Category Archives: Uncategorized

REAL Proper Gym Adequate

We see all these signs posted in the gym and all these out of shape people talking like they know how we all should and shouldn’t workout; but, let’s be real: here are the REAL proper gym adequate and rules to follow:

“Please re-rack your weights”

Seems like the polite thing to do. Sounds nice. But… we are at a GYM where you tear muscle tissue and burn fat! The typical highest weighted plate is ONLY 45 POUNDS, with hand grip holes.

By NOT racking your plates, you are actually doing the next person a favor. They are going to burn a few extra calories switching up the weights, and they can gage where they are at in strength. May even inspire some goals, or help them see how much they have improved. Your welcome, you lazy/sissy f*ck.

BUT, you leave a 100+ lbs dumb bell laying around, that’s another story. That’s a dick move because, even less of the human population can move this one. So, that makes a more realistic rule:

“Please re-rack weights too heavy for most people”

“Please no ‘grunting'”

Yes, this is a rule at some gyms (Planet Fitness). Where they claim to have a ‘judgement free zone’ but Judge those of have taken years of hard work to get into the extreme awesome shape they are in.

Grunting really helps power through your 1MR, your superset, and or burn out sets. It IS a psychological and useful thing that can make the very difference between setting a personal record or even a Guinee’s book of world records.

No grunting because it interferes with other people’s workouts?! Have you seen what some women wear to the gym? It’s like they are just there to film a OnlyFans episode as they do squats in booty shorts as their tits fall out. GTFOoH, how about:

“Wear your headphones and mind your business”

“Wipe down your machine after use”

Now this is a legit rule. Seeing big hairy sweaty men rub their blubber and biological Vaseline and DNA all over the machine is disgusting.

But, we even go a step further. Some of you sick f*cks do a half assed job wiping your slime off the machine. So, to solve that all together:

“Please cover your machine with a towel prior to use, and wipe it down after use”

“No supersets”

This is a form of gym facisim. We pay money, to use the machines. We pay money to use ANY and ALL the machines in the facility. How the F can you tell me “no supersets.” Some workout routines and goals need supersets to make them more effective.

I get it, so you don’t be a selfish prick and hog up all the machines. But… so what? Someone is using two machines, one of which you want to use… improvise, use a differennt machine, for the same movement and muscle group, or, here’s a whopper, come to the gym sooner, or later, wait your turn.

If you see a drink or towel draped over equipment, look around and see anyone that was using it prior and ask them if they are done. If no one can be found who was/is using that equipment, move their shit out of the way, and begin your set.

Thinking that you deserve to use the machine that, that person is using at that very moment, is YOU being a selfish prick. Wait your turn, or move on. Wait, that sounds like a good rule:

“If equipment is in use, patiently wait your turn, or move on”

“No deadlifting, clean and jerks, or powerlifting”

Similarly to the nazi rule above, this is a rule that tells people how they can and cannot workout. F you. My goals and fitness needs may require deadlifting and powerlifting. My sport may need me to do clean and jerks to improve in my profession. F you.

But I get it. This rule is usually in place to make the equipment last longer. So they don’t spend money on repairs and replacing busted equipment as often. I get it. But that’s a lazy ass management decision. They limit their customers instead of putting in work to compensate and generate more funds for fixing or replacing equipment. Host fitness events in your damn parking lot and get venders and companies to pay a fee to have a table. Accept donations. Do something, instead of being a lazy f*ck and limiting your customers.

There is not revised alternate rule for this one, because this dumbass idea/rule shouldn’t exist.


“Don’t be a equipment baby sitter”

Rest between sets should only take about 1 to 2 minutes. If your playing on your damn phone, sitting on a machine, for over 2 minutes, your being a douchbag. Get off your damn phone, and hit the weights. Finish your workout, and get the f*ck off the machine so other people can use it. Some big MF who actually workouts out, will come up to you and ask “you done with this machine?” And then he is going to watch you, waiting for your punkass to finish. With 10x more testosterone and muscle, power and strength, don’t test him. Finish and get off.

Sure there are more, and we will add more as people comment and message us.

Dudes, stop with the weird selfies…

Women have the advantage when it comes to taking selfies.  It is very hard for a women to take a “weird” and “awkward” unflattering selfie.  For guys, it’s too easy.  But selfies are a critical part of showing off your fitness achievements, physique, and results.  So, if you must show the world how sexy you think you are, please, be mindful of how your selfies make others feel, and how douchie you make yourself look lol. Continue reading

Why Do Big Body Builders Look Like They Have Small Dicks?

Okay, so, I’m not the only one that has noticed; Emeritus Professor Sam Shuster did too.  But no one seems to know why or if, in fact, their nether region actually shrank or just looks smaller; so, I’m going to get to the bottom of this.  Does body building cause your genitals to shrink? Continue reading

COVID-19 Seems To Prove Cessationism

Cessationsim is the idea that more tangible, visible, gifts of The Holy Spirit are no longer given to believers.  That, after the completion of scripture, they are only reserved, by God, as He sees fit to use.  The outbreak of COVID-19 seems to discredit just about all those who claim to have these such gifts.  We will look at two predominate gifts, The Gift of Prophesy and the Gift of Healing, in the season of COVID-19.

The Gift of Prophesy

The Greek word translated “prophesying” or “prophecy” in both passages properly means:  to “speak forth” or declare the divine will, to interpret the purposes of God, or to make known in any way the truth of God.  Predictive prophesy has been used in scripture on several occasions, most notably, all the prophecies about the coming messiah.

But false prophesying and false prophets exist too.  Ezekiel 13:1-7 tells us they “prophesy out of their own imagination” and “who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!.. Even though the Lord has not sentp them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words.”  Brutal.

So, how can we know if someone is a true prophet of God or has the gift of prophesy?  

Numbers 12:6 makes it clear that God will prove him true and anything the prophet claims will be in perfect alignment with the nature and character of God and His will.  A true prophet does not validate himself, but will be validated by God.  If a prophet claims that they “decided” to become one, or was “appointed by man” to be one, they are false (1 Corinthians 12:11; John 5:31-33).  God alone decides who will speak for him and how (1 Samuel 19).  To validate them and their message, God empowered them to do miracles (Acts 14:3), BUT the miracles are not to be solely relied on but the consistency and unity of the message with God’s nature, character, and will. 

A false prophet will be known by their contradictions to Holy Scripture (Revelation 2:20-21).  Which is why they HATE being questioned or tested.  But, this also reveals them as false too because we are commanded, by God, to “test everything, hold on to the good.  Avoid every kind of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22) and “do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1).  They WILL produce spiritual fruit, good or bad.  THEY will produce a fruit that is rotten and stinks of hypocrisy and contradictions.  A fruit of disunity with God’s Word and will.  And we CAN see it if we look (Matthew 7:19-20).

Thirdly, if the “prophesy” fails, the prophet is false.  That means if the claim falls short in ANY WAY, its a lie, and the person is a liar (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).  Signs and Wonders do NOT prove a prophet to be of God, even false prophets will be able to do them (Revelation 13:13-14; Matthew 7:22-23).  We also look at the examples in scripture.  They are specific.  Very specific locations, persons, events, in such detail, they are undeniably true.  Like, the birth place of the messiah, Micah 5:2.  The virgin birth, Isaiah 7:14.  Jesus’ return from Egypt to Nazareth as a child, Hosea 11:1.  He will be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver! (Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12).

A prophesy will cut so deep that it will effect the spirit of the hearers.  We see all through scripture that true prophets were murdered because of the spiritual power of their words, from God.  Jesus even points this out in Matthew 23:37.  Jesus, himself, was murdered because his words are like a sword; and are divisive and offensive (Matthew 10:34-37).  And we can go on and on about the amazing details of these prophesies, HUNDREDS of years before the events.

So, in keeping these four simple, biblical truths of discernment in mind, let’s look at validated true prophets.

True Prophets and prophesies.

Moses spoke forth God’s warnings about plagues (Exodus 9:14; 11:1; Leviticus 26:25).  Deuteronomy 28:59 is brutal: “Then the Lord will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions, afflictions severe and lasting, and sicknesses grievous and lasting.”  Another predictive prophesy from Moses.  Ezekiel 14:21, Jeremiah 14:12, 19:8, 24:10, 49:17; 2 Chronicles 7:13, all predictive prophesy about plagues.  And there’s more.

All the prophesies about Jesus, fulfilled (see cited verses above).

Isaiah prophesied in 700 BC that the Kingdom of Babylon will be overthrown and never recover (Isaiah 13:19).  This happened in 539 BC, and Babylon never recovered.  But, he didn’t stop there.  He also revealed it would be reduced not nothing more than a swampland (Isaiah 14:23).  When archaeologists excavated Babylon during the 1800s, they discovered that some parts of the city could not be dug up because they were under a water table that had risen over the years.

Ezekiel prophesied in 587 BC that the city of Tyre will be sacked AND that it will be completely destroyed, dissembled, and thrown into the sea (Ezekiel 26:12).  Alexander The Great, did exactly that.  He took the rubble from Tyre’s mainland ruins and tossed it – stones, timber and soil – into the sea, to build the land bridge so he could attacked in 333-332 BC.

By far, one of the greatest prophesies of all time; Daniel 9:25.  This gives the literal time frame from a certain point all the way to the appearance of The Messiah.  Beginning year of the prophesy is 444 BC.  Now, we must keep in mind that the Jewish prophetic year was composed of twelve 30 day months; that means the Jewish prophetic year had 360 days, not 365 days.  Daniel states 69 weeks of seven years each, and each year has 360 days, the equation is as follows: 69 x 7 x 360 = 173,880 days.  So, 173,880 days, or 476 years, from 444 BC brings us to… 33 AD… when Jesus publicly begins his ministry… Now THAT is a divine validation!

So, there lies the issue.  IF the gift of prophesy is fully functional, the same way it was in the biblical era:

Did anyone prophesy the coming COVID-19 pandemic?

Here we have a Pastor, Marlon Bolton, of Praise Experience Church of North Lauderdale in Florida, claiming to have prophesied it “weeks before Chinese authorities even identified the novel coronavirus strain.” then stated, “We prophesied about the stock market crashing. We even prophesied about the shortage of food in this season. Very accurate.”  BUT, his “prophesy” accompanied a call for donations and the heretical “Seed donations” idea.  He then said God showed him that seven plagues are “destined for our land.  If you give seed offerings, I believe you’ll be covered for these plagues,” There are other really wild heretical things he does too [1, 2].

So, how do we know this guy is a false prophet?  He’s greedy (2 Corinthians 2:17, Titus 1:7, 1 Timothy 3:3) and demands money in exchange for “spiritual blessings” (1 Corinthians 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 4:6-7, Acts 8:18-23).  And, his nonspecific simple “claim” has been exposed as false.  The stock market didn’t crash, in fact, it is still higher than it was 5 years ago.  There isn’t a shortage of food really, I can go into Walmart, today, right now, and buy food.  I may be limited to how much I can purchase at one time, but food is there for me to buy.  Then comes the “seven plagues that are destined for our land.”  Time will tell how true this is but given all the evidence, his disunity with God’s nature and character and poor accuracy reveals he is false when tested.

Then, you have the biggest heretic and fraud of our time, Kenneth Copeland.  Prophesying that the end of COVID-19 was a last week.  On April 2nd he stated: “It is finished. It is over. And the United States of America is healed and well again.” [3]. Welp, that failed.  It is still spreading and people are still dying and today is April 11th.  But, he even gets more blasphemous.  He states: “In the name of Jesus, standing in the office of the prophet of God, I execute judgment on you COVID-19. I execute judgment on you, satan, you destroyer, you killer. You get out. I break your power. You get off this nation. I demand judgment on you. I demand. I demand.”  That’s a bold statement.  Let’s test that against scripture.  “Yet Michael the archangel, when he was disputing with the Devil in a debate about Moses’ body, did not dare bring an abusive condemnation against him but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9.  Hu, so this authority is reserved for The Lord.  James 4:12 says There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy.” and Psalm 50:6 “The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge! Selah”  And I’m guessing that ONE judge, isn’t Kenneth.  He has ZERO authority to “execute judgment” on anything.  This narcissistic, self-idolatry, God’s Word contradictions are the fruit of a false prophet.  Also, notice, he hates God’s will and God’s just judgements on the world through his creation, such as COVID-19.  So, he’s a false prophet and heretic.

Here’s the deal, Time Magazine [5] and some psychic named Sylvia Browne [4] seemed to have just as effectively predicted COVID-19 as all those who claim to be receiving prophesies from God.  That brings shame on the name of the Lord.  That belittles the majesty of our Holy God.  Why are there no truly deep and detailed prophecies like the ones in the Bible, about COVID-19?  Simple answer:

The Gift of Prophesy and Office of Prophet are NOT functioning.

Because if they were, they failed miserably, invalidating themselves anyway.  When you test these prophesies and the prophets against God’s Word, they fail.  There is a reason why their prophesies can not rise above the level of a atheist psychic…

Okay, so the Gift of Prophesy and Office of Prophet are not functioning, as revealed by God’s ordained will through COVID-19.  What about the Gift of Healing?  Why not just heal everyone sick?

The Gift of Healing


The spiritual gift of healing is the supernatural manifestation of the Spirit of God that miraculously brings healing and deliverance from disease and/or infirmity (Matthew 4:24; 15:30; Acts 5:15-16; 28:8-9).  So what did true divine healing look like in the Bible?

Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law sick with a serious high fever (Luke 38:39).  Jesus heals Leprosy (Luke 5:12-14, 17:11-19).  Jesus heals people who are paralyzed (Luke 5:17-26, 7:1-10).  Jesus heals the blind (Matthew 9:27-31; Mark 8:22-26; John 9:1-12; Luke 11:14-23, 18:35-43).  Jesus instantly transforms physical deformities (Luke 6:6-11, 13:10-17, 22:50-51; John 5:1-15).  Jesus literally raised people from the dead (Luke 7:11-17; 8:40-42, 49-56; John 11:1-45).

Now all that was done by Jesus.  But what did the Apostles, or those with the gift of healing do?    1 Corinthians 12:28 gives a progression of church maturity.  First, of course, the apostles, then prophets that speak fourth God’s word because The Bible wasn’t completed yet.  Then, the disciples of the Apostles, the teachers.  Miracles to validate the Apostles and prophets before the completion of scripture. Then, the gifts of healing, helping, church organizing and leading in all sorts or languages and cultures.  And then what?  That’s it.  Everything is all set up, the church is made, Apostles are validated by God, and Holy Scripture written and complete.

So, the Apostles, the selected few, went around and healed the sick (Luke 9:2-6; Mark 6:13; Acts 4:30, 5:16, 19:11-12, 28:7-9) But not just the “sick,” these dudes were raising the DEAD and instantly curing obvious physical deformities and undeniable physical conditions! (Matthew 10:8; Acts 3:1-10, 8:7, 9:36-41, 14:8-10, 20:9-12). 

It is important to first note that Matthew 10:1, Jesus only gives this “authority” to heal, to only his closest disciples.  1 Corinthians 12:9,30 also shows that gifts of healing were not given to everyone.  But do you notice something:  only the Apostles are described as doing all these healings, even stated in Acts 5:12: “by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders…”  And again, in Acts 8:18: “saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given.”  Then, in the writings of the Disciples of the Apostles, such as Clement of Rome, Papias, and the authentic writings of Ignatius; they are not performing miraculous healings.  So, we can, in fact, conclude that the gift of healing was given only to a select few.  And after they passed away, we stop seeing people being raised from the dead and instant physical deformities and conditions being instantly healed.

With the spread of COVID-19, Where did all the charismatic pastors with the gift of healing go?

Why would they need to quarantine themselves?  The Apostles didn’t.  They went TO the sick, not concerned about themselves becoming sick.  Why don’t they, the modern healers, GO TO those who are sick with COVID-19 and heal them?

 A prominent Northern California mega-church, Bethel Church, whose members believe their prayers heal the sick and raise the dead is advising the faithful to wash their hands, urging those who feel sick to stay home, canceling missionary trips and advising its faith healers to stay away from local hospitals [7].  And this quote from the church says it all: “Though we believe in a God who actively heals today, students are not being encouraged to visit healthcare settings at this time, and moreover, are taught that even under normal circumstances, they must receive permission from both the facility and the individual before engaging in prayer,”  Why are they not being encouraged to heal those in need?  The Apostles WENT TO WHERE the sick were if the sick weren’t brought to them.  And WHY would they need “permission” to engage in prayer?  Who is their master, Bethel Church, or God?

Even Bill Johnson has subtle contradictions in his own statement: “Many visit Redding weekly, hoping that God will touch them. I am happy to report that many leave well and whole,” Johnson wrote. But many others leave in the same condition in which they came. I refuse to blame God for this, as though He has a purpose in their disease. While Jesus did not heal everyone alive in His time, He did heal everyone who came to Him. His is the only standard worth following.”  But, these people come to Jesus, through Bill Johnson, in faith, to be healed!  He flat out admits that his gift of healing, fails.  Is The Holy Spirit a failure?  No!  Therefore, their “gift” is not of the Holy Spirit, if it can fail.  Then, he says this: “Healing happens, but it’s foolish to take unnecessary risks with your health and the health of others,”  Hu, I guess the Apostles were foolish…

Considering the predominate church that claims to have the gift of healing, Bethel Church in Redding California; you would think they would be healing their community.  Interestingly, As of April 9, 2020, there are a total of 19,472 positive cases and 541 deaths in California [9].  So… why aren’t these 19,472 infected being healed and why aren’t the 541 dead being raised back to life?   In their very own county, there are 24 confirmed cases [10].  18 people in isolation and 47 in quarantine, in their own region.  Can they not send just one of their elders with the gift of healing to go heal those people?  Apparently not.

Either their [Bethel Church] Holy Spirit is weaker than in the times of the Apostles, or it’s not the same thing.  God’ doesn’t change, Holy Scripture is our guide and test; therefore, it’s not The Holy Spirit they claim to be “gifted” by.  In fact, their own gifts seem to be powerless against a REAL TRUE health issue such as COVID-19.

Then we hear the excuse, “Well, there were things even the Apostles couldn’t do” referring to Matthew 17:16.  But, Jesus didn’t say they couldn’t.  Jesus first rebuked them for the lack of faith, and then flat out tells the Apostles it was due to their lack of faith (Matthew 17:17, 20).  This sort of admission to justify why their gifts of healing fail is admitting they, themselves, don’t have enough faith in their own gifts; laughable.

The amazing amount of disunity and contradiction to God’s Word; and it become more clear the more you compare their actions and claims to Holy Scripture.  God’s use of COVID-19 is a clear judgement on all these prophets and healers and their devoted followers.  This seemingly “bad” virus is actually exposing the false prophets and false teachers.  God is using it to shine light and expose evil deeds.  And for those who continue in their faith in the false teachings and teachers, this is a judgment on them (Romans 1).


If you have any questions or comments about this article please CONTACT US, join our discussion FORUM, REPORT AN ERROR, or leave a comment below.

Welp, There Goes Your Freedom

OMG it’s a scary virus, like the flu!   OMG, quick! burn the constitutions and ignore everyone’s constitutional and human rights, for the greater good.  Everyone, become snitches and dictators and tell people what they can and can not do with themselves, and if they don’t listen, become part of the modern Gestapo and snitch on them; yes, this is America, 2020. Continue reading

The New Year, The New You, again…

Every New Years just about everyone wants to be a “new you”.  This idea gets bashed year after year.  But, this is STILL a motivational opportunity and factor and A LOT of people actually do change through their New Years resolutions.  Don’t waste a motivational opportunity, dig deep, find your reason, and apply it for the new year! Continue reading

The Essence of Feminine Sexy

This article from a friend of mine isn’t even being shallow.

There are natural, physical, qualities to the human body that are naturally found to be attractive. It maybe the cave man instinct to reproduce with healthy females and not unhealthy ones. Whatever the case, there are common elements see throughout human history of what different cultures at different times all found to be “beautiful” and “sexually pleasing.”

Plus, that healthy aspect itself can’t be overlooked. That which is naturally sexy, is also generally more healthy.

Check out the original post

Bro Advice for Chicks

People say that what cultures find to be “sexy” has changed throughout human history.  That, in some respects, is kind of true.  But, there are underlying characteristics that is shared by all cultures throughout all human history.  It his these characteristics that make up the core of what makes women sexy.  A sort of natural inherent human attraction to the female body laced in our DNA.

View original post 490 more words

Finding Your Inner Motivation

With out GENUINE motivation all your hard work at the gym, and the goals you set wont mean a thing.  Eventually you will fade and give up.  To prevent fading and giving up motivation is key! Continue reading

Setting SMART Small Goals, Real Goals

We all want to lose all of our ugly fat and women want to be slim and toned while men want to ripped and swoll; but realistically, what is your month by month, week by week, goals?  Before running to the gym or making any kind of effort for your fitness and health, you need to set weekly and monthly goals that can be tracked and evaluated regularly. Continue reading

What Are You Really Getting Fit For?

That question must be answered honestly; Who are you working out for?  If you say yourself, yet, want a beach body and no actual strength go to with the look; then looks are all your really working hard for.  The honesty behind getting the ‘look’ is not so complicated. Continue reading

Skinny “Ripped” Isn’t The Same as Swoll Ripped

Okay so ‘skinny ripped’ may be a little harsh but it doesn’t change the point.  The average guy in America that is skinny, has no less than a 6 pack of abs;  Does that make him ripped?  Well if you define ‘ripped’ as ‘skinny with visible stomach muscles’ than i guess you could call him ripped.  But that is not anything amazing.  No serious achievements there. Continue reading

ROMANS 1:1-3

Our exhaustive study of The Book of Romans.  We conduct scripture cross-references so that Scripture interprets Scripture, word searches to correctly understand each word meaning, historical and cultural contextual understandings, and commentaries from J. VernonMcGee, Charles Hodge, John MacArthur, Charles R. Swindoll, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, and David Guzik.  We will use the ESV, NASB, and or HCSB translation due to their reliance on the most reliable biblical manuscripts.

The time, era, and historical context of The Book of Romans:

No real historian questions who wrote this book, it was the Apostle Paul.

He wrote this letter around 56AD in Corinth to the believers in Rome.  He never got the chance to actually visit the Christians in Rome.


Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God,

Παῦλος δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ κλητὸς ἀπόστολος ἀφωρισμένος εἰς εὐαγγέλιον θεοῦ

 A bond-servant, δοῦλος, “a slave, bondman, man of servile condition, devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interest.” 

An Apostle, ἀπόστολος, “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with order, officially a commissioner of Christ, specially applied to the twelve disciples whom Christ selected, out of the multitude of his adherents, to be his constant companions and the heralds to.”

Paul is literally a slave to Christ.  But, do not make the mistake to apply an “American” or more modern historical concept of “slave” to this.  That would be a different context and perception.  Being a slave to Christ “is a higher title than monarch of the world.”  This form of slavery is righteous and holy.

He was called, not by himself, as an Apostle.  Consider what the word means, a specific person personally selected by Christ out of all his followers to be heralds of his deepest truths.  It was God himself who called him out of all his others to be a herald of God’s deepest truths to be revealed to all those who believe.  Here we see that the Office of Apostle is a very special and unique position.  Not all Christians are called to be one.  Seeing Christ personally, still, isn’t the only qualifier.  There were over 70 other apostles but Jesus had hundreds of followers, even thousands maybe that heard him teach personally.  Yet, only 12 had this divine position.  Anyone who claims to be an Apostle, are assuming the same office as The Apostle Paul…  The same Apostle that was literally raising people from the dead to confirm his office in Christ. 

The order of which he gave these titles is important.  He was FIRST a servant of Christ, and SECOND he was an Apostle of Christ.  This can be understood in a couple different ways.  First, before assuming the office of Apostle, one must first BECOME a bond-servant/slave of Christ.  This only makes sense.  But this also means that anyone claiming to be an Apostle, but does not SERVE Christ is clearly a fraud.  Second this also means that being an Apostle requires being a Servant to Christ’s people first and foremost.  We can deduce that for ANYONE to have some sort or oracle or prophetic office, they must first have faith in Christ alone.  Therefore, making all other religions false.

This servant-hood and position was not optional, it was going to happen regardless of what Saul felt.  Paul didn’t one day wake up and decide to become a slave to Christ.  God didn’t just hope he would agree to become an Apostle.  Saul (Hebrew name of Paul) was on his way to arrest and capture Christians, hired by the Roman authority.  On his way with a murderous and malicious mindset, God blew him off his horse and spoke directly and personally to him (Acts 22:7-13).  He then left his job as a contracted Roman mercenary and spent 3 years isolated studying and listening to The Holy Spirit’s teaching him, personally. He then went to meet with the other 11 Apostles and THEY validated him as being true and of God personally.  BUT all of this was God’s Will.  He was enslaved by God and called by God to BE an Apostle.

He was “set a part,”  ἀφορίζω, which means: “to mark off from others by boundaries, to limit, to separate, to appoint, set apart for some purpose.” 

Paul was marked off, separate, appointed for a purpose, and that purpose was The Gospel of God. 

The Gospel of God:  The Gospel, εὐαγγέλιον, “good tiding, the glad tidings of the kingdom of God soon to be set up, and subsequently also of Jesus the Messiah, the founder of this kingdom. After the death of Christ, the term comprises also the preaching of (concerning) Jesus Christ as having suffered death on the cross to procure eternal salvation for the men in the kingdom of God, but as restored to life and exalted to the right hand of God in heaven, thence to return in majesty to consummate the kingdom of Go; as the messianic rank of Jesus was proved by his words, his deeds, and his death, the narrative of the sayings, deeds, and death of Jesus Christ came to be called the gospel or glad tiding.”

Paul was enslaved by God to proclaim this message, the Gospel message.  He was called and set apart by God for this purpose.  Notice he was already a servant to Christ but THEN set a part TO something more specific in purpose.  His calling as Apostle set him a apart from all other believers in that HE was purposed with being a herald of divine inspiration, Holy Scripture, which revealed to us The Gospel of God.  The same Gospel of God Jesus proclaimed in Mark 1:14.


which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures,

  προεπηγγείλατο διὰ τῶν προφητῶν αὐτοῦ ἐν γραφαῖς ἁγίαις

 “He promised beforehand,” προεπαγγέλλω, “to announce before, to promise before”

 “prophets,” προφήτης, “in Greek writings, an interpreter of oracles or of other hidden thing,  one who, moved by the Spirit of God and hence his organ or spokesman, solemnly declares to men what he has received by inspiration, especially concerning future events, and in particular such as relate to the cause and kingdom of God and to human salvation, the OT prophets, having foretold the kingdom, deeds and death, of Jesus the Messiah.”

How can God promise something beforehand?  What if those who he promised to fulfill his word decided not to, wouldn’t that make God a liar and or a failure?  So is there a risk that God may become a failure in the future if he promises something and doesn’t follow through because of “free will?” Its simple.  God is NEVER at risk of ever being anything other than PERFECT.  If God is never at risk of declaring something beforehand than that means whatever the declares of the future, will perfectly take place regardless of anyone’s free will.  God PROMISED BEFOREHAND through his chosen prophets this very message Paul is about to lay out.

This shows that The Gospel of God is nothing new.  It is not a “new religion” in the region or in the world.  A message that has been declared for thousands of years through God’s prophets of the OT.  Just because the general religious public was ignorant or blind to it, doesn’t make it new.

the holy Scriptures,”  ἅγιος γραφή, “a thing holy, of things which on account of some connection with God possess a certain distinction and claim to reverence, as places sacred to God which are not to be profaned;  a writing, thing written, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents, a certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture. 

God used his creation, namely specific people he called for his purpose to prophecy the coming messiah.  Notice God’s ownership.  HIS promises.   HIS prophets.  His writings because they are made Holy because they are HIS revelations under his inspiration and guidance.  Paul makes it clear to all his readers that HE did NOT make this up and this is not something new. 

Paul made it clear that this Gospel of God has been proclaimed in HOLY scriptures and NOT in any of the Rabbinical writings of all the Rabbis and their commentaries on the OT.  Or, even if they did mention some sort of messianic prophesy, they failed to correctly understand it and dive deeper into it.  This also validates The Gospel of God as actually coming from God himself in that it is found wholly in the Holy Scriptures and not some message him or any Rabbi created.

Notice Paul appeals to Scripture alone for his authority and justification for this Gospel of God.  It is not dependent on his interpretation, opinion, or feeling but it IS, in fact, a reality revealed in something greater than his own interpretation, opinion, or feeling.  That holy scripture alone is sufficient to find this Gospel if they were willing to search.


 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,
 περὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ τοῦ γενομένου ἐκ σπέρματος Δαυὶδ κατὰ σάρκα
 Don’t forget the previous verses, to keep it in context.

Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures,  concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,

So we were see a more full context of what Paul is talking about.  The Gospel of God is “concerning His Son…”  The primary focus of this holy message is God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

Consider the sheer importance of this message.  God himself planned it from eternity past about is Son.  He then selected people to reveal his plan beforehand and promised it to the world about what is Son will do. 

Then Paul starts getting into what exactly this Gospel of God is in Romans 1:3-7.

Continue to Romans 1:4-6

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The God of Life, Adopts

Why would God need to adopt us?  Are we not God’s Child already?  Is there something that separates us from God?  Why doesn’t God just snap his fingers and make everything right?  Is everyone going to be adopted by God?  All these questions hit to the heart of how God is the God of Life and does what even most people are unwilling to do; adopt rebellious orphaned children.  This article addresses all these questions with what God himself reveals.

 Foundational Adoptionism

Paul makes very bold statements in Galatians 4:4-5 and Romans 8:14-17.  This was not an entirely new concept in Jewish culture.  There are a couple instances in scripture where an outsider (non Jew) was brought into the Jewish nation and ‘adopted‘ by Jewish families giving them legal rights as heirs (Moses, Esther, and Genubath, 1 Kings 11:20).  But Paul reveals something grander than being adopted into the Jewish nation.  That we are actually adopted, by God himself, into the Kingdom of God without even becoming a Jew.

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” (Galatians 4:4-5)

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him” (Romans 8:14-17)

God’s Glory and Christ’s Work Alone

 Jesus himself elaborates this revelation of Holy Adoption in John 1:12-13. But Jesus’ revelation of God’s adoption differs from Jewish traditional and customary laws.

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

We are NOT born children of God by default.  Our family blood line does not make us children of God.  Our actions, lifestyles, governmental laws, court rulings, or regulations do not make us children of God.  We do NOT will ourselves into adoption.  We do NOT perform an alter call, say a emotional prayer, and choose within our selves to become a child of God.  Jesus’ key words are monumental; “HE GAVE”.  We do not take, claim, buy, earn, or merit.  He gave.

Realistically, when an infant is adopted, did that infant choose it?  Did they work hard and earn it?  NO.  That infant has no idea what is going on.  Everything is done on their behalf.  Now, applying to us, we are in a worse state than that of an orphan infant. We are DEAD in our sin.  We haven’t even been spiritually born yet! 

We CANNOT buy, earn, or merit our adoption by God in the first place.  Jesus had to REDEEM us from ourselves!  We had to be redeemed by Christ before we can even receive God’s adoption.  To put it more plainly, Paul states:

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (Galatians 3:13)

All those (not everyone) who are “led by the Spirit of God” have been “redeemed” by Christ and because they are redeemed, they have been adopted and thus, will be led by God himself, just as a father leads his children.  This how all those who are redeemed can call him “Abba! Father!”  Which, in English would better be rendered “daddy” or an intimate child-father name.

The Legality

 The adoption process to claim a child, who is not of your own, as your own, takes a lengthy, costly, process.  Consider the lengthy costly process of God?  He sacrificed His Only Begotten Son to pay the ransom of the spiritually dead, MADE them born again, and adopted them, and GAVE them the rights of His Only Begotten Son; righteousness and heirs to eternal life with Him in eternal perfection.

Once Christ has redeemed us, GOD gives us THE RIGHT to be a Child of God and His Spirit is our witness with us before the throne of God.  This RIGHT, proven by the witness of The Holy Spirit and our NEW born again spirit, gives us legal justification to inherit what is Christ’s.

The Family Identity

Each and every family has their own personal traits, traditions, and characteristics whether your see it or not.  When we say Son Of something, it can be literal or symbolic of that characteristic.  Before we are adopted by God our familial characteristic is “son(s) of perdition” which actually means “who is doomed to destruction” (John 17:12; 2 Thess. 2:3).  BUT once we have been born again, redeemed, and adopted, our NEW family characteristic is “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God“.  We are lead by The Holy Spirit and grow into reflecting the very natures of our heavenly father; gracious, selfless sacrificial love, forgiving, merciful, compassionate, justice seeking, truth seeking, and so on.


God doesn’t have to do any of this.  He already has a perfect Son who lives with him in eternity.  He has a perfect Triune relationship within himself.  Why go out of his way to redeem and restore the “sons of perdition” and his corrupted infected creation?  Why pay the price he paid with Jesus for a creation that are dead in their hatred and disobedience toward him?  The answer is more simple than everyone thinks.  He is The God of Life.  LIFE is part of his nature.  Why did he create anything at all?  He is a life creator.  Why keep Adam and Eve alive after their rejection of him or keep all those who hate God alive everyday?  He is a life sustainer.  Why make all those who are dead in their sin born again and spiritual alive?  He is a life giver.  He is the God of LIFE.  Even those who will never accept him, who will always hate him, are not annihilated from existence.  They too will eternally live, just apart from Him as they desired, for all eternity.  Thus, he is the God of Life in every way.

People may ask, how does he let babies be aborted, infants die, or innocent children get killed?  These people often forget that this life is not it.  There is still a continued existence after this life.   Babies who were aborted, infants who died, and innocent children that got killed have just moved on into the next life and rightly perfectly judged by the absolute just God; their creator.  They are still living.

God’s Plan

God planned to adopt his lost rebellious wicked children and redeem them; from before the foundation of the world!  

He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:4-6)

Just as Jesus stated in John 1:12-13, The Holy Spirit stated (through Paul) that He, God The Father, CHOSE his Children before the world was formed.  He literally “predestined” his children “for adoption”!!  Right here is when a lot of simple minded Christians cringe when they read the word “predestined”. 

So lets look deeper at this word. “προορίζω”  translated ‘proorizō’, which literally means “to predetermine, decided beforehand; to foreordain, appoint beforehand“.   Same word is also used in Acts 4:28, Romans 8:29-30, 1 Cor. 2:7, and Eph. 1:11.  There is no other way to understand that word other than “predestined: something predetermined beforehand, foreordained, and appointed beforehand“.  With that said, his children were chosen before creation and he already knew who he was going to adopt as his own before creation was created.  Period.  That is what HE, himself, reveals in Holy Scripture.  That was his plan from before creation.  His plan for all those who have been adopted before they were born.  That is his plan for all those who will be adopted before they were born and while they are lost, rebellious, wicked, and spiritually dead in their sin.

God desires all sinners to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4) and is wishing that no one should perish (2 Peter 3:9).  He takes NO pleasure in killing the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23).  But, he is a loving and Just God.   Therefore, he gives people exactly what they ultimately desire; separation from himself (Romans 1:21-32).  Which he would also already have knowledge of before the foundation of the world.  Making them just objects of his wrath and proof of his righteousness and justice (Eph. 2:3).


Abortion is the most contrary action, desire, and concept in absolute opposition to the very nature of the God who creates, sustains, gives, and keeps life eternally.  Adoption is the most accurate and godly action, desire, and concept to the very nature of a God who adopts to himself those who he has redeemed through his Son.  The God of Life redeems and adopts the most rebellious, troubled, and needy; sinful wicked self-righteous humanity.  Christians that support abortion degrade, belittle, and even reject the adoption of God.  They don’t know if that child was chosen by God, and they don’t care.

Orphans and Adoption

Children are extremely valuable and important to God (Luke 18:15-17; Matthew 18:4-5, 19:14; Mark 7:27, 10:14).  Caring for and protecting the most in need is part of our duty as sons of God.  The Holy Spirit, through James stated:

“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”  (James 1:27)

We can dive into the Old Testament and see what God feels about the orphans.

He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner, giving him food and clothing.” (Deuteronomy 10:18)

‘doing justice for the fatherless and the oppressed so that men of the earth may terrify them no more.” (Ps 10:18)

“Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.” (Ps. 82:3)

 “Learn to do what is good. Seek justice. Correct the oppressor. Defend the rights of the fatherless. Plead the widow’s cause.” (Isaiah 1:17)

We can go on and on in scripture where God makes it absolutely clear what he calls his chosen children to do for the orphans.  Abortion is direct disobedience and contrary to what God calls for Christians to do.  Abortion is oppressive and unjust where as adoption is freedom from oppression and offers justice to the orphan.  Abortion strips the child of any rights, even a right to life, while adoption gives children rights and inheritance.  Gives them the opportunity to come to Christ Jesus!

Adoption Agencies

The world will tell all kinds of horror stories about adoption.  They will use real life sinful examples.  But they fail to see that the whole world is full of sin and abortion is a far greater devastation than terrible adoptive families.  The damaged or abused child from wicked adoptive parents, still get to live, breath, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and come to Christ and be a child of God himself.  THIS ALONE makes the worst adoptive experience greater than abortion.  With that bias ignorance hateful propaganda pushed by pro-choice supporters and advocates, let us look at actual God Glorifying adoption organizations! 

  • Bethany Christian Services,
    • Infant adoption, International adoption, Foster Care adoption, and post-abortion support!
    • Family Counseling, refugee services and foster care. 
    • Support Bethany

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Female Elders and Overseers

Female pastors and elders has become a hot button issue in more recent generations.  If God has no issue with female pastors, neither should we BUT if God makes it clear about his ordained unique roles in His church, we ought to obey.  To know the TRUTH on this matter is extremely important.  It is the difference between standing on truth and obedience or denying God’s truth and being disobedient.  That’s huge.  To properly understand this, we must ALWAYS go to God’s Word first.  We will pick apart 1 Timothy 2:11-14, 3:1-7, 8-13, Titus 1:5-9, and then address common arguments.

1 Timothy 2:11-14 (NASB)

A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

That sounds harsh on its face value.  But lets break down this verse by verse, word by word, and apply cultural and historical contexts to help us extract the truth God reveals in this passage. 


 2:11  γυνὴ ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ μανθανέτω ἐν πάσῃ ὑποταγῇ

ὑποταγῇ, Strong’s Number G5292, translated “hypotagē” to “submissiveness, means “(1) the act of subjecting; (2) obedience, subjection

Paul uses the same word translated “quietly” in 1 Timothy 2:2, and it is translated peaceable there. The idea is without contention instead of total silence.  In other places in the New Testament, even in the writings of Paul, women are specifically mentioned as praying and speaking in the church (1 Corinthians 11:5).  So we know that he does NOT mean that all women are to be silent and not speak.  To quietly receive instruction has the idea of women receiving the teaching of the men God has chosen to lead in the church, with submissiveness instead of contention.  Not to publicly and openly argue or debate those who were ordained by God to teach, or by other means interrupt the teaching of God’s Holy Word.  It is more like a showing a level of respect and acknowledge order of authority for the office because of who appoints people to that office.

It DOES NOT mean that men are more spiritual than women or that women are inferior to men.  That is a misrepresentation, false understanding, and usually, but some, a flat out lie to manipulate Christians.  People that idolize their sex typically perceive these verses to be against women and belittle women and so on by default and assume the offense.

“Submissiveness” is the principle and “quietly receiving instruction” is the application of that principle.

Historically, women interrupted the church service by shouting questions and comments to their husbands during the service completely interrupting the teacher and the message being taught.  Paul wrote this letter to Timothy around mid 60 A.D.  That means, the church had been meeting already for about 30 years, since Jesus.  Imagine a church service, that you attended for years, where the pastor was constantly interrupted by yelling families.  Paul’s letter to Timothy is essentially a simple manual for church order.


2:12  γυναικὶ δὲ διδάσκειν οὐκ ἐπιτρέπω οὐδὲ αὐθεντεῖν ἀνδρός ἀλλ᾽ εἶναι ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ

διδάσκω, Strongs Number G1321 translated “didaskō” to “to teach“, verb, means “to teach, to be a teacher, to, discharge the office of a teacher, conduct one’s self as a teacher, to instill doctrine into one, to explain or expound a thing

αὐθεντέω, Strongs Number G831 translated “authenteō” to exercise authority, verb, means: “one who acts on his own authority, autocratic, an absolute master, to govern, exercise dominion over one

Paul’s meaning is clear. Women are not to have the role of teaching authority regarding matters of doctrine and Scriptural interpretation, in the church.  To be under authority is the principle; not teaching is the application.  This is where all the worldly minds explode. 

BUT not all speaking or teaching by a woman is necessarily a violation of God’s order of authority in the church.  Whatever speaking or teaching is done by a woman must be done in submission to the men God has appointed to lead that church.  Their doctrines, scriptural interpretations, and applications must be in harmony with, and under, that which the Elders of that church teach.  This is more about being of one mind, in harmony, in sync, unified in doctrine.  And when there are two sides who disagree, God has given the authority to the men of that church to be the final say.

It also does not mean that every woman in the church is under the authority of every man in the church. Instead it means that those who lead the church – pastors and ruling elders – must be men, and the women (and others) must respect their authority. 

This has NOTHING to do with inferiority or less valuable.  There is ORDER in the very nature of God himself.  God The Father and God the Son.  God the Son does the will of God The Father, not vice versa.  And yet, they are co-equally God.  God created Adam first, then Eve.  God gave commandments to Adam, not Eve.  Adam taught Eve God’s commandment.

I do not allow”

Now that is a very tough pill to swallow but it makes it easier when we correctly understand.  Paul is an Apostle of our Lord God and Savior, Christ Jesus.  He is filled by the Holy Spirit and, God, The Holy Spirit, is literally speaking through him at the very moment he wrote that statement.  So, what does this absolute imperative definitive explicit statement refer to?  The authority of the Teacher, that interprets doctrine, scriptural interpretations, and applications to women.  The words used by Paul show that this role within the church of  “governing and exorcising dominion over one with authority to instill doctrine into one, to explain or expound a thing” is not in any shape or form, within the church, given to women. 

VERSE 13-14

Again, another easily misconstrued set of verses by an ignorant and or hateful world.  This is not the blame game.  Paul’s purpose is not to place blame on Eve.  This is THE ORDER of which God ordained things.  God decides to bless us by giving us HIS reason for the order of church authority.  It’s pretty simple:  (1) God created man first.  God gave His command to Adam, who then gave it to Eve.  Eve received God’s command from Adam.  (2) Eve was deceived.  Adam knew exactly what he was doing when he disobeyed, he was not deceived.   This reveals important distinctions between men and women in the first place.  Eve’s ability to be more readily deceived made her more dangerous in a place of spiritual authority. “Eve’s reasoning faculty was at once overcome by the allegation of jealousy felt by God, an allegation plausible to a nature swayed by emotion rather than by reflection”(White).  Generally speaking, it may be observed that women seem to be more spiritually sensitive than men – but this can be true for good or evil. 
It is also important to note that Paul did not call Eve, “Eve.”  He purposefully called her “the woman.”  This is not a disrespect or a degrading attempt to belittle women, but rather it brings the reader back to the notion that there is a difference in the sexes and thus, the reason for the difference in ordained roles.

God’s reasoning is not dependent on cultural and historical changes in societies.  The justification comes from the beginning of humanity.  So even if culture changes and women were to completely rule the world, this God ordained order still remains.  It would just mean there would be a lot more disobedient churches.

 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NASB)

“It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. 2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

ἐπίσκοπος, translated “episkopos” to “overseer“, masculine noun, means: “(a) a man charged with the duty of seeing that things to be done by others are done rightly, any curator, guardian or superintendent (b) the superintendent, elder, or overseer of a Christian church

 τις, Strongs Number G5100 translated “tis” to “any man“, pronoun, means: “a certain one, a male
3:1  πιστὸς λόγος Εἴ τις ἐπισκοπῆς ὀρέγεται καλοῦ ἔργου ἐπιθυμεῖ
We see right off the bat that Paul is talking specifically about men.  That if “any man” wants this job in the church, it is a good thing.  This is a formal official role within the church as an “overseer” of the spiritual well being of that church.  Paul purposefully chose a pronoun that only applies to a certain sex.  


3:2  δεῖ οὖν τὸν ἐπίσκοπον ἀνεπίληπτον εἶναι μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα νηφάλεον σώφρονα κόσμιον φιλόξενον διδακτικόν
ἀνήρ, Strongs Number G435 translated “anēr” to “the husband“, masculine noun, means: “of a male, a husband, of a betrothed or future husband”  
γυνή, Strongs Number G1135 translated “gynē” to “wife“, feminine noun, means: “a wife, or a betrothed woman
This qualification is as explicit as they come.  Not only does this single out polygamist but that who wants to be an overseer, must be the husband, if married.  And that married husband must be married to a women.  In the historical context of when this was written, transgender and gender fluidity was not a thing.  That would not have been on the mind of Paul when he wrote this; nor would it needed to be.  According to Paul, a male, is a born male and a female is a born female.  So this is an actually extremely basic requirement spoken by The Holy Spirit, through Paul.

This also then logically singles out is women.  Women can not meet this requirement.  “An overseer then must be… the wife of one husband …” was not stated here.  Nor were gender neutral pronouns used, and the sentence structure wouldn’t allow for it.  It would read “the spouse of one spouse.”  To remove the masculine noun “husband” and feminine noun “wife” would be dishonest, and not true to the actual text.

VERSE 4-5:
3:4-5  τοῦ ἰδίου οἴκου καλῶς προϊστάμενον τέκνα ἔχοντα ἐν ὑποταγῇ μετὰ πάσης σεμνότητος
εἰ δέ τις τοῦ ἰδίου οἴκου προστῆναι οὐκ οἶδεν πῶς ἐκκλησίας θεοῦ ἐπιμελήσεται
Here we see the theme all throughout scripture of how the men are ultimately responsible for his family.  Which, again, a requirement that women can’t meet, logically, because she is not the one held accountable before God to manage the family and discipline the children.  Again, a role ordained by God in the family and a theme here as a requirement for “overseer” of that church.

If we take a step back, you will notice the masculine pronoun used throughout all the requirements of this spiritual authoritative role.  Just as God The Father is the ultimate authority over all reality, the earthly fathers (males) are ordained to the earthly authority in the church.  Again, this follows the order of creation and how the world worked before sin entered it.  God gave commands to Adam, then Adam taught Eve those commands.
Titus 1:5-9
 “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.”
 Here we see the use of “elders” and “overseer” interchangeably.  Thus, an Overseer is a church Elder.  Same office, different name.
There is Paul using that “any man” (1 Tim 3:1, see above) and “the husband of one wife” (1 Tim 3:2, see above) again.

So, again, this reinforces the office requirements.  To be a true, legitimate, and obedient Elder and Overseer, you must be male; if married, to one female.  It is that simple.  There is no getting around these verses due to how explicit the language is.


This verse is actually scary for the men of a church lead by a woman who is the Elder and Overseer.  As to “exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it” is a command given to those men.  When they are subordinate to a woman Elder, they are, in fact, failing to be obedient to God and refute those who contradict the verses studied above.


Before we go through each of the common arguments for female overseers and elders, there are some elements that needs to be addressed.  

1.  First, the Church is not the same as The Nation of Israel or any other Old Testament entity.  So to apply OT religious structures on the NT Church is not very accurate; eating pork, getting circumcised, and worshiping on Saturday, for example.  This is the error for a lot of the arguments for female church authority that use OT justifications.

2.  Second, just because God uses someone to do something, doesn’t mean that is how it should have been in the first place.  God used Egypt and Babylon to enslave Israel, are we then to assume that because God used Egypt and Babylon that in some way they are a good and an example for us to follow?  No.  There are hundreds of actual and real prophets in the OT that were evil.  Yes, God uses women, he is the creator of them and the universe.  But “use” doesn’t mean anything more than that, used.   To say “Because God used women, women should be leaders” now apply that logic to all the evil people used by God.  It doesn’t work.

So keep those two in mind as we analyze each common argument. 

Debroah, The Judge

Refer back to statements 1 and 2 above.  Yes, God raised up a Judge over Israel that was female.  But that was actually a judgement on the men of Israel.  It was their duty to lead and they failed.  In that culture this would have been extremely insulting and humiliating; and that was God’s point.  This is an extremely poor justification for any sort of female leadership in The Church today.  Again, this was over The Nation of Israel, a completely different entity than the church.

Old Testament Prophetess 

Were there female prophetess in the Old Testament?  Yes.  But, that still doesn’t prove, support, or justify anything related to the Church office of Elder or Overseer.  Being any sort of Prophet or Prophetess does not, by default, justify anyone to be a Elder or Overseer in the Church automatically.  In fact, there were even real prophetesses that were evil and wicked (1 Kings 18:1-19; Revelation 2:18-23; Ezra 8:33; Nehemiah 6:5-14).  These two things are unrelated and thus, don’t support this issue.

New Testament Prophetess

Now this is a better argument.  We see in the New Testament Anna, the prophetess (Luke 2:36-38), and the four daughters of Phillip (Acts 21:1-9) were prophetess.  But, you still run into the same problem.  Being a prophetess does not automatically quality anyone for the Office of Elder or Overseer.  It is nothing more than a spiritual gift and anyone can be given that gift, the gift of prophecy.   When we look at Anna and the daughters of Phillip, in no where does the Bible state that they held any kind of Elder, or Overseer role.  They were just using their gifts to benefit the church, as they should, as everyone should.

The Prophecy of Future Prophetess

Joel 2:28-32 prophecy of the Spirit is used a lot in argument for female authority in the church.  Joel states that sons and daughters will prophesy and male and female servants too.  As mentioned above, he was right, Phillips daughters were prophesying and The Holy Spirit now will give that gift to whom ever He so chooses, regardless of sex.   But all these statements pointing out that there are and will be female prophets, prophetess, is unrelated to the Office of Overseer and Elder.  One does not have anything to do with the other.  They are separate.  One is a gift of the Spirit, now, the other is an actual position and office within the authority of the Church.

Priscilla, the wife of Aquila

 In Acts 18:2,18 we read about a female named Priscilla.  Here we notice that she was mentioned before her husband in v.18.  What does that mean?  It could mean all kinds of stuff but what is NOT said is that she was in any way an Elder or Deacon; that would be a false assumption not supported by anything in scripture.  But also, let us not forget that in v.2 her husband was also named first.  Regardless, they were trusted friends of Paul who travels with him from Corinth to Ephesus (Romans 16:3-4).  Does traveling and serving with a Elder or Deacon make you an Elder or Deacon?  No.  Again, nothing showing that they held any office.

Then we see in Acts 18:26, they talk with Apollos.  This dude was on fire for God but he didn’t know how to explain things about God.  So, they pulled him aside and helped him understand things of God better.  Now, here, some would say, well that is a responsibility of Church leadership.  But, that is actually the duty of every single Christian.  This act was nothing more than helping another brother in Christ better evangelize.  They are specifically called “brethren”, “ἀδελφός” which means: “a fellow believer, united to another by the bond of affection, Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place”  They were extremely effective believers, but, again, no were are they called Elders, Deacon, Bishop, Overseer, or any of the official titles Paul uses.

Paul notes that Priscilla and Aquila were his “helpers” in Christ in Romans 16:3-4.  Does that mean they held the offices of Elder?  The greek word “helper”,”συνεργός” means: “a companion in work, fellow worker.”  That is far from an endorsement of any sort of official authority or leadership role in the Church. 

We must conclude that Priscilla as a very bold, smart, and fearless woman for Christ, but was not a
Elder, Deacon, Bishop, or Overseer; a title, office, or adjective Paul never gave her.


Paul gives a shout out to a female named Phoebe in Romans 16:1-2.  He calls her “our sister” which he means a sister in Christ.  Now, this is where things get interesting.   He gives her a title of “servant of the church.”  The greek word used is “διάκονος” translated is “diakonos” which means: “one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister” and in the Church context means: “a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their us.”  He goes on to say this:  “that you receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and that you help her in whatever matter she may have need of you; for she herself has also been a helper of many, and of myself as well.” (Romans 16:2).  Which describes the duties of a Deacon of the Church.  That is an official endorsement.

In 1 Timothy 3:8-13 Paul lays out the qualifications for a Deacon.  Notice, Paul includes women in verse 11.  Therefore, we can conclude that women CAN hold the office of Deacon in The Church.  

When considering what Paul states in both Romans 16 and 1 Timothy 3, we CAN conclude that Phoebe was, in fact, a official Deacon.  But, given the description of the duties of THAT specific office, the Office of Deacon, we see that they DO NOT authoritatively teach doctrine or interpret scripture like an Overseer or Elder.  Therefore, Phoebe is not a good argument for a woman’s role as Elder or Overseer, in that she was not one.

The Pagan Customs of Ephesus

Some people have argued that Paul was only applying those qualifications to that certain Church in that area because of the pagan female-led customs of Ephesus.  And to protect the church from bringing in those worldly cultural customs, he limited the female role in that region.   Ephesus was known for its temple to Artemis where women were authorities in that branch of paganism.  But, this is an assumption not supported by scripture.  Paul could have very well mentioned this as to his justification, but he didn’t.   Paul wasn’t talking about any sort of paganism.  This theory to discredit the broad application of Overseer qualifications is unbiblical.

Education of Women

Another theory as to why Paul limited the role of women in Church is the argument that women were typically less educated.  But, much like the Pagan Customs argument, Paul never mentions anything about education as any kind of requirement.  Though men had a better opportunity to be more educated than women in that culture, he still never required any sort of educational level for any men, even uneducated men.  This theory is not supported by scripture either.


Some people get confused when comparing 1 Cor. 14:33-38 and 1 Cor. 11:3-16. Implying, as if Paul is contradicting himself (which is actually doubting God’s Word without understanding how those two can be reconciled).  Or some even argue that this command was limited in its time and historical context and now is simply outdated.  Think about the implications of both theories;  God’s Word is false and or God’s Word is outdated.  But there is a way to harmonize them.  There is a time for singing, there is a time for prayer, and there is a time for teaching and instruction on God’s Word.  Women who were prophesying, were doing so in its proper time.  And when it came time for teaching holy doctrine and scriptural interpretation, only the teacher should speak.  Boom.  After all, the underlying two element in both those verses are church order and respect of the office of Overseer.

Times Change

This is by far the worst argument that can be made with regard to applying (or not) God’s Word.  Yes, cultures and societies continually evolve and change in their social norms and social constructs but, God doesn’t.  What was once a sin, will always be a sin.  What God once called good, will always be good.  God’s truths are completely independent from the continually evolving and changing social norms and social constructs.  God is not surprised by the future.  He already knows how things will change and how many times every culture in all history will change until the end of the world.  God’s truth revealed in scripture is not subjective or relative; or He can not truly be God.  And, as studied above, God’s truths are revealed.  But do we obey them and remain faithful to God’s revealed word or construct complicated arguments to justify our sinful hearts to do what we think is right in our eyes, in our time of age?  “Paul didn’t know that women would be hired by Christian Universities to teach doctrinal classes”  Think about that statement for a second.  This assumes God is ignorant, after all, the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul.  All that statement really does in condemn those Christian Universities for being disobedient to God.  Paul isn’t in the wrong, ever. 


After in-depth word studies we can determine that God has commanded that men are responsible for the Office of Elder and Overseer.  And that a self proclaimed female Elder and Overseer is actually either a judgement on that church and its men, and or disobedience to God.  This ordained restriction does not mean less value or inferiority of women; it does mean an ordained order of how God’s creation and Church ought to function in obedience to him.  But this holy limitation is only over the Office of Elder and Overseer or that who teaches and interprets doctrine.  Woman can and should, in fact, be Deacons as so long as they meet the qualifications specified by The Holy Spirit, through Paul.  There is no scriptural support, precedent, or authority for female Elders or Overseers.  At the end of it all, it basically reveals the sort of obedience and respect Christians have for what God has ordained and ordered.


Women Pastors And God’s Design

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Spark Spiritual Conversations

There is something that transcends this physical material world.  Every human knows it, feels it.  All humanity, atheists, humanists, agnostics, and all other religions all willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly admit that there are two elements of the human existence; purpose/meaning and belonging.  These are the essential elements of human existence that will ALWAYS spark spiritual thought and lead to a gospel presentation.

Everyone knows they have a sense of purpose and meaning.  This is why people decided to feed themselves and keep themselves alive instead of the alternative.  This is why atheists don’t commit suicide when they claim to believe life has not real meaning or purpose, yet, they still willfully choose to exist and strive for some sort of meaning and purpose everyday.  Their argumentation alone proves they believe in some sort of meaning in life, if they feel a need to argue for what they believe.  They prove the existence of purpose, if they feel they need to argue for their beliefs in that it gives them a sense of purpose.  With this in mind, a simple question like “Why did you choose to do that?”  or “Why do you want that?” can lead down the spiritual road.

There is a universal transcendent sense of belonging and community.  Even those who are “loners” or deemed “anti-social” still subscribe to ideologies and beliefs of others and make those ideas their own; they in some sense satisfy their inherent need to belong.  Atheists belong to atheist communities and subscribe to a set of ideals and beliefs that gives them the sense of belonging, even if they don’t want to admit it.  With this in mind, a simple question like “Why do you think that?” or “Where did you get that from?” can lead to spiritual conversations.

  • Why did you choose to do that?
  • Why do you want that?
  • Why do you think that?
  • Where did you get that from?

These are all questions they, anyone, can ask you as well.

Atheist:  “Why did you choose to do that?”
YOU:     “Because it is the right thing to do.”

When that door has been opened by you simply injecting the concept of rightness, follow-up questions are critical.  Once you ask the question, you become the driver of the conversation.

YOU:  “What, you wouldn’t have chosen to do that too?  Why not?
Atheist: “Because I don’t think it’s right” or “Because I think something else is better.

If you notice, they take the bait and entertain a discussion of rightness.  You start driving down a road that leads to the issue of morality, right and wrong, good, better or worse.  Again, as long as the person is open for discussion, keep driving down that road with follow-up questions.

YOU:  “How is it not right?”  or  “What makes something else better?”
Atheist:  “Because I think/believe…”  

At this point, they have just used some sort of standard by which they judge things to be right or wrong, better or worse, good or evil.  From there, you can go straight to the essence of the issue with first real spiritually related follow-up question:

YOU:  “What makes that right/good/better?”
Atheist:  “Because…”

Here they have just explicitly stated their moral standard and are officially now in a conversation about morality.  From there is just a simple inquiry of exposing contradictory, illogical, irrational thought of relativism and subjective humanism.  Big fancy words that basically lead them to admit that they can’t say rape and killing innocent people (murder) sanctioned by governments or cultures is wrong.  Because no matter their standard of right and wrong, it will always be determined by a government and culture of that time and age.  Thus, the specific example is, the Holocaust which was condoned by the German people and legal under the Nazi government.  This is how we know that universal transcendent morality, good, comes from outside of humanity.  But all those are arguments you have to study up on.  Here, we are addressing how to SPARK a conversation that would lead to a Spiritual conversation and ultimately a gospel presentation.

Follow-up Questions and Specificity are the two lanes of discussion that CAN lead down the road to a spiritual conversation.  Since YOU are the driver and see every interaction with God’s creation as a potential opportunity to glorify him; every conversation is Missional.

Conversations About Religion

IF and WHEN the conversation enters the specific topic of religion, it becomes a million times more easy to present the gospel.  Usually after the lines of questioning above, they will often say things like:

Atheist:  “Oh, your one of those Christians, aren’t you?”  or  “Are you a Christian?”  or “Are you religious?”

When this question comes up, more than likely, they already have a ignorant false assumed picture of what “Christian” is.  They may have gone to church when they were young.  They may have other “Christian” friends or seen Christian movies; whatever, it doesn’t matter.  You respond semi-vague as to not validate their assumed false image of Christianity and follow up with:

YOU:  “I have faith, yes.  But it’s not what you think it is.  What is Christianity to you?”  or  “Yes, I’m a Christian, but what does that mean to you?

How do you know they don’t actually know what Christianity is?  Because they don’t know Christ as their Lord and Savior.  They can read the Bible cover to cover, memorize a ton of verses, even win debates against other Christians but, that is nothing more than words on paper and reciting Harry Potter quotes to them.  If they knew Christianity, they would know Christ, and if they knew Christ, they wouldn’t be atheist. 

At this point, if they took the bait on the “What is Christianity” topic, they will more than likely give some kind of explanation about doing some moral to-do-list like following the 10 Commandments, or doing good works, and claiming to follow Jesus. 

And this is it.  This is where God has ordained YOU the opportunity to give the gospel.

Conversation Break Down

  1. Most broad “meaning of life” question.
  2. Where the “meaning of life” comes from topic.
  3. That standard that gives “meaning” topic.
  4. The topic of religion.
  5. The topic of Christianity. 
  6. The Gospel.

Notice from the start of the conversion, it could have been about anything and gone just about anywhere.  But, with follow-up Questions that continually narrowed the focus, you drive the discussion into a spiritual one.  With continued follow-up questions, you narrowed the spiritual conversation to Jesus.

Follow-Up Questions and Specificity drive conversation to the ultimate point and reason of discussion.  Notice, the last point, #6, directly answers in the most perfect way, the very first broad topic that kicked off the whole thing, #1. 

Is This Shady and Misleading?

This is in no way misleading or shady because we are simply navigating to the best answer for the premise of the conversation.  And by doing so, avoiding useless, fruitless, meaningless other spin off conversations and remaining focused to achieve the best possible answer.  It only feels shady and misleading to those who hate the gospel or to those who are ashamed of the gospel.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please CONTACT US, join our discussion FORUM, REPORT AN ERROR, or leave a comment below.

The Importance of The Gospel Message

Why is telling people the gospel so important?  Can’t you just live a happy wealthy life and tell everyone around you that God is blessing you?  Isn’t that good enough?  Why does it matter if we tell anyone about the person, works, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus?

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” –
Romans 1:16

  Here we see that THE GOSPEL IS GOD’S POWER, FOR SALVATION.  That is massive!  The Gospel message is the power of God used to bring about eternal salvation.   The two most important things in all reality:  God’s power; and eternal salvation.  And IT, The Gospel, is that!

But we must always thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God has chosen you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, so that you might obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

The Gospel is so important that it is God who we should be thanking!  It is so important that it is that which GOD does himself FOR YOU.  He hand picks those for eternal salvation.  Being personally chosen by the infinite eternal all-powerful Creator of all reality is huge.   The way in which he does it is through the “calling” of The Gospel.    God chooses when and where you hear THE truth, his truth, The Gospel; and believe.

What is more important in life, money?  being physically fit?   Having a strict diet?  A secure good paying job with benefits?  What good is all that if the value of money can be lost.  Your health can change in an instant.  Your diet becomes unmanageable and too expensive.  Your employer lays you off.  What then?  The salvation bestowed to us through faith in The Gospel is something that can NEVER be taken away.  It is something that can NEVER lose its value.  It is, in value and size, eternal.  The Gospel is ETERNALLY valuable and in worth.  The Gospel doesn’t get old, unhealthy, crippled, or pass away due to age; it lasts for ETERNITY.

Helping someone eat right, get in shape, and land a good paying job is nice and all, but NONE of those are ETERNALLY valuable in and of themselves.  Being used by God, and serving Him to help someone understand and believe in The Gospel, now THAT is worth more than all things we can do for someone else.  THAT is REAL love.

Consider what John the Apostle wrote:

“Jesus said, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed.”  30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:29-31

The Gospel was more important that writing down everything Jesus did on earth.  The WHY Jesus did what he did was more important that every single detail of what he did.  The WHY he healed and went to the cross and not all the facts and events of every single healing.  The Gospel is ENOUGH so that you “may believe” that Jesus is THE Savior and THE Son of God.  That you may BELIEVE in the person and work of Christ.  And “by believing you may HAVE life [eternal]”

Why would you NOT want to give that to those who you love?  Do you really love your family if you don’t share with them the most important message in all eternity?  Do you teach your children the gospel?  Do you study it with your spouse?  DO YOU understand and believe the ETERNAL VALUE and IMPORTANCE of The Gospel?

If you have any questions or comments about this article please CONTACT US, join our discussion FORUM, REPORT AN ERROR, or leave a comment below.

Still To Review List

The following are movies that we still need to watch and or review:

  • Creed II (2018)
  • Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
  • Aquaman (2018)
  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)
  • A Star Is Born (2018)


  • Blade Runner 2049
  • The Shape of Water
  • Dunkirk
  • Hostiles
  • War for the Planet of the Apes
  • John Wick: Chapter 2
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 2
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • The Lost City of Z
  • Alien: Covenant
  • Wonder Woman
  • Mother!
  • The Greatest Showman
  • Darkest Hour
  • Downsizing
  • It Comes at Night
  • Moonlight
  • Get Out
  • The Shack
  • Coco
  • Logan
  • Kong: Skull Island
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Ghost in the Shell


  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  • Patriots Day
  • Eye in the Sky
  • Arrival
  • Deepwater Horizon
  • Deadpool
  • The Birth of a Nation
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Hacksaw Ridge
  • Blood Father
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Conjuring 2
  • Star Trek: Beyond
  • The Witch
  • Don’t Breathe
  • The Accountant
  • Jason Bourne
  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe
  • Lights Out
  • Sully
  • Finding Dory
  • Moana
  • 10 Cloverfield Lane
  • Hardcore Henry
  • Bad Moms
  • War Dogs
  • X-Men: Apocalypse
  • 13 Hours
  • Batman v Superman: Down of Justice
  • Ghostbusters
  • Race
  • Snowden
  • Fences


  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Sicario
  • The Martian
  • Inside Out
  • The Hateful Eight
  • Southpaw
  • Straight Outta Compton
  • Ex Mechina
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Black Mass
  • Jurassic World
  • Spectre
  • Furious 7
  • Son of Saul


  • Selma
  • American Sniper
  • Predestination
  • Fury
  • Edge of Tomorrow
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Gone Girl
  • Noah
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past
  • Godzilla
  • The Equalizer
  • Down of the Planet of the Apes
  • John Wick
  • RoboCop
  • The Purge: Anarchy
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • The Judge
  • Transformers: Age of Extinction

Good Morning, Vietnam

Patch Adams

What Dreams May Come

Ms. Doutfire

Jerry MCguire

A few Good Men


DeJa Vu

Enemy of the State

The Fan

Crimson Tide


Interview with the Vampire

Minority Report

Last Sameri


Miami Vice

War of The Worlds


Edge of Tomorrow

American Made


Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Art


Jurassic Park

