Sound Christian Teachers

Apostolic and Early Teachers (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
Justin Martyr – (What did Justin Martyr teach?)
Later Foundational Teachers

Athanasius of Alexandria – (Athanasian Creed)
John Chrysostom
Cyril of Alexandria
Hilary of Poitiers
Gregory the Great*

Basil of Caesarea
Gregory Nyssa
Augustine of Hippo*
Thomas Aquinas
Reformation Teachers:
William Tyndale
Heinrich Bullinger
Ulrich Zwingli
Martin Luther
John Calvin

John Wycliffe
John Knox
Thomas a Kempis
Matthew Henry
John Bunyan

Great Awakening Fathers
John Wesley*
George Whitefield
Jonathan Edwards
Samuel Davies

Charles Spurgeon
Phillis Wheatley
Lemuel Haynes
J. C. Ryle
John Owen
Modern and Post Modern Teachers
Hans Kung*
Bob Pierce*
Arthur W. Pink
B. B. Warfield 
Deitrich Bonhoeffer
Billy Graham
J. Vernon McGee
David Martyn Lloyd-jones
Frances Schaeffer
John Piper
Matt Chandler
J. Ligon Duncan III
R.C. Sproul
David Platt
J. I. Packer
John MacArthur
Hank Haannagraff
Charles Swindoll
Ravi Zacharias
Timothy Keller
Lee Strobel*
Josh McDowll
Os Guinness
Wayne Grudem
Paul Washer
Albert Mohler
Sinclair Ferguson
Steven Lawson
Voddie Baucham
Tony Evans
Thabiti Anyabwile
Kevin DeYoung
Jemar Tisby
James White
C. J. Mahaney
D. A. Carson
Mark Dever
John Frame
James M Boice
Lain H Murray
Arturo Azurdia III

* = reliably orthodox but has made questionable statements

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