Tag Archives: freedom

FOLLOW US TO FREEDOM: Get Off Facebook, Stop Tweeting

So, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter are coming down hard on free speech. They are enacting some real authoritarian, anti-freedom measures, and the government won’t be doing anything about it. So, what that said: Connect at THESE MORE Free sites, and follow us.

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Steemit @Potr1774

The Founding Fathers Did “Worse” And More “Violence”

WTF is wrong with the “patriots” of today?! “Follow the rule of law” oh ya? Like all the laws that oppress? Did the Patriots of the Revolutionary War follow the rule of law?! Did the founders of America follow their current rule of law?! “Condemn these acts of violence” oh ya? Like the violent acts of our Founding Fathers, you know, killing and burning the government of their day? With mass censorship and all kinds of illegal unconstitutional violations, WITH the court system utterly failing… what is the modern patriot’s response; vote harder? WTF is wrong with you pathetic fake false patriots?!

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Burning Target and Autozone, and burning tyrants are not the Same Thing.

We need to be absolutely clear about something.  Looting, pillaging, and burning private companies and innocent small businesses in the community is not the same thing as damaging and burning tyrant oppressive establishments.  But, burning tyrants should not be the first response to tyranny either.  Continue reading

The Constitutionality and Ethical Issues of ‘Stay-at-Home’ Orders

Emotions aside, we examine the recent “Stay at Home” orders issued by Governors and county Judges nation wide.  Do they even have the power to order you to do so?  Are they constitutional?  Are they even ethical and moral?  Continue reading

The Liberty Test

The Supreme Court uses logical tests to determine if something meets a certain standard.   We The People, should do the same.  This test, anyone can apply to any sort of policy, order, or legislation tests it’s support or opposition to freedom, and expands or contracts freedoms, for all or some people. Continue reading

Dear #StayHome People,

I am speaking to all of you who proclaim that you are staying at home, during the Coronavirus, because you care about other people.  Sounds very noble of you.  So strong, so brave. Continue reading

Stay At Home, Follow Orders, Obey, Comply, For The Common Good

It is amazing to see the sheer amount of people demanding that OTHER people forfeit, suspend, neglect, and give up their freedoms because of a fearful feeling imposed by unreliable stats and unconstitutional government orders.  Even vilifying people who exercise their constitutional rights.   What is the rationale behind this?  Are their  concerns legitimize?  Continue reading

Time To Get Organized

10 Steps to Refresh the Tree of Liberty.  COVID-19 did us a favor.  It exposed the power hungry tyrants all over the country that are more risky than a contagious flu-like virus with an average 0.66% mortality rate.  Power hungry tyrant governments have killed more of its own citizens than the Coronavirus could ever dream of.  But, it also revealed how FEW true freedom loving people there really are.  It did however separate the few from the fakes.  Now, its time to begin networking with the few and become many. Continue reading

The RIGHT No One Talks About

From the declaration of independence, the bill of rights, and letters from the founding fathers, of the once-most-free nation on earth, we see a RIGHT of the people, that no one wants to talk about because of what it entails: Continue reading

COVID-19 Data, Sources, and Why?

To help sift through all the BS and politicization of this situation, we will sift through the data and sources to help isolate the REAL experts and the REAL reliable numbers.  That why when some nutjob trys to spit numbers to justify taking away your rights, you have better, more sound, ammunition, per-say. Continue reading

Welp, There Goes Your Freedom

OMG it’s a scary virus, like the flu!   OMG, quick! burn the constitutions and ignore everyone’s constitutional and human rights, for the greater good.  Everyone, become snitches and dictators and tell people what they can and can not do with themselves, and if they don’t listen, become part of the modern Gestapo and snitch on them; yes, this is America, 2020. Continue reading

The American Peaceful Slavery

The modern American cultural identity is now more clear than ever.   The ideology that the left has fought so hard for has been accepted by the majority of Americans.  Yes, even Republicans and a lot of Libertarians and Independents have warmed up to this way of life.  What is this cultural identity and way of life?  Authoritarian Collectivism; the greater good, defined by the State, outweighs the individual freedom. Continue reading

Better Than Google and Facebook

There are companies and organizations that offer the same serves as the big tech giants, without selling your data, following you around the internet, and handing your information over the authorities without warrants.  Have all the same great services of Google with the more privacy!  From Search Engines, free email, online purchasing, web browsers, social media and more: Continue reading

The Coming COVID-19 Aftermath

There will be some last effects even after COVID-19 fades out.  Correctly understanding the CAUSE of the negative side effects is key to not repeating the same stupidity next time, and there will be a next time. Continue reading

Be An Independent, Free, Individual

The COVID-19 exposed a lot of people in society as nothing more than government-dependent leaches.  Whereas even the government deems them and their occupation as “non-essential.”  Italy’s government run healthcare system has even deemed the elderly lives as “non-essential,” and stopped treating them.  Americans, are only as free as the federal government allows them to be.  Don’t be a government slave, be an independent, free, individual and become SELF-RELIANT. Continue reading

Because The Government Said So

Well, it’s officially obvious, a majority of Americans desire peaceful slavery over a dangerous freedom.  They are willing to obey a system that puts their human rights on hold for the flu.   They are so easily influenced by constant media that they are thrown in to a panic over toilet paper.  They claim to hate socialism and the bullying of the moral majority, yet praise a president that is exerting extreme government control and influence.  Government officials declaring that churches can’t meet.  Government officials telling you where you can and cannot go.   This is reality. Continue reading

How can anyone vote for massive government and more and more taxes?

This is a pretty mind blowing question.  How can ANYONE willingly desire more government in their life and more taxes that will naturally trickle down and effect them… Somewhere down the line, there is an educational, rational, illogical, ignorant disconnect from history, human nature, and reality. Continue reading

Thank You Democrats,

I would like to thank the Democrat party for helping me see more clearly issues that will help me vote in the coming elections.  From abortion rights to my 2nd Amendment rights and racism, you guys have really given me some serious motivations and ample things to consider. Continue reading

Accused of being Right-Wing?

If your not pro-big government, not pro-abortion, and against all these government social welfare programs, odds are you have been labeled a “right-winger.”  But what the hell is “righ-wing” in the first place? Continue reading

Black History Month

February is the month to celebrate African Americans and their historic achievements in this great nation. But let us not get caught up in the division of collectivism and tribalism of the left.   We should remember the efforts of all those who fought for empowering African Americans as well while never forgetting the evil capabilities of human kind. Continue reading