Tag Archives: Authoritarianism

Is America a Republic, or a Democracy, or Neither?

Well, a lot has changed over the past year. Hell, a lot has changed over the past 10 years! So, with all the changes and events that have taken place, what governing system is America now? Well, first we need to look at what defines the different systems and compare that to what has been happening in America today.

What is a Republic?

A “Republic” is defined as: “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.”

Is America a Republic?

So, the question becomes “Who holds the ‘supreme power’ in America?” In a republic, it is “by the people AND their elected representatives.” Do you really think, “The People” share the supreme power with “elected representatives”? NOPE. This is false. The nation wide lockdowns prove this to be false. The recent suppression of the people’s free speech by big tech companies and the purposeful lack of action by the “elected representatives” also disproves this. The failure of the court system to validate the people’s supreme power also verifies this fallacy. Finally, the election itself, is rot with corruption, questioning the validity of these “elected representatives.”

The People, include, protesters, small business owners, and people who work underpaid jobs to feed their families. Do you really think they share in this “supreme power?” How can they be deemed “non-essential” and forced to shut down if they actually have supreme power? Then, when some of these people exercise their power and frustrations, their representatives deem them “domestic terrorists,” and “unlawful rioters.” And how can UNELECTED corporation CEOS make the decision of their own will to silence and censor The People? It is clear, that The People do not hold any “supreme power.”

Therefore, we can conclude that America is NOT or NO LONGER a Republic.

What is a Democracy?

A “Democracy” is defined as: “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.”

Is America a Democracy?

Are all Americans governed by the whole population’s majority decisions, and this majority through elected representatives? This seems more reasonable of a comparison. When we look into the details we can see evidence for this system. The issue of Abortion for example. A serious social issue. 61% of American’s are in favor of its legality [1]. Thus, public policy and laws reflect this. 61% also favor gay marriage and gay rights, which, also reflects in public policy [2]. 67% support the legalization of marijuana, and as time goes on, we see public policy and laws changing to reflect this as well. 66-68% of Americans are worried the lockdown restrictions were/will be lifted too quickly, thus, showing they in some ways support them. 59% of people want the government involved in their healthcare, which the government was more than happy to do [5]. 60% of people still want even more stricter gun control laws, which, the government has done, and still has plans on doing.

But then we run into a divide between the majority of people and the elected officials. 66% say that civilians need to be more empowered to sue police over police brutality, yet, law makers aren’t willing to reflect that. 92% of people feel it should be a crime for police to use choke holds. 69% of people say police aren’t being held accountable for misconduct. 73% want to keep police budgets the same or slightly increase, but we see local governments in opposition to this [4]. 62% view the federal tax system as unfair. But, we don’t see elected officials changing that. 68% want to raise taxes on corporations, but, this hasn’t happened either [5].

It seems that the elected representatives only seem to support the majority in some things, but not in others. But, this is part of a democracy. If the democratic people don’t like their representative, for not doing enough, or doing too little, they elect a new representative. In theory, that sounds good. But, in reality, it’s not that simple.

Nanci Pelosi, for example, represents the 12 District in California, which is essentially all of San Francisco. Where the medium income is around $120k and a population of 800,000 people. In essence, she only represents 0.2% of Americans. Yet, as speaker of the house, she wheals the power to influence all Americans. She, alone, makes decisions that impact people she doesn’t even represent. There are A LOT of “rules” and “procedures” like this all throughout congress. This, in essence, circumvents the representation aspect of public office. More and more of these ideals and positions have become ingrained in American government.

Governmental regulatory bodies, like the ATF, FDA, IRS, FCC, and EPA are just unelected, appointed, government officials that make regulations that are enforceable like laws. There is NO elected representation here. And these are huge. They create regulations that impact all Americans and all American’s must comply or face fines and legal issues. This is not democratic in anyway. In fact, this is so huge and such a big part of the American system, it’s easy to say it makes up 70% of the federal government, unelected regulatory authorities.

We can actually come to a good estimate that only 25% of the American system is democratic. The other 75% are congressional rules and polices with regulatory bodies that aren’t elected or represent the people of their regions.

Therefore, we can conclude that America is barely a Democracy.

If America is NOT a Republic and hardly a Democracy, what is it?

Well, let’s consider the facts. Both parties expand the size of government, both parties increase federal spending, and both parties utilize the authority of the federal government to force their agendas. We can say that both parties are One party that is Pro-Big Government. They share the same ideology of big one big powerful government.

Because both parties use their governmental powers to force the people to comply in the most basic ways; such as in “stay-at-home” orders, suspending religious worship, and forced closure of small private business while supporting larger corporate operations, we can say that the American government is, in fact, authoritarian. There are only a handful of politicians that impact all Americans AND there are a handful of corporate CEOs who also wheeled unchecked power over all Americans. Therefore, we can conclude that America is an authoritarian Oligarchy.

What is an Oligarchy?

An Oligarchy is defined as: “a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.”

Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, Committee Chairman, and the CEOs of the fortune 50 companies… these are the few who have control of America. It’s that simple.

The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch “The Bitch” Mcconnell single highhandedly prevented you from being given your own tax dollars back to you in the “stimulus” but was perfectly fine with giving other people all other the world hundreds of billions of YOUR tax dollars…

Did you see a third party presidential candidate on the debate stage during the elections? They were on the ballot, though. That’s because both parties prevented them from attending, and the CEOs of the “News” networks didn’t invite them either. They don’t share in the same One Big Government as Republicans and Democrats do.

Mark Zucc, Jack Douchy, and CEOs of Amazon, Google, and Apple, censor you and prevent private companies to empower your free speech, single highhandedly, and no one in government is defending your rights of free speech. Hell, this post will even be shadow banned, and all our pages reach have been reduced already. They banned a sitting president of the United States, a public official, from using their free-and-open-to-the-public services. This is not an argument as to whether or not they should as a private company themselves, but used to show the power they have, over you; an oligarchy.

In fact, in light of all the recent events,

America is MORE of an authoritarian oligarchy than it is Democratic.

Voting for Republican OR Democrat is still voting for those who support one big government. This is the illusion that America is the example of Democracy… when it is hardly such.

But, you silly Americans, you keep paying your taxes and you keep voting harder for the few to spend your money and rule over you; obey peasants.

  1. https://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/
  2. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/12/20/key-ways-us-changed-in-past-decade/
  3. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/05/07/americans-remain-concerned-that-states-will-lift-restrictions-too-quickly-but-partisan-differences-widen/
  4. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/07/09/majority-of-public-favors-giving-civilians-the-power-to-sue-police-officers-for-misconduct/
  5. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/12/17/7-domestic-policy-taxes-environment-health-care/

Too Comfortable to Leave FB? Fine, But Do These Things:

Hey, if you want to continue to use a service that violates people’s rights (kinda like Jim Crow Laws, but for the digital age, and ideology instead of race), than that’s on you. Since you don’t think violating people’s rights on the internet isn’t a big enough deal to act, then, at least, at a minimum, take SOME sort of action, any sort of action, in the name of liberty and freedom; do SOMETHING if anything:

  1. UNFOLLOW mainstream media outlets, yes, even Faux News, if you are following them.
  2. HIDE mainstream media outlets. Just tap the three dots on the top right corner of a post, and then tap “Hide all from…” Don’t “Snooze,” they won’t change their bias in the next 30 days…
  3. REPORT pages and people. NOT to effect them, because FB won’t do anything to them anyway, but this brings up the option to label it as “spam” for your algorithm, and then also gives you the option to BLOCK or UNFOLLOW. Blocking is always better because it stops trash from popping up in your freed if someone else shares it again.

Blocks, Hide, Unfollows, and reports of Spam all play a role in the FB algorithm. It also reduces engagements and views, which also impact the algorithm. Use Facebook’s trash algorithm against the ideology that created it.

Who to take these steps on?

They thrive on how many “engagements” and “follows” they have. Facebook gets paid, by them, for shoving their paid for ads and posts in your face. A drop in “engagements” and “follows” makes them question the ads they pay for. They pay for less ads, Facebook makes less money, and so on.


With this in mind, there is a Settings section that I’m sure you are not aware of. An entire arena of Advertising Settings, that are auto selected for you until you go through it yourself… THIS is their bread and butter, advertising effectiveness. This is also, YOUR power to change their ad effectiveness too.


Access your personal information, EVEN WHEN YOUR NOT ON FACEBOOK! Their app protocols when you install the app on the your phone, force you to grant access to all kinds of things that collected data, even when you are NOT on Facebook and NOT part of the Facebook App.

OR, just delete all that personal information about you off your profile. Even if it is “only me” setting, they can still access it…

Make it difficult for advertisers to get reliable data. Screws with their ad research and can impact how they invest in advertising on Facebook.


Things you CAN do to HELP the few remaining open minded, freedom oriented pages and people:

Tap the “hamburger” menu button, and scroll through “Most Recent” news feed. Better chance of seeing something that was reduced (censored) by Facebook algorithms.

Also, go to your News Feed settings and add a couple freedom minded pages to your priorities, and then unfollow some commie pages.

If you DON’T do these, then you are completely at the mercy of Facebook algorithm that does, in fact, limits YOU from seeing some pages you might enjoy or support. AND at the end of the day, you are hurting freedom on social media instead of supporting it.

Then, you have these people:

“Oh but don’t you support a private business rights too?”

Our follow up question is, Why, do you support private businesses to violate people’s civil/constitutional and human rights?

Defending Facebook’s censorship, is defending businesses that enforced Jim Crow laws… move along hypocrites. Nazis and communists defend suppressing free speech…

“Oh but aren’t you guys still using Facebook?”

Yeah, to reach morons that ask these kinds of pathetic sheeple questions… and to take an active role within the platform to impact it, even in the slightest.

Now, us maintaining a page and profile and NOT taking an active role in combating its anti freedom would make us hypocritical, but, as seen above, we are being active within it to influence some sort of freedom. What are you doing to fight censorship and the violation of civil rights of your friends and family on Facebook?

OR just get off Facebook. Move to Minds.com, Gab.com, or Parler.com… support TRUE FREEDOM AND LIBERTY ON SOCIAL MEDIA.

Share THIS url for this blog post: https://tinyurl.com/yy7766mj

The American Peaceful Slavery

The modern American cultural identity is now more clear than ever.   The ideology that the left has fought so hard for has been accepted by the majority of Americans.  Yes, even Republicans and a lot of Libertarians and Independents have warmed up to this way of life.  What is this cultural identity and way of life?  Authoritarian Collectivism; the greater good, defined by the State, outweighs the individual freedom. Continue reading

The Coming COVID-19 Aftermath

There will be some last effects even after COVID-19 fades out.  Correctly understanding the CAUSE of the negative side effects is key to not repeating the same stupidity next time, and there will be a next time. Continue reading

How can anyone vote for massive government and more and more taxes?

This is a pretty mind blowing question.  How can ANYONE willingly desire more government in their life and more taxes that will naturally trickle down and effect them… Somewhere down the line, there is an educational, rational, illogical, ignorant disconnect from history, human nature, and reality. Continue reading

Accused of being Right-Wing?

If your not pro-big government, not pro-abortion, and against all these government social welfare programs, odds are you have been labeled a “right-winger.”  But what the hell is “righ-wing” in the first place? Continue reading