Tag Archives: Cults

Commonalities of Cults

There are many subgroups of the Christian faith.  These subgroups tailor their teachings and focuses in different ways.  That is exactly how the Body of Christ functions BUT there are some groups that claim to be ‘Christian’ when in fact, they are not.  Some deny being ‘Christian’ but claim to have similar beliefs and ‘more correct’ views than that of orthodox Christianity; but how can you identify a cult?

The Teachings

Cults proclaim a NEW teaching or a more correct teaching revealed by a NEW prophet or writing.  Regardless of the source for their teaching, it is new a part from Christian orthodox.  They may even teaching an old teaching that was NEW in prior history but which is still outside of orthodox Christianity.  New writings are generated by the new prophet or group and followers are obligated to rely on the new writing along with or instead of The Bible.  Essentially, Cults teach that The Bible is not enough, cherry picked sections are only ones correct, or over all incomplete.

  • Doubt or discredit the primary source (The Bible) as sole authority
  • Generate secondary source(s) of authority to make new/morphed teachings authoritative
  • Only approved teachings come from secondary sources.


    The Rituals

    Cults push followers to focus on their works by adhering to certain rituals or even abstaining from certain Christian orthodox acts such as communion and baptism.  Some even morph these acts and teachings of the acts to fit their new or more correct revelations.  Some rituals include financial indebtedness and status gains.  Essentially, they become controlling, isolating, and works based.

    • Self centered rituals- “do this yourself to be good in yourself”
    • Materialistic or worldly focus rituals- “give something tangible to get something tangible in return” 
    • Pseudo love-  A false sense of loving others that which actually gratifies and justifies the self.
    • End goal is deity of the self- “work hard and become a greater self or best self”


    Their revelations and teachings tend to be non-verifiable and use circular reasoning to justify them.  A prophet is a prophet because it was revealed to him that he was.  Or the writings are divine because they were written by someone who said his writings are divine.  Some claim that they were given revelations in visions or by angels, and that’s that.  Essentially, the founder and their writings are unverifiable and have to be believed simply based on claim alone.

    • Unable to verify or not supported with known history or testable natural phenomena
    • Circular justification – “It is true because it is said to be true” 


    Cults typically strive to be ‘good’ and do good.  They attempt to satisfy psychological, emotional, and intellectual issues of their followers.  They make their followers feel accepted and feel as though they have a purpose.  Some even provide financial security and promises of material and spiritual rewards.  But, this begins to fall apart once someone starts to question the groups teachings and wants to leave the group for what ever reason.  Those who question and desire to leave are guilt tripped, become more isolated, and more controlled by the group and its leadership.  The threat of destruction from God or their version of holy judgement is often deployed.  Those who do leave are shunned, and persecuted.  Those who remain in the group are caused to be depend greatly on the group.

    • Emotional or materialistic moral justifications – “I feel or have therefore it is or should be” 
    • Right and Wrong is defined through the secondary source of authority; which teaches how adherents should think and feel.
    • Selective encouragement/ social conditioning- “You did good because you did what the organization/religion approves of; you did bad because you did what the organization/religion does not approve of”
    • Decent or questioning the organized religion is a moral absolute evil.

    Limit Learning

    Cults often limit the source of their followers studies.  The groups that use the bible as part of their system discourage studying the bible alone and require the use of their writings.  This indoctrination allows for the cult to interpret how they want the bible to be interpreted to match their new teachings while at the same time allow the follower to feel as though they are learning what the bible says; even when they are not.  This is another form of manipulation and control.

    • Instructed how to think only through secondary sources of authority as primary means to understand.
    • Studying sources outside of the secondary authoritative source is discouraged by the organization or religious leaders and approved teachers.  Some may even actively restrict access to outside sources.
    • Self teaching and self study is discouraged without the use of approved teachers or materials.
    • Isolation is imposed to limit reaching outside sources of information.

    If you have any questions or comments about this article please contact us or join our discussion forms

    Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witness: The Watchtower organization

    for any religion and faith there is a source that provides the defining elements of that religion.  For Jehovah’s Witness their source is the Watchtower publications that define how the bible should be interpreted.  The bible is not their source but the Watchtower is.  The Watchtower agrees that logic helps lead man to know truth as they use logic to define their doctrine and interpret scripture.  Therefore logic can help us discover not only truth but also lies. 

    There are statements that can not be true no matter how many people believe it.  Jehovah’s Witnesses and rational mankind alike can all agree there is no such thing as a square circle.  Or the statement “nothing is something”.  This can no be as nothing is a term to describe the lack of existence.  Therefore by definition the truth can not be something because there is nothing. There can be millions of examples of a logical contradiction that all logical and rational human beings can understand.  If Jehovah’s Witnesses can not agree to the existence of truth discovered through logical reasoning than their efforts to define their religious doctrine are hypocritical and contradictory; thus can not be true in the same respect as nothing can not be something and a square circle.  We can apply logic to their source of defining elements to help us see if they are true or untrue. 

    Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in a god and creator.  They claim their source of defining elements come from outside of this physical world from the heavenly realm and is passed on through the Watchtower publications.  Therefore; what the Watchtower teaches essentially claims to be from divine sources of truth.  We can test that statement about themselves. 

    TEST 1:  Only Source of Divine Truth

    “We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ organization,’” (Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1981).

    By their own statement there is no other way to understand the bible than through their organization.  They are the only source of correct interpretation.  But with that statement, they run into a logical problem.

    “The Vatican belittles Bible study by claiming it is the only organization authorized and qualified to interpret the Bible,” (Watchtower, July 1, 1943, p. 201).

    Here we run into a logical contradiction in teachings.  If claiming to be the only organization that can correctly interpret scripture actually “belittles” studying the Bible; therefore the Watchtower states that it also belittles bible studies as it also claims the same.

    These 2 statements come from the publication that claims their words as from a divine source.  These 2 statements are in conflict with each other and are a logical contradiction.  Willing contradictions are hypocrisy.  Therefore;  their divine source is hypocritical and contradicting or it is not from a divine source.

    TEST 2: Divine Office Holder(s)

    “Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell’s writings believe that he filled the office of ‘that faithful and wise servant,’ and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation,” (Watchtower, Dec. 1, 1916, p. 357). 

    In 1916 the Watchtower published that Pastor Russell was the “the faithful and wise servant” Jesus talked about in Matthew 24:45.  First, Jesus’ statements were in parable form therefore he was not being literal.  Secondly the question needs to be asked; If Jesus was the suffering servant that remained faithful to the point of death; why would he not be the “the faithful and wise servant” feeding God’s chosen?  But that is another matter.  Remember, the Watchtower claims divine interpretation and dictates what the bible is saying (besides the fact of failing the first test).  Later the Watchtower publishes this:

    “Jesus foretold that among his people there would be a “faithful and discreet slave” class who would be providing the spiritual food to God’s family of devoted servants on earth, acting as his channel of communication and overseeing the carrying out of the Kingdom interests world wide. (Matt. 24:45-47) These anointed overseers serve as though being guided in their activities by the right hand of Christ,” (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1969, p. 51).

    In 1969 they started steering away from teaching that Russell was that office holder and began to open the door for a plural office holder.   “A” office holder became a “class” of “overseerS”.  But as issues of a logical problem began to mouth and their divine source in question they later published this statement 4 years later:

    “From this it is clearly seen that the editor and publisher of Zion’s Watch Tower disavowed any claim to being individually, in his person, that “faithful and wise servant.” He never did claim to be such,” (God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years has Approached, 1973, p. 346).

    This statement now contradicts the one published in 1916.  He did not openly claim the title but in private he did; and not in 1973 he did not.  So is the 1916 statement incorrect or is the 1973 statement incorrect?  Either way; there is an incorrect statement made by the Watchtower; thus contradicts its divine source claim.

    TEST 3: The Worship of Jesus

    “Question: The fact that our Lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was God the Father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man. Was he really worshiped, or is the translation faulty?   Answer: Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshiped, and properly so . . . It was proper for our Lord to receive worship in view of his having been the only begotten of the Father, and his agent in the creation of all things, including man,” (Watchtower, July 15, 1898, p. 216).

    In 1898 the Watchtower validated the worship of Jesus and admits he did in fact deserve to be worshiped, then gives reasons why he deserved worship.  Later leaders of the organization also taught to worship Jesus.

    “Jehovah God commands all to worship Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is the express image of his Father, Jehovah, and because he is the Executive Officer of Jehovah always carrying out Jehovah’s purpose (Heb.:3-6).” Watchtower 1939 Nov 15 p.339

    “During the Millennium, “the princes will lead the people in their worship of Jehovah and of Christ.” Vindication Volume 3 (J. F. Rutherford, 1932) p.295

    “The people of all nations who obtain salvation must come to the house of the Lord to worship there; that is to say, they must believe on and worship Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ, his chief instrument (Philippians 2:10, 11).” Salvation (J. F. Rutherford, 1939) p.151

    In 1945 the organizations leader Knorr even changed the organizes charter to state the following:

    “send out to various parts of the world Christian missionaries, teachers and instructors in the Bible and Bible literature and for public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus;” ( See a scan of the 1945 page)

    But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says:  ‘And let all God’s angels worship him,'” (New Heavens and a New Earth, 1953, p. 27-28).

    In 1953 the organization and religion began struggling with the worship of Jesus or not.  In this publication the religion reaffirmed the worship of Jesus.  But this only intensified their struggle with this issue and finally not too long after New Heavens and a New Earth was published, another publication attempted to settle the issue.

    He taught men, not to worship him, but to worship Jehovah his Father . . . ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God,'” (Make Sure of All Things, p. 283).

    Although the statement quoted from the bible does not say what Make Sure of All Things says it does; this publication contradicted the statement made by the Watchtower in 1898.  To reinforce this new contradictory teaching; below was published in 1987.

    “What I learned was so different from what I had heard at the “Christian” school I had attended.  Jehovah’s Witnesses do not worship Jesus.  Rather, they worship Almighty God, the One that Jesus himself worshipped,” (Awake, Dec. 22, 1987, p. 22).

    In 1999 the organization changed their charter again and completely removed it.

    The current teachings openly contradict the foundational teachings until recently.  The Watchtower of their 1800s to the 1950s taught the worship of Jesus but now the Watchtower teaches not to worship Jesus.  Both can not be true.  Either way, because one is untrue, this logically reveals the non divine nature of the Watchtower.

    In Conclusion:

    The historical hypocritical statements of the Watchtower logically shows the truth that it is not true in its divine nature.  Adherents of this faith that come to see the logical contradictions and the hypocrisy in the teachings must ask themselves if they will continue to trust in untrustworthy teachings by a source that can not be divine in nature.  Simply proven by logic and its own historical teachings.

    Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witness: Identity of Jesus

    The saving message of The Gospel centers around the person and work of Jesus.  Any corruption of the person and work of Jesus changes the gospel to something else.  Faith in a lie does not lead anyone to salvation.  Addressing the identity of Jesus and then understanding the truth of what he did is critical.  Specifically Jehovah’s Witness’ have faith in a distorted belief in who Jesus is and thus it has lead to an entirely corrupted theology.  To be able to address the problems we first need to know where they get their information from and where it went wrong. 

    True Christianity is defined by scripture.  As scripture interprets scripture.  The reformed principle “Scripture Alone” explains how scripture is the only necessary authoritative document to know the truths of God.

    Jehovah’s Witness’ interpret scripture through the guidance of the Watchtower Society.  It is through their pronouncements that define how scripture should be understood.  It is through them, the identity of Jesus is defined.

    According to Jehovah’s Witness, Jesus is no one other than Michael the Archangel; a created high ranking angel (The Watchtower, February 15, 1979, p. 31).  In their own published bible translation called The New World Translation we see that Michael is described in only 5 verses. 

    1. One of the foremost princes (Dan. 10:13);
    2. Is the prince of Daniels people (Dan. 10:21);
    3. The great prince of Daniels people (Dan. 12:1);
    4. The archangel who “had a difference with the devil and was disputing about Moses body” but “did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms” (Jude 9);
    5. 5) Michael and his angels battled with the dragon. (Rev. 12:7).

    We see a fundamental problem;  none of these verses say it was Jesus.  Another problem we see is that none of these say that Michael is not a different created being a part from Jesus.  Lastly we also see that Michael has to battle with the dragon and does not dare being judgment against Satan.  This only shows that Michael is not a final authority and is not all powerful.

    The key verse that the Watchtower Society stress that ties “the Lord” to “the archangel” is 1 Thessalonians 4:16.  At first glance it is easy to make the assumption they make.  But when we let scripture interpret itself we can see the expressions used.  First we need to understand what the verse is NOT saying.   It is NOT saying that the Lord IS the archangel.  The subject is not the Lord but the announcement of the coming of the Lord.  The Lord will come and announce his return just like the archangel would make God’s proclamations.  It does not say they are the same person.  It does say that The Lord will do it like how the archangel has done it.  But now that God himself is returning, he doesn’t need the archangel to do it; he will do it.  Scripture is stating that Jesus will make his return announcement in such a way that everyone on earth, even the dead, will hear it and know who is coming.

    Scripture does not teach that Jesus is Michael; the Watchtower Society does.

    So if Jesus is not Michael and the Watchtower Society has made their own assumptions incorrectly about the identity of Jesus: Who is Jesus according to scripture alone?

    Hebrews 1:1-15 we see that the Son is not only above all the angels but that the angles worship him like God (Hebrews 1:6) and serve him (Hebrews 1:7).  He is eternal (Hebrews 1:2,11-12) and He alone has God’s authority, and specifically NOT an angel (Hebrews 1:13).  He has God’s own glory, exact representation of God and has all God’s power (Hebrews 1:3-4).  It is clear that Jesus is not any kind of angel because scripture clearly puts him above all angels. 

    So if He is not created but eternal, looks like God, acts like God, has God’s authority, glory, and power in the form of a man; than who is he?

    John chapter 1 in the light of Hebrews chapter 1 answers who Jesus is without any secondary outside man made sources like the Watchtower Society.  Also read the article of the identity of Jesus 

    Gold Teeth, Fillings, Flakes Cloud, and more

    Sense the 1980s some christian groups claim to have been experiencing a miracle from God.  It began with the appearance of Gold fillings in teeth.  It was first reported in South America and then spread to North America and spread through the 80s.  A conference in Canada in the late 90s is what set off the phenomena more popular and more international.  It has become to be known as “New Wine” groups and meetings from The Toronto Blessings Movement now generalized as the Blessings Movement.   

    Lets first see what God expects from us when it comes to things we can’t always explain.

    • 2 Peter 1:3 “seeing that His divine power HAS granted to us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness, through THE true knowledge of Him who called us by HIS OWN glory and excellence.”
    • Proverbs 3:13-16 “13 How blessed is the man who finds WISDOM And the man who gains UNDERSTANDING. 14 For her profit is BETTER than the profit of silver And her gain better than fine gold. 15 She is more precious than jewels; And nothing you desire compares with her.
    • Proverbs 8:10 “Take my instruction and NOT silver, And knowledge RATHER THAN choicest gold.  
    • Matthew 23:17 “You fools and blind men! Which is more important, the gold or the temple that sanctified the gold?”
    •  Acts 3:6 “But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!””
    •  2 Cor 11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”
    • 1 John 4: “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
    •  Matthew 24:24 “False messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

    Lets not read into scripture and take from it our own meaning but instead take the meaning that scripture itself is saying.  Let scripture interpret scripture.

    The Word of God is worth more than anything in this world.  Worth more than Gold.  The Holy Spirit will point to Christ as the means to the end and not anything of this world.  But The Holy Spirit is not the only spirit that can and will do signs and wonders (miracles).  Because of this God has instructed us to test them or our minds could be deceived to believe in the signs and wonders of something not from God.  Now lets look at the ‘signs and wonders’ and claims of the Blessings Movement.

    First lets look at the Gold teeth claims themselves.  Christians were given new gold teeth by God, first recorded (by Blessings Movement supporters), then in Canada they were given fillings.  The response to why the difference between whole gold teeth and fillings is that fillings were a greater miracle because they are more difficult than a whole new gold tooth.  The Claim is that Gold miraculously manifests gold fillings in a persons tooth, or miraculously manifests an entire gold tooth.  The reason, they believe, is to reveal his power and validate their faith.  Sounds good. 

    So good that the leaders even told their followers that experienced it to go prove it by getting their teeth checked by their dentist.  Dentist in Canada showed that the fillings were their work from dental records after members were encouraged to ‘prove’ the work of God.  Even some leaders of a Blessings Movement groups recanted after they said God gave them a new gold tooth but then their dentists came out and said they did years earlier. Then a California group leader had his current dentist come forward and say that he did not put his new gold tooth in; but his old dentist came forward and said he did.  See, the truth comes out.  And all those people, before the truth came out, were genuinely convinced they witnessed a miracle.  But they didn’t.  They were deceived.

    The first problem with the ‘Blessings Movement’ is easy to spot if your are not already deceived.  The movement does not point to person and works of Jesus Christ and the cross.  Even though they will say the words “in Jesus’ name”, the means to the end is the tooth and gold; not Christ.  Johns first and main point in 1 John 4.  The means to the end is Gold and not something greater than Gold, like the truth of God and his son Jesus Christ. The claims fail at the most basic of all Christian belief; that Jesus Christ is the center of it all.  Jesus’ name is just used for the gold claims.  An ATM of gold claims for a deceived and devoted following of a false teacher as warned of by Jesus himself (matt 24:24).

    The second problem is the lies and inconsistencies in its leaders and blessings.  The founders of the movement run into actual problems causing them to cancel events.  Dentist come out and disprove the leaders gold filling claims (the gold cloud and gold flakes phenomenon is the same in its problems) If this is of God, why do they need to cancel the event?  Did the dentists and news papers defeat The Power of God?  Of course not.  This means, when tested with scripture, that his ‘sign and wonder’ is not of God but of another spirit.  So if Gold teeth is a bust, what about the rest of their ‘signs and wonders’ and teachings? We will test those claims later also.

    My response:  I believe in the creator of the universe.  I believe in his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior that was crucified on the cross for my sins and my faith and trust in Him; through faith in Him and his Words, God the Father chose me and adopted me as his child, The Holy Spirit baptized me into becoming and remaining a child of God and preserves me until the day God calls me home.  All because and through his son Jesus Christ.  The Only Begotten Son of God, what he did is the center of the universal and all that is true.  And a gold tooth is all I ask for and my mind is set on? Gold fillings are my means to an end in Jesus’ name?  That is terrible.  I don’t want my mind to desire anything other than the grace of God and his Love through his Son that transcends all the gold and silver this corrupted world could ever offer.  I don’t need signs and wonders because Jesus though the Holy Spirit satisfies that in me.  The person and work of Jesus Christ is my ‘sign and wonder’ and he alone is enough for me.  Witnessing God work in his creation and the natural world is just a privilege and a bonus.  He is my means to an end.

    What is interesting, because of scripture, it doesn’t matter the details of the ‘sign and wonder’ because they all are to tested the same.  As the Berean people did that, and Paul commended them for it; they searched the scriptures day and night to validate the teachings and signs of the apostles (Acts 17:10-15).

    Followers of this movement will say that skepticism is making it “hard for them to receive the holy spirits gifts” because of the skeptical “attitude”.  That idea is in sharp contrast to Gods word and 1 John 4.  Automatically exposing that teaching as a lie.  They will use 1 Thess 5:19-22 as their proof test but fail in correctly interpreting it.  They draw their own meaning from it instead of scripture interpret itself.  According to their idea, I am more powerful than God because I can tell God what to do and when depending on my attitude and he is powerless to act unless I change my attitude.  They will draw from other verses their own ‘fulfilled prophecies’ and fail to understand the context and language usage of that time and culture. Ignorance, selfish interpretation, and leaning on their own understandings is their sin as they deceive millions.

    I believe God works miracles today. 
    I believe The Holy Spirit will do what ever is necessary to draw the elect to God by pointing people to the power of the Cross and the person of Jesus Christ. 
    I do not believe it is the Holy Spirit doing any Gold fillings or gold teeth because of the leaders and the teachings and evidences against these movements.  It maybe spirit lead, but its not The Holy Spirit – He points to the Person and Works of Jesus Christ who deserves all glory.


    • Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 
    • “Dental miracles” the latest to hit Toronto, Christian Week, Mar. 30, 1999
    • Nederlands Dagblad, May 1, 1999
    • TV evangelists forced to recant claims of God’s divine dentistry, National Post, May 12, 1999
    • Struck by ‘Golden Miracles’, Los Angeles Times, Jan. 25, 2000
    • Gold Dust Phenomenon Stirs Up Questions Among Charismatics, Charisma News, Sep 8, 1999
    • “God ‘gives’ gold teeth to believers”, The Times of London, Apr. 17, 1999
    • TBN on Sept.13,1999

    Heresies, Cults, and other religions

    The Doctrine of Scripture:

    1. Deny the Canon: Black Hebrew Israelites.  Hinduism.  Kabbalah.  Swedenborgianism.    Islam.  Catholicism.  Marcionism
    2. Denies Absolute Truth: Conversations with God(CwG).  Emerging Church Movement. Wicca.
    3. Deny Scripture Alone: Christian Scientist.  Conversations with God (CwG). Eastern Lightning. Hinduism.  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  International House of Prayer (IHOP).  New Age Movement.  Pentecostal Third Day Churches.  The Unification Church.  Baha’i.  Emerging Church Movement.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism.  Catholicism.  Gnosticism
    4. Teach Secret Knowledge/Special revelation (Gnosticism): Worldwide Church of God.  Eastern Lightning. Hinduism.  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  International House of Prayer (IHOP).  Kabbalah. New Age Movement.  Pentecostal Third Day Churches.  The Unification Church.    The Way International.  Baha’i.  Eckankar.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism.  Catholicism.  Seventh Day Adventist.  Wicca.  Joyce Meyer. Beth Moore.  Gnosticism.  Marcionism
    The Doctrine of God:
    1. Teaching that God was created:  Mormonism.
    2. Deny God as a Being: Christian Scientist.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).
    3. Teach that God is also Female / another female God: Christian Scientist. The Unification Church.   World Mission Society Church of God.    Mormonism.
    4. Denies Monotheism: Worldwide Church of God. Conversations With God (CwG) (Pantheism).  Hinduism. New Age Movement.  United Church of God. Gwen Shamblin.  Eckankar   Mormonism. Wicca.  Albigenses.  Gnosticism.  Marcionism.  Modalism.  Tritheism
    5. Teach that Man can Become God: Worldwide Church of God.  Conversations With God (CwG).  New Age Movement.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Mormonism. Wicca.
    6. Deny God’s Omniscience: Open Theism.
    7. Teach that God Makes Mistakes, Learns, and Changes his Mind: Open Theism.
    8. Teach that God (like Jesus) has a flesh body:  Mormonism.
    9. Teach that God is Different for Different people: Scientology. Gwen Shamblin.  Baha’i.    Emerging Church Movement.
    10. Teach that God had Sexual Relations with Mary:  Mormonism. Wicca.

    The Doctrine of The Trinity:

    1. Deny the Trinity: ASSEMBLIES OF YAHWEH, Black Hebrew Israelites, Christadelphians.  the Christian Family Fellowship.  Christian Scientist.  Worldwide Church of God.  Eastern Lightning.  Hinduism.  New Age Movement.  Scientology.  Sheppard’s Chapel.  Swedenborgianism.  The Unification Church.  United Church of God.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Unitarian Universalists.  The Way International.  Gwen Shamblin.   World Mission Society Church of God. Baha’i.  Eckankar.  Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.    Mormonism.  United Pentecostal Church International. Wicca.  Gnosticism.  Marcionism.  Dynamic Monarchianism.  Socinianism.  Subordinationism.  Tritheism
    2. Teach Modalism – Oneness Pentecostalism:  Sheppard’s Chapel. Baha’i.    Apollo C. Quiboloy.   United Pentecostal Church International (Oneness Pentecostalism). TD Jakes.  United Apostolic Churches.
    The Doctrine of Jesus Christ:
    1. Denies The Only Begotton Son of God and Anointed One: Conversations With God (CwG). Eastern Lightning. Hinduism. Kabbalah.  New Age Movement.  Scientology.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).   World Mission Society Church of God.  Baha’i. Eckankar.  Islam.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca.  Joyce Meyer.  Marcionism
    2. Deny Jesus’ virgin birth:  The Way International.  Docetism
    3. Deny Jesus’ perfection: Christadelphians.  Baha’i
    4. Deny Jesus was God in the Flesh: Christadelphians. Christian Scientist. The Unification Church.  Unitarian Universalists  The Way International.  Gwen Shamblin.  World Mission Society Church of God. Baha’i.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca.  Apollinarianism.  Arianism.  Docetism.  Gnosticism.  Monophysitism.  Socinianism.  Subordinationism.  Tritheism
    5. Deny Jesus’ prior eternal existence to incarnation: Christadelphians.  the Christian Family Fellowship.  Eastern Lightning.  Baha’i.    Islam.    Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Mormonism.   United Pentecostal Church International (Oneness Pentecostalism). Seventh Day Adventist.  Joyce Meyer.  Adoptionism – God granted Jesus powers and then adopted him as a Son. Apollinarianism.  Arianism.  Docetism.  Gnosticism.  Dynamic Monarchianism.  Patripassionism.  Socinianism.  Subordinationism
    6. Deny Jesus’ limited substitutionary complete atonement: Christadelphians. Christian Scientist.  Conversations with God (CwG).  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  Kabbalah.  New Age Movement.  New Life Mission.  Swedenborgianism.  Unitarian Universalists.  The Way International.  Baha’i.    Emerging Church Movement.  Eckankar.    Islam.    Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca. Joyce Meyer.  Gnosticism.  The Kenosis theory. Patripassionism.  Socinianism
    7. Eutychianism Teaches that Christ’s natures were so thoroughly combined–in a sense scrambled together–that the resultwas that Christ was not really truly able to relate to us as humans.  Monophysitism
    8. Monophysitism is a theological error regarding the two natures of Jesus (See Hypostatic Union). It states that Jesus’ two natures are combined into one new one; the problem here is that neither God nor man was represented in Christ but a new third thing.
    9. Nestorianism is a theological error concerning the two natures of Christ which states that the divine and human natures of Christ were so separated from each other that they were “not in contact.” The problem here is that worship of the human Jesus would then not be allowed.  Gnosticism
    10. Deny the bodily resurrection:     Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses. Docetism.  Gnosticism. Patripassionism 
    11. Deny Jesus was the only Christ: Christian Scientist. Worldwide Church of God.  Kabbalah.  Swedenborgianism.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Unitarian Universalists.   World Mission Society Church of God.  Baha’i.  Eckankar.  Islam.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism. 
    12. Denied Jesus is God: Christian Scientist. Worldwide Church of God.  Eastern Lightning.  United Church of God.  Unitarian Universalists  The Way International.  Gwen Shamblin.  Baha’i.    Islam.    Jehovah’s Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca. Arianism.  Gnosticism.  The Kenosis theory.  Dynamic Monarchianism.  Socinianism.  Subordinationism.  Tritheism
    The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit:

    1. Deny the Holy Spirit: ASSEMBLIES OF YAHWEH, A True Church (claims he is actually 7 different spirits), Christadelphians.  the Christian Family Fellowship. Christian Scientist.  Worldwide Church of God.  Hinduism.  Swedenborgianism.  The Unification Church.  United Church of God.  Unitarian Universalists  The Way International.  Eckankar .    Islam.    Jehovah’s Witnesses.     United Pentecostal Church International (Oneness Pentecostalism).  Dynamic Monarchianism
    The Doctrine of Angels, Satan, and Demons:
    1. Deny the existence of Satan: Christadelphians.  Christian Scientist. Conversations with God (CwG).  Swedenborgianism.  Wicca.
    2. Teach that Satan is the brother of Jesus’ Spirit:  Mormonism.

    The Doctrine of Humanity:

    1. Denies Original Sin: Bible.ca, a Church of Christ affiliate website.  Conversations with God (CwG).  Kabbalah. New Age Movement.  Scientology.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Baha’i. Wicca.  Pelagianism
    2. Denies Sinful Nature: Bible.ca, a Church of Christ affiliate website.  Conversations with God (CwG). New Age Movement.  Open Theism. Scientology. The Unification Church.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Baha’i.    Emerging Church Movement. Wicca.  Matthew Vines.  Pelagianism.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    3. Denies the existence of Sin: Christian Scientist. Conversations with God (CwG). Scientology.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science). Wicca.
    4. The Word of Faith teachings: Beth Moore.  Joyce Meyers.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    5. The teaching that Man creates: Conversations With God (CwG)
    6. The teaching that Man is God: Worldwide Church of God.   Conversations With God (CwG). Hinduism. New Age Movement. Eckankar.    Mormonism. Wicca.
    7. The teaching that Man Will is sovereign over God: Open Theism. The Unification Church.    Emerging Church Movement.
    8. Humanism: Buddhism. Olsteenism.   Matthew Vines.  New Age Movement.  Pelagianism.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    9. Perfectionism: Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  The Way International.    Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism.  Joyce Meyer.  Pelagianism
    10. The Serpent Seed teaching: Sheppard’s Chapel.  The Unification Church.    Apollo C. Quiboloy.
    The Doctrine of Salvation:

    1. Denies Salvation by Faith alone: ASSEMBLIES OF YAHWEH, A True Church teaches doctrinal regeneration, the error that you must have correct doctrine in order to be saved.  This is a false teaching.  We come to know the truth because we are saved; we don’t know the truth in order to become saved (1 Cor. 2:14; Rom. 3:10-12).  Bible.ca, a Church of Christ affiliate website.  Christadelphians.  Christian Reconstructionism also known as Theonomy.  The International Church of Christ (ICC). Hinduism.  New Age Movement.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Mormonism.  United Pentecostal Church International.  Catholicism. Albigenses.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    2. Denies Grace alone: Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  The Way International.  Eckankar.  Islam.  Mormonism.  Catholicism. Steven Furtick.  Pelagianism.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    3. Teaches that Baptism is Necessary for Salvation: Bible.ca, a Church of Christ affiliate website.  Christadelphians.  The International Church of Christ (ICC).  New Life Mission. United Church of God.  United Pentecostal Church International.  Catholicism.  United Pentecostal Church International (Oneness Pentecostalism). TD Jakes.  United Apostolic Churches.
    4. Teaches that Church Membership necessary for salvation:  Catholicism. United Pentecostal Church International. Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Mormonism.
    5. Deny Eternal Salvation security: Christadelphians.  United Church of God.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Catholicism.
    6. Denies Salvation through Christ Alone: Conversations with God (CwG). Hinduism. New Age Movement. Swedenborgianism.  Unitarian Universalists.  Baha’i.  Eckankar.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism. Seventh Day Adventist.  Pelagianism
    7. Denies the one time gift of eternal life: Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
    8. Mary is our Advocate in Heaven:  Catholicism
    9. Denies The Elect: Seventh Day Adventist.
    10. Denies a Need for salvation: Wicca.  Matthew Vines.
    11. Speaking In Tongues is necessary for Salvation: the Christian Family Fellowship.  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  The Way International.    United Pentecostal Church International (Oneness Pentecostalism).

    Doctrine of The Church:

    1. Teach Baptism and Prayer of/for the Dead:  Mormonism.  Catholicism
    2. Deny Baptisms: Christian Scientist.  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
    3. Deny The Lords Supper: Christian Scientist.
    4. Teach Communion literally and actually becomes The Blood and flesh of Jesus:  Catholicism
    5. Teach Present Day Apostle and Prophets: Pentecostal Third Day Churches.  Mormonism.  Seventh Day Adventist.
    6. The Prosperity Gospel; Health and Wealth teaching;  Apollo C. Quiboloy. Olsteenism. Joyce Meyers. Beth Moore.  TD Jakes.  Steven Furtick
    7. Teach Sabbath day Only: United Church of God.  Seventh Day Adventist.
    8. Worship the Founder/Teacher(s): Christian Scientist.  Unification Church.    Islam.  Apollo C. Quiboloy.  Mormonism.  Catholicism
    9. Teach Legalism: The International Church of Christ (ICC).  Hinduism.  Apostle Eric vonAnderseck.  New Age Movement.  Swedenborgianism.  United Church of God.  Baha’i.  Eckankar.    Islam.  Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Mormonism.  Catholicism. Albigenses.  Donatism.  Pelagianism.  Semi-Pelagianism 
    10. Teach Antinomianism:  Emerging Church Movement.  Matthew Vines
    Doctrine of Things To Come:
    1. Deny Hell: Black Hebrew Israelites.  the Christian Family Fellowship.  Conversations with God (CwG). New Age Movement.  The Sheppard’s Chapel.  Baha’i.    Emerging Church Movement.  Jehovah’s Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca.
    2. Deny Heaven: Black Hebrew Israelites (currently in the heaven of the Caucasians).  Baha’i. Wicca.
    3. Deny Saved Going to Heaven: United Church of God.  Baha’i. Wicca.
    4. Denies the literal return of Christ: Conversations with God (CwG).  Swedenborgianism
    5. Denies physical resurrection: Swedenborgianism
    6. Teaches Reincarnation: Conversations with God (CwG).  Hinduism.  Kabbalah. New Age Movement.  Scientology.  Unity School of Christianity (Christian Science).  Eckankar. Wicca.
    7. Teaches Jesus’ Second Coming is secret: Eastern Lightning
    8. Teaches Jesus’ Second Coming has already happened: Eastern Lightning. The Unification Church.  World Mission Society Church of God
    9. Teaches Second Chance judgment upon Christ’s return: United Church of God
    10. Teaches Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventist.
    11. Deny Eternal Punishment (Universalism or Annihilationism): Christadelphians.  the Christian Family Fellowship.  New Age Movement.  The Sheppard’s Chapel.  United Church of God.  Unitarian Universalists.  Baha’i.    Jehovah’s Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventist. Wicca.  Socinianism