Tag Archives: Government


Well, a lot has changed over the past year. Hell, a lot has changed over the past 10 years! So, with all the changes and events that have taken place, what governing system is America now? Well, first we need to look at what defines the different systems and compare that to what has been happening in America today.

What is a Republic?

A “Republic” is defined as: “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.”

Is America a Republic?

So, the question becomes “Who holds the ‘supreme power’ in America?” In a republic, it is “by the people AND their elected representatives.” Do you really think, “The People” share the supreme power with “elected representatives”? NOPE. This is false. The nation wide lockdowns prove this to be false. The recent suppression of the people’s free speech by big tech companies and the purposeful lack of action by the “elected representatives” also disproves this. The failure of the court system to validate the people’s supreme power also verifies this fallacy. Finally, the election itself, is rot with corruption, questioning the validity of these “elected representatives.”

The People, include, protesters, small business owners, and people who work underpaid jobs to feed their families. Do you really think they share in this “supreme power?” How can they be deemed “non-essential” and forced to shut down if they actually have supreme power? Then, when some of these people exercise their power and frustrations, their representatives deem them “domestic terrorists,” and “unlawful rioters.” And how can UNELECTED corporation CEOS make the decision of their own will to silence and censor The People? It is clear, that The People do not hold any “supreme power.”

Therefore, we can conclude that America is NOT or NO LONGER a Republic.

What is a Democracy?

A “Democracy” is defined as: “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.”

Is America a Democracy?

Are all Americans governed by the whole population’s majority decisions, and this majority through elected representatives? This seems more reasonable of a comparison. When we look into the details we can see evidence for this system. The issue of Abortion for example. A serious social issue. 61% of American’s are in favor of its legality [1]. Thus, public policy and laws reflect this. 61% also favor gay marriage and gay rights, which, also reflects in public policy [2]. 67% support the legalization of marijuana, and as time goes on, we see public policy and laws changing to reflect this as well. 66-68% of Americans are worried the lockdown restrictions were/will be lifted too quickly, thus, showing they in some ways support them. 59% of people want the government involved in their healthcare, which the government was more than happy to do [5]. 60% of people still want even more stricter gun control laws, which, the government has done, and still has plans on doing.

But then we run into a divide between the majority of people and the elected officials. 66% say that civilians need to be more empowered to sue police over police brutality, yet, law makers aren’t willing to reflect that. 92% of people feel it should be a crime for police to use choke holds. 69% of people say police aren’t being held accountable for misconduct. 73% want to keep police budgets the same or slightly increase, but we see local governments in opposition to this [4]. 62% view the federal tax system as unfair. But, we don’t see elected officials changing that. 68% want to raise taxes on corporations, but, this hasn’t happened either [5].

It seems that the elected representatives only seem to support the majority in some things, but not in others. But, this is part of a democracy. If the democratic people don’t like their representative, for not doing enough, or doing too little, they elect a new representative. In theory, that sounds good. But, in reality, it’s not that simple.

Nanci Pelosi, for example, represents the 12 District in California, which is essentially all of San Francisco. Where the medium income is around $120k and a population of 800,000 people. In essence, she only represents 0.2% of Americans. Yet, as speaker of the house, she wheals the power to influence all Americans. She, alone, makes decisions that impact people she doesn’t even represent. There are A LOT of “rules” and “procedures” like this all throughout congress. This, in essence, circumvents the representation aspect of public office. More and more of these ideals and positions have become ingrained in American government.

Governmental regulatory bodies, like the ATF, FDA, IRS, FCC, and EPA are just unelected, appointed, government officials that make regulations that are enforceable like laws. There is NO elected representation here. And these are huge. They create regulations that impact all Americans and all American’s must comply or face fines and legal issues. This is not democratic in anyway. In fact, this is so huge and such a big part of the American system, it’s easy to say it makes up 70% of the federal government, unelected regulatory authorities.

We can actually come to a good estimate that only 25% of the American system is democratic. The other 75% are congressional rules and polices with regulatory bodies that aren’t elected or represent the people of their regions.

Therefore, we can conclude that America is barely a Democracy.

If America is NOT a Republic and hardly a Democracy, what is it?

Well, let’s consider the facts. Both parties expand the size of government, both parties increase federal spending, and both parties utilize the authority of the federal government to force their agendas. We can say that both parties are One party that is Pro-Big Government. They share the same ideology of big one big powerful government.

Because both parties use their governmental powers to force the people to comply in the most basic ways; such as in “stay-at-home” orders, suspending religious worship, and forced closure of small private business while supporting larger corporate operations, we can say that the American government is, in fact, authoritarian. There are only a handful of politicians that impact all Americans AND there are a handful of corporate CEOs who also wheeled unchecked power over all Americans. Therefore, we can conclude that America is an authoritarian Oligarchy.

What is an Oligarchy?

An Oligarchy is defined as: “a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.”

Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, Committee Chairman, and the CEOs of the fortune 50 companies… these are the few who have control of America. It’s that simple.

The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch “The Bitch” Mcconnell single highhandedly prevented you from being given your own tax dollars back to you in the “stimulus” but was perfectly fine with giving other people all other the world hundreds of billions of YOUR tax dollars…

Did you see a third party presidential candidate on the debate stage during the elections? They were on the ballot, though. That’s because both parties prevented them from attending, and the CEOs of the “News” networks didn’t invite them either. They don’t share in the same One Big Government as Republicans and Democrats do.

Mark Zucc, Jack Douchy, and CEOs of Amazon, Google, and Apple, censor you and prevent private companies to empower your free speech, single highhandedly, and no one in government is defending your rights of free speech. Hell, this post will even be shadow banned, and all our pages reach have been reduced already. They banned a sitting president of the United States, a public official, from using their free-and-open-to-the-public services. This is not an argument as to whether or not they should as a private company themselves, but used to show the power they have, over you; an oligarchy.

In fact, in light of all the recent events,

America is MORE of an authoritarian oligarchy than it is Democratic.

Voting for Republican OR Democrat is still voting for those who support one big government. This is the illusion that America is the example of Democracy… when it is hardly such.

But, you silly Americans, you keep paying your taxes and you keep voting harder for the few to spend your money and rule over you; obey peasants.

  1. https://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/
  2. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/12/20/key-ways-us-changed-in-past-decade/
  3. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/05/07/americans-remain-concerned-that-states-will-lift-restrictions-too-quickly-but-partisan-differences-widen/
  4. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/07/09/majority-of-public-favors-giving-civilians-the-power-to-sue-police-officers-for-misconduct/
  5. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/12/17/7-domestic-policy-taxes-environment-health-care/

COVID-19 Data

To help sift through all the BS and politicization of this situation, we will sift through the data and sources to help isolate the REAL experts and the REAL reliable numbers.  That why when some nutjob trys to spit numbers to justify taking away your rights, you have better, more sound, ammunition, per-say.

But, first thing we need to get out of the way:

Are the numbers from China usable?

  • They fudge their economic numbers [1, 8].
  • They fudge their political numbers, such as government killings at protests.
  • They punished doctors that started speaking out about the virus [2,  4].
  • They tried to fudge numbers about the SARS outbreak [7].

The Diplomat, a journalism site focused on events in Asia, published a mildly fair overview of the data situation in china, and at the end states “the world should not automatically embrace the new numbers coming from the country. With a cautious note about China’s statistical unreliability in mind, we should continue to closely observe…” [2]  Even Brookings Institute, a reliable economic think-tank, doesn’t trust numbers coming out of China [1].  Even the unreliable and biased Time reported the unreliability of China’s data [5].  Then there is PBS, who takes a softer approach to criticizing the Communist Party of China, still provides ample facst as to why they can’t be trusted [7].   The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said during a CNBC interview [6],  “incredibly frustrating” to work with the Chinese government to obtain data on the coronavirus, “which will ultimately be the solution to both getting the vaccine and attacking this risk.”  And that is true.  Then we have the “U.S. intelligence community” and their “classified report” claiming China’s numbers are fake.  But, they are extremely hard to trust, period.  But, Bloomberg then starts to go off on this political conspiracy theory about an “attempt to divert attention from surging deaths in the U.S. and other Western countries” and then makes the sadly biased comment “There was no way for serious data faking to occur in today’s China…” [9].  Notice they added the word “serious.” So they secretly admit there was some faking but too coward to openly say it; bias.  Even the New York Times, as dishonest as they are, seems to support this CIA claim. [11].   And to expose unreliable reporting from outlets such as Bloomberg, Forbes reports: “Maybe our numbers aren’t entirely giving the full picture of the coronavirus“, China health officials said on Tuesday [March 31, 2020][10].

Now, with all these sources, some more reliable than others, we can paint a more complete picture of the reliability of the data coming out of China.  And their data, given the totality of analysis and reporting; is unreliable.

Since we CAN determine that the numbers coming out of China are unreliable, does that make them unusable?  Yes.  If you incorporate skewed data into a formula, the result is skewed.  If you add false information into a equation, the solution is incorrect.  The same logic applies to using China’s numbers when determining the truth about COVID-19.

People will argue something like “but you can still get a general idea,” but can you?  You aren’t even sure how accurate your “general idea” is when it is dependent on inaccurate information… Your “general idea” may be WAY off, but you wouldn’t know.

What about The World Health Organization?  Are they reliable?

Welp, considering THEY are allowing China to pick the people who will investigate human rights violations says it all.  That’s like putting Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin on the Human Rights Commission to help better the world… yet, that is exactly what the WHO did.

“On Jan. 19, the WHO told the world “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.”

What they didn’t tell the world, but they knew all too well, is that China was engaged in a campaign of lies and cover-ups to hide the viral devastation their nation had unleashed. In fact, China had been tracking the person-to-person transmission for more than a month by the time that tweet went out.

The same goes for Bruce Aylward, a senior official at the World Health Organization who infamously hung up on a reporter asking about Taiwan’s (far more effective) handling of coronavirus. Mr. Aylward was apparently afraid of offending the Chinese regime” [12].

Even the left leaning, The Hill, reported that “Tedros [WHO Chief] apparently turned a blind eye to what happened in Wuhan and the rest of China and, after meeting with Xi in January, has helped China to play down the severity, prevalence and scope of the COVID-19 outbreak.”[13]

But listen to what the WHO says.  “We have met the [Chinese] president. We have seen the level of knowledge he has on the outbreak, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a Feb. 12 briefing. “Don’t you appreciate that kind of leadership?”  “China has done many good things to slow down the virus,” Mr. Tedros added. “There is no spinning here.”

So, there we have it, the WHO is nothing more than China’s mouth piece and lap dog.  Where they will just regurgitate China’s numbers.  Rendering them, unreliable as well.

So, what numbers can we trust?  Can we even trust the numbers being calculated by America?

Well, the CDC told all of America to include just about anyone that died as a COVID-19 death… even if it is possible they died from something else [14].  In their statement, it reads: “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

So, what if it was the seasonal flu, which kills tens of thousands, every year?  Are they just going to assume another 20,000 deaths was COVID-19 and not what it actually may have been?!  Guess so.

So, a couple of states jump on this.  The more they report, the more money and resources they get.  New York’s death count jumped by an additional 33% just by added the deaths of those who they assumed died by COVID-19 or may have contributed.  But, they aren’t sure, they don’t know, it wasn’t confirmed.   A lot of other states are following suit.  Adding to their numbers UNCONFIRMED cases of people that MAY have died by some other means BUT counting them as though it was COVID-19.

But then we get the Defenders of Statism using arguments like “We need to trust the expert educated guesses.”  Well, let’s do to Logical Thinking Experiment.

  1. We must trust expert opinions.
  2. Supreme Court Justices are experts on justice.
  3. We must trust Supreme Court Justice opinions as Justice.

Very logical right?  But what happens when we throw in this truth:

4.  The Supreme Court opinion ruled in favor of slavery, Separate but equal, and Japanese Internment Camps.
5.  Therefore, given the logic above (1-3), we must trust the Supreme Court opinions are Just because they are the experts.

Suddenly doesn’t sit well, trusting the experts.

The next Defenders of Statism may say: “We can trust experts on numbers, because number’s don’t lie.”  Let’s rephrase the logical expression to be more applicable.

  1. We must/should trust expert opinions.
  2. An expert is having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience.

In these two logical premises, we see something missing.  The fact that humans are prone to bias and error.  Holding tightly to Premise 1 and 2 is also known as Blind Faith.  Blind in that it avoids and hides from the the reality that even experts, can be bias and wrong.  But, let’s keep this logical expression going.

3.  NASA are experts in rocket propulsion and space travel.
4.  Therefore, we must (blindly) trust NASA’s expert opinions.

Sounds valid.  In fact, 99% of the time this is true.  But, again, has history proves, they are prone to error.  Serious error.

The Apollo 1 fire, Apollo 13 malfunction, and the Challenger explosion are all proof of their limited expertise.

But what about when it comes to research and studies?

  • In 1981 Harvard researcher John Darsee was found to be faking data in a heart study. Eventually investigators at the National Institutes of Health discovered that data for most of his 100 published studies had been fabricated.
  • Cardiac-radiology specialist Robert Slutsky, who in 1985 resigned from the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine after colleagues began to wonder how he turned out a new research article every 10 days. University investigators concluded he had altered data and lied about the methods he used. To establish verisimilitude, Slutsky often persuaded scientists more prominent than he to put their names on his articles.
  • William McBride, an Australian obstetrician, was hailed as a whistle-blowing visionary in 1961 when he sounded a warning about the dangers of thalidomide.  Two decades later, in 1982, McBride published a report about a morning-sickness drug called Debendox that, he claimed, clearly caused birth defects in rabbits. Merrell Dow took the drug off the market amid an avalanche of lawsuits.  But McBride had altered data in research carried out by assistants. The results showed Debendox had no ill effects. After years of investigation, McBride was found guilty of scientific fraud in 1993 by a medical tribunal.
  • In 1983, astronomer Carl Sagan coauthored an article in Science that shook the world: “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions” warned that nuclear war could send a giant cloud of dust into the atmosphere that would cover the globe, blocking sunlight and invoking a climatic change similar to that which might have ended the existence of dinosaurs.  In a 1990 article in Science, Sagan and his original coauthors admitted that their initial temperature estimates were wrong. They concluded that an all-out nuclear war could reduce average temperatures at most by 36 degrees Fahrenheit in northern climes. The chilling effect, in other words, would be more of a nuclear autumn.
  • In 1999 a fossil smuggled out of China allegedly showing a dinosaur with birdlike plumage was displayed triumphantly at the National Geographic Society and written up in the society’s November magazine. Unfortunately, like the hominid skull with an ape jaw discovered in the Piltdown quarries of England in 1912, the whole thing turned out to be a hoax. The fossil apparently was the flight of fancy of a Chinese farmer who had rigged together bird bits and a meat-eater’s tail.
  • Summarizing a study on women and marriage by two Yale sociologists and a Harvard economist, several news agencies reported that single women at 35 had only a 5 percent chance of ever marrying, and unmarried women at 40 were “more likely to be killed by a terrorist.” Analyzing data from the 70,000 households the authors of the original study had not looked into what percentage of the over-30 women had made a conscious choice to put off marriage. Indeed, U.S. Census Bureau statistician Jeanne Moorman’s follow-up projections indicate that of unmarried women ages 30 to 34, 54 percent will marry; of those ages 35 to 39, 37 percent will marry; and of those ages 40 to 44, 24 percent will marry.

And there are hundreds, thousands more examples of how Blind Faith in the experts can be more harmful than good.

So, here we are again, proving that Blind Faith in the CDC’s numbers is sheer sheep-like willing ignorance of the possibilities of bias and error.  The CDC is funded by the federal government.  The federal government continually expands power and control.  Therefore, we can conclude that the more powerful and well funded the government is, the better the CDC is.  Motive for bias.  The staff and “experts” are paid for and funded by tax payers too.  Motive for bias.  This isn’t even accounting for the real possibility of human error due to the fact they are counting anyone that died, unconfirmed, but may have shown symptoms of COVID-19.

These just INCREASE the risk of bias and error within the collection and interpretation of data.  New York’s death count suddenly jumped after the CDC put out their Alert 2 guidelines for counting even unconfirmed possible “expert guesses.”

There are even instances where states REMOVE death counts because of various errors.  Colorado’s death count fell because they removed duplicates [15].  Pennsylvania removed A LOT because of how unreliable their data collection (from the experts) was [16].  This just proves that there is an increased risk of bias counting and errors in data collection.

Therefore, even America’s numbers are inflated and skewed by including deaths of people who were unconfirmed and may not have even had COVID-19.

*UPDATE 5/25/2020*

Shocker, the CDC released a revised report which dropped the mortality rate to seasonal flu levels… 0.26% over all, and 0.05% for people under 49 years old…[17, 18].  “ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.” [18]


China manipulates their numbers.

The World Health Organization embraces manipulated numbers.

America inflates their numbers.

America slanders China for what the CDC officially recommends doing.

It’s almost like governments WANT scary numbers and statistical manipulation…

You make this pandemic scary enough, deadly enough, that the people are so scared they cry for help and big mommy daddy government comes to their rescue and people then start to really believe the government is their savior.

But, you don’t want it too deadly as to not kill off your loyal subjects and peasants or be unable to show how heroic the government is by controlling it and “flatten the curve.” The government wants to appear to be the hero of the people.  The champion of the common good.  Leads people to desire the protection of the government even more.

They you play politics as a distraction.  America blames China, China blames America, the WHO plays both sides.  And on and on it goes.  When BOTH desire to increase the fear and power over their people.  Or in China’s case, maintain the control and power over their people while America expands their power over the people.

Then those in government dependent careers, who are already in love with and dependent on the government, argue for more government resources, more government control over the situation, and will be the very ones who praise the expansion of government for more control in the future.

And this isn’t new in the history of world governments.  Not even new for America.

This is the greatest expansion of government control since Japanese Internment Camps of World War II.  Except, the entire population instead of one ethnic group is effected.  Remember, the justification for the internment camps was for “the greater good,” built off of fear of Imperial Japanese spies…

Now, change out “Japanese Internment Camps” with “forced quarantine” for the “common good.”  And change out “fear of spies” for “fear of COVID-19.”  So, government oppression and control remains the same in principle, just different tools and justifications for it.  If you defend and advocate for government forced quarantines for the common good, you, in principle, would defend Japanese Internment Camps…

How can you argue against Jim Crow laws, when they did the same thing in principle?  Jim Crow laws limited movement of American citizens, for, at that time, though incorrect, for the common good; “separate but equal” was the justification at that time, for the common good.  Now, thankfully, seen as racist laws, they were the same as now in principle.  But instead of imposing the same principles of governing on a select population, they are applied to the entire population, for the common good.

So at the heart of ‘why’ is this:

America, politicians and majority of its people, liberal and conservative, desire a socialist totalitarian state.  And you can’t say they don’t when they, the majority, support, defend, and advocate for socialist policies, efforts, and government actions and control…

Statistical manipulation leads to fear.

The government then swoops in and addresses those fears.

The people feel more willingly reliant on the government.

The government then assumes the responsibility for administration of goods and services for the collective, common good…


nounso·​cial·​ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

The local, state, and federal governments collectively decided the administration of goods and services by, itself, determining what goods and services were “essential” and “non-essential” and then ordered the closure of “non-essential” for the collective “common good.”

America, by definition, implemented through threat of force, socialist policies.  And that is by definition.  period.

At the end of the day, don’t believe everything your told, even if it is in the form of numbers and fancy charts.  Think logically, rationally, critically, and free; especially if it is coming from a politically charged government…

Some Interesting Historical Quotes to Think About:

Screenshot_2020-04-17 Vladimir Lenin Quotes
Screenshot_2020-04-17 John Berger Quotes
Screenshot_2020-04-17 Yakov Smirnoff Quotes

*Facebook can flag this as “misinformation” and continue to shadow-ban like Nazis all they want, but we base this entire article of reports and sources that they feel is official news outlets.  Just see all our citations above and sources below.  If flagged and banned, it is the logical critical free-thinking they fear.

  1. https://www.brookings.edu/bpea-articles/a-forensic-examination-of-chinas-national-accounts/
  2. https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/can-chinas-covid-19-statistics-be-trusted/
  3. https://www.globalsecurity.org/security/ops/hsc-scen-3_pandemic-1957.htm
  4. https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(20)30111-9/fulltext
  5. https://time.com/5813628/china-coronavirus-statistics-wuhan/
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/secretary-of-state-mike-pompeo-says-china-not-forthcoming-initially-on-coronavirus-setting-prevention-efforts-back.html
  7. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/how-accurate-are-chinas-virus-numbers
  8. 2018 study by Yingyao Hu and Jiaxiong Yao of Johns Hopkins University.
  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-01/china-concealed-extent-of-virus-outbreak-u-s-intelligence-says
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2020/03/31/china-hints-that-its-coronavirus-data-doesnt-paint-full-picture/#1d435ea42d58
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/us/politics/cia-coronavirus-china.html
  12. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/11/when-covid-19-pandemic-threatened-the-world-the-un/
  13. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/487851-china-and-the-whos-chief-hold-them-both-accountable-for-pandemic
  14. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/coronavirus/Alert-2-New-ICD-code-introduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf
  15. https://www.denverpost.com/2020/04/25/coronavirus-covid-colorado-new-cases-deaths-april-15/
  16. https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/spl/pennsylvania-death-count-changes-confusion-coroanvirus-20200423.html
  17. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/280793
  18. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html

Because The Government Said So

Well, it’s officially obvious, a majority of Americans desire peaceful slavery over a dangerous freedom.  They are willing to obey a system that puts their human rights on hold for the flu.   They are so easily influenced by constant media that they are thrown in to a panic over toilet paper.  They claim to hate socialism and the bullying of the moral majority, yet praise a president that is exerting extreme government control and influence.  Government officials declaring that churches can’t meet.  Government officials telling you where you can and cannot go.   This is reality.American freedom is an illusion.

Suddenly all these government regulations can be put on hold to better the economy… if that’s true, why have them at all to always have a better economy?

And who are these officials and experts we are listening to?  They are all part of a system that is completely dependent on the government.  Of course their going to support MORE governmental action.  Of course they are going to demand more government spending.  Of course they are going to demand government bailouts.  Oh and don’t forget, down the road, they are going to demand increasing the taxes on the rich and the corporations to help fund more massive government programs and expansions to “ensure this doesn’t happen again.”  But, it will, can’t control nature and China, Communist Massive Government Control China couldn’t even contain it.  But these officials and experts will cry for more government anyway.

Then the government tells free people they can’t go to church, can’t go out and eat, can’t go to work.  Then they tell the private business they can’t open.  Then, what do you know, it turns into an economic problem!  With the government coming into save the day, of the problem they created… And these “free” people, obey like slaves.  Then complain about “how am I going to feed my family or pay my bills if I can’t go to work…”  STFU you slave, you agreed to go home, you agreed to close your business, you obeyed like a bitch, now live the consequences.

When scared, a nation’s true colors show.  Suddenly they want mommy daddy government to save them because they failed to be prepared.  They want closed borders.   They want to be hold what to do.  That saying, “weak-men create hard times” is a historical fact, and now, we have nothing but a majority of weak men, creating a hard time.  And it’s only going to get worse.

Not a single freedom group in California are in the streets.  They are okay with the government suspending their constitutional rights, over a flu virus.   And don’t worry, these authoritarian politicians are taking notes.  They see exactly what they can get away with and how far they can push being in control and restricting rights.

So let’s address some of those bootlicking arguments for this level of obedience:

Stop The Spread of The Virus

That’s a cute argument.  Odd how no one really argues for this, this hard, every year, for a virus that is statistically more dangerous.  The general population goes and gets their flu shot and goes about their business.  56,000 people died in 2012-2013 flu season (1) and around 710,000 flu hospitalizations (not even counting those who were infected but did not go to the hospital or where hospitalized).  So why wasn’t there a run on toilet paper and country wide shut down in 2013?  Right now there are an estimated 27,000 cases with 347 deaths (2).  That is no where near the 2013 flu season numbers.

So what stopped the stead of the virus in all the other years prior?  Well, logic demands us to admit that it wasn’t the government’s commands to shut down all business and schools and order free citizens to stay home…

It’s For What’s Best For The Community

Yeah?  I like to hear that argument from people who support abortion clinics in their community, impose a tax increase on targeted members of their community, or force certain members of their community to accept anything…  They are also the same people who buy 500 rolls of toilet paper, because F everyone else.  And usually, these aren’t the type of people to volunteer additional money, along with their taxes, to the local government either.  Forcing the closing of local businesses is actually worse for the community;  local employees go home without paychecks.  Local business lose out in important income to pay their works and buy/produce more product.  This has a lasting effect on the community.  But because the government said so, it must be right…

Our Recommendations:

Keep Businesses open, BUT empower them to conduct MORE cleaning and sanitizing of their places of business.  Request the aid of local non-profit and local volunteers to assist.  Leave it up to that private business to decided a customer limit or change in business hours.

Empower and support Employers to send home employees with symptoms or have been around someone who has/had symptoms.  Request compensation from state or federal agencies or even donations from the local community to financially support those who missed work so the business doesn’t face the full financial force.

Whatever government agency is closed down, divert those tax funds toward cleaning and sanitation supplies and conduct cleanings of government buildings and public grounds and create fund for local businesses to apply for financial aid.

Just a few ideas to assist in efforts to combat the virus while simultaneously keep the local economy going strong, and families bills paid and fed.

Lessons Learned

What we have learned from this is a number of things:

1.  The modern American culture is weak.  To toughen up, it will take very hard times or very hard parenting to changed the negative trajectory next generation.  If the flu can throw the nation into chaos, just imagine what else could.  And notice how easy it was.  Some bad news, repeated over and over by the media, and a little bit of fear-mongering and hype.  that’s it.

2.  Need to be prepared to be self sufficient for at least 6 months.   This means growing your own food, jarring your own food, freezing your own food, stocking up on can goods, non-perishables items with long life spans.  Having a chicken coop, going fishing, and raising other animals for food such as rabbits and squirrel.   This frees up money for the purchasing of other times.  Becoming less dependent on the local energy supply and water supply by having generators, solar power items, water catching and filtration set up.  Sustainable food, water, and energy supply will get you through the hard times that are too come.

3.  Financial Independence.  Dependence on the government is shameful.  Having a savings account is extremely important and paying off your debt is very important as well.  But, notice influence go through the roof because of what Trump did.  Printing off trillions of dollars.  That is going to drive the value of the dollar DOWN.  So, because the dollar is just expensive monopoly money,  it would be a good idea to actually invest in and store hard precious metals like gold and silver.

4.  Network of Patriots.  Communicate with a close group of local friends to share plans and resources during hard times.

You really can’t blame this virus for all the hardships to come, really.   The seasonal flu infects more and kills more, annually.  But it was the government that closed all the businesses and turned off the economy, not the flu.  Then, it was the government that injected trillions of printed dollars into the banks, printed out of thin air.  It was the government that infringed on all your basic human rights; and you were okay with it.  Why?  To make you think and feel like you “need” the government more than you ever have, and to give them a greater control over the private sector and you.

But, you can’t blame the virus.  You elected these people.  You obeyed without question…

  1. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/flu-season-2017-2018.htm
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2020/03/10/us-coronavirus-map-tracking-united-states-outbreak/4945223002/
  3. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/flu-season.htm
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-the-flu-last#contagious

Racial pandering is racism

According to Democrats, if you are a minority, you must act and think a certain way, based on your skin color and culture. And if you don’t think or act the way they think you should, you’re wrong, because they, a different skin color and in their superiority, know better than you do.

So really, the party that made up the majority of the KKK, still hasn’t changed all that much. We can see this just by their actions and their own words.

Their chosen front runner and party leader, Joe Biden, exhibits this just about every time to opens his mouth. He explicitly stated that if YOU don’t support him, and you’re black, then, “you ain’t black.” How can he tell people who are black, their not, if they don’t support him? Simply because of his own perceived superiority.

He thinks blacks should act and think a certain way. And if they don’t, he discredits them, marginalizes them, even vilifies them.

How can he be FOR a racial group if, throughout his political career, he has supported and co-authored legislation that actually harms racial groups? For 40 plus years, data has shown the harmfulness of his own policies. He has had 40 plus years to address this, why didn’t he? He chooses his own career over their issues. Only when it benefits his party and his own career, he then talks about race issues and supports very minor reforms. Again, his care isn’t about the black community, but himself.

You have politicians like (D) Bill Clinton who championed the 1994 crime bill. You even have Hillary Clinton state “they all look alike” at a conference comparing Eric Holder with Corry Booker. The fact that people came out in defense of her claiming all kinds of things from framing some sort of ‘context’ of her racist joke is shameful. Even if it was a joke, it was racist.

Don’t believe it? Read https://potr1774.com/get-to-know-joe-biden/ and watch the videos of him your self.

Remember, it was the democrat party that supported Jim Crow laws. As blacks voted for more republicans and when blacks began to really start voting that they changed their approach. Then they pushed for mass incarceration (1994 crime bill) which directly harmed the black community. They got a couple black civil rights leaders on board and changed their image to look like they were for the black community. They pushed this idea and image that democrats were the party of minorities, even though their policies greatly harm those communities. Then, as they got more of the power back, they used that image to maintain power.

The real problems facing the black community is black on black crime and abortion. These two violence cause the most loss of life in the black community and do serious harm to families. What is the Democratic solution? Support aborting even more black babies, over-criminalize, mass incarcerate of more blacks, and force blacks to be more dependent on the system…

Then Why Are There Black Democrats?

The love of power. It’s as simple as that. You have the ‘ghetto pimps’ who just pander to the people of their community to maintain their level of power and prestige.

Some of the most heavily populated cities with the largest black population have continuously elected democrats for decades. But, for decades, their issues have not been reformed. Yet, they keep getting re-elected. Every election cycle they give speeches and promises of change, but no change ever amounts to any real individual independence and benefit for their community.

They USE the problems of their community for their own re-election and to maintain their power and position. They NEED these problems so they can use them to get elected. They use the problems as a tool to campaign against their political rivals. They paint their rivals as someone who will cause problems, yet, they, themselves, do not solve the problems they were elected to solve.

Changing names of streets and buildings do not really change the problem. They just hide the problem. Removing statues do not actually change any problems, they just hide the past and keep people from learning from the mistakes of the past. All the policies and laws that have harmed the black communities, are still in effect, under the watch of all those black politicians who get continuously elected.

How Do They Keep Getting Elected?

Pushing their “image” of being for minorities and using the ‘ghetto pimps’ to further their self proclaimed image, they get people to think how they want them to think. They TELL the community how to act and think with all kinds of promises and handouts. The problems in the community are never really solved. So the is a perpetual existence of disparities in these communities that are never really addressed directly. Instead, government problems are offered as a sort of bandaid to the problems.

Since Joe Biden is racist in his idea that through his superiority, tells black people how they should act and think; how can blacks vote for him? THAT is a huge question. It’s puzzling that so many blacks who are fighting for equality and fighting against injustice and racism, support a guy and a party that has racial prejudice ingrained in their party platform. They support a party that puts black people in a box. That limit their individuality to what the party thinks they should and should not support. It’s clear black Democrats like this “box” because first, they are immune to it because they have made it out of the box and now use their position of power to shape the box and maintain their own power. But, again, how can impoverish, low-income, lower socioeconomic class minorities, even moderate and middle-income minorities, support such racially prejudice policies and agree with the box they are placed in?

The pseudo feeling of empowerment is like a mental drug. When the government subsidy hits the bank account, it feels great. Everyone loves government stimulus checks. They don’t consider who, how, or where it came from. Organizations that thrive on government subsidies use only a percentage of the money for their actual cause. The voters don’t hear about the high standards to qualify for the small business grants. All they hear about is how much money is out there. They also don’t detail how some of these grants are only for certain groups and aren’t even available, equally, all small businesses of the same industry. Some grants are only for women. That means and entire group of small business owners can’t even qualify for them simply based on their sex. Others are minority specific, which is good, but the consequence to this is that non-minority small business owners, who employ minorities, can not qualify for them either. If they need them, but can’t get them, and go out of business, that means those minority employees are also out of a job. So, a male small business owner who employs a majority of minorities can not qualify for a bunch of grants; which risks the jobs of minorities still. How can people fight inequality, while simultaneously support inequality of grant distribution? Again, it comes back to that pseudo feeling of empowerment; when it actuality is systemic government dependence.

Modern Enslavement

Being financially dependent on government is modern civilized enslavement. This is the tool of democrats. To expand government programs with the image of “helping” those communities. But what that has done has just forced them to become dependent on these programs and to rely on government assistance. Once trapped in the cycle of government support, any effort to change these government subsidies is easily labeled as “anti-minority.” This is another tool of democrats. To vilify and frame government subsidy reforms as racist and harmful to the black communities; when, in fact, it is the very thing that has enslaved minorities. It almost secures votes.

Now, after decades and generations who have grown accustomed to government subsidies, it is viewed as ‘normal’ and ‘needed.’ Those who came out of this are indoctrinated with the idea that it was the government subsidies that helped them achieve personal success. They then in turn perpetuate the idea that government subsidies are a good thing for their community. And the generational cycle of government dependence continues; securing long term voting blocks for Democrats.

There still exists mass incarceration party due to mandatory minimum sentences imposed by the Democrat’s 1994 crime bill and subsequent amendments. Over-criminalization places greater hardships on people to be successful on their own. Mass government oversight and regulations make becoming financially independent and owning your own business even harder and more expensive. Massive costs of education caused by government subsidies to colleges leads to greater student loan debt and financial hardships for individuals. ALL of this almost forces people to fall back on the government for more help. Harder to find jobs with over-criminalization. Harder to start your own business. Regulations and taxes drive up the costs of daily goods. ALL of this forces people to struggle. All of this forces people to be government dependent. Democrats simply support economic slavery.

Then, they paint all of THEIR polices as some abstract ‘systemic racism’ of which THEY create, support, and avoid solving.

There is overwhelming evidences that shows the more government subsidizes something, the more expensive it becomes. This is a fact in the agriculture and education sectors. As government funds more of the industry, the more the costs of the industry rise. Then people are complaining that things are getting too expensive; so what do they do? They vote for more politicians who grow the government subsidies and are shocked when prices still go up even higher.

Meanwhile, these politicians send their kids to private schools, get them hired on a high paying jobs that they don’t even qualify for, have private chiefs, and have the best, highest quality health care; who aren’t even using the very subsidized things they advocate for. Yet, the people keep voting for these very politicians, year after year.

Republicans Aren’t Free From Criticisms Either

Republicans were started out of the Abolitionist (Abolishment of slavery) movement and their first leader was Abraham freak’n Lincoln. A guy that was way ahead of his time. Who fought supreme court decisions (Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857) and fought to amend the Constitution (13th and 14th Amendment). Republicans fought for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that Democrats filibustered. They were the party that deregulated a lot of industries that allowed for greater economic growth of private businesses and small business. They were for smaller limited government and empowering the individual to be successful. They rallied voters rights and voter registration drives that the Democrats fought against. They ran against Jim Crow politicians in the south. WTF happened?

Well, as time went on, and as government subsidies became more culturally normal and acceptable, these new generations of Republicans accepted them as useful too. And now, as it is painted by government dependent groups that government subsidies are ‘helpful,’ they embraced them for the furtherance of their career or protect it too. It’s virtually political suicide now to support reducing public subsidies. If they do this, Democrats and government dependent communities jump all over them as ‘racist” and “anti-minority.” Even non-minority communities have grown to depend on them and support the government subsidies.

Black Non-Democrats

Yes, there are a lot of blacks who are NOT Democrat. And, according to Joe Biden, they aren’t black. Literally, that’s what he said from his own mouth (see the video for yourself above).

In the late 1800s you had leaders like Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass. The Democratic party did soften it’s stance against blacks and segregation which allowed for the inclusion of blacks in the Democratic party. But these Democrats were classical liberals, which, more reflects the Republican party now anyway. Just look at what party all the blacks were with after the Civil War up to the 1930s (https://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/BAIC/Historical-Data/Black-American-Representatives-and-Senators-by-Congress/). Once Jim Crow laws were really being enforced, suddenly, the only way to win was to join the Democrats. As Jim Crow laws were being resisted and dismantled, you start seeing blacks being elected as Republicans again. Hubert Humphrey (D), basically split the Democratic party in two with his 1948 Democratic National Convention speech calling for equal rights for all. Voting for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 40% of Democrats still opposed it. Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the Democrat filibuster of this monumental Act. But by that time, the Democrats had started changing their image. It was the Republicans who fought the hardest for equality, from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Act; that’s 100 years of fighting for equal rights. Not the Democrats.

Now, the Democratic party is heavily leaning toward extreme liberalism which is collectivist in their view of minorities. In 1960, the NAACP President Benjamin Hooks was invited to address the Republican National Convention. President Reagan appoints Clarence Thomas as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who later become the first black Supreme Court Justice. President Reagan appoints Alan Keyes the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Condoleezza Rice was appointed by Bush as Senior Director of the National Security Council for Soviet and East European Affairs. And there are hundreds of predominate blacks who are not Democrats (but still only see minorities as a defined group within a box). Some, aren’t affiliated with the Republican party either. Odd how it’s racist to assume all black people play basketball but not racist to assume all blacks are Democrat… And it’s not Republican VS Democrat. There are other political parties, such as the Libertarian Party. Ironically, The Libertarian Party now most closely resembles the old Republican Party of the late 1800s.

  • Tim Scott (SC, Senator)
  • Allen West (LTC, FL Senator)
  • Herman Cain, who ran for president as a Republican
  • Dr. Ben Carson, who ran for president as a Republican
  • Dr. Thomas Sowell (Economist)
  • Shelby Steele
  • Armstrong Williams
  • Dr. Walter E. Williams (Professor of Economics, George Mason University; syndicated columnist)
  • Naomi Churchill Earp
  • Artur Genestre Davis (Ex-Democrat)
  • Mia Love (UT, Congress)
  • Will Hurd (TX, Congress)
  • Alveda King (Member of the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission)
  • Richard Wright
  • Larry Elder (talk radio host; best-selling author)
  • Brian Higgins (radio host, XM Satelite Radio – Boston, MA)
  • Star Parker (author; founder, Coalition on Urban Affairs)
  • Gerald Reynolds (Chairman, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights)
  • Michael Steele (Republican National Committee Chairman)
  • Dr. James Robinson (freelance writer; former Professor of Political Science)
  • Judge Janice Rogers Brown (U.S. Court of Appeals Judge, DC Circuit)
  • Larry Sharpe
  • Rigoberto Stewart (Institute for Liberty and Analysis of Policy in Government)
  • Maj Toure (Activist, Founder of Black Guns Matter)
  • Dr. Anne Wortham (author; Professor of Sociology, Illinois State University)
  • Bruce LeVell
  • Michael Barnett ( Diversity coalition and chairman of the Republican Executive Committee in Palm Beach County, Florida)
  • Dr. Darrell Scott
  • Candace Owens
  • Henry Childs II (Attorney and president of the Texas Federation of African-American Republicans)
  • Don King (Former promoter of boxing champions from Muhammad Ali to Mike Tyson)

That’s just to name a few.

And if you don’t know any of these people, or maybe just heard of a few, you are limiting your mind and opinions. You may be holding yourself in the box of minorities that the democrats have told you to be in.

But this proves that blacks don’t have to conform to the Democrat imposed definition of what it is to be black. They are free to think and act how they personally choose to. They can be Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or form their own party. But dismantling the generational indoctrination of Democrats deciding what is best for blacks will take generations as well, and it will take even longer since blacks are so conditioned to continually only vote Democrat.

The Liberty Test

The Supreme Court uses logical tests to determine if something meets a certain standard.   We The People, should do the same.  This test, anyone can apply to any sort of policy, order, or legislation tests it’s support or opposition to freedom, and expands or contracts freedoms, for all or some people. Continue reading

Time To Get Organized

10 Steps to Refresh the Tree of Liberty.  COVID-19 did us a favor.  It exposed the power hungry tyrants all over the country that are more risky than a contagious flu-like virus with an average 0.66% mortality rate.  Power hungry tyrant governments have killed more of its own citizens than the Coronavirus could ever dream of.  But, it also revealed how FEW true freedom loving people there really are.  It did however separate the few from the fakes.  Now, its time to begin networking with the few and become many. Continue reading

The Government Shut Down

GOOD!  Every day the government is shut down, America adds LESS TO THE DEBT! But lets be honest.  We all know all those poor people who are completely dependent on mommy daddy government will not be forgotten.  Eventually, like it always does, when the government is reopened; they will be paid back.  The last thing they want are people not to vote for them and their big government policies.  This “shut-down” does reveal something sad about the current American culture.  Their mental slavery to the government. Continue reading

The Government Will Protect Us


WHO is Government?

First, The Government is run by humans.  The policies, committees, rules, laws, ordinances, paperwork, anything and everything government; is made and run by humans.  Humans are not perfect.  The Human heart becomes corrupted with power and control.  This is just a historical fact. Continue reading

Church Shootings

Church shootings are a tragedy just like any other shooting that causes the loss of life.  Some however feel that they are worse in the sense they are done in a ‘house of God’.  There have been 14 fatal shootings at a house of worship since 2012 with different motivating factors.  Americans tend to be more shocked by these type of shootings verses all other types but is there really a difference?  There are 3 major misconceptions in American society: (1) A Church building is the house of God, (3) Limiting Gun access will reduce murders, (3) Prayer is not enough.

The House of God

People have long thought of Church Buildings as a House of God and are sacred because some believe that the actual presence of God is contained in them.  When people are asked what church they are a part of, they point to a building.  This is partly a continuation of per-pentecost history.  Though God’s presence and actions were all over the ancient world, in the Temple, in the Holy of Hollies chamber, the actual presence of God was manifest.  Then, Jesus came, taught of the coming poring out of the Holy Spirit into all believers.  When it happened, God’s temple was each believer.  The word “church” comes from the Greek word ekklesia which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” Paul states in Romans 16:5 “Greet also the church in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in Asia.”  Paul makes it clear that a church is a group of people, “an assembly” and “called-out ones”; not a building.  Therefore, the House of God, is in each believer as they are the temple of God.  Jesus said in Mark 14:58 “We heard Him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple, and in three days I will build another that is made without hands.”  Just as Jesus drove out sin in the Temple prior to Pentecost, now Jesus drives out the sin with in us and purifies us because WE, you, every believer, are the temple of God now. 

With that said, Church buildings are nothing more than structures made of the elements no different from all the other buildings in this world.  Thus, they are vulnerable to the same sins and injustices in this world.  They are equally vulnerable to shoots just as any other building.  Church buildings are not the house of God, believes are. 

Limiting Gun Access

With every significant shooting, the discussion of stricter Gun Control comes up as a solution to these violent crimes.  That some how, more man-made laws will stop mass killings.  This is a false hope.  Looking into history we see mass killings throughout history long before Guns were invented.  Even after the invention of Guns we see mass killings committed by governments on its citizens who weren’t armed to begin with.  Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, China, Cambodia, and North Korea for example.  In cities in the US that have extremely strict Gun Control Laws, like Chicago, has the highest rates of killings.  In contrast, the countries with the some of the highest gun ownership per capita, such as Norway, Canada, and Finland have the least amount of gun violence.  These facts disprove that Guns are the problem.  The major dilemma for Gun Control advocates is the fact that criminals, by definition, do not obey laws to begin with.  And the ultimate law that should stop gun violence, murder, is already outlawed.  Increasing the number of laws does not stop those who kill.  What is the REAL and TRUE problem and solution?

The REAL and TRUE problem is the culture’s morality or lack of it.  If those who seek to kill other people lack the source of the value of human life; they will just use other tools.  More recent murders with the use of vehicles and knifes for example.  The tools are not the problem, the desire to use inanimate objects for the purpose of taking human life is; no different than Cain.  The second problem of the heart is that others feel the need to control other people.  Some FEEL as though they are more righteous in their anti-gun stance and want to control the people who are pro-gun.  Again, the ULTIMATE problem is of the heart; not inanimate objects or arbitrary man-made laws.

Odd that Christians who advocate for stricter Gun Control fail to address the sinful heart and fail to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every public forum and debate about gun violence.  It is not necessarily odd but directly relates to the second problem pointed out above.  Sinful people WILL kill; Cain used a rock before murder was ever witnessed, the Jewish authority used the lawful system to murder Jesus.  Communist Russia starved its unarmed people.  On October 31st, someone used a Home Depot truck to murder.  It is a problem of the human heart from day one.


Following the Church shooting in Texas, some people took to social media and patronized prayer.  Even elected officials made negative remarks about praying for the families of those who were killed.  The idea presented is that prayer does not work but that action has to be taken- their solution- gun control action.  The fact of patronizing prayer as ineffective also reveals the ignorant heart of what prayer is and does. 

They are right in one sense.  Sending prayers, ‘positive vibes’ and energy to the victims and their families doesn’t work.  That is not true prayer.  Prayer conforms our hearts to the will of God.  That simple.  If you pray for ANYTHING that is in God’s Will, it WILL be answered.  Sounds pointless right?  Sense God will act out his will anyway?  Two things:  (1) It conforms our hearts and minds to what ever God’s will may be.  It helps us accept the sovereign will of God.  (2) God has seen all events in time all ready, thus, he knows what is going to happen and what people will pray for; before space and time was created.  God is love in that he does answer the prayers before the creation of the world but he is ALSO eternally knowledgeable.   He knows the best solutions to draw people to himself.  Far greater than we would understand.  That is why some times it seems God does not answer prayers the way we ask.  Doubting prayer is actually doubting God’s eternal love, knowledge, and sovereignty. 

The elected officials and others who believe prayer is ineffective think THEY have a better solution and through THEIR power; THEY can bring about change and justice.  Its a tough pill to swallow but some times the only way to reach people is through tragedy.  God had his only holy Son killed so that the world could see God’s love and righteousness.  In Jesus’ time, a tower collapsed and killed 8 Galleans.  He used that example to call for people to repent.  There was a man was born blind, lived his whole life blind.  I’m sure he and his family prayed for healing but it never came.  Then, Jesus came along and healed him later in life.  Jesus stated but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3).

Name It and Claim It

Prayer is also not ‘claiming’ something “in Jesus’ name”.  If this was true, why not say this:  “I claim all mass shootings to stop in Jesus’ name” and boom. done.  right?  Why doesn’t the most righteous name it and claim it Word of Faith preach just do it already?  What are they waiting for?  You see, even the name it and claim it crowd do not truly believe their claims either.  Again, this is not what true prayer is.  It is just another attempt to feel in control over God’s sovereignty.
We pray to help us conform to God’s will and accept his vast perfect knowledge with the hope that it leads people to Him.  No matter what, his sovereign power is seen no matter the event.  He is in full control.  The illusion of humanistic Gun Control to save lives does not save others from all the other tools used to take lives; only God can truly save the lives of whom ever he chooses for his purposes.  The salvation of Souls is far greater.  Jesus declares “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28). 


The American culture will continue to decline and a vast number of tools to take lives will continue to be used despite passing vast number of regulations and laws.  Culture will decline because of the lack of morality and faith in God.  Church shootings will continue.  In fact, the Christian life under Rome was far worse still.  Unless the Church (believers in Jesus Christ) takes a stand and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the hearts and minds of American society will continue to decay and lead to more violence.  No humanistic law will solve the sinful hearts of the society; only proclaiming The Gospel can.  Proclaiming The Gospel is far greater than proclaiming any secular Gun Control law, denouncing prayer, and feeling safe in a building.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

The Worldly Construction of ‘Race’

In changing times and as cultural identities evolve, a constant issue has been and seems always will be the struggle of favoritism and discrimination of people who look and act different.  Even God’s people struggle with this issue to this day.  How we address the issue is not found in worldly political strategies and policies but in the truths in Holy Scripture and the Characteristics of God himself.

One Race

First we need to wipe our minds of what the world has taught us how to view racial favoritism and discrimination.  There is only one Race, the human race.  To state there is a ‘black’ race or a ‘white’ race is thinking the way the world wants you to think so that people are generalized, categorized, and marginalized.  These concepts of ‘black’ people and ‘white’ people are human constructs and do not actually exist. Proven by the fact that light skin individuals can be considered ‘black’ and dark skinned individuals can be considered ‘white’.  This construct of ‘race’ can not be based on where the person’s family linage is from; because we are all from the same place and same people.  This then brings us to the defining factor and WHO decides what defines a ‘race’.

Humanistic Construct of ‘Race’

Someone decided to be ‘black’ you have to be descended from (a) Africa and subscribe to certain sub-cultural (b) behaviors and (c) ideals [including languages].  These three culturally normative rules define what it is to be ‘black’ (or any ‘race’).  Who decided this?  This construct has been around in various forms throughout human history.  In ancient history, where you were from, defined you.  Because where you were from incorporated the ideals and behaviors of that region.  Our first big questions is; Is this social construct part of God’s original design for Humanity?

Even evolutionary biologist agree that all the different human ‘races’ came from one common ancestor and that all humans have the same melanin in our skins cells that give us the various shades of skin pigment (Gen 3:20).  Biologist also know that it only takes a few generations to get very distinct people groups with various shades of melanin.  From Adam to Noah, people seemed to have lived together.  They shared the same language and locations.  Then God dispersed them and confused their language.  In this dispersion some people would have went to different climate regions and created different daily habits causing the different melanin shades, behaviors, and ideals over the generations.

9 Generations of long living people from Adam to Noah all with the same language and general regions (Gen 4,5,11,12).  The children from Noah’s children became more and more diverse in culture and physical appearance by specific isolation in that gene pool in each splintered people group (Gen 10-11).  This example image helps understand the genetics and the gene pool isolation possible outcomes:

The same is true for physical features such as hair and eye thickness and color.  Eye shape, noise size, lip, chin, head, and muscle density;  all in DNA in each isolated people group developing the common genetics over the generations. The Holy Spirit declares there is only one race but many ‘pre-appointed’ unique people groups in their regions (Acts 17:26).

So back to our question: Yes and No.  Human DNA shows that even if the world did not sin, God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply.  In filling the earth and multiplying, there would be these genetic variations- unrelated to sin.  These genetic variations were ‘pre-appointed’ by a the Holy Almighty Creator.  BUT the cultural variations in the behavior and ideals were NOT.  God confused the languages and dispersed the people for a negative reason- because of the sin in the human heart.

Genetic Variations in different people groups is of God.  It should be celebrated and respected. Cultural Variations in different people groups is a judgement of God.  It was due to the sin in the human heart.  This is NOT to say, cultural norms should not be respected and celebrated; most are not wrong inherently, some even can glorify God.  BUT there are cultural norms that are sinful.

The current humanistic construct of ‘race’ is NOT of God:  It dis-unifies the human race and allows for sinful cultural norms to define and influence an entire people group; which leads to conflict between people groups.  The racial definitions are not transcended nor objective but evolve with the heart of whom ever is currently in control of the society that definitions it and is subjective in each generation.  The current humanistic construct of ‘race’ actually perpetuates favoritism and discrimination in the human heart.  How so?

Identity Confusion

You may have dark skin, adhere to all the social norms of a particular ‘race’ but may not have any linage to that race’s defined source.  Then it would be said that you were not really that race.   More commonly in our time is the same rejection of someone due to differing ideals.  Someone who identifies as ‘black’ may be rejected and dismissed by the ‘black community’ because of having different ideals.  Supporting a political candidate may cause the rejection and dismissal by the current leaders of the ‘black community’.  Not supporting a subjective cause which has been declared by leaders of the ‘black community’ as a defining factor would also lead to rejection and dismissing.  Labeling and insulting words such as ‘uncle tom’ are used to shun and shame that individual for not conforming to the subjective humanistic social norms of what it means to be ‘black’.  It discriminates against individuality and forces favoritism of a particular subjective worldly definition.  It is racist and hateful against someone of the same identity. It is hypocritical and slanderous.  It is the human heart; perpetuated by a humanistic construct of ‘race’ imposed by prideful and self glorified leaders of the ‘black community’.  It is oppressive and enslaving.

The truth that sets free from Identity confusion is resting your identity of what defines you and your individuality in Christ and seek the kingdom of God and his Characteristics.  What defines you is not of this world.  It is not based on cultural leaders formulating subjective rules that define a racial community; but is only found in Christ and defined by God alone.

Unequal Favoritism

When an ideal, behavior, or other people group interferes or threatens the defined construction of the particular ‘race’- an unequal unbalanced form of discrimination is imposed on that which is threatening, greatly favoring that which feels threatened.  It sacrifices the sovereignty of one people group for the unequal favoritism of the other.  This will continue to happen because it is an ever changing construct of evolving definitions of ‘races’.  The humanistic construct itself has built within itself the propensity for discrimination and unequal favoritism caused by the continual conflict of people groups and their collective wants and needs.  This too is oppressive and enslaving because the construct itself does not allow for an escape from conflict and peace except through forced favoritism through forced ‘justified’ discrimination.  To say one people group matter while remaining silent as another people group is slandered and discriminated against is unequal favoritism as well.  Long term forced focus on one people group alienates other people groups.  Continues to perpetuate inequality through favoritism and the disunity of humanity.

Unholy Norms 

Within each constructed ‘race’ there are norms that systematically ensures the humanistic construct continues.  In each ‘race’, acceptable generalizations are made and taught.  Even generalizations about the ‘race’ its self ensures that the subjective humanistic identity continues within the constructed race.  The hypocrisy is when a generalization from a different people group is imposed, then generalizing is seen as discrimination; when within that group, generalizing was acceptable.  For example:  “Black people are criminals” is deemed racist and wrong BUT “White people are wealthy” is seen as acceptable.  Both are generalizations based on a socially constructed idea about an entire people group based on the subjective definitions of their ‘race’.  Realistically and logically, both statements are discriminating and hypocritical judgemental ideals.

Another form of unholy social norms taught within particular people groups are subjective ideas of justified reasons to hate and cause violence.  Because the reasons to hate are ‘justified’ within the ‘race’, it is not viewed as hate.  Because the justification for violence is seen as ‘just’ it is not seen as violent.  Committing heinous and unnecessary crimes to ‘survive’, creating and supporting violent resistance to simple government laws, and imposing ‘justified’ generalizations of other people groups while going on witch hunts and ‘race-bait’ for undesirable generalizations are taught social norms within a people group that do harm to the people itself.  These generationally taught norms perpetuate the enslaving effect of the humanistic systematic construct of ‘race’ and maintain the blindness of the morally corrupt which is justifying hate and violence.

Ultimately when a people group is taught that they themselves are not responsible for their own decisions in the society but instead is due to historic injustices or a prejudice system and then impose unjust sanctions on another hypocritically generalized people group because of unrelated historic events; that people group are prevented from individual development through accountability and correction.  Essentially, lack of responsibility and accountability perpetuate their enslaving to the humanistic system of constructed races in combination with all the other effects of the constructed racial systematic divide.

Hypocritical judgementalism, blind hatred, accepted discrimination, allowed inequality, forced favoritism, condoning and committing violence, silence in the face of hypocrisy, support and action of breaking just laws, slander and generalize other people groups, lack of accountability and responsibility; all are unholy social norms built in a humanistic constructed subjective definition of races that which perpetuates the enslavement of the mind and soul of a society that believes in and embraces the humanistic constructed subjective definition of their ‘race’.

WHO Tells You What To Think

Where you taught to believe you belong to a particular racial group because you meet the qualities you were told? Are you ‘black’ or ‘white’ because you have dark skin, act, speak, and think a certain way?  Are you afraid of betraying your race if you change your ideals?  Who told you what it means to betray a racial definition that you did not define? Are you an individual defined by God or a humanistic subjective construct of what someone else says you are?  Are you free to be an individual?

Your Source

Those who have been granted faith in Jesus Christ have put to death their flesh and raised to a new life in Christ.  Their minds have been renewed and have been given a new heart.  Their eyes have been opened to see God and they have been BORN AGAIN.  They are not their old self.  They are no longer bound to their flesh and the limitations of it.  They are a NEW creation.  They are given a new life and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Their identity is IN Christ, not in the flesh.  They may be defined as ‘black’ by the world, but are define as a Child of God which transcends how pigmented their skins is.  God is the greatest and most important defining factor in their life for all eternity.  They are not a black-Christian, or white-Christian, all are equally are eternally Christian.  There is NOTHING that makes being Christian better and there is nothing lacking when in Christ.

God’s Construction of ‘Race’

God made man in his image. All shades and physical features is the unique Human Race created by God and set a part from all other creation.  Each person, given their own unique qualities for the purpose of serving God in the community they were called out of while simultaneously remaining unified with the rest of the body of Christ made up of all nations.

  • Romans 10:12 – “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;”
  • Gal 3:28 – “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 
  • Colossians 3:11 – “a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.”  

There are worldly humanistic labels and dividing distinctions that define people; and break up unity of humanity but only two ways for God; those who worship God and those who do not.  The world divides up, subjectively defines and labels, then marginalizes for the purposes of unequal favoritism and unjust discrimination.  God divides up for the purpose of graceful eternal salvation and the need for eternal salvation from his perfect righteous justice.


All Christians are called out of a culture in the world, reborn, renewed, and equipped to re-enter the world as a missionary to find the rest of the lost sheep; to make known the grace of God.  For those who come out of the ‘Black community’ or ‘Latin community’ are specifically equipped to go back as a missionary for those communities.  But again, they are no longer defined by the community they came out of.  Their citizenship is of heaven now.  This is the mistake Peter made and the mistakes many Christians make now.  They return to their familiar community and alienate everyone else.  They show favoritism for the specific community they came out of and neglect the rest of their Christian family from all other communities.  Favoritism and neglect are harmful to missions and the body of Christ as a whole.  This goes against the grain of the worldly constructed expectations for people.  The church needs to show that Black Lives Matter for example, without neglecting, belittling, and alienating the rest of the body of Christ form all the other people groups.  To show the world the unity of God that can only be seen through The Body of Christ who is made up of all people.

Social Justice and The Church

The most recent political upheaval and social climate has revealed issues within society and in the church.  Some are condemning the church for not taking a visible stand against perceived social injustices and others are condemning the church for not being more clear on incompatible social norms to Christian living. Abortion, Gay Rights, Racism, and Sexism are the four primary social injustices declared in society of which the church is either being condemned for lack of compassion or being too worldly; but both can not be true at the same time.  So what is it? Where SHOULD the invisible true body of Christ stand and declare in regards to these four social issues? 


All over the news we see ministers openly supporting abortion while at the same time other ministers openly condemning abortion.  This has brought confusion to the world.  To correctly know where the church SHOULD stand we must set aside human feeling and emotion and look toward God.  What has God made known about the value of human life and when it is declared life.  The explicit verse is Jeremiah 1:5 where he explicitly states:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Here we see the value of a person, before birth.  And before birth we see the life of someone is declared.   Thus, pre-born people are known beings with a purpose. 

From the perspective of someone lead by the Holy Spirit in writing scripture we see that a person is a person before birth (Psalm 139:13-16).  Also in Exodus 21:22-25 we see killing a unborn baby is given the same valued penalty as murder.  

We can come to two clear and explicit conclusions from God’s perspective:

  • A fetus is a person, a life.
  • A fetus is equally valuable to a post-birth person in purpose and consequence.

Therefore: a fetus/unborn life is a living growing person with equal value and purposes.  This is the stance anyone who claims to know God must share if they truly know and understand God and his will.

For ministers, pastors, and anyone claiming to follow Christ to encourage, support, and aid in abortion is to act in contrary to God and what he declares in scripture.  To condemn and vilify those who stand against abortion is wrong!  God condemns abortion and it goes against his most greatest principle of The Life Giver! 

The Church needs to reach out to those who are confused on the matter in a loving and kind manner.  Instead of focusing on the self-seeking hardships that may result from giving birth; HOPE,  RESTORATION, and GODLY POTENTIAL need to be proclaimed over the life of the mother and the pre-born person!  This is where the church needs to take the open and public stand on this issue.

True Social Justice:  To seek TRUE justice in this matter is to actively seek to SAVE LIVES and PROTECT those who can not protect themselves- such as the unborn person.  While simultaneously offering HOPE and RESTORATION to whose who have had abortions or who are considering it.

Also read Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth  |  Me, Myself, And I and “Doing Me”  |  Abortion and God’s Gift


This message has been just as confused by the church.  Some are all for gay rights and others are against it.  Some ministers are openly Gay and others see it as an unwanted struggle.  Again, we must set aside flawed human emotion and corrupted desires and see it from God’s perspective.  

We must first understand that the human heart is sinful and that all people are sinners by nature.  Sin leads people to manifest this in their lives.  One of the manifestations of the sinful heart is same-sex attraction.  How do we know this? Because God explicitly declares this: (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9).  This NOT to say people who are gay are worse than others.  That is NOT true.  Everyone is sinful.  The difference is those who declare Christ as their Lord and Savior understand that their sin is sin and is a unwanted struggle that Christ payed for on the cross.  

 This is where the age old guilt tripping and condemning from the world hits hard.  Just look at the comments from the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:9 ““Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” That is the age old ‘don’t judge me‘ card used to force a guilted acceptance.  Lot stated it is wicked but he is not the one who declared it as such; God did.  He is just in agreement with what God has declared.  

There is a correct perception on this issue though.  The church has NOT done a good job at being kind and gracious in this issue.  Aside from the confusion from other people in the church; it has not graciously reached out to build positive relations and dialog with people of the LGBT community.  BUT this does not make the truth at the heart of the matter any less true.

Related to this issue is Same-sex Marriage.  Again, the world and its courts and laws do not define Godly truths.  A holy and pure marriage is not determined by worldly laws or supreme courts.  Thus fighting for the right to marry and to evolve a countries laws and definitions does not make it true justice or a righteous justice.  When that which is sought is contrary to what God has made known, it is not true social justice but worldly appeasement.  

Also read The Original Pure and Holy Marriage  |  SCOTUS and God

True Social Justice: The church needs to actively reach out to the LGBT community, participate in positive dialogs, and show the grace and kindness of God even if the LGBT community does not see the need for God’s Grace in this aspect of life.  The discussions need to be Gospel centered in the person and work of Christ and WHY Jesus had to do what he did on the cross.  The church should NOT condemn them and explain why EVERYONE is condemned without true faith in Christ’s work.  That there is HOPE, PEACE, and the truest sense of IDENTITY found only in Christ.

Also read Don’t Judge Me  |  Freedom for The Law and Sexuality  |  The “Jesus didn’t say it” Reasoning  |  Born This Way  |  Follow Your Heart?  |  How “Love is Love” is Unloving.


Historically the church has not been consistent in this issue and has been confusing the world on this issue as well.  Some notable ministers and pastors have been racists.  That’s just a fact.  Racism exists. But history and human nature does not define what God has declared.  Human nature can not be the measuring stick of truth and goodness.   Some in the church have bought into the worldly definitions and manipulative messages to distort biblical truths.  We will break down this issue in the way God declares it:

There is only 1 race: The Human Race which all came from Adam and Eve.  There are different ethnicities with unique social, cultural, physical, and location identifiers.  But ALL people are equal in value and purpose (Genesis 1:26-27) and ALL people are loved by God (John 3:16).  ALL people are equal before God and he does NOT show favoritism over one ethnic group over another (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9).  

Favoritism for one ethnic group over others is ungodly.  This not only applies to those who identity as ‘white’ in favoring other ‘white’ people, but ALSO applies to anyone who favors ‘black’ people over ‘white’ people.   Favoritism is favoritism no matter who is pushing it.  WHEN this happens, because it will and does; it is the church that needs to speak up and speak out against it.

True Social Justice:  The church needs to stand with those who are oppressed and expose any and all sorts of favoritism within its self and in the world.  It needs to actively seek UNITY and PEACE for ALL ethnic groups.  It needs to proclaim the VALUE of all people.  It needs to openly REBUKE and REMOVE from its own ranks people who are unrepentant in their favoritism for one ethnic group over another.  

Also read Racism and God  |  The Beauty of Accountability


Sexism has historically plagued the church.  Similarly to racism, the same truths apply.  All people are equal in value and are all loved by God.  The one difference that God has declared are the responsibilities he rests on the sexes.  The unique responsibilities do NOT reduce their value!  That is a worldly misconception.  But in God’s supreme will some times the uses a different sex to fulfill the responsibilities that the other sex failed to do.  When a father leaves his family, the mother has to fill both roles.  But, God will still hold the father accountable for his failure.  The same is true for when a mother negates her responsibilities for what ever reason; she will be held accountable.

True Social Justice:  The church needs to stand with those who are oppressed and expose any and all sorts of favoritism within its self and in the world.  It needs to actively seek UNITY and PEACE for ALL sexes.  It needs to proclaim the VALUE of all people.  It needs to openly REBUKE and REMOVE from its own ranks people who are unrepentant creating obstacles for a certain sex to fulfill their ordained responsibilities.  It needs to EMPOWER and SUPPORT each sex to fulfill their responsibilities.


The world WILL hate Jesus and those who follow him.  Jesus makes this explicitly clear.  The world will evolve and invent its own social norms that may stand in contrary to what God has declared.  Each of these four issues have in fact evolved to includ issues that are contrary to God.  Abortion has included the idea of Woman’s Sovereign rights over her body.  This flies in the face of what is declared in 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”  Seeking social justice in this area is NOT true social justice but a defiance and rebellion against God.  Gay rights is another issue that is founded on worldly principles that are contrary to God.  The fight for this is to lead people into a greater dependence on selfishness and infects the core of ones identity.  Seeking social justice for this may sound good to the world but actually leads people to deeper self idolatry.  Showing favoritism in racial issues can lead to false sense of social justice; where a ethnic group is so heavily favored it leads to neglecting others ethnic groups and disunity.  This is also true for Sexism.  

The church WILL be condemned for not standing up for UNTRUE social issues.  The church will be hated and those who disagree will be labeled and vilified in society.  The Church needs to be constantly reminded that it is not seeking the world’s favor but God’s Glory.   When the church properly addresses TRUE social issues and seeks TRUE social justice as God sees fit, he will be Glorified, even if the church is hated by the world.  The climate of the culture does NOT justify the rightness of the church.  God does, by how well the church seeks his commandments and truth.   

Also read Test, Discern, and Righteous Judgement  |  The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone  |  What is ‘Doctrine’ and does it matter?  |  The Amazing Grace of God  |  “The World” According To God

Some will argue this is why the church is shrinking and people are leaving the church.  This is untrue.  People who leave the body of Christ and never return were never actually part of it to begin with.  There is the viable church but there is the invisible church.  Those who have been called by God, chosen, and sealed with God for all eternity.  This is not seen by man.

Also read Is The Church Shrinking?  |  Radicalized Christians?  |  The Church and Politics  |  Who would Jesus vote for?  |  God and The Government  |  The Joy of TRUTH

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

God’s Judgement on Nations through its Leaders

God is in absolute control in propping up and/or allowing Leaders of nations to rise and fall.   These leaders either lead to the nations dependence on God or lead the nation to not depend on God.  This article will look at God’s judgement on a nation through its leaders.

Recognizing The Direction

First thing God makes clear in scripture when it comes to allowing certain kinds of leaders to rise is when God hands people over to their sinful desires (Romans 1:24; 11:7-8).  His judgement over a nation can fall on any and all nations as his will determines (Ezekiel 5:15; Isaiah 34:5).  This is not referring to the final judgement, but a kind of reproach that leads those who are called to turn to the Lord in the face of their nation’s judgement (John 5:24).  For Christians who have fallen into being like the world, their judgement is disciplinary but for people in the nation, it is to their destruction (1 Corinthians 11:30, 32; Acts 12:23).

Wicked Direction and its Breaking Point

God is the ruler over all nations (Psalms 22:28);  when a nation seeks for its self its own gods that reflect their own desires; God grants them their wish.  God tolerates sin in his grace and kindness up to an absolute point (Genesis 15:16) that when He alone deems necessary to judge (Genesis 15:14).  It is this ‘breaking point’ that absolutely justifies God’s perfect justice and righteous judgement (Deuteronomy 9:4).  Arrogant hearts (Isaiah 2:11; 3:15; 13:11), idolatry (of self, possessions, status, or ideals) (Jeremiah 16:18; Ezekiel 23:20), bribery (Isaiah 1:23), extortion (Ezekiel 22:12), and the oppression of the poor (Isaiah 10:2; Malachi 3:4).

The Four Combined Cultural Sins that Justify God’s Judgement

Scary similarities in the reasoning for God judging nations in Leviticus 18:20–25.  Keep in mind verse 24, “the nations, which I am driving out before you, have become unclean, and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants” Now look at what made them become unclean: Adultery (v20), Child sacrifice/abortion (v21), Homosexual intercourse (v22), and beastiality (v23).  Now when considering the modern world, we see that 3 of 4 are acceptable, legal, and practiced.  The fourth one, beastiality, is sure to follow as the other 3 are made acceptable cultural norms.

The Fourth: Zoosexualism

The same societal reaction to beastiality currently, is the same reaction society had about homosexuality 60 years ago.  As culture continually developed we see a society that is making their domesticated pets more humanistic.  The ideology of “love is love” attempts to justify a persons romantic interest to whom ever they choose.  Under that justification, who is to say if someone wants to marry an animal and both creatures ‘seem’ in love; it would be hypocritically judgemental to say they can’t and deny them of that right. After all, love is love right?  In 2004, the term ‘zoosexual’ was penned.  Zoosexuality, where someone feels that they identify as a sexual orientation.  The Kinsey reports rated the percentage of people who had sexual interaction with animals at some point in their lives as 8% for men and 3.6% for women.  There are many psychiatric researches that show a small prevalence of zoosexual acts.  In the DSM-5, zoophilia rises to the level of a diagnosable disorder only when accompanied by distress or interference with normal functioning.  Keeping in mind, homosexuality was also a diagnosable disorder at one point in time as well.  Beetz (2002) stated “The phenomenon of sexual contact with animals is starting to lose its taboo“[1]  In 2005 a farm in Washington was nicknamed an “animal brothel” where people came to pay to have sexual acts with animals.  Currently, in other parts of the civilized world zoophilic materials have become a substantial industry.  Peter Singer, a Utilitarian philosopher and animal liberation author, argues that bestiality is not unethical so long as it involves no harm or cruelty to the animal.  Is this just the tip of the ice berg for Zoosexuality Rights in the next 60 years?

It is important to note that all these indicators for the fall of the nations God describes to Moses were all sexual in nature.  Of the sins stated in scriptures that lead people to eternity apart from God, sexual sins are always listed.

Proud Direction or Shameful Direction

It is one thing to be ashamed of sin and to understand it as a unwanted desire and struggle; it is another to be proud of it and flaunt it.  Nations were judged as they were flaunting their sins.  It took 400 years before God to bring his judgement down on the nations for their sins.  They did not start that way but gradually over the generations continued in the development of their sin until it had reached its full measure.  Now, looking forward to modern society with the four Godly justifications for judgement in mind; no-fault divorce was first passed in 1969 allowing married couples to just divorce and remarry whom ever. Also in 1969 a raid on a gay night club which turned into a open protest sparked the gay rights movement, then in 1973 abortion was legalized officially.  All within the same generation. Why did God’s judgement not come down on America?  Zoophilia has not reached is full measure.  A lot of people will laugh and say zoosexualism will never become a norm or acceptable but that ignorant comment was stated about many other now current cultural norms generations ago.

What does all this have to do with a nations leaders?

I [God] gave you [the nation of Israel] a king in My anger” – Hosea 13:11
God will give a nation a leader for his will to be done.  If his will is judgement; a leader who has risen may very well reflect that.  When considering the reasons for God’s judgement on the nation in Leviticus 18:20–25 it should not come as a surprise when a leader who reinforces and grows the sins of the nation is put into power as he hands people over to their sins.  

And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them” – Isaiah 3:4
God raises and allows to rise the type of leader that he sees fit according to his will.  These ‘lads’ and ‘capricious children’ are influenced by the nations morality.  They grow up in the nations sins and can be put in power to continue to expand the nations sins.  Then children after them, the same, until the sins of the nation reaches its full measure when God in is supreme justice brings complete judgement on the nation.

Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger, And the staff in whose hands is My indignation” Isaiah 10:5
 God will also use outside nations, who are even wicked in themselves, as tools for his judgement on other nations.  

Democracies may vote, but God is in full control of who will lead a nation into his judgement or even his redemption.  But when nations are historically moving in a less Godly direction and following the sins of previous nations in history that have been judged with leaders who rise up and carry on those same immoral cultural desires, it is only matter of time.  
2 Chronicles 7:14
and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Here God was speaking to Israel but the Church is his people too. Nations always need redemption from their sin!  Culture needs relief from the slavery of their sin. Marriages need to be strengthened and not encouraged and empowered to fail.  Abortion needs to end and not be acceptable and supported.  Human sexuality needs to be sanctified and encouraged to be pure and holy in the way God calls for it to be; not the way man wants or desires it to be.  These four elements of a nation influence the generations and build up its leaders.  Then, and only then, will nations have leaders that will not lead to a nations destruction but a revival for God’s Glory.

Note: This article was published before the election and does not support any one candidate. No matter who is elected leader, God is sovereign and perfectly just in his will and judgments.

1.  Anthony L. Podberscek; Andrea M. Beetz (September 1, 2005). Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals. Berg. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-85785-222-9. Retrieved 13 May 2012.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

God’s Judgement on America

Is America (and other parts of modern society) changing; is it a good change?  This takes some spiritual discernment to correctly understand.  Those who are less knowledgeable of scripture and less spiritually discerning of sin may say they see good changes world wide, and in America.  Taking a step back and looking through the lens of History and Scripture we see that his is not the case, especially for America.  And if America and modern society is not changing for the better (moving closer to God), what is going to happen?

Moral History until Now:

America was birthed out of the fundamental human right of religions freedom.  It was blessed as a nation and became extremely prosperous.  The church in America was used by The Holy Spirit after the Reformation to continue his work in the world.  But, like all things humanity is involved in, there was still sin.  Slavery, racism, and unequal treatment of women was the sin of the nation.  Thankfully God raised abolitionist and righteous men out of the church to seek justice for slavery and equality.  As justice was being founded, once again, the sinful hearts of a people continued to move.  As the nation continued to look more inward and continued to be prosperous; their dependence on God became less.  As we watch society now, racist roles are reversing, and a greater sense of selfishness in all areas of life has grown.  Abortion and the selfish sacrifice of an unborn child for ones own ‘career’ or ‘readiness’.  Sexual Immoralities, legal pornography, strip clubs, legal swinger websites for married couples, and now the legal protection of sexual identities.  Greed and covetousness are desired and taught as ‘okay’ and ‘good’ even in the church.  Secularism continues to grow and suppress the legitimate church.

Then, in the nations history, though had sins and flaws; now has a greater amount of sin and a less God focused society.  Just look at what was not allowed to be shown on TV 50 years ago, and what is shown on TV now.  Listen to popular musical lyrics from 50 years ago, and listen to popular musical lyrics now.  Consider the moral changes in just 50 years.

But America is still trucking along right?  Yes.  But does that mean America isn’t being judged? No.  The iniquity of America is not yet full.  Looking a America’s history through a Christian world view we can see that America’s iniquities are growing and in modern times even at a faster rate.  This was the case for the Amorites in Genesis (Gen 15:16).  When society fully embraces sin as a social norm.  Then, God’s corrective judgement will also unfold.

America Is NOT a Christian Nation

Keep in mind that a lot of God’s dealings with Israel DO NOT directly relate to America.  At that time Israel was God’s chosen people, not America.  Currently The universal Church is God’s chosen people, not America.  God will judge America just like any other secular ungodly nation just as he has throughout history.  Putting “In God We Trust” on money, does not make America Christian.  Ironically, money is the idol for most Americans, even in the church.

Also read The Original Pure and Holy MarriageDon’t Judge Me  |  The American Christian Religion

How Does God Judge Nations?

He has done it in different ways.  He has used nature (Egypt Plagues, Sodom and Gomorrah).  He has used other nations through war or immigration (Babylonians, Amorites).  Or quite simply, his holy and righteous abandonment were he gives the nation their desires (sin), and takes a step back and allows the nation to implode or sin of other nations impact them.  But he always and for all eternity has a warning for all nations:

Is 5:20 
Woe to those who call evil goodand good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

“Woe” means watch out! be careful! Here we see people calling evil good and good evil but if you notice there is a standard and something transcendent that has declared good to be good and evil to be evil despite what nations are calling it.  This is the absolute universal moral good that is unchanging and comes from God alone; not the world.

Also read God’s Truths are Not a Matter of Opinions

Everyone KNOWS this naturally!  But, as we desire to call what ever we want good (even if it is evil) we, or nations, suppress this truth and become more and more lost and blind.

Romans 1:18
For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth

So, as people desire less of God and his righteousness, and fight for their own ‘good’ (which is evil) God gives them exactly what they want.  God gives them the (sinful) desires of their heart.

Ps. 37:4
Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires.

So, what if those desires are NOT in the Lord? 

Romans 1:24-25
24 Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen.

Ps 81:12

So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans.

Also read Born This Way  |  Follow Your Heart?

What does God do once he gives people over to the sinful desires of their hearts?  Takes a step back and allows them to experience for themselves depravity, slavery to sin, and godlessness.

Hosea 4:17
Ephraim is attached to idols;
leave him alone!

Matthew 15:14
14 Leave them alone! They are blind guides. And if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit. 

As God pulls away, the nation chooses its own leaders to reflect its own common nationalist desires

Hosea 8:4

They have installed kings, but not through Me. They have appointed leaders, but without My approval. They make their silver and gold into idols for themselves for their own destruction.

 From here it is a continuous moral decline all the way to national destruction.

Also read Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah  |  The Other Side of The Real Jesus

What Does This Have To Do With America?

Looking at the leaders chosen, national poles, common cultural norms and morals in entertainment, we can see that the majority of Americans are not desiring God.  We see that leadership being installed are mostly ashamed to make publicly known the absolute grace of God.  When was the last time you heard a politician mention the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Why not? because they will not get elected? Why not? because the majority of people do not want to hear that and wont vote for people who the majority of Americans now feel is “too religions”.  Just looking at the moral change over the past 50 years, we see that America has been left alone.

God’s Judgement on America is Abandonment.  

Also read: Did God Cause The Orlando Florida Shooting?  |  Don’t Judge Me  |  Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth  |  SCOTUS and God  |  Abortion and God’s Gift  |  Rioting Christians?  |  How “Love is Love” is Unloving.  |  50 Shades of Christian Deception

Is This The End Times?

NO, this is NOT the last days!  Jesus already gave us an idea about what will happen, and it is all not happening.  It may be the end times for America, but America is not the world.  This is a common American misconception.  There are other countries and nations outside of America that are going strong and doing well, economically and morally.

Also read: The End Times P1: Jesus’ Outline

Where Does America Go From Here?

A true positive change in moral direction for America as a whole would be for the majority of people to admit God is truth.  That sin is sin.  Evil is evil.  Once the masses accept the fact THEY do not decide what is good then people will see their need for Jesus Christ in their lives and in the public square.  The church needs to be leading this charge in proclaiming the gospel message to the masses and actively discipling those who are willing to lead.  If not, America will continue in its godless direction and continue in its abandonment.

Also read God and The Government  |  Repentance  |  More Valuable than Money  |  The Beauty of Accountability

The Churches Responsibility

No matter God’s judgement on America, The church is still called to proclaim the Gospel Message, even to social persecution, imprisonment, and death.  The Church and all its members individually will still be held accountable for our faithfulness to Jesus Christ during hard times.  Times WILL get harder.  But again, that does not matter.  The responsibility as a believer remains the same.  Make God’s Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness know through proclaiming The Gospel of Jesus Christ no matter the national climate or the persecutions or the hardships.  This is what we will be judged by, our faithfulness to God and His Glory not our worldly temporary national citizenship.

Also read The Church and Politics  |  Who would Jesus vote for?  |  The Glorious and Blessed Hope  The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus  |  Dating Non-christians  |  All Christians Are Missionaries  |  The Joy of TRUTH  |  Christians that are ‘too christian’   

If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

The Church and Politics

How should the true body of Christ respond to an ever growing hostile and aggressive political landscape?   To get a well rounded grasp on this issue, please check out God and The Government and Who would Jesus vote for?  What happens when secular society and worldly minded, politically charged activists, demand support from the Church for their political agendas and candidates?  We will look at the deeper issue than just the game of politics.

Providing secular society and political solutions is an every day responsibility for all Christians. Proclaiming The Gospel in all areas of society is a duty for the true body of Christ.  Reflecting Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Kindness is intertwined in the gospel message.  To a secular society that may not be enough or is not what is being demanded.

Protests & Civil Disobedience

Protesting injustices and publicly calling for what is right, should be a concern for the Church.  But through public demonstrations, the gospel must be proclaimed in it.  Christ must be seen and heard through it.  If there is no gospel message being proclaimed, than the means to an end is carnality and a worldly temporary fix.

In the public discourse, it is easy for Christians to become slanderous, hateful, and use the same worldly argumentative ideals and language.  The recent political discussions of 2016 is proof of this.  A political candidate is labeled, slandered, and judged as a hateful racist.  Then when politicians of the opposite race supports that candidate, hateful, slanderous racism is used against him for his support.  This is hypocrisy; being hypocritically judgemental.

When selfish desires and dependence on emotions control ones judgement; the protests and civil disobedience turns from seeking justice and calling for what is right to something else.  That something else is disunity, murder of the heart, and dishonor to God.  Complete disregard for the gospel message and God’s Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness.


When secular society and carnal ‘christians’ riot, incite riots, or support rioting; the true body of Christ should not.  When protests turn to destroying property, injuring people, disregard for legitimate law and order; the protests are acting against the gospel message.  Individuals involved continue to fall farther in their corruption and carnal thinking.

Demand for Support

The world and carnal christians will call for support from the church, thinking that their cause and efforts are justified; all while forgetting their own hypocrisy and disregard for the gospel.  This is an ample opportunity for the Church to stand up and declare what is right.  An opportunity to declare The Gospel message to the rioters, carnal protesters, and backsliding christians.  To bring the focus off the political climate and on to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

This is not easy and it is not popular.  It is not going to give what the world and carnal christians want, but will provide them what they need; eternal hope.  There will be resistance and the same hypocritical statements used in the discourse will be used against those in the church whom take a stand for proclaiming the gospel.

If The Church does not

Without redirecting the thinking and focus from the carnal means to an end, society will continue to degrade itself and fall father in spiritual corruption. If the Church fears the opinions and slanderous-ness of man; they have denied God, and God will bring judgement accordingly.  It is imperative that the church responds.  If the Church does not take a stand and boldly proclaim the gospel over political agendas; it will be ineffective and useless.  

The Response

The response needs to be pointing to the person and work of Jesus Christ in the face of injustice.  The response needs to reflect Christ.  The response to injustices needs to be Gracious and Forgiving.  The response to the worldly demands for support needs to be Gracious and Merciful.

We are all sinners.  We all have acted unrighteous toward one another at one point in deed or heart.  We all have acted unjustly toward one another.  No one is excused.  God has held us accountable for our hypocrisy, unrighteousness, unjust actions and words.  God, in his sovereignty, will bring true justice on all those whom it is required.  A justice that no one in this world can offer or escape.  A just judgement we all deserve.  Which is why he, himself, came in the form of man, Jesus Christ; to take on that judgement on himself for our behalf.  He shows each one of us Grace and Mercy.  Through Jesus Christ, he Forgives us from all our injustice and unrighteousness.


The Trump supporter is just as a sinner as the anti-Trump protester.  The Hilary or Sanders supporter is a sinner just as the Trump or Cruz supporter is.  The Democratic party is made up of sinners just as the Republican party is.  Every supporter of any candidate is a sinner that is in desperate need of Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Aggressive demands of support for one candidate or another; or aggressive protests will not solve a nations troubles.  Judging supporters or candidates and slandering them only validates the greater need for Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness; and reveals the absence of The Gospel message in the political discourse.

It is the duty of the Church to take a stand against Racial, and Political slander, hatred and hypocrisy.  To declare in one voice that Jesus is Lord and Savior; not the political party or candidate.  To actively support those who proclaim the Gospel Message boldly and fearlessly.  To expose and denounce acts of aggression and violence; and to be civilly disobedient toward the societal demands of hypocritical support.

Serving The Lord through politics and YOU

How YOU interact in the world around you is not done for you or for anyone else, but is done before God himself.  What YOU say, support, and take part in, is at its core, how YOU worship God.  Is God glorified when christans slander others?  More specifically, do YOU bring God glory when you hypocritically judge political candidates and their supporter?  Do YOU proclaim The Gospel message in your political discussions?  Do YOU show Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness to ALL political candidates and their supporters?  Are YOU more righteous than they are?  Examine yourself.  Remind yourself, that when we are in sin, it is ultimately against God.

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Who would Jesus vote for?

First it needs to be said that this article will not favor one political candidate or party over another but instead favor what is expressed in holy scripture allowing the reader to apply what is revealed to their life.  For election years, this issue is important.  This article will address voting, candidate support, questions to ask the candidates, and ultimately, who would Jesus vote for.

Should Christians Vote?

To better understand this question we should first ask, are Christians commanded by God to vote?   Part of evangelism and pursuing those who need to hear the message of The Gospel is taking an active role in the culture and society. Jesus tells us to give what is Caesars and give God what is God’s (Matthew 22:21).  Voting is not necessarily Caesars (the government) because it is a freedom, not a mandatory obligation by law.  If voting was required by law, then of course, we need to be obedient and do so; but in democracies, that is not the case.  So in accordance with Jesus and being obedient to both the government and God (Acts 5:27-29; Romans 13:1-7); voting is not specifically an obligation and not commanded.  But we come back to Should Christians vote?

If God gave you the free option to support an individual who better reflected his will,  why would not you not want to support them?  Voting is a democratic form of absolute support.  We see in scripture that God is not pleased with who the culture and society props up and supports those who lead them (Hosea 8:4).  And leaders who do not seek Gods will or reflect God’s will, because of their slavery to sin (Proverbs 14:34), cause problems in the society (Proverbs 28:12). Due to the hardening of the hearts of the nations leaders, God brings judgement on the nation.  Looking at Egypt, the Pharaoh made decisions against God’s will, and everyone in Egypt suffered for it.  Some times it is also the collective heart of the nation that God hands them over to in judgement (Romans 1).

Essentially, through voting, you show your absolute support for God’s Will or vicariously your own self seeking will. Voting is a God granted opportunity to show your support for what you desire most.  So should Christians vote? Yes. Are Christians commanded to? No.

What makes Christian voting unique?

God grants his people an exceedingly amount of mercy, kindness, patients, and opportunities to seek God’s will through the leaders they choose. When they seek God and not their own personal desires and agendas, God gives them the leaders they need (1 Samuel 12:13-25).  It is the genuine Christian vote that is seeking God’s will for the nation and nothing can be better for a nation than seeking God (Matthew 6:33).

What if All candidates oppose God? 

First and foremost we need to understand that it is God whom allows and appoints leaders of nations (Daniel 2:21; 4:17). Whether you vote or not, there will be a leader appointed, good or bad (Daniel 4:34-35).  Christians have two options here.  Either vote for the better one or not vote at all.  Keep in mind, Moses was not perfect, David was not perfect, Peter was not perfect, and leaders of the church are not perfect.  We do not find the perfection in people but the fruit that the individual produces (Matthew 7:16).  The fruit are the characteristics of God. Mercy, grace, forgiveness, selfless love, absolute truth, goodness, kindness, justice, what is right and so on (1 Peter 2:13-15).  Atheist candidates may display and support some of these characteristics more than some christian candidates. There may be a field where there are no christian candidates at all.  

When all the candidates oppose God, it is not advised to show absolute support for them. Because voting is a freedom and not commanded, not voting is also a right, just as much as voting is.  If all the candidates/leaders oppose God, God is bringing judgement down on a that nation, and your vote wont stop God’s judgement.  At that point Christians need to have faith that God will protect them through his judgement like the Jews in Egypt during the plagues.  The end result of God’s judgement is always good, for those who have faith (Romans 8:28).

The Government Does Not Save

A big misconception is that we should vote for a government that will heal our nation and make us prosperous.  This is a lie.  The Government does not bring about any of this; but God alone does.  Our focus is on God.  We vote and obey the governments, for God as service to God.  We seek godly leadership and support godly leadership for God’s glory (Romans 13:1-8).  Our government is not the light of the world but Jesus Christ is.  We reflect Christ’s light and glorify God (Matthew 5:16). Our identity is not in our political affiliation or nationality but in Christ and his commands.

Questions to ask about the Candidates;

  1. Do they attend a gospel centered bible teaching church?
  2. Do they have integrity?
  3. Do they avoid talking about Jesus?
  4. Do they actively support the Christian faith in public policy?
  5. Do they support the truth, that our bodies are not our own but are for God’s use (1 Cor 6:19-20)?
  6. Do they actively support godly charities and act as servants?
  7. Do they openly stand against what scripture condemns and support godly qualities?

Applying these questions to each candidate, and doing research on the candidates can help narrow down which candidate is for God’s will for the nation and which is not for God’s Will for the nation.

The grand questions is: Who would Jesus vote for?

The simplistic answer is; he would vote for his father in heaven.  He could careless about republicans, democrats, or libertarian affiliations.  In Jesus’ day there were political parties, none of which he was affiliated with. Given his perceived stature of Rabbi and teacher, he could have exerted political influence in his culture (kinda like voting), but he did not.  In stead, he was completely focused on The Father’s will (John 6:38) and proclaiming the Good News instead of politics (Mark 1:15). To say that Jesus would be a republican, democrat, liberal, or conservative is to belittle Jesus Christ and apply worldly identities on God himself; none of which he declared.

Given the uniqueness of our ordained position in a culture that offers the freedom to vote or not to vote; we should have the same focus; God’s will and proclaiming the Gospel even through voting if possible.  The end desired result is God’s Glory and everyone’s’ access to hearing the gospel message; not a specific political ideological advancement.  This all boils down to seeing politics and voting from the worldly standpoint or a kingdom of heaven standpoint.

Also read God and The Government

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God and The Government

God sets up and institutes each government (Romans 13:1-4) which can be a positive or negative judgement on the people of that nation.  Some times God is not pleased with those whom people chose to lead the people but allows it (Hosea 8:4) and hands people over to their sinful heart and desire (Romans 1:24).  But how are Christians called interact with their ordained governments and what is their absolute Human Right?

Christians are called to pray for, ask for aid, and be thankful to the government institutions (1 Tim. 2:1-2) and that those who lead the governing institutions should be seen as brothers and not authoritative dictators, even if they are unjust (1 Timothy 6:1-2).  But those who are unjust authoritative dictators should also be respected because even they need to be shown grace and forgiveness too; thus serving unjust leaders is serving God (1 Peter 2:18-20; Titus 2:9-11).

Christians should expected and call for the government to defend the unfortunate and not violate their “human rights” (Prov. 31:4-5, 8-9) These leaders and institutions are also expected to seek truth and justice for evil and support what is good should (1 Peter 2:13-14). A leader and government that glorifies God should be sought and supported (1 Samuel 12:13-25).  

Should Christians Vote?
It is God that ordained a constitutional democratic republic governing institution (or any type of government); He has granted the people of that nation the ability to chose their leadership of their own, good or bad.  Because Christians are  allowed to take part in this type of government by God, they are then expected to, as service to the Lord through it (1 Cor 10:31).  The focus and appreciation for this type of allowed involvement is not on a worldly political party, but on the Lord, by supporting those who are seeking leadership that love the Lord. Voting in a government election is an opportunity to support and encourage citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20). 

Obedience to the institutions and government leaders is serving God and trusting God’s will; thus civil obedience of a just governments is worshiping God when it is done for God (Ephesians 6:5-8; Colossians 3:22-25).  God calls Christian leaders to not lord over people but serve people (Matthew 20:25-28).  Believers are commanded to honor and respect where honor and respect is due (Romans 13:7).

Also read SCOTUS and God

What about unjust institutions and governments?
Even when institutions and governments become unjust and do things that are immoral, Christians are still called to be civil (Matthew 22:20-21; 1 Peter 2:18-20; Titus 2:9-11).  Jesus and Paul used taxes as the illustration.  Understand that this illustration has a different meaning in our time.  In the biblical context, Rome was using the taxes they acquired from the Jews to fund wars and apply oppressive policies over the Jewish people, yet, Jesus still called them to pay the taxes; Paul reiterated this (Romans 13:6). Saul (Paul) was paid by Rome to hunt Christians; that money came from taxes taken from Christians. So there is something greater than carnal taxes and worldly ends that calls for Civil Disobedience than just immoral use of wealth and possessions.

Civil Disobedience?
This is permitted when the institutions and government attempt to prevent worshiping God absolutely (Daniel 3:12-18).  Yet, it is still required of all believers to do it in a respectful way that Glorifies God in the civil disobedience just as Daniel did.  Daniel respectfully disobeyed a legitimate (unjust) law which violated a human right and he continued to worship God knowingly violating that law (Daniel 6:10).  It is also permitted when The Gospel message is prevent by governing institutions (Acts 5:27-29; Romans 13:1-7).  Thus we see the greatest human right.

The Absolute Human Right
Even when our fundamental human right of worshiping God and teaching The Gospel message is violated and not permitted by institutions and governments; we still are held accountable to God for how we respond to these injustices.  We are commanded to still LOVE our enemy and PRAY for those who persecute us through violating our human right (Matthew 5:44).  We are commanded to continue to do what is good according to God even when the persecutions are heavy (1 Peter 2:18-20; Titus 2:9-11). How we serve God while living under an oppressive and unjust governing system can Glorify God.  Our love, prayers, and good will in the face of injustice is part of worshiping God that no government can prevent.  We can remain civil and right in our disobedience to humanistic attempts to prevent our service and worship to the Lord.

Other Forms of Civil Disobedience
In the civil rights era of the United States we see sound Christian leaders like Martin Luther King Jr remain civil before man and right before God in his disobedience to obstacles to proclaiming the Gospel and worship of God.  Smuggling missionaries, bibles, and the Gospel message into China, the Middle East and other governments that absolutely outlaw it is still serving and worshiping God.  Some governments attempt to regulate and limit the worship and proclaiming the gospel instead of out right outlawing it but again this is another humanistic attempt to control what belongs to God.  Remember, Paul wrote half his epistles in Roman Jail before being executed for proclaiming the Gospel; God still received his due Glory despite human efforts to limit and control the message of The Gospel.

Obey the Laws of the Land
If the ruling government enacts laws that does not prevent worshiping God or proclaiming the Gospel message we are commanded to follow those enacted laws. If a government imposes a curfew that interferes with church times; move the church times. If the government imposes specified ‘freedom speech zones’ move to those zones and continue to worship and proclaim the Gospel. If the government takes away tax exemption, churches then need to adapt and pay what is owed to Caesar.  Only when the absolute worship and teaching is prohibited, then civil disobedience is MADE necessary.  It is made necessary when the government attempts to prevent what is owned to God; worship and service.  Until then, we are instructed by God to civilly obey even if the laws are inconvenient (Romans 13:1-14).

The ruling government was instituted by God and we need to understand this. Either due to divine justice or favor.  Christians should take every opportunity within the government to worship and serve God; that includes voting. But when worshiping God and teaching the Gospel is suppressed, regulated, and controlled by governments; persecution and injustices come.  When it is outlawed; nothing changes. Nothing changes because Christians still give what is owned to God; worship and service, no matter the conditions of the the ruling government.  But under that oppression, Christians are still called to be civil and do good for God.  The ultimate focus is serving God, not man, and glorifying God despite man, while seeking civility and desiring peace without denying the glory due to God.