed hope that is to come.  The Fall Jewish feasts commemorate what is still to come while the Christian season of Advent commemorates who has come already and is coming again. 

Also read The Glorious and Blessed Hope  |  The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus  |  The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

Social Justice and The Church

The most recent political upheaval and social climate has revealed issues within society and in the church.  Some are condemning the church for not taking a visible stand against perceived social injustices and others are condemning the church for not being more clear on incompatible social norms to Christian living. Abortion, Gay Rights, Racism, and Sexism are the four primary social injustices declared in society of which the church is either being condemned for lack of compassion or being too worldly; but both can not be true at the same time.  So what is it? Where SHOULD the invisible true body of Christ stand and declare in regards to these four social issues? 


All over the news we see ministers openly supporting abortion while at the same time other ministers openly condemning abortion.  This has brought confusion to the world.  To correctly know where the church SHOULD stand we must set aside human feeling and emotion and look toward God.  What has God made known about the value of human life and when it is declared life.  The explicit verse is Jeremiah 1:5 where he explicitly states:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Here we see the value of a person, before birth.  And before birth we see the life of someone is declared.   Thus, pre-born people are known beings with a purpose. 

From the perspective of someone lead by the Holy Spirit in writing scripture we see that a person is a person before birth (Psalm 139:13-16).  Also in Exodus 21:22-25 we see killing a unborn baby is given the same valued penalty as murder.  

We can come to two clear and explicit conclusions from God’s perspective:

  • A fetus is a person, a life.
  • A fetus is equally valuable to a post-birth person in purpose and consequence.

Therefore: a fetus/unborn life is a living growing person with equal value and purposes.  This is the stance anyone who claims to know God must share if they truly know and understand God and his will.

For ministers, pastors, and anyone claiming to follow Christ to encourage, support, and aid in abortion is to act in contrary to God and what he declares in scripture.  To condemn and vilify those who stand against abortion is wrong!  God condemns abortion and it goes against his most greatest principle of The Life Giver! 

The Church needs to reach out to those who are confused on the matter in a loving and kind manner.  Instead of focusing on the self-seeking hardships that may result from giving birth; HOPE,  RESTORATION, and GODLY POTENTIAL need to be proclaimed over the life of the mother and the pre-born person!  This is where the church needs to take the open and public stand on this issue.

True Social Justice:  To seek TRUE justice in this matter is to actively seek to SAVE LIVES and PROTECT those who can not protect themselves- such as the unborn person.  While simultaneously offering HOPE and RESTORATION to whose who have had abortions or who are considering it.

Also read Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth  |  Me, Myself, And I and “Doing Me”  |  Abortion and God’s Gift


This message has been just as confused by the church.  Some are all for gay rights and others are against it.  Some ministers are openly Gay and others see it as an unwanted struggle.  Again, we must set aside flawed human emotion and corrupted desires and see it from God’s perspective.  

We must first understand that the human heart is sinful and that all people are sinners by nature.  Sin leads people to manifest this in their lives.  One of the manifestations of the sinful heart is same-sex attraction.  How do we know this? Because God explicitly declares this: (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9).  This NOT to say people who are gay are worse than others.  That is NOT true.  Everyone is sinful.  The difference is those who declare Christ as their Lord and Savior understand that their sin is sin and is a unwanted struggle that Christ payed for on the cross.  

 This is where the age old guilt tripping and condemning from the world hits hard.  Just look at the comments from the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:9 ““Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” That is the age old ‘don’t judge me‘ card used to force a guilted acceptance.  Lot stated it is wicked but he is not the one who declared it as such; God did.  He is just in agreement with what God has declared.  

There is a correct perception on this issue though.  The church has NOT done a good job at being kind and gracious in this issue.  Aside from the confusion from other people in the church; it has not graciously reached out to build positive relations and dialog with people of the LGBT community.  BUT this does not make the truth at the heart of the matter any less true.

Related to this issue is Same-sex Marriage.  Again, the world and its courts and laws do not define Godly truths.  A holy and pure marriage is not determined by worldly laws or supreme courts.  Thus fighting for the right to marry and to evolve a countries laws and definitions does not make it true justice or a righteous justice.  When that which is sought is contrary to what God has made known, it is not true social justice but worldly appeasement.  

Also read The Original Pure and Holy Marriage  |  SCOTUS and God

True Social Justice: The church needs to actively reach out to the LGBT community, participate in positive dialogs, and show the grace and kindness of God even if the LGBT community does not see the need for God’s Grace in this aspect of life.  The discussions need to be Gospel centered in the person and work of Christ and WHY Jesus had to do what he did on the cross.  The church should NOT condemn them and explain why EVERYONE is condemned without true faith in Christ’s work.  That there is HOPE, PEACE, and the truest sense of IDENTITY found only in Christ.

Also read Don’t Judge Me  |  Freedom for The Law and Sexuality  |  The “Jesus didn’t say it” Reasoning  |  Born This Way  |  Follow Your Heart?  |  How “Love is Love” is Unloving.


Historically the church has not been consistent in this issue and has been confusing the world on this issue as well.  Some notable ministers and pastors have been racists.  That’s just a fact.  Racism exists. But history and human nature does not define what God has declared.  Human nature can not be the measuring stick of truth and goodness.   Some in the church have bought into the worldly definitions and manipulative messages to distort biblical truths.  We will break down this issue in the way God declares it:

There is only 1 race: The Human Race which all came from Adam and Eve.  There are different ethnicities with unique social, cultural, physical, and location identifiers.  But ALL people are equal in value and purpose (Genesis 1:26-27) and ALL people are loved by God (John 3:16).  ALL people are equal before God and he does NOT show favoritism over one ethnic group over another (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9).  

Favoritism for one ethnic group over others is ungodly.  This not only applies to those who identity as ‘white’ in favoring other ‘white’ people, but ALSO applies to anyone who favors ‘black’ people over ‘white’ people.   Favoritism is favoritism no matter who is pushing it.  WHEN this happens, because it will and does; it is the church that needs to speak up and speak out against it.

True Social Justice:  The church needs to stand with those who are oppressed and expose any and all sorts of favoritism within its self and in the world.  It needs to actively seek UNITY and PEACE for ALL ethnic groups.  It needs to proclaim the VALUE of all people.  It needs to openly REBUKE and REMOVE from its own ranks people who are unrepentant in their favoritism for one ethnic group over another.  

Also read Racism and God  |  The Beauty of Accountability


Sexism has historically plagued the church.  Similarly to racism, the same truths apply.  All people are equal in value and are all loved by God.  The one difference that God has declared are the responsibilities he rests on the sexes.  The unique responsibilities do NOT reduce their value!  That is a worldly misconception.  But in God’s supreme will some times the uses a different sex to fulfill the responsibilities that the other sex failed to do.  When a father leaves his family, the mother has to fill both roles.  But, God will still hold the father accountable for his failure.  The same is true for when a mother negates her responsibilities for what ever reason; she will be held accountable.

True Social Justice:  The church needs to stand with those who are oppressed and expose any and all sorts of favoritism within its self and in the world.  It needs to actively seek UNITY and PEACE for ALL sexes.  It needs to proclaim the VALUE of all people.  It needs to openly REBUKE and REMOVE from its own ranks people who are unrepentant creating obstacles for a certain sex to fulfill their ordained responsibilities.  It needs to EMPOWER and SUPPORT each sex to fulfill their responsibilities.


The world WILL hate Jesus and those who follow him.  Jesus makes this explicitly clear.  The world will evolve and invent its own social norms that may stand in contrary to what God has declared.  Each of these four issues have in fact evolved to includ issues that are contrary to God.  Abortion has included the idea of Woman’s Sovereign rights over her body.  This flies in the face of what is declared in 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”  Seeking social justice in this area is NOT true social justice but a defiance and rebellion against God.  Gay rights is another issue that is founded on worldly principles that are contrary to God.  The fight for this is to lead people into a greater dependence on selfishness and infects the core of ones identity.  Seeking social justice for this may sound good to the world but actually leads people to deeper self idolatry.  Showing favoritism in racial issues can lead to false sense of social justice; where a ethnic group is so heavily favored it leads to neglecting others ethnic groups and disunity.  This is also true for Sexism.  

The church WILL be condemned for not standing up for UNTRUE social issues.  The church will be hated and those who disagree will be labeled and vilified in society.  The Church needs to be constantly reminded that it is not seeking the world’s favor but God’s Glory.   When the church properly addresses TRUE social issues and seeks TRUE social justice as God sees fit, he will be Glorified, even if the church is hated by the world.  The climate of the culture does NOT justify the rightness of the church.  God does, by how well the church seeks his commandments and truth.   

Also read Test, Discern, and Righteous Judgement  |  The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone  |  What is ‘Doctrine’ and does it matter?  |  The Amazing Grace of God  |  “The World” According To God

Some will argue this is why the church is shrinking and people are leaving the church.  This is untrue.  People who leave the body of Christ and never return were never actually part of it to begin with.  There is the viable church but there is the invisible church.  Those who have been called by God, chosen, and sealed with God for all eternity.  This is not seen by man.

Also read Is The Church Shrinking?  |  Radicalized Christians?  |  The Church and Politics  |  Who would Jesus vote for?  |  God and The Government  |  The Joy of TRUTH

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

God’s Judgement on Nations through its Leaders

God is in absolute control in propping up and/or allowing Leaders of nations to rise and fall.   These leaders either lead to the nations dependence on God or lead the nation to not depend on God.  This article will look at God’s judgement on a nation through its leaders.

Recognizing The Direction

First thing God makes clear in scripture when it comes to allowing certain kinds of leaders to rise is when God hands people over to their sinful desires (Romans 1:24; 11:7-8).  His judgement over a nation can fall on any and all nations as his will determines (Ezekiel 5:15; Isaiah 34:5).  This is not referring to the final judgement, but a kind of reproach that leads those who are called to turn to the Lord in the face of their nation’s judgement (John 5:24).  For Christians who have fallen into being like the world, their judgement is disciplinary but for people in the nation, it is to their destruction (1 Corinthians 11:30, 32; Acts 12:23).

Wicked Direction and its Breaking Point

God is the ruler over all nations (Psalms 22:28);  when a nation seeks for its self its own gods that reflect their own desires; God grants them their wish.  God tolerates sin in his grace and kindness up to an absolute point (Genesis 15:16) that when He alone deems necessary to judge (Genesis 15:14).  It is this ‘breaking point’ that absolutely justifies God’s perfect justice and righteous judgement (Deuteronomy 9:4).  Arrogant hearts (Isaiah 2:11; 3:15; 13:11), idolatry (of self, possessions, status, or ideals) (Jeremiah 16:18; Ezekiel 23:20), bribery (Isaiah 1:23), extortion (Ezekiel 22:12), and the oppression of the poor (Isaiah 10:2; Malachi 3:4).

The Four Combined Cultural Sins that Justify God’s Judgement

Scary similarities in the reasoning for God judging nations in Leviticus 18:20–25.  Keep in mind verse 24, “the nations, which I am driving out before you, have become unclean, and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants” Now look at what made them become unclean: Adultery (v20), Child sacrifice/abortion (v21), Homosexual intercourse (v22), and beastiality (v23).  Now when considering the modern world, we see that 3 of 4 are acceptable, legal, and practiced.  The fourth one, beastiality, is sure to follow as the other 3 are made acceptable cultural norms.

The Fourth: Zoosexualism

The same societal reaction to beastiality currently, is the same reaction society had about homosexuality 60 years ago.  As culture continually developed we see a society that is making their domesticated pets more humanistic.  The ideology of “love is love” attempts to justify a persons romantic interest to whom ever they choose.  Under that justification, who is to say if someone wants to marry an animal and both creatures ‘seem’ in love; it would be hypocritically judgemental to say they can’t and deny them of that right. After all, love is love right?  In 2004, the term ‘zoosexual’ was penned.  Zoosexuality, where someone feels that they identify as a sexual orientation.  The Kinsey reports rated the percentage of people who had sexual interaction with animals at some point in their lives as 8% for men and 3.6% for women.  There are many psychiatric researches that show a small prevalence of zoosexual acts.  In the DSM-5, zoophilia rises to the level of a diagnosable disorder only when accompanied by distress or interference with normal functioning.  Keeping in mind, homosexuality was also a diagnosable disorder at one point in time as well.  Beetz (2002) stated “The phenomenon of sexual contact with animals is starting to lose its taboo“[1]  In 2005 a farm in Washington was nicknamed an “animal brothel” where people came to pay to have sexual acts with animals.  Currently, in other parts of the civilized world zoophilic materials have become a substantial industry.  Peter Singer, a Utilitarian philosopher and animal liberation author, argues that bestiality is not unethical so long as it involves no harm or cruelty to the animal.  Is this just the tip of the ice berg for Zoosexuality Rights in the next 60 years?

It is important to note that all these indicators for the fall of the nations God describes to Moses were all sexual in nature.  Of the sins stated in scriptures that lead people to eternity apart from God, sexual sins are always listed.

Proud Direction or Shameful Direction

It is one thing to be ashamed of sin and to understand it as a unwanted desire and struggle; it is another to be proud of it and flaunt it.  Nations were judged as they were flaunting their sins.  It took 400 years before God to bring his judgement down on the nations for their sins.  They did not start that way but gradually over the generations continued in the development of their sin until it had reached its full measure.  Now, looking forward to modern society with the four Godly justifications for judgement in mind; no-fault divorce was first passed in 1969 allowing married couples to just divorce and remarry whom ever. Also in 1969 a raid on a gay night club which turned into a open protest sparked the gay rights movement, then in 1973 abortion was legalized officially.  All within the same generation. Why did God’s judgement not come down on America?  Zoophilia has not reached is full measure.  A lot of people will laugh and say zoosexualism will never become a norm or acceptable but that ignorant comment was stated about many other now current cultural norms generations ago.

What does all this have to do with a nations leaders?

I [God] gave you [the nation of Israel] a king in My anger” – Hosea 13:11
God will give a nation a leader for his will to be done.  If his will is judgement; a leader who has risen may very well reflect that.  When considering the reasons for God’s judgement on the nation in Leviticus 18:20–25 it should not come as a surprise when a leader who reinforces and grows the sins of the nation is put into power as he hands people over to their sins.  

And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them” – Isaiah 3:4
God raises and allows to rise the type of leader that he sees fit according to his will.  These ‘lads’ and ‘capricious children’ are influenced by the nations morality.  They grow up in the nations sins and can be put in power to continue to expand the nations sins.  Then children after them, the same, until the sins of the nation reaches its full measure when God in is supreme justice brings complete judgement on the nation.

Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger, And the staff in whose hands is My indignation” Isaiah 10:5
 God will also use outside nations, who are even wicked in themselves, as tools for his judgement on other nations.  

Democracies may vote, but God is in full control of who will lead a nation into his judgement or even his redemption.  But when nations are historically moving in a less Godly direction and following the sins of previous nations in history that have been judged with leaders who rise up and carry on those same immoral cultural desires, it is only matter of time.  
2 Chronicles 7:14
and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Here God was speaking to Israel but the Church is his people too. Nations always need redemption from their sin!  Culture needs relief from the slavery of their sin. Marriages need to be strengthened and not encouraged and empowered to fail.  Abortion needs to end and not be acceptable and supported.  Human sexuality needs to be sanctified and encouraged to be pure and holy in the way God calls for it to be; not the way man wants or desires it to be.  These four elements of a nation influence the generations and build up its leaders.  Then, and only then, will nations have leaders that will not lead to a nations destruction but a revival for God’s Glory.

Note: This article was published before the election and does not support any one candidate. No matter who is elected leader, God is sovereign and perfectly just in his will and judgments.

1.  Anthony L. Podberscek; Andrea M. Beetz (September 1, 2005). Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals. Berg. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-85785-222-9. Retrieved 13 May 2012.

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Is The Church Shrinking?

As we see an increase in the ‘non religious’ or ‘unaffiliated’ religious preferences grow in government censuses and religious surveys and the numbers of self identified ‘christians’ get small each year, we tend to think the Church is shrinking.  Even most denominations and nondenominational churches show a slow but steady decline of church membership.  Does all this indicate the Body of Christ, the people group set aside by God himself as first fruits for his Son and The Bride of Christ; shrinking?

To come to truly know the answer we must first understand something about the Church.  There are those who claim to be Christian, and there are those who are Christian. There are those who visibly and outwardly try and do ‘good’ because they claim to be Christian and then there are those who are invisibly saved who outwardly strive to do ‘good’ because they are Christian.  The visible and invisible church.

The Visible Church

The Visible Church consists of every person who claims to follow Christ and tries to do good.  Attending church, volunteering, reading the bible, singing worship songs, even agree to essential elements of the Christian faith.  This includes those who are NOT actually saved.  ANYONE can attend church, volunteer, read the bible, sing worship songs, and agree with essential Christian teachings.  Demons believe in essential Christian teachings and atheists do volunteer work and read religious texts; they may even like the sound of some worship songs.  They may be agnostic, or even do all these things because they actually worship themselves.  There are goats, sheep, and wolves in sheep’s clothing all mixed in with the visible claim of ‘Christian’.

Some in the visible church try to use outward works to change their inward problem.  That is religion and not salvation.

The Invisible Church

The Invisible church only consists of those who God has actually set apart.  Those who are actually born again, spiritually alive, and written in the book of life.  These people are indwelt with the Holy Spirit and produce fruit of the Spirit.  Their absolute heart change is manifested in a visible way.  But only they know for sure, and God knows them for sure.  It is invisible to everyone else; except through the fruit their spirit produces. They have saving faith in the Gospel message.

These people have been changed by God inwardly and it compels them to outwardly worship God.

Who is leaving the church?

Those who are internally transformed and made born again; are transformed for all eternity.  Even though they may backslide, they will always be drawn back to repentance and restored.  In other words, the Invisible Church will never lose numbers.  Those who are truly saved in the visible church, may leave temporarily but again, because they are truly saved, they will be drawn back and restored.  That leaves those who, in the visible church, who leave, and never come back; were never actually part of the true Church of God to begin with.  These Carnal Christians eventually lose interest with the Christian Faith and move on to another different life styles and ideologies.  Those are the ones who are leaving the church.

America VS World Wide

Let us not forget America does not represent the whole world.  The church may seem to be shrinking in America, but in China, India, Brazil and other parts of the world it is growing exponentially.  There are probably more true Christians in China than in America.  The True Church is alive and well.

Is “Shrinking” a Bad Thing?

Is it a bad thing it is shrinking in America? No.  The Holy Spirit is essentially weeding out those who are not actually saved.  The Parable of The Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) is awesome with this issue.  Notice that even the servants recognized the Weeds in the Wheat.  Being able to recognize the Weeds from the Wheat is rather simple as well:  Matthew 7:13-29 hits this dead on. The “shrinking” helps expose their fruit.  “every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit”.   The shrinking of the American church will help expose those who are not actually part of The Body of Christ so that they can be reached in love and hope of repentance.  Shrinking is just revealing what was already true; those who were never born again and regenerated in the first place.

Why Are People Leaving?

Its simple. Either their idol is their self or their faith was in sinful people.  Regardless, their faith was not in Christ and the Gospel Message.  They would claim to be ‘christian’ so that they felt justified in their sins or they claimed to be Christian so they would feel like they fit in or belong somewhere; without believing in Jesus Christ.  For all these reasons, people lose faith in the church because it is made up of sinners.  Or if they use the church to justify themselves they will get bored or offended and move to something else they feel will justify their lifestyle and sins.  They ultimately leave because they were never regenerated and born again in the first place.  They tried and maintained the ‘christian’ lifestyle but for one reason or another felt like moving on.


Apostasy means to fall away from the truth.  The truth is the Christian Faith.  “Without Faith It is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).  Faith is the absolute trust in the Gospel Message.  In John 14:6 Jesus clearly states “I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father except through me“. THEREFORE:  The Christian Faith is the only true faith for salvation and rightness with God by God and through God.  Leaving Christianity for another religion (or unaffiliation or no religious preference or atheism) is committing apostasy.  Apostasy is a fruit produced when there is no faith in Christ.  But it is not just leaving the church, Apostasy is falling away from the truth.  A church that teaches a different gospel, commits apostasy.  Galatians 1:8 states “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!”  It doesn’t matter WHO preaches a different gospel, if it is different than the one proclaimed in scripture, it is apostasy.

Why Do People Stay?

Those who remain in the church understand the church is made up of sinners.  They understand that the church is imperfect.  They also believe in Christ as the only way to God and relief from their sin.  They know God and God has called them.  They have an unwavering hope in Christ and his promise of perfect salvation and eternity with God.  They know the Gospel Message is true and believe it in absolute faith.  That even though they do not like how the church may act throughout history, they know that it is Christ’s and he is in control.


The Invisible church is made up of all those who are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Visible church is made up of everyone and anyone who claims to be ‘christian’.  As worldly or selfish pleasures mount, the visible church will lose some ‘members’  but that does not mean the true church lost anyone.  As people drop out of going to church and lose their religion, those who are chosen by God may still increase.  Declining church membership can be a good thing; it helps expose those who need to believe in the gospel and helps true believers see their actual brothers in sisters in Christ.

Apostasy WILL grow.  More and more people will reject their once claim of faith in Jesus.  Scripture already warns us of this which is why a shrinking church should not come as a surprise.

We should also not worry because Christ is still head of the church and is God.  The church is moving exactly how God wills it to.  People are coming as God calls them and leave as God allows them.  God is sovereign over the church’s condition.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

A Godly Couple

A Godly couple reflects the nature of God and relationship with God between himself and mankind and between Christ and the Church.  Only through His original design of holy relationships we see how the power of God is felt and seen.  The relationship itself can be seen as powerful in its unity and purity for the rest of the world to see and come to know.  What does a Godly Couple look like?  What do they do different from the rest of the fallen world?

The Absolute primary focal point is God himself.  Individually, the persons in the relationship focus on God’s glory and His will.   They pray alone with God, study his word and mediate on it, and make decisions in their life with God’s Glory in mind.  As they remain in Christ, they encourage each other’s individual focus on God.  They exhibit the Characteristics of God through each other for each other.  They love selflessly, show grace, mercy, and are forgiving just as they are forgiven.  They are kind, and seek the good for the other.  They hold each other accountable and correct one another in love.  On a basic level, that is a Godly Couple, but what do they do specifically?

Also read Finding God’s Will

There are 5 elements to a Godly Couple:  Prayer, Serve, Witness, Learn, and Focus.

Prayer Together

Prayer together is fundamental. It brings them together before God as a unified couple.  Most couples do not and have a laundry list of excuses.  These excuses must be addressed and disposed of for the relationship to flourish in a spiritual way.  Most common excuses are: Schedule conflict, Intimidation, Expectations, and the reality of other Spiritual Resistance.  To address and do away with all these excuses the couple need to agree to a time and plan for just that.  They need to come up with a prayer list of things they agree to pray on, keep it short and sweet, and then make it happen.  They need to go to God individually and ask for the strength to over come intimidation of unrealistic expectations.

Pray together at the end of the day, before a meal, over the phone.  There are zero excuses to not pray together before God.  A Godly Couple will make prayer a priority in their relationship.

Also read PRAYER  |  Fasting

Serve Together

Couple’s have the advantage of a combined resources for helping others.  They can support and encourage each others interactions and serving efforts on the spot. They are by default a team.  They can also complement each other in the serving.  Where one is less skilled, the other may be more skilled.  Thus, through the relationship, can have a greater impact and influence in the service.

It is important to serve the community because God call us to.  In the service, we are actually serving God.  Godly Couples should be involved in local church service projects and ministries or be involved in a parachurch ministry or volunteer organization that is addressing a need in the community;  so that opportunities arise to proclaim the Gospel message.

Also read Christians that are ‘too christian’  |  All Christians Are Missionaries

Witness Together

In their embolden faith through praying together and as they are involved in the local community through serving they will be called to give testimony of the hope that is in them.  Why do the love each other so well, and why do they love the local community so much?  The reason ‘why’ is the Gospel Message open door.  They have their individual testimonies of where they came from and how God lead them to faith but their current relationship reflects the life changing power and joy that comes from remaining in the presence of God; together.  ‘Piggy backing’ off each other in a gospel presentation shows the uniqueness and unifying power of The Gospel.

Also read The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone  |  Your Personal Ministry and Missions

Learn Together

Not just outside in the community but also inside the relationship there needs to be a constant study of what God has declared in his holy word.  Conducting a regular bible study together and challenge each other to know God and his truths in a deeper way also brings the relationship closer and stronger.  The couple learn and see God’s hand and characteristics in each other.  This in return strengthens faith, the relationship, and empowers the couple to be more equipped for serving God and bringing him Glory through each other and in the community.

Also read Personal Bible Study: Method  |  Scripture Alone

Keep Each other Focused

But like in all relationships, humans are sinners.  There is no perfection until we are called home to be with the Lord in heaven; where our perfection awaits.  Because Godly Couples know, understand, and trust in God’s Love, Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness, they can more effectively and willingly exhibit these characteristics on each other.  Even when they sin against each other; they can forgive, and show grace and mercy.  This in turn compels the sinner to repent and be fully restored by The Holy Spirit.  The victim in the relationship can also heal from the hurt when they fully trust in The Holy Spirit for healing.  Again, God’s Will and Glory is kept in focus even when times are hard and human nature becomes exposed.

Also read A Godly Husband |  The Godly Wife  |  How To Fight Your Sin  |  The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus  |  The Beauty of Accountability


What all these essential elements of a Godly Couple have is the absolute focus on God’s Glory and His Will in the relationship, through the relationship, and for the relationship.  At its core, the relationship is a tool for God to shine His light through.  The couple does not focus on themselves or each other but on God.  And in their focus on God, they do what is absolutely best and holy for each other and themselves.  That is Godly Coup and Relationship because it reflects the very natures God Himself in a tangible way.

Also read The Original Pure and Holy Marriage |  The Self and The Center of Everything

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

2016 Ligonier Lifeway Research Study

In 2014 and 2016 Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research conducted a study that surveyed participates nation wide of their theological beliefs.  The participates ranged from Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, ‘mainline christian’, and ‘other’ in the christian faith.  Age, gender, ethnicity, region, education, marital status, income and church attendance data was also collected.  The questions asked are huge and fundamental to the identity of the Christian Faith.  The questions analyzed the participants understanding of who God is, who they are before God, how they view the Bible and sin.  The results are stunning.  So shocking in fact, Gospel4all.com feels it is critical to address these topics in a more clear fashion.  We will look at those who attend church one or more times a month and how they understand the questions asked.  We will also focus on the 18-34 year old age group.  The results are eye opening on what the Church body in 2016 believes.

1.  “God is a perfect being and cannot make a mistake” 

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 4% disagree, 11% somewhat disagree, 2% are not sure.  17% of young adults who attend church do not believe God is perfect.  That’s almost 1 in 5 church attending Christians think God makes mistakes.  This hits at the heart of God’s Holiness.

4.  “God is the author of Scripture”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 7% disagree, 9% somewhat disagree, 4% are not sure.  20% of young adults who attend church do not trust that God is the author of Scripture. That’s 1 in 5 church attending Christians who do not wholly trust the Bible as the absolute source for spiritual truth. 

5.  “There is one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 6% disagree, 6% somewhat disagree, 4% are not sure.  16% of young adults who attend church do not believe in The Triune God; or understand God as in The Trinity.   That’s 1 in 6 church attending Christians who do not know or understand God in light of the Trinity.  This ultimately goes to the heart of Jesus and his divine nature.

7.  “Biblical accounts of the physical (bodily) resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate. This event actually occurred”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 4% disagree, 7% somewhat disagree, 6% are not sure.  17% of young adults who attend church do not believe the bodily resurrection of Jesus actually occurred.   That’s almost 1 in 5 church attending Christians do not believe in the Gospel message!  This ultimately goes to the heart salvation!

10.  “Jesus is truly God and has a divine nature, and Jesus is truly man and has a human nature.”

 Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 8% disagree, 7% somewhat disagree, 6% are not sure.  21% of young adults who attend church do not believe either Jesus is God or Jesus was also fully man.   That’s 1 in 5 church attending Christians do not believe or understand the identity of Jesus  This goes to the heart of who Jesus is!

11.  “The Holy Spirit is a force but is not a personal being.”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 15% disagree, 11% somewhat disagree, 12% are not sure.  38% of young adults who attend church do not believe The Holy Spirit is the unique third person of the Triune God or that he is a being at all.   That’s a little over 1 in 3 church attending Christians do not believe in or know the Holy Spirit!  This goes to the heart of The Trinue God and the being, the Holy Spirit!

15.  “Everyone sins a little, but most people are good by nature.”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 15% disagree, 17% somewhat disagree, 5% are not sure.  37% of young adults who attend church do not believe in or understand their sinful nature from birth.   That’s a little over 1 in 3 church attending Christians do not know themselves in the deepest level.  This goes to the heart of why Jesus had to die on the cross and what his sacrifice meant and did for us.

18.  “By the good deeds that I do, I partly contribute to earning my place in heaven.”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 22% disagree, 13% somewhat disagree, 6% are not sure.  59% of young adults who attend church believe their hard work earns them a place in heaven and contributes to their self-righteousness.   That’s a little over 1 in 2 church attending Christians think they can earn a spot in heaven through their works.  This goes to the heart of legalism and God’s Grace.  When we remove the Catholic participants in the percentage we still see that 52% of non-Catholic church attending Christians still believe their deeds earn them a place in heaven.

46.  “Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of my sin.”

Ages 18-34 who attend church one or more times a month: 7% disagree, 12% somewhat disagree, 0% are not sure.  19% of young adults who attend church do not believe or trust completely in Jesus’ sacrifice for sin.   That’s at 1 in 5 church attending Christians do not believe the Gospel Message and absolute reason for Jesus being the Lamb of God.  This goes to the heart of the saving message of The Gospel!

When looking at just these 9 questions and their responses, we can see some serious problems within the church:

  • Knowing God: Averaged 23.6% of 18 to 34 year old Christians who attend church one or more times a month do not correctly understood who God is.
  • The Gospel:  Averaged 23.25% of 18 to 34 year old Christians who attend church one or more times a month do not believe in The Gospel Message!
  • Legalistic and Self-Righteous: Averaged 38.6% of 18 to 34 year old Christians who attend church one or more times a month have legalistic self-righteous beliefs about themselves.

In the church, in 2016, we see the belittling of God, corruption of the gospel message, and growth of self-righteous attitudes; all within the church in this current time; validated by this study.

Even though this study and these statistics are scary, it also points us in areas that the church needs to focus on, study, discuss, and more accurately address and teach.  Gospel4all.com sees these statistics as an opportunity to focus on the truths that are needed the most and address the ‘weightier of matters’ as Jesus put it.

If you would like to see the study and its findings, go to TheStateOfTheology.com

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

Disputable Matters

There are some things in the Christian faith that are essential absolute truths; such as Jesus is the One and Only begotten Son of God who is also Lord God and Savior.  Another is that we are saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ.  But there are some matters that are of a relative nature; what food we eat, the day we worship, what we wear to church, what kind of church music is played, having a beer, and getting a tattoo.  Those are examples Disputable Matters.

Disputable Matters:

They are issues and topics that are not explicitly prohibited or declared in scripture that gives to some reasonable liberties in the Christian faith.  Keeping in mind that Jesus has fulfilled the law and freed us from it.  We are enabled to glorify God in more freeing ways within what he has made explicit known.  Ultimately Disputable Matters are those issues that do not change or negatively effect The Gospel Message or tries to make sin not a sin.  The End times for example is not completely explicit in scripture and differing opinions do not change or effect the Gospel Message.  Therefore it is perfectly fine to agree to disagree and still remain unified and proclaim the gospel to the world.

Also read God’s Truths are Not a Matter of Opinions  |  Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth

Servants and Master

We are all servants of One Master.  We do not decide for the Master how he feels about matters he made no statement on.  Though the Master may have laid out universal truths, his expectations, and expressed things that he finds pleasing; he alone has the sole authority to decide how to judge his servants (Romans 14:4).  This however does not negate our righteous judgements when we call other servants to conform to what The Master has explicitly decided.  In Romans 14 context, The Holy Spirit, through Paul, was talking about the kind of judgment between believers, and not between believers and unbelievers; and specifically in regards to Disputable Matters; not matters of absolute universal truth. 

Also read Don’t Judge Me

When to Judge and when to Agree to Disagree

It may seem that Paul contradicts himself in 1 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 but when you look at what he is talking about specifically you begin to understand the difference.  One is about matters that our Master has explicitly universally condemned.  The other (Romans 14) is about matters our Master did NOT explicitly condemn.  Our righteous judgements are in agreement with what the Master has declared, but we are wrong to judge on matters that Master did not make clear.  The Master has awarded liberty, and by our wrongful judgements, we put up stumbling blocks.

  • Matter #1: Food

Anyone who feels abstaining from eating mean is how they worship God; they must be accepted as so.  (Romans 14:3).  They are not in the wrong for wanting to eat meat or being a vegetarian.  It is wrong when one condemns the other. Matthew 15:11, Jesus even states it is not food that is the problem.

Also read God and Vegetarianism

  • Matter #2:  Day of Worship 

Some feel Sunday is the day of worship, others feel Saturday is, and yet others feel every day is (Romans 14:5).  Regardless of the specific day anyone chooses, it is a secondary issue and a disputable matter. In fact, Paul says not to even judge people based on the day they worship (Col. 2:16-17).

  • Matter #3:  Alcohol

No where in scripture does God condemn drinking alcohol.  But getting drunk is explicitly condemned.  Jesus turned water into wine (not high quality grape juice) at a wedding.  We are given the freedom to enjoy wine in light of giving thanks and glory to God (Ecclesiastes 9:7).  Thus alcohol in and of itself is not sin.  Just like everything else we can do it excessively, become addicted, and make into an idol.  But simply having a beer with someone is not inherently sinful like adultery for example.  Thus, we can not and should not judge it as such because we are not the Master.  BUT, this goes without pointing out some real concerns we need to have for others.  Some people have predispositions to alcoholism, or may be recovering alcoholics.  If we love Christ, we love others more than ourselves.  And leading someone to stumble is wrong (1 Corinthians 8:13; 10:32).  Paul said he would not eat meat if it offend someone he was with.  Their conscious was more important than his desire to eat a juicy cheese burger. If having a beer could lead someone to stumble, than it would be most loving not to have a beer.

Also read An Inconsiderate Faith  |  When the claim of Freedom is really Blind Pride

  • Matter #4: How To Dress at church

T shirt and blue jeans or Suit and tie?  Neither was warn by the early church and neither was explicitly stated as the church dress code.  It would be wrong to pressure people to feel like they need to dress up for church when God isn’t pressuring them to.

  • Matter #5: Church Music

Whether you like classical hymns, guitar solos, or contemporary praise music; all of them were not sung until recent in history.  Musical instruments were used before Christ, and after Christ so it would be wrongful to judge a church for using instruments.  Same goes for the style of music.  That logic fails when comparing their judgemental opinion to what Jesus and his Apostles sang.  Instruments, no instruments, instrument type, and musical style are disputable matters.

  • Matter #6: Kid Church

Some Christians and churches are condemning the evangelistic strategy of placing children with their age groups and doing a separate church service away from the adult service. Again, scripture does not make an explicit statement about the matter of Kid Sunday school anywhere in scripture.

  • Matter #7: Tattoos

Tattoos were against God’s Law in the OT for symbolic cultural separation from the inhabitants in the Land they came into and for potential health complications.  But Christ has fulfilled the law and he now separates us from the world and whatever we do (within our God allotted liberty), do it for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).  But just like drinking, it too can become so extreme that it becomes our identity and idol instead of Christ.  Once our tattoos interfere with glorifying God; it is sin. We must examine ourselves and know that our bodies are not our own but for God’s Glory (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

Peace and Unity

We are commanded to not judge on disputable matters!   We are commanded to receive and accept those who a different view on those matters.  We MUST agree to disagree but remain in fellowship and love.  If the discussion on a disputable matter escalates and seems to be come hostile, than it needs to be ended and forgiven.  If the discussion is not leading someone into unity or closeness to Christ; it needs to be let go for the sake of peace and unity.  Disagreement is OKAY, condemnation is NOT (1 Corinthians 11:19).

Much like the issue with having a beer.  The conciseness’s of others supersedes our opinion of  Disputable Matters.  Because these issues are within the scope of freedom; loving others remains primary to these issues.  If having a beer, eating meat, and wearing a gym shirt to church seriously offends people, then for the sake of their weakness and conscious with our selfless self sacrificial love for them; we have a beer, eat meat, and wear our gym shirts at a later time.  Humility and self-sacrifice in disputable matters.

Only absolute truths RIGHTLY divide and stir up strife; but not because of anything we judge.  We just declare these offensive absolute truths.  It is the truth that causes the unrest, not us.  Some people who claim to be saved are not and will ultimately reject universal truths and cause issues when they are rightly judged.  Jesus’ statement here says it all:

Matthew 10:34-39
34 Don’t assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to turn

a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
36 and a man’s enemies will be
the members of his household.

37 The person who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; the person who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And whoever doesn’t take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. 39 Anyone finding his life will lose it, and anyone losing his life because of Me will find it.

 Also read The Other Side of The Real Jesus

The Master

On these issues, it does not matter if you agree or disagree; God has already accepted them, and you (Romans 14:3).  Because they are God’s servant, God is their judge over their conscious, not you.  We are called to test and search scripture, and not jump to a judgement on a matter that is not even decided in scripture.  At times we need to discuss and debate scripture with Christ at the center.  If the discussion and debate is unfruitful than it needs to be let go for the sake of unity.  The Master wants each one of us to examine ourselves and learn of him in his Word for ourselves and live with a clear conscious for his glory.  Though righteous judgements that are in agreement with what is explicitly started in scripture is good for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and edifying each other (2 Timothy 3:16); wrongfully judging others on disputable matters leads to unwarranted division, disunity, and creates stumbling blocks to those who are new in faith.


These are essential truths of the faith.  A denial of them is a contradiction of what is true.

  1. Deity of Jesus – John 1:1,14; 1 John 4 (Jesus Is God)
  2. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus – 1 Corinthians 15:14
  3. Salvation by Grace alone – Eph. 2:8,9. Rom. 6:23
  4. Sins that are explicitly declared in Scripture – (Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 5:22; Matthew 5:28; Galatians 5:19-21; James 4:17; 1 Corinthians 5:11; Romans 1:26-29; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; Col. 3:5; Rev. 9:21)

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

Radicalized Christians?

Is there a sect or view within Christianity that advocates and exercises murder and violence against those who are viewed as enemies?  If there is a radicalized Christianity, what is it exactly?  Quite honestly the answer is very simple.  To know what IS Christianity, we must first look at the core defining elements of the faith and look at the teachings of Jesus.

Please read Essential Elements of the Christian Faith.

Anyone can claim to believe all the essential elements of the faith but still advocate violence, so does that make them a radical Christian?

No.  And here is why:

Matthew 5:44
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

What is genuine Christian love that Jesus is speaking about here?

John 15:13
No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life”

Jesus is also the supreme example and proof of genuine holy Christian love.  He selflessly sacrificed his pride and entire life for the sake of people who hated him.  Instead of advocating violence against those who he knew were going to literally abuse him and murder him… he showed humility, sacrifice, and true love instead.

Anyone can claim to believe all the essential ideas and teachings of Christianity but without selfless sacrificial love for enemies- its not Christian and is not following Jesus Christ as Lord God and savior.

Not stating that everyone will perfectly be obedient to Jesus’ example but good trees produce good fruit and bad trees produce bad fruit (Matt 7:16).

John 13:35
By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

If radical Christians can NOT be those who advocate and pursue violence; then what are they?

Radical Christians 

Radical Christians are those who worship God in spirit and truth.  They affirm all the essential elements of the faith and believe it in such a way it (The Holy Spirit) has changed their life.  They love God over themselves.  They stand by these truths even if they are alone or persecuted for it.  They love the world enough to express God’s truths even if the world does not want to hear it for the sake of anyone who may be saved.  They are willing to give up their life to love God and others.  Radical Christians are unselfish, self sacrificial, merciful, gracious, forgiving, and stand firm on God’s truths in scripture.

The reason why this a Radical Christian is because most people who claim to be Christian in America and other modern societies tend to be more self centered and willing to compromise truth to appease the offended world.

Also read The Self and The Center of Everything | The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus | God’s Truths are Not a Matter of Opinions | Me, Myself, And I and “Doing Me”God’s Glory Alone“The World” According To God  |  When Our Faith is Just Lip Service

Offending is unloving?

Offending people is NOT unloving and is NOT wrong.  This is a lie that creates an applied pressure on Christians so that they compromise and avoiding truth; that offending someone and ‘speaking negativity’ is some how wrong.  Jesus continually made statements that offended people; to the point of being hated and murdered.  If offending people was wrong, Jesus was not perfect and thus Jesus could not be God.  Because Jesus is God, offending people is a righteous possible result of sharing truth in love.

Also read The Beauty of Accountability | Negative Name Dropping and Calling Out | Don’t Judge Me | Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth | The Other Side of The Real Jesus  |  The Joy of TRUTH |  How “Love is Love” is Unloving.


With all this said and with what has gone on in the news; anyone who claims to be a Christian and then commits a mass shooting, by definition, is NOT Christian and NOT following Jesus Christ.  There is still forgiveness for this person and God will still show them grace and mercy; but in the commission of that kind of violence; they were not living by the Christian faith.

This is what the world will easily get confused or use against Christianity.  Ignorantly assuming what they claim is what they are by their own claim.  But when a square claims to be a circle, it is still not.  The Church needs to voice The Gospel Message and speak truth in love and explain that any individual committing such violence is not following Jesus Christ.


Anyone who advocates and conducts violence against anyone is acting in contrary to Christianity.  Even if they claim to be Christian, they are contradicting it.  A square is not a circle just as someone
advocating and conducting violence is not Christian, by definition (Capital Punishment is another issue).  

Radical Christians are the exact opposite.  They are selfless and sacrifice themselves for love and truth of God.  Their methods are non violent and strictly focused on God’s Glory and for His will to be done.  They are not defined by cultural norms or bend to society pressures. Their lives are proof of God’s power to change and they speak truth in love even if they are hated for it.


If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

The Season of 10/40 Missions

The Gospel 4All.com exists to serve the church and reach people world wide; and not just in America and English speaking nations. Access to the Gospel message is fundamental for a people group to be reached and having an opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Modern free societies have the opportunity to access the gospel through transportation, traveling, media, and internet access but what about the closed nations or the countries that limit the travel and internet access?  How do they get access to hear the life changing and powerful message of Jesus?  Through those whom are called specifically for this type of mission work.  And for those whom do come to faith in Jesus in a restricted and hostel nation, how do they receive the support from the church?  This is the responsibility as the church body as a whole.  Those who have been blessed with the resources for support.  We want to connect those who are blessed with resources and those who need them. 

The 10 40 Window

In our current history there is what is known as the 10 40 window.  That is 10 degrees north of the equator to 40 degrees north of the equator is a window of nations that is in the greatest need.  They are in need because of the limited and restricted access to the gospel message.  This window also contains a majority of the world’s population as well.  The Christians living in this window face hardships that most Christians outside of this window would not understand.  The believers need the churches support and the non believers need the gospel!

The Season

Beginning March 1st and ending May 31st, annually, The Gospel 4All will spot light and encourage the support for ministries and missions that are called to those regions.  We will highlight some key organizations for support and our prayer is that those who see the call respond by finding out how they can support.  We want to bring awareness to these ministries and regions through our network and to you.  We will share their information and updates throughout the 10/40 Season.  Please share their information on social media as well. 


If you are part of a youth, young adult, or college ministry and are looking for a mission trip opportunity, please consider partnering with one of these organizations.  Consider the access to the gospel were you are planning to do mission work.  Witnessing to lost people who have access and see churches at every street corner is one thing but witnessing to lost people who do not have access to the gospel and has never met someone who knows the gospel message is a whole other amazing opportunity.  Its easy for Christians who have never faced persecution to see a vacation in their own comfortable safe culture as a mission trip.  The churches and the lost people in the 10 40 window are in a desperate need for something they can not even access. 

Please see the links below.  Pray for an organization and its missionaries,  get involved in a short or long term mission trip, contact the organization to receive more information, get your friends and family together and do a fundraiser and give to these organizations.  Add them on social networks and share their information!  Serve God through the body of Christ world wide!

  • Asia

CHINA AID -ECFA Accredited

About, Get involved, Contact, Donate

  • Middle East

About, Get involved, Contact, Donate, Prayer Map

About, Get Involved, Contact, Donate

  • North Africa

About, Get Involved, Contact, Donate, Prayer

  • General Missions

About, Get Involved, Contact, Donate, Prayer, Events

About, Get Involved, Contact, Donate, Prayer

If you know of more ministries that serve the 10/40 regions, who’s focus is on the gospel and affirms The Trinity and Jesus’ divinity, please contact us and we will add them to our list.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms