Tag Archives: Capitalism

The Coming COVID-19 Aftermath

There will be some last effects even after COVID-19 fades out.  Correctly understanding the CAUSE of the negative side effects is key to not repeating the same stupidity next time, and there will be a next time. Continue reading

How can anyone vote for massive government and more and more taxes?

This is a pretty mind blowing question.  How can ANYONE willingly desire more government in their life and more taxes that will naturally trickle down and effect them… Somewhere down the line, there is an educational, rational, illogical, ignorant disconnect from history, human nature, and reality. Continue reading

Being Texan

It’s almost like being a citizen of another nation. Like a duel citizenship. The Republic of Texas. I’m almost more proud to be Texan than I am American. For real. Something that only Texans seem to understand. So, let me help non-Texans out a bit.

Let me give a quick tour of Texas:

While the homeless are taking craps in the streets of Cali and full term babies are being mutilated and sucked through a straw in New York… Texans do neither. Now, granted, Houston (the four largest city in America) is a nasty dump. They still don’t have needles littering the streets and human excrement splattered at every corner like the “sun shine state” California. They have the sorriest football franchises and after 20 years and 2 teams, still choke. But, they do have some of the nicest restaurants in the nation (also have the highest obesity rates too…)

Pasadena stinks. It’s called “stink-adena” for a reason. Then you head south to G-town, Galveston where some beaches are closed due to too much human wasted in the water… yeah it’s like the armpit of the Gulf of Mexico, but hey, it’s only 45 min from H-town. But we have Surfside with nicer beaches, Corpus Christy, and even better, South Padre Island where all the college kids go to party.

I worked as a prison guard for TDCJ for a bit so I lived in Huntsvegas for a bit. Nothing but a college down and prisons.

Then there is DFW. Dallas Fort Worth. D-town. Big D. Upscale. Nice. Modern. Not a shithole like Houston. But, crime ridden. In the early 2000s they had more homicides than L.A. But then DPD hit the streets hard and that has sense calmed down. They even got their own TV show, Dallas SWAT. There they got the most advanced football stadium for the wealthiest NFL franchise; worth more than some countries. Home of the world famous State Fair and Big Tex!

Head south west from DFW to Austin. ATX. Keeping it weird. Weird is okay. And they are just that. Nice area and capital of Texas. It’s trendy, hipster, artsy fartsy, and home of SXSW music festival. And 6th street on weekends is where its at.

Then head more south West and just west of Houston is San Antone! Not as trashy as Houston but it’s getting there. Most importantly, it is home of THE ALAMO! “Remember the Alamo!” And “Come and take it” flag. Not to mention Sea World where Shamu graced the waters (RIP).

Then we head more west to the oil fields and flat lands of West Texas to Odessa and Midland. Where football and “Friday Night Lights” is real.

Shoot straight up north to Amarillo where you experience all seasons of weather within a few hours time. See tornados and then get snowed on.

At the other far west end of Texas is El Paso… it’s kinda… just there. Nothing special besides drug mules, human traffickers, and gangs that work for the cartel. The news paints this as not true, but, they dont live in Texas. Just about everyone that lives there is one phone call away from someone connected to the cartel. Trust me.

Then, much like El Paso, you have Fort Hood military base. It’s called “The Hood” for a reason… a dump. But a very patriotic proud dump.

The People:

Southern charm meets an independent and free spirit with a liberty rebel mindset. You show people respect and help your fellow neighbor. Unlike those damn northerners and yanks. A-holes.

When you run into someone from Texas, no matter where you are in the world, they feel like family. Well, they are. They are a fellow brother or sister Texan.

When I traveled through Europe, they had Texas themed merchandise store in London England and Dallas Cowboy stores throughout. I spoke to exchange students from China and they knew exactly where Texas was. I was even asked in the middle east if we still ride horses to school… The world knows of Texas. Hell, people are flooding the boarder, illegally, to live in Texas.

What makes Texas great?

1. The people. Texans. The born and raised Texan is what makes the state so great.

2. Not extreme ideologically. They aren’t nut job lefties that ruin states. They may have the most disgusting, nations largest, abortion clinic, in Houston, and all kinds of liberalism in Austin… they aren’t Antifa nuts… yet.

3. Variety. You can live in the big city (Houston, DFW) or in the middle of nowhere, Cut n Shoot, Texas. You can live by the “ocean” (the gulf) or in the hills of south West Texas. The heat of south Texas or the more chilly panhandle. The woods of east Texas or the flat oil fields of west Texas. Texas has it all. Don’t forget about the canyons of Big Bend.

4. The state government aren’t overrun by totalitarian nut jobs. We have plastic straws, 30 round AR-15 magazines, and simple conceal carry laws. They are even starting to loosen up on marijuana laws. The financial situation of the state is good too. They can pay their state employees and aren’t bankrupt or billions upon billions in debt. They don’t need a state income tax to do it either. Texas even has a “Rainy day fund” with billions in the account lol.

5. The rich history! Texas was it’s own nation. They had their own president, army, generals, and currency. Hell, they even fought their own war. Crushed Santa Anna and the Mexican army. In the process have the most recognizable rally cry and flag, “remember the Alamo” and the ‘come and take it’ flag.

6. All kinds of unique things! Schlitterbahn, America’s greatest waterpark. NASA Command Center, “Houston, we have a problem,” Tex-Mex food! The rolling hills of Blue Bonnets that everyone takes pictures in on the sides of the road. Music legends such as ZZ Top, Pantera, and Selena. Local fun such as floating down the Guadalupe river in innertoobs and a case of beer. Did I mention SWSX music fest, 6 Flags theme park and Sea World?! And year around unlimited Hog hunting, from Helicopters!

Californians agree. They are losing population. There was a survey conducted asking people who were moving out of Cali where they were going and 70% said they were moving to Texas. Not that Texans what them moving there but it just proves my point.

If your from Texas, welcome brother and Sister. If not, sorry, but I’ll help you anyway.

Bank of Anti-America

A friend of mine received a letter from Bank of America informing him that they would no longer process transactions for his business, without real warning.  He owns a local firearms store.  He was able to find another local bank to assist, luckily, but it made me think about dick move by Bank of America. Continue reading