Life Gym


Betancourt B-NOX

From the Manufacturer: “Since 2009 B-NOX™ has been an industry leader in the pre-workout category and Betancourt Nutrition® continues this tradition with its newest edition…

Finding Your Inner Motivation

With out GENUINE motivation all your hard work at the gym, and the goals you set wont mean a thing.  Eventually you will fade and…


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Isometric Muscle Building

Who would have thought pushing against an immovable object for an extended period of time would be of any benefit.  A skinny guy trying his…

Want Perkier Boobs?

This is a struggle for some women.  Some women lose a lot of weight and it causes their boobs to look saggy.  For other women,…


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How Fat-burning Works

f you want to melt away body fat, you should first understand how it works.  We lay out how fat storage and burning works, then…

Our Take on COVID-19

With the politicians and media outlets constantly pushing news updates on the Coronavirus, we all by now are aware of it, but what is it,…


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The Corona Body Blast Workout Routine

 home workout that does not need gym equipment and builds muscle!   Straight body weight workouts but not just your normal body weight workouts.   There…

Freedom Fighter Workout Routine

With governments imposing more unjust laws and more freedom restrictions, rallies and protests are inevitable.  As police departments becoming less focused on individual rights and…

The Freedom Fighter Workout Routine

With governments imposing more unjust laws and more freedom restrictions, rallies and protests are inevitable.  As police departments becoming less focused on individual rights and…

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