Category Archives: Voting

Is America a Republic, or a Democracy, or Neither?

Well, a lot has changed over the past year. Hell, a lot has changed over the past 10 years! So, with all the changes and events that have taken place, what governing system is America now? Well, first we need to look at what defines the different systems and compare that to what has been happening in America today.

What is a Republic?

A “Republic” is defined as: “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.”

Is America a Republic?

So, the question becomes “Who holds the ‘supreme power’ in America?” In a republic, it is “by the people AND their elected representatives.” Do you really think, “The People” share the supreme power with “elected representatives”? NOPE. This is false. The nation wide lockdowns prove this to be false. The recent suppression of the people’s free speech by big tech companies and the purposeful lack of action by the “elected representatives” also disproves this. The failure of the court system to validate the people’s supreme power also verifies this fallacy. Finally, the election itself, is rot with corruption, questioning the validity of these “elected representatives.”

The People, include, protesters, small business owners, and people who work underpaid jobs to feed their families. Do you really think they share in this “supreme power?” How can they be deemed “non-essential” and forced to shut down if they actually have supreme power? Then, when some of these people exercise their power and frustrations, their representatives deem them “domestic terrorists,” and “unlawful rioters.” And how can UNELECTED corporation CEOS make the decision of their own will to silence and censor The People? It is clear, that The People do not hold any “supreme power.”

Therefore, we can conclude that America is NOT or NO LONGER a Republic.

What is a Democracy?

A “Democracy” is defined as: “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.”

Is America a Democracy?

Are all Americans governed by the whole population’s majority decisions, and this majority through elected representatives? This seems more reasonable of a comparison. When we look into the details we can see evidence for this system. The issue of Abortion for example. A serious social issue. 61% of American’s are in favor of its legality [1]. Thus, public policy and laws reflect this. 61% also favor gay marriage and gay rights, which, also reflects in public policy [2]. 67% support the legalization of marijuana, and as time goes on, we see public policy and laws changing to reflect this as well. 66-68% of Americans are worried the lockdown restrictions were/will be lifted too quickly, thus, showing they in some ways support them. 59% of people want the government involved in their healthcare, which the government was more than happy to do [5]. 60% of people still want even more stricter gun control laws, which, the government has done, and still has plans on doing.

But then we run into a divide between the majority of people and the elected officials. 66% say that civilians need to be more empowered to sue police over police brutality, yet, law makers aren’t willing to reflect that. 92% of people feel it should be a crime for police to use choke holds. 69% of people say police aren’t being held accountable for misconduct. 73% want to keep police budgets the same or slightly increase, but we see local governments in opposition to this [4]. 62% view the federal tax system as unfair. But, we don’t see elected officials changing that. 68% want to raise taxes on corporations, but, this hasn’t happened either [5].

It seems that the elected representatives only seem to support the majority in some things, but not in others. But, this is part of a democracy. If the democratic people don’t like their representative, for not doing enough, or doing too little, they elect a new representative. In theory, that sounds good. But, in reality, it’s not that simple.

Nanci Pelosi, for example, represents the 12 District in California, which is essentially all of San Francisco. Where the medium income is around $120k and a population of 800,000 people. In essence, she only represents 0.2% of Americans. Yet, as speaker of the house, she wheals the power to influence all Americans. She, alone, makes decisions that impact people she doesn’t even represent. There are A LOT of “rules” and “procedures” like this all throughout congress. This, in essence, circumvents the representation aspect of public office. More and more of these ideals and positions have become ingrained in American government.

Governmental regulatory bodies, like the ATF, FDA, IRS, FCC, and EPA are just unelected, appointed, government officials that make regulations that are enforceable like laws. There is NO elected representation here. And these are huge. They create regulations that impact all Americans and all American’s must comply or face fines and legal issues. This is not democratic in anyway. In fact, this is so huge and such a big part of the American system, it’s easy to say it makes up 70% of the federal government, unelected regulatory authorities.

We can actually come to a good estimate that only 25% of the American system is democratic. The other 75% are congressional rules and polices with regulatory bodies that aren’t elected or represent the people of their regions.

Therefore, we can conclude that America is barely a Democracy.

If America is NOT a Republic and hardly a Democracy, what is it?

Well, let’s consider the facts. Both parties expand the size of government, both parties increase federal spending, and both parties utilize the authority of the federal government to force their agendas. We can say that both parties are One party that is Pro-Big Government. They share the same ideology of big one big powerful government.

Because both parties use their governmental powers to force the people to comply in the most basic ways; such as in “stay-at-home” orders, suspending religious worship, and forced closure of small private business while supporting larger corporate operations, we can say that the American government is, in fact, authoritarian. There are only a handful of politicians that impact all Americans AND there are a handful of corporate CEOs who also wheeled unchecked power over all Americans. Therefore, we can conclude that America is an authoritarian Oligarchy.

What is an Oligarchy?

An Oligarchy is defined as: “a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.”

Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, Committee Chairman, and the CEOs of the fortune 50 companies… these are the few who have control of America. It’s that simple.

The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch “The Bitch” Mcconnell single highhandedly prevented you from being given your own tax dollars back to you in the “stimulus” but was perfectly fine with giving other people all other the world hundreds of billions of YOUR tax dollars…

Did you see a third party presidential candidate on the debate stage during the elections? They were on the ballot, though. That’s because both parties prevented them from attending, and the CEOs of the “News” networks didn’t invite them either. They don’t share in the same One Big Government as Republicans and Democrats do.

Mark Zucc, Jack Douchy, and CEOs of Amazon, Google, and Apple, censor you and prevent private companies to empower your free speech, single highhandedly, and no one in government is defending your rights of free speech. Hell, this post will even be shadow banned, and all our pages reach have been reduced already. They banned a sitting president of the United States, a public official, from using their free-and-open-to-the-public services. This is not an argument as to whether or not they should as a private company themselves, but used to show the power they have, over you; an oligarchy.

In fact, in light of all the recent events,

America is MORE of an authoritarian oligarchy than it is Democratic.

Voting for Republican OR Democrat is still voting for those who support one big government. This is the illusion that America is the example of Democracy… when it is hardly such.

But, you silly Americans, you keep paying your taxes and you keep voting harder for the few to spend your money and rule over you; obey peasants.


Comparing the Democratic Party and Libertarian Party Platforms

This is just a simple comparison of what each party has made known about what they stand for. We chose to compare Democrats and Libertarians because these are the two at almost opposite sides of the political policy spectrum. One moves toward collectivism and the other individualism.

The democrat platform can be found at:

The Libertarian platform can be found at:

The Democrat platform was so wordy we had to summarize some of their stances on the issues. The Libertarian platform was so simple, coping and pasting the statement was easier.

Minimum WageIncrease through Executive Orders and lawsVery Pro-Free Market
Use of Executive OrdersPro-Executive OrdersAnti-Executive Orders
UnionizationVery Pro-unionVery Pro-Free Market
Role of GovernmentVery Pro-Government intervention and oversight Very Pro-Individual Freedom and Responsibility
Federal SubsidiesIncrease and ExpandVery Pro-Free Market
Social SecurityExpandPrivatize, “phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. The proper and most effective source of help for the poor is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals. We believe members of society will become even more charitable and civil society will be strengthened as government reduces its activity in
this realm.”
TaxesCreate new taxes and increase other taxes on “top earners” and businesses” and draw back tax breaks.“the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose any legal requirements forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. We support any initiative to reduce or abolish any tax, and oppose any increase on any tax for any reason.”
USPSExpandPrivatize (FedEx, UPS, etc.)
BankingNationalize (the national infrastructure bank, Export-Import Bank)Privatize.
Government Bail OutsPro-Tax Payer Bail OutsAnti-Bail Outs, “A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner.” and “defend the right of individuals to form corporations, cooperatives and other types of entities based on voluntary association. We oppose all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labor, or any other special interest. Government should not compete with private enterprise.”
Federal Funded EducationAnti-Private education. Debt-free college. Universal (government) Pre-school. [nationalized education system]“Parents, or other guardians, have the right to raise their children according to their own standards and beliefs,” and “ending federal student loan guarantees and special treatment of student loan debt in bankruptcy proceedings.” and “the education of children is a parental responsibility, we would restore authority to parents to determine the education of their children, without interference from government. Parents should have control of and responsibility for all funds expended for their children’s education.”
Net-NeutralityPro-Regulation of the Internet“oppose government censorship, regulation, or control of communications media and technology.”
Space ExplorationFund NASASupport SpaceX
VotingVote-by-mail, anti-Voter ID laws, eliminate Super PACsSupport electronic mail ballots.
Supreme Court JudgesConstitutional Principled judges, “activist judges”Constitutional traditionalists.
AbortionPro-Abortion, federally imposed.Pro-Choice, “that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.”
Climate ChangeMan-caused, government solutions. Carbon-tax“Competitive free markets and property rights stimulate the technological innovations and behavioral changes required to protect our environment and ecosystems. Private landowners and conservation groups have a vested interest in maintaining natural resources.”
HealthcareUniversal (single payer government) healthcare system [nationalized healthcare system]“the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance
across state lines.”
Gun ControlVery Pro-Gun Control and expansion with the ATF and repeal legal immunity protections gun makers and sellersPro-Self Defense, “Private property owners should be free to establish their own conditions regarding the presence of personal defense weapons on their own property. We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms or ammunition.”
Foreign Intervention and The MilitaryPro-Syrian Intervention and increase Drone Strikes. Continued Iraq and Afghan Intervention. Support NATO. Very Pro-Foreign (tax payer funded) programs.“support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.” and “end the current U.S. government policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid.”
LGBTFederal Special protections and foreign interventionVery Pro-Individual privacy and liberty
Religious FreedomSupport Government limitations on the exercise of religion (COVID-19 orders)“favor the freedom to engage in or abstain from any religious activities that do not violate the rights of others. We oppose government actions which either aid or attack any religion.”
Criminal Justice ReformNationalized Police standards, keep Mandatory Minimum sentences. Decriminalization, “the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as gambling, the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes, and consensual transactions involving sexual services.
Death Penalty“We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.”
National DebtAvoid increasing national debt by offsetting a tax increase on “top earners” and corporations.“support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.”
Presidential CandidateJoe Biden; old, wealthy, white male, been in public office for over 40 years.Jo Jorgensen; younger, moderately wealth, white, female, PhD in psychology, successful business owner, and lecturer at Clemson.

Overall Platform Objectives:


  • Expand and grow Federal government oversight and subsidies
  • Increase taxes and regulation
  • Reduce privatization of large sectors of the economy.


  • Expand individual liberties and freedoms by reducing government involvement and interference
  • Reduce taxes and support deregulation
  • Increase privatization and support individual profitability

Comments about the Democrat Party Platform:

Their details and descriptions are more emotionalistic and lean toward a sense of propaganda with the use of zinger words and key talking point phrases. They specifically praise California and New York for their economic changes, but California is in terrible shape, financially, due to the government policies and changes they made. The people of these states are moving away in record numbers. Even in their Platform, they can’t seem to steer away from bashing and poorly characterizing the current President instead of focusing on how they will make America better, and even praise Obama (even though he was president for almost a decade already and didn’t do the things in their platform). They have an entire section called “Principled Leadership” that really just bashes and slanders. They even admit that businesses are making “near-record” profits, which points to a strong economy. They brag about being the party that created Social Security but ignore their other past issues (racism) and the fact that Social Security isn’t sustainable. Throughout their disorganized platform, they openly and indirectly state they will discriminate against men and non-persons of color. They bring up the drinking water issue in Flint, but fail to mention that the entire lack of government response and accountability were all Democrats. Their platform sounds all “for The People,” but comparing their actions over the past 15 years with their 2016 platform its hard to tell if they actually believe what they are trying to sell. However, they hold true on increasing taxes, expanding the government, and resisting the privatization of industries such as healthcare and education. May get some eye-rolls for this but, overall, their platform screams collectivist International Socialism. Why do we say this?

Webster defines “socialism” as: “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” And the Democrat platform just about meets that definition, so…

Comments about the Libertarian Party Platform:

Their platform is simplistic. Their statement, “No individual, group, or government may rightly initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Libertarians reject the notion that groups have inherent rights. We support the rights of the smallest minority, the individual.” is applicable to just about every topic. And their statement of Self-Ownership is very applicable to a lot of the topics, “Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate. Individuals have the freedom and responsibility to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume, and what risks they accept to their own health, finances, safety, or life.” It is clear that their focus is individualism. Their economic statement is very plain too, “Libertarians would free property owners from government restrictions on their rights to control and enjoy their property, as long as their choices do not harm or infringe on the rights of others. Eminent domain, civil asset forfeiture, governmental limits on profits, governmental production mandates, and governmental controls on prices of goods and services (including wages, rents, and interest) are abridgements of such fundamental rights. For voluntary dealings among private entities, parties should be free to choose with whom they trade and set whatever trade terms are mutually agreeable.” Which is applied to all races, ethnic groups, and genders equally. Really can’t get any more equality friendly than this.

Why Aren’t Republicans Compared?

Quite frankly, Republicans are more-so a blend of Democrats with some Libertarian ideas. Seeing how the Republican party has been over the past 15 years or so, they have expanded government spending and size, which, reflects more of the Democrat platform. Comparing them with Democrats is almost pointless.

Racial pandering is racism

According to Democrats, if you are a minority, you must act and think a certain way, based on your skin color and culture. And if you don’t think or act the way they think you should, you’re wrong, because they, a different skin color and in their superiority, know better than you do.

So really, the party that made up the majority of the KKK, still hasn’t changed all that much. We can see this just by their actions and their own words.

Their chosen front runner and party leader, Joe Biden, exhibits this just about every time to opens his mouth. He explicitly stated that if YOU don’t support him, and you’re black, then, “you ain’t black.” How can he tell people who are black, their not, if they don’t support him? Simply because of his own perceived superiority.

He thinks blacks should act and think a certain way. And if they don’t, he discredits them, marginalizes them, even vilifies them.

How can he be FOR a racial group if, throughout his political career, he has supported and co-authored legislation that actually harms racial groups? For 40 plus years, data has shown the harmfulness of his own policies. He has had 40 plus years to address this, why didn’t he? He chooses his own career over their issues. Only when it benefits his party and his own career, he then talks about race issues and supports very minor reforms. Again, his care isn’t about the black community, but himself.

You have politicians like (D) Bill Clinton who championed the 1994 crime bill. You even have Hillary Clinton state “they all look alike” at a conference comparing Eric Holder with Corry Booker. The fact that people came out in defense of her claiming all kinds of things from framing some sort of ‘context’ of her racist joke is shameful. Even if it was a joke, it was racist.

Don’t believe it? Read and watch the videos of him your self.

Remember, it was the democrat party that supported Jim Crow laws. As blacks voted for more republicans and when blacks began to really start voting that they changed their approach. Then they pushed for mass incarceration (1994 crime bill) which directly harmed the black community. They got a couple black civil rights leaders on board and changed their image to look like they were for the black community. They pushed this idea and image that democrats were the party of minorities, even though their policies greatly harm those communities. Then, as they got more of the power back, they used that image to maintain power.

The real problems facing the black community is black on black crime and abortion. These two violence cause the most loss of life in the black community and do serious harm to families. What is the Democratic solution? Support aborting even more black babies, over-criminalize, mass incarcerate of more blacks, and force blacks to be more dependent on the system…

Then Why Are There Black Democrats?

The love of power. It’s as simple as that. You have the ‘ghetto pimps’ who just pander to the people of their community to maintain their level of power and prestige.

Some of the most heavily populated cities with the largest black population have continuously elected democrats for decades. But, for decades, their issues have not been reformed. Yet, they keep getting re-elected. Every election cycle they give speeches and promises of change, but no change ever amounts to any real individual independence and benefit for their community.

They USE the problems of their community for their own re-election and to maintain their power and position. They NEED these problems so they can use them to get elected. They use the problems as a tool to campaign against their political rivals. They paint their rivals as someone who will cause problems, yet, they, themselves, do not solve the problems they were elected to solve.

Changing names of streets and buildings do not really change the problem. They just hide the problem. Removing statues do not actually change any problems, they just hide the past and keep people from learning from the mistakes of the past. All the policies and laws that have harmed the black communities, are still in effect, under the watch of all those black politicians who get continuously elected.

How Do They Keep Getting Elected?

Pushing their “image” of being for minorities and using the ‘ghetto pimps’ to further their self proclaimed image, they get people to think how they want them to think. They TELL the community how to act and think with all kinds of promises and handouts. The problems in the community are never really solved. So the is a perpetual existence of disparities in these communities that are never really addressed directly. Instead, government problems are offered as a sort of bandaid to the problems.

Since Joe Biden is racist in his idea that through his superiority, tells black people how they should act and think; how can blacks vote for him? THAT is a huge question. It’s puzzling that so many blacks who are fighting for equality and fighting against injustice and racism, support a guy and a party that has racial prejudice ingrained in their party platform. They support a party that puts black people in a box. That limit their individuality to what the party thinks they should and should not support. It’s clear black Democrats like this “box” because first, they are immune to it because they have made it out of the box and now use their position of power to shape the box and maintain their own power. But, again, how can impoverish, low-income, lower socioeconomic class minorities, even moderate and middle-income minorities, support such racially prejudice policies and agree with the box they are placed in?

The pseudo feeling of empowerment is like a mental drug. When the government subsidy hits the bank account, it feels great. Everyone loves government stimulus checks. They don’t consider who, how, or where it came from. Organizations that thrive on government subsidies use only a percentage of the money for their actual cause. The voters don’t hear about the high standards to qualify for the small business grants. All they hear about is how much money is out there. They also don’t detail how some of these grants are only for certain groups and aren’t even available, equally, all small businesses of the same industry. Some grants are only for women. That means and entire group of small business owners can’t even qualify for them simply based on their sex. Others are minority specific, which is good, but the consequence to this is that non-minority small business owners, who employ minorities, can not qualify for them either. If they need them, but can’t get them, and go out of business, that means those minority employees are also out of a job. So, a male small business owner who employs a majority of minorities can not qualify for a bunch of grants; which risks the jobs of minorities still. How can people fight inequality, while simultaneously support inequality of grant distribution? Again, it comes back to that pseudo feeling of empowerment; when it actuality is systemic government dependence.

Modern Enslavement

Being financially dependent on government is modern civilized enslavement. This is the tool of democrats. To expand government programs with the image of “helping” those communities. But what that has done has just forced them to become dependent on these programs and to rely on government assistance. Once trapped in the cycle of government support, any effort to change these government subsidies is easily labeled as “anti-minority.” This is another tool of democrats. To vilify and frame government subsidy reforms as racist and harmful to the black communities; when, in fact, it is the very thing that has enslaved minorities. It almost secures votes.

Now, after decades and generations who have grown accustomed to government subsidies, it is viewed as ‘normal’ and ‘needed.’ Those who came out of this are indoctrinated with the idea that it was the government subsidies that helped them achieve personal success. They then in turn perpetuate the idea that government subsidies are a good thing for their community. And the generational cycle of government dependence continues; securing long term voting blocks for Democrats.

There still exists mass incarceration party due to mandatory minimum sentences imposed by the Democrat’s 1994 crime bill and subsequent amendments. Over-criminalization places greater hardships on people to be successful on their own. Mass government oversight and regulations make becoming financially independent and owning your own business even harder and more expensive. Massive costs of education caused by government subsidies to colleges leads to greater student loan debt and financial hardships for individuals. ALL of this almost forces people to fall back on the government for more help. Harder to find jobs with over-criminalization. Harder to start your own business. Regulations and taxes drive up the costs of daily goods. ALL of this forces people to struggle. All of this forces people to be government dependent. Democrats simply support economic slavery.

Then, they paint all of THEIR polices as some abstract ‘systemic racism’ of which THEY create, support, and avoid solving.

There is overwhelming evidences that shows the more government subsidizes something, the more expensive it becomes. This is a fact in the agriculture and education sectors. As government funds more of the industry, the more the costs of the industry rise. Then people are complaining that things are getting too expensive; so what do they do? They vote for more politicians who grow the government subsidies and are shocked when prices still go up even higher.

Meanwhile, these politicians send their kids to private schools, get them hired on a high paying jobs that they don’t even qualify for, have private chiefs, and have the best, highest quality health care; who aren’t even using the very subsidized things they advocate for. Yet, the people keep voting for these very politicians, year after year.

Republicans Aren’t Free From Criticisms Either

Republicans were started out of the Abolitionist (Abolishment of slavery) movement and their first leader was Abraham freak’n Lincoln. A guy that was way ahead of his time. Who fought supreme court decisions (Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857) and fought to amend the Constitution (13th and 14th Amendment). Republicans fought for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that Democrats filibustered. They were the party that deregulated a lot of industries that allowed for greater economic growth of private businesses and small business. They were for smaller limited government and empowering the individual to be successful. They rallied voters rights and voter registration drives that the Democrats fought against. They ran against Jim Crow politicians in the south. WTF happened?

Well, as time went on, and as government subsidies became more culturally normal and acceptable, these new generations of Republicans accepted them as useful too. And now, as it is painted by government dependent groups that government subsidies are ‘helpful,’ they embraced them for the furtherance of their career or protect it too. It’s virtually political suicide now to support reducing public subsidies. If they do this, Democrats and government dependent communities jump all over them as ‘racist” and “anti-minority.” Even non-minority communities have grown to depend on them and support the government subsidies.

Black Non-Democrats

Yes, there are a lot of blacks who are NOT Democrat. And, according to Joe Biden, they aren’t black. Literally, that’s what he said from his own mouth (see the video for yourself above).

In the late 1800s you had leaders like Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass. The Democratic party did soften it’s stance against blacks and segregation which allowed for the inclusion of blacks in the Democratic party. But these Democrats were classical liberals, which, more reflects the Republican party now anyway. Just look at what party all the blacks were with after the Civil War up to the 1930s ( Once Jim Crow laws were really being enforced, suddenly, the only way to win was to join the Democrats. As Jim Crow laws were being resisted and dismantled, you start seeing blacks being elected as Republicans again. Hubert Humphrey (D), basically split the Democratic party in two with his 1948 Democratic National Convention speech calling for equal rights for all. Voting for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 40% of Democrats still opposed it. Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the Democrat filibuster of this monumental Act. But by that time, the Democrats had started changing their image. It was the Republicans who fought the hardest for equality, from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Act; that’s 100 years of fighting for equal rights. Not the Democrats.

Now, the Democratic party is heavily leaning toward extreme liberalism which is collectivist in their view of minorities. In 1960, the NAACP President Benjamin Hooks was invited to address the Republican National Convention. President Reagan appoints Clarence Thomas as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who later become the first black Supreme Court Justice. President Reagan appoints Alan Keyes the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Condoleezza Rice was appointed by Bush as Senior Director of the National Security Council for Soviet and East European Affairs. And there are hundreds of predominate blacks who are not Democrats (but still only see minorities as a defined group within a box). Some, aren’t affiliated with the Republican party either. Odd how it’s racist to assume all black people play basketball but not racist to assume all blacks are Democrat… And it’s not Republican VS Democrat. There are other political parties, such as the Libertarian Party. Ironically, The Libertarian Party now most closely resembles the old Republican Party of the late 1800s.

  • Tim Scott (SC, Senator)
  • Allen West (LTC, FL Senator)
  • Herman Cain, who ran for president as a Republican
  • Dr. Ben Carson, who ran for president as a Republican
  • Dr. Thomas Sowell (Economist)
  • Shelby Steele
  • Armstrong Williams
  • Dr. Walter E. Williams (Professor of Economics, George Mason University; syndicated columnist)
  • Naomi Churchill Earp
  • Artur Genestre Davis (Ex-Democrat)
  • Mia Love (UT, Congress)
  • Will Hurd (TX, Congress)
  • Alveda King (Member of the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission)
  • Richard Wright
  • Larry Elder (talk radio host; best-selling author)
  • Brian Higgins (radio host, XM Satelite Radio – Boston, MA)
  • Star Parker (author; founder, Coalition on Urban Affairs)
  • Gerald Reynolds (Chairman, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights)
  • Michael Steele (Republican National Committee Chairman)
  • Dr. James Robinson (freelance writer; former Professor of Political Science)
  • Judge Janice Rogers Brown (U.S. Court of Appeals Judge, DC Circuit)
  • Larry Sharpe
  • Rigoberto Stewart (Institute for Liberty and Analysis of Policy in Government)
  • Maj Toure (Activist, Founder of Black Guns Matter)
  • Dr. Anne Wortham (author; Professor of Sociology, Illinois State University)
  • Bruce LeVell
  • Michael Barnett ( Diversity coalition and chairman of the Republican Executive Committee in Palm Beach County, Florida)
  • Dr. Darrell Scott
  • Candace Owens
  • Henry Childs II (Attorney and president of the Texas Federation of African-American Republicans)
  • Don King (Former promoter of boxing champions from Muhammad Ali to Mike Tyson)

That’s just to name a few.

And if you don’t know any of these people, or maybe just heard of a few, you are limiting your mind and opinions. You may be holding yourself in the box of minorities that the democrats have told you to be in.

But this proves that blacks don’t have to conform to the Democrat imposed definition of what it is to be black. They are free to think and act how they personally choose to. They can be Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or form their own party. But dismantling the generational indoctrination of Democrats deciding what is best for blacks will take generations as well, and it will take even longer since blacks are so conditioned to continually only vote Democrat.

Top Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2020

We will be following the ever growing, ever developing, list of Top Democratic Presidential Candidates for the 2020 elections.  We will continually update this list and information.  The guide in reviewing these candidates is based on the fundamental ideal of the fullness of LIFE and maximal FREEDOM for ALL Americans. Continue reading

Thank You Democrats,

I would like to thank the Democrat party for helping me see more clearly issues that will help me vote in the coming elections.  From abortion rights to my 2nd Amendment rights and racism, you guys have really given me some serious motivations and ample things to consider. Continue reading

Accused of being Republican?

If you think by being anti-socialist, anti-big government, pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, and pro-freedom of religion; we are then Republican by default, you are blind to your collectivist indoctrination.  We are not loyal to one party, or even a two party system.  Our loyalty is to life and freedom, and whomever advocates for these the best, no matter what political party they are a member of.  Mind blowing, hu.  Its hard to imagine not voting roboticily like an ignorant slave. Continue reading

Why Vote?

It seems that only 1/3 to 5/8 of the nation votes.  That means that only 33% or up to 47% of Americans, on average, choose the politicians for the entire nation.  But what if, of those 33-47%, a small fraction of votes were done by non-Americans,  and or Americans who’s votes were submitted AFTER the cut off time?  Voter fraud renders democracy and an elected representation meaningless.  Continue reading