Tag Archives: Supreme Court

The Constitutionality and Ethical Issues of ‘Stay-at-Home’ Orders

Emotions aside, we examine the recent “Stay at Home” orders issued by Governors and county Judges nation wide.  Do they even have the power to order you to do so?  Are they constitutional?  Are they even ethical and moral?  Continue reading

2nd Amendment Case Law

The Chronological case law of the 2nd Amendment.  Where the courts got it wrong, and took away freedom, and where they got it right, and empowered a free people; since 1857 all the way to the present and pending cases today. Continue reading

The Growing Anti-Free Speech

It is common for people to just write off the idea of losing their freedom as just another “conspiracy theorist nut job claim”.  In some cases they may be right.  BUT a slow and gradual erosion of rights can easily be missed until, that erosion, becomes the grand canyon and then its too late.  Are our freedoms being eroded?  Are these erosion’s justifiable?  Lets put away our emotional fragility and look at this from a rational factual perspective. Continue reading

Red Flag Laws

Giving the power to psychologist (some of whom are politically affiliated) and the Government to take away the ultimate form of self-defense… sounds like a good idea, when it comes to MAYBE, Potentially, HOPEFULLY, having some kind of impact on the small number of mass shootings nation wide.  Saving just One life by risking the lives (taking away their ability to defend themselves) of others, sounds like a worthy cause, right?  Besides all the logical and rational inconsistencies, lets just look at the idea of the ‘transfer of power’ concept contained in these laws. Continue reading