Tag Archives: Gun Ownership

2nd Amendment Case Law

The Chronological case law of the 2nd Amendment.  Where the courts got it wrong, and took away freedom, and where they got it right, and empowered a free people; since 1857 all the way to the present and pending cases today. Continue reading

Does Gun Control Even Work?

France has crazy strong gun control… experienced a mass shooting on Tuesday.  “Chekatt had been radicalized in prison and was being monitored by French intelligence services since at least 2015 due to his suspected religious extremism. Authorities did not say which religion; however, supporters of the Islamic State terror group were celebrating the shooting online, according to the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi communications worldwide…Before opening fire on the Christmas market in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Chekatt, 29, yelled “Allahu Akbar,” Paris’ public prosecutor said. Chekatt escaped the scene in a taxi.”  Continue reading