Category Archives: 2nd Amendment

The Founders of America were More Violent and Did Worse Things

WTF is wrong with the “patriots” of today?! “Follow the rule of law” oh ya? Like all the laws that oppress? Did the Patriots of the Revolutionary War follow the rule of law?! Did the founders of America follow their current rule of law?! “Condemn these acts of violence” oh ya? Like the violent acts of our Founding Fathers, you know, killing and burning the government of their day? With mass censorship and all kinds of illegal unconstitutional violations, WITH the court system utterly failing… what is the modern patriot’s response; vote harder? WTF is wrong with you pathetic fake false patriots?!

EVERY SINGLE TIME someone condemns the storming of the capital building, they are ALSO condemning the actions of the Founding Fathers of America AND every single REAL patriot during the revolution. The founding fathers and patriots of the revolution KILLED the police and government officers of their time! They WENT TO WAR for less reasons! They burned government buildings. They rioted against government actions. After years of peaceful petitions and protests, the system they were under, failed them. So, they went to war! YOUR F*CKING WELCOME.

Now, we live under a government that deems its people “nonessential” and then orders them to close their business and ending their ability to make a living. Their government forbids them from worshiping. The government imposes taxes WAY HIGHER than what the founding fathers would even fathom. Reading the court records of the election challenges, the election system is broken, and the courts refuse to anything about it. The supreme court even avoids it. The court system has failed. The police arrest people gathering to worship, and raid homes, violating the 2nd Amended and Due Process because of Red Flag laws, that the courts find lawful, yet, clearly in direct violation of constitutional rights. The ATF enacts regulations that violate constitutional rights, and these people aren’t even elected officials, and their regulations aren’t even laws. Police are militarized and kill people, act as judge and jury, and get away with it with “qualified immunity.” They murder a protester in the capital, and no investigation is considered. Yet, when one of their own is killed, omg it is going to be investigated and every single protester will be severely punished. And God for bid you exercise your free speech on Facebook, Google, and Twitter; you get punished there too AND THE GOVERNMENT WON’T FIGHT THAT EITHER.

THIS IS WHAT “PATRIOTS” OF TODAY DEFEND. “Back the Blue”?! Back the arm of the government that is used to enforce all these rights violations!

And what have all those peaceful protests done over the past decade? Not a damn thing. In fact, over the past decade there has never been such an infringement on constitutional rights since slavery and Jim Crow laws.

And what has voting done? Ya? What happen in November 2020? Did you not vote hard enough or something? See, even voting has failed.

Oh, but you can just take it to court? Ya? How’d that work out?

So, what, you just going to repeat it all again in the hopes it will work this time and fix itself? Vote harder next time, sue harder next time, protest more peacefully next time?! This is proof, you have become irrelevant, useless, and pathetic.

The founding fathers would have tried everything you’ve tried. Then, when they were at the point of uselessness and failure, they escalated in their efforts. They eventually, dare I say it, turned toward righteous violence, which, given all the reasons above, is justified. What’s your sad excuse?

What are you going to tell your children and grandchildren when they have less and less rights? “Sorry honey, we tried peacefully, and failed.” And that’s it? You gave up because you were too cowardly to become righteously aggressive against oppression? You going to fall back on “Well, at least we remained lawful.” THANK GOD not all slaves and oppressed African American’s remained lawful. THANK GOD they broke unjust laws and become more aggressive against government oppression. What’s your pathetic excuse?

The Boston Massacre, when the government killed its citizens (colonialists). Did you ever wonder what the protesters were doing? They were aggressively protesting. They were throwing rocks and things at the government troops. They were yelling and violently protesting the governments oppression. Then, the government shot and killed protesters… kinda like the what happened at the Capital when the Air Force Veteran was murdered by capital police. She was unarmed! She closer resembled the patriots than you do, sitting on your couch, eating Cheetos taking shit about those who actually took action.

Before there was even war declared or any sort of formal organizing, there were REAL Patriots who grouped together to form militias. Groups, completely not connected to the formal government military. Just a group of small business owners and farmers coming together, ready, to defend themselves and their property from government intrusion and oppression. What are you doing? Posting on Facebook and tweeting? STFU.

To the government of that day, these people, the REAL Patriots and local militias were “domestic terrorists” and even colonialists who were loyal to the government of that day, condemned them. Sound familiar? Is that you? Are you a statist loyalist? Are you a modern day Red Coat loyalist?

You should read Patrick Henry‘s “If this be treason, make the most of it!” speech. Is Patrick Henry a hero or a radical you condemn? Read Patrick Henry‘s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, do you believe the freedom and liberty is worth more than your comfortable safe slavery?

On June 9, 1772, a local vessel out of Newport was under way to Providence when its captain baited the HMS Gaspee and led Duddington into shallow waters near Warwick. The Gaspee ran aground at a place that is now known as Gaspee Point. News of the grounding quickly reached Providence and a party of fifty-five, led by a man named John Brown, planned an attack on the ship. The following evening they surrounded and boarded the Gaspee, wounding Duddington and capturing the entire crew. All were hauled ashore and abandoned, to watch as the Gaspee was looted and then burned.

Let us never forget the Boston Tea Party. Is that something you condemn too?

Don’t call yourself a “Patriot” if you condemn the actions of REAL PATRIOTS. Shut up and take a seat, peasant.

Take notes from the Founding Fathers, Patriots of the American Revolution, and Civil Rights movement: You know, that time the Black Panther’s stormed a state capital building, armed. It’s sad, when the Black Panther Party is more of a Patriot than all those who claim to be patriotic condemn the same action of the founders of America.

What should you do?

Think about who of your closest friends and family members share the same views as the Founding Fathers and Patriots of the Revolution. Talk to them, in person, quietly, about uniting as a small militia.

Purchase burner phones. Use encrypted messaging apps. Pull cash out and store it. Start stocking up on essential goods. Come up with an local “alert system.” Be ready to pool money together to pay for legal fees. Heck, even make your unofficial militia a formal “Gun Club” or social club. So that, next time there is a gathering of potential REAL patriots, you can participate and network. Inject yourself in your local party meetings, town halls, city counsel meetings; be an influence and voice locally. The heart of the fight, is local.

Or just sit there, tweet, be irrelevant, and be a economically and system enslaved peasant, dependent on your pathetic $600 stim check from your master because your government deemed you nonessential.

Does Gun Control Even Work?

France has crazy strong gun control… experienced a mass shooting on Tuesday.  “Chekatt had been radicalized in prison and was being monitored by French intelligence services since at least 2015 due to his suspected religious extremism. Authorities did not say which religion; however, supporters of the Islamic State terror group were celebrating the shooting online, according to the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi communications worldwide…Before opening fire on the Christmas market in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Chekatt, 29, yelled “Allahu Akbar,” Paris’ public prosecutor said. Chekatt escaped the scene in a taxi.”  Another interesting fact is that France has had more deaths from mass shootings than the US had during the entire presidency of Obama. [1].  How odd.  Their gun laws are more strict than California and Chicago.  While French gun ownership is estimated to be around 19 per 100 people.

England has a higher per capita crime rate than America.  Per 1,000 people, England is rank 2nd in the world at 109 per 1,000; while America is 41 per 1,000 (22nd in the world) [2].  In murders, England is 6.6 per 1,000; while America is 5.6 per 1,000 [3].  The crime of assault victims, or people who claim to be a victim of assault, England is 2.8% percent, while America is 1.2% [4].   Hu, that’s interesting because England as crazy struct Gun Control laws… but that doesn’t seem to phase criminals.  And their gun ownership is roughly 4.6 to 5 per 100.

Finland, Switzerland and Norway have very high gun ownership.  Finland is 32 per 100 people and Norway has 28 per 100 people.  Switzerland has 27.6 per 100.  Guess what their gun violence is like? [7][8]  Finland homicide rate is 0.028 per 1,000!  Switzerland homicide rate is 1 per 1,000!  Norway homicide rate is 0.6 per 1,000!  WHAT?  How is this possible if they (1) have a high firearm ownership, and (2) have lax gun control laws???  Yep, you guessed it, GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE!  People kill people.  A culture and a society that devalues human life does.

Can Gun Control Laws Reduce Murder?

Well, when we look at this globally,  France and England point us to an obvious answer.  NO.  Because if the laws themselves did, France and England would have different numbers;  the fact is, they have worse numbers than America.  They have more crime per capita, a lower gun ownership, AND stricter gun control laws.  But let us look at this from a domestic perspective.

California is number one in the nation for Gun Control laws [8].  Since they have done such an amazing job restricting their citizens from gun ownership, how well does that translate in their crime stats?  As of 2016, they are at 90 per 1,000 of violent crime and has been fairly steady over the past decade or so.  That is almost as much as England’s TOTAL CRIMES per capita.  Here’s the kicker, The firearm homicide rate, which adjusts for population changes, increased by 15 percent from 2014 to 2016. [9]  How can it increase when they are the strictest?  Lets look even deeper into a City with the absolute strictest gun control.

Chicago is so bad, there is even a website called that tracks the violence in that city.  A person is shot EVERY 2:55 minutes and murdered ever 14 minutes in Chicago!  They BANNED handguns in the city limits from 1982 until 2010 when the Supreme Court had to rule their ban unconstitutional (McDonald vs. City of Chicago).  Then in 2012, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Illinois concealed carry ban as unconstitutional.  The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence rated Chicago as rank 8 IN THE NATION for their gun control laws.  From 1982 to 2012, people could not conceal carry.  How was their crime rate during the all out ban?  They averaged 500 to 600 homicides a year! During the Ban!! [10]

What does all this mean?

So when we look at it from a city perspective, state perspective and from a global perspective we see the truth about a couple things:

  1. More gun ownership does NOT cause more crime.
    1. Finland, Switzerland and Norway = high gun ownership, has low crime.  Relaxed gun laws, and has low crime.
  2. More gun control does NOT reduce crime.
    1. California and Chicago = lower gun ownership, still has high crime.  Strict gun control laws, still has high crime.

What is the cause for gun violence and high crime?

A culture of violence, undisciplined, and devaluation of human life.  Finland, Switzerland and Norway have a high standard of living and high cultural morals.  They see weapons as essential for defense and national sovereignty; as WWII showed these nations.  America on the other hand are spoiled, undisciplined, immature adults that no longer have the same value for life as it once did.  They are so spoiled that they are losing the notion that weapons are essential for defense and national sovereignty.

England shows that you can take away all the guns, but you will still have murder just the same.  France still has mass shootings.  California has continuous crime despite strict laws.  Chicago’s homicide rate stayed the same during the unconstitutional gun ban.

What About New York?

They like to point to their strict gun control laws and the reduction in homicides.  What they DON’T tell you is that these low rates, were just as low in 1960 and all the decades prior.  PRIOR to ANY modern gun control law.  AND during that time, they had a higher gun ownership rate as well.  [11]  THIS only supports the idea of American societal progression of a violence culture.  The historic spike in homicides is not due to guns but due to the cultural trend of morality.

It doesn’t matter if there were 1 gun control law or 50,000 or even a flat out gun ban… criminals don’t obey the laws.

What do Gun Control Laws Do?

Criminals will find guns (see France and Chicago during the gun ban).  Does it make it harder for them to get?  Is it hard for drug addicts to attain illegal drugs?  NOPE.  If they want it, they will find it.  BUT those who do try to obey the laws, THEY will be restricted from gun ownership.  NON-Criminals, law abiding citizens face the complexity and frustrations of attempting purchase weapons for self defense.  THEY face the restriction of their FREEDOM.

If people want to kill, they will either find a way to get a gun OR just use another tool; like a knife for example.  England is proof of this as well [12].  Violence with a knife has increased by 22% across England! “the biggest annual increase ever recorded…Almost 40,000 offenses involving knives or sharp weapons were recorded by police in the year”  See, they don’t need guns.  They have kitchen knives.

We aren’t even touching on how many times a good guy with a gun has stopped a criminal with a gun.  A study conducted by Gary Kleck, Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee found that “American civilians use their firearms as often as 2.5 million times every year defending against a confrontation with a criminal, and that handguns alone account for up to 1.9 million defenses per year.”  [13].  If they did not have a superior tool for self defense, that would have made more than 1.9 million victims of crimes…

So what?

Exactly.  Gun Control advocates won’t even listen to these facts; whats the point?  Politicians don’t care about these facts either.  Ignorant, or 2nd Amendment hating voters, don’t care about these facts and the logic behind it.  They hate guns, and hate you for owning them.  To them, you are a potential murderer anyway.  The intolerance and judgementalism of gun owners is amazing.   But it goes both ways.

Those who enjoy their right to self defense are cowards in America; just like those in France and England.  As their ability to defend against violence has been reduced; this is becoming even more true for Americans.  No one stands up and fights back.  When gun control advocates open their ignorant mouths, most gun rights advocates tend to be more quite.  THAT ISN’T WORKING.  The silence of gun owners is failing America and allowing the ignorance of Gun Control spread like a wild fire.

Either sell your guns and STFU or grab your weapon and TAKE A STAND.















WTF is it to you?  Why do you need a large SUV instead of a Mini-van?  One could potentially kill more people than the other (and cars do kill more people than guns).  I think YOU should buy something that I feel more comfortable with.  WTF am I to tell you what kind of car you should buy?  WTF are you to tell me how I should protect myself and my family?

Clearly, asking this questions shows IGNORANCE of the purpose of the 2nd Amendment in the first place.  It is NOT a right to hunt.  It is NOT a right to sport shoot.  It is NOT a right collect.  THE purpose that the founding fathers had in mind was this:  to keep the future government in check! and give the citizens the ability to resist any future government if necessary.  All those other benefits contained in the right, like to hunt, sport shoot, and collect came as a result of the inherent RIGHT to protect one self and others against an oppressive government.

Then some of those nimrods will say “militias wont be able to resist the US Federal Government with all their tanks and bigger things that go boomy“.  Clearly, again, these ignorant tools don’t understand why Afghanistan has been such a headache for America for over a decade!  Even Vietnam for that matter.  We can even go farther back, like, the colonist and the greatest most powerful nation on earth at that time; Great Britain.  With the greater, more powerful force, being stopped despite all their bigger guns and bigger boomy thingies.

All these pathetic questions just show that these snowflakes need to read a real history book and not one published by George Soros filled with his leftist revisionist propaganda of one sided false history.  Nothing more than tools and slaves of Soros.  Most don’t even know it, thats the real sad part.

But at the end of the day, most of them just want to CONTROL YOU.  To feel empowered and over power you by doing what ever it takes, cry, temper tantrums, threat, assault, or anything, to HAVE Control and Power over others.  Thats what it comes down to.  To sacrifice freedom for safety.  But who controls or enforces safety?  Who decides what is safe?  They do… after you have already lost your freedom to defend yourself and ensure your own safety.

WHY DOES ANYONE NEED AN AR-15?  Because government is run my humans and humans become corrupted by power and control and that corrupted power and control will always lead to worse things;  just ask the Jews and Germany;  what the Nazi party did was legal and socially acceptable, of course, after they disarmed their citizens with the promise of governmental safety and spilled propaganda for years prior to conducting mass murder; all sanctioned by the ruling government…


Freedom thats why.

Freedom to protect my self and others from anything and anyone including the government.

The Founding Fathers Did “Worse” And More “Violence”

WTF is wrong with the “patriots” of today?! “Follow the rule of law” oh ya? Like all the laws that oppress? Did the Patriots of the Revolutionary War follow the rule of law?! Did the founders of America follow their current rule of law?! “Condemn these acts of violence” oh ya? Like the violent acts of our Founding Fathers, you know, killing and burning the government of their day? With mass censorship and all kinds of illegal unconstitutional violations, WITH the court system utterly failing… what is the modern patriot’s response; vote harder? WTF is wrong with you pathetic fake false patriots?!

Continue reading


There have been reasons to boycott. Some have been successful, others not so successful. What are justified reasons to boycott and how do you make them successful?

The colonialists conducted some very successful boycotts of British goods. They hurt British owned companies and suppliers who were compliant with British tariffs. Boycotts are part of American history and were effective tools in their resistance of oppression.

The Civil Rights movement also had successful boycotts which impacted the oppressive systems.

Here we are today with companies imposing their own ethics on people. But how do we, as a people, make boycotts effective and successful to cause change?

Why Boycott today?

The government deems you and or your family and friends as nonessential, and forces the closure of your and or their livelihoods. The police enforce church closures and punishing those to attend worship. Walmart and Korger only allow you to buy 1 thing of meat. All the while businesses and corporations comply, willing to hurt their own employees and communities. Now, even the freedom to think and speak is violated by monopolizing corporations. Google censors your search results, and allows you to see only what they want you to see. Facebook and Twitter censor your feed, only showing you what they want you to see and even censors your posts, your friends and family posts, and delete pages of freedom minded businesses. Then, when a company who represents freedom starts gaining momentum, Google, Apple, and Amazon suppress their success and censor their free efforts. We are in the United States of Communist China. Are you okay with you and your friends and family being treated this way?


A unified effort in avoiding a specific good and service is key. This is an original tactic of the founding fathers and Patriots of America and was extremely effective during the Civil Rights movement. The community must, in unison, actively avoid certain products, companies, and services, and support their opposing or more just products, companies, and services. If there is no suitable alternative then the community must come together and be willing to, in essence, suffer without the unjust products, companies, and services as long as necessary. Also, consider DONATING money to alternate companies.

The Effect

Companies that are being boycotted must suffer financial hardships. Companies are all about money. They exist to make money. When their products are not being purchased, their profits suffer. The government can swoop in and “bail out” these boycotted companies with subsidies but the people, again, must then boycott politicians who support these subsidies by not voting for them. So the mission of boycotting is to hurt the ‘bottom line’ and their profits.

Constantly sharing negative information about the company helps in this as well. As the companies stock price falls, selling off stocks is another useful tool to drive down the stock price even more. On top of poor performance reports of those stocks will compound with the companies poor sales due to the boycott.

The Goal

Hurting the profits of a company to force them to change their unjust ethics is the goal. The Civil Rights movement boycotted public transportation for years. This took away profits from fees and hurt their revenue. The local governments eventually were forced to cave due to the lack of funding as a direct result to the boycotts. But, the community had to come together and in unison, boycott the public transportation system. They helped each other in sharing transportation resources instead of pay busing fees.

Justified Moral Grounds for Boycotts

True racist and racism promoted by companies are justified reasons to boycott a company. Notice we stated “true racism.” A more recent example of pseudo grounds of protest is the Aunt Jemima brand. THE COMPANY decided to remove their ‘logo’ or image because THEY felt her likeness was racist, when, in fact, it wasn’t. She was a real person who became the image of her brand that was bought and sold on her behalf essentially. She was the FIRST black millionaire. The reality is, the company removed her likeness from HER brand because she was black. And THAT is racist. It is HER legacy and HER families legacy. A proud example of black success. But, she was removed because she was black.

Because the company removed her because she is black IS GROUNDS to boycott that racists company decision. Aunt Jemima is currently owned by the Quaker Oats Company of Chicago, now a subsidiary of PepsiCo. But apparently the company doesn’t feel it is wrong to use the stereotypical image of white Quaters… They do feel it is wrong to have a black person as an image for their brand. That is the hypocritical racist view of this company. Now, PepsiCo is not directly involved in this poor racist decision, but Quaker Oats Company is. Therefore, Quaker Oats Company needs to be boycotted.

Alternatives to Quaker Oats Company are: Kelloggs, Goya Foods, and General Mills

Another valid justified reason to boycott is a company is when the company rejects freedom and takes an active stance against the public’s constitutional rights. Yes they are free to do discriminate but that does not mean they are free from repercussions of their discrimination. Religious rights and 2nd Amendment rights are the new battle grounds. Financial institutions do not remain neutral in social politics. Much like PayPal, Bank of America also stands against the American people’s right to bare arms. They take an active stance against firearms companies. Some retail stores also stand against the right to bare arms. Dick’s Sporting Goods is another example of this. They willingly stop selling products direly related to their platform. Though they sell hunting goods, they refuse to sell firearms…

PayPal stops payments for firearm purchases and business payment processing. Yet these companies have no problem informing law enforcement about unlawful purchase who use GUNS to enforce the laws.

Alternatives to PayPal are: Payoneer, GiveSendGo, and Wepay
Alternatives to Bank of America: Wells Fargo
Alternatives to Dick’s Sporting Goods: Academy Sports and Outdoors.

In a free market of ideas, censorship is the absolute enemy of free thought. Thus, companies that target and censor the free exchange of ideas are actually enemies of freedom. Yes, as private, even though publicly traded, companies are free to pick and choose what ideals they support and promote; they are not free from the repercussions of their discrimination. Social media platforms are the new battle grounds for the freedom of the free exchange of ideas. The major and predominate social media giants are all in unison when it comes to censorship (just like nazism and communism, though separate in philosophy, same in the pursuit of censorship opposition ideas). Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google have proven to be enemies of free thought.

Alternatives to Facebook and Twitter:,,, Steemit
Alternatives to Google: and
Alternatives to YouTube: DTube, Rumble, and

How can YOU help boycott these immoral unethical anti-freedom companies?

  • Refuse to purchase products from the stores on the Boycott List.
  • Take your friends and family to the the alternative stores.
  • Share negative information about the companies on the boycott list on your social media and tell your friends and family, and share positive information about the companies on the support list.
  • Give the stores in your local area poor reviews on yelp; and give the stores in your area on the support list positive reviews.
  • Support through sharing information and your money.
  • Support local small business and community banks.


  • Bank of America – stop banking with them.
  • Quaker Oats Company – stop buying their products, dump their stocks.
  • PayPal – Avoid using them and services that use them.
  • Facebook, Twitter – Post only your alternate profile links, or just delete your account all to gether
  • Google, YouTube – Don’t use or share any of their links.
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods – Don’t stop there.


  • Wells Fargo
  • Kelloggs, General Mills, Goya Foods
  • Wepay, Payoneer, GiveSendGo
  • Academy Sports and Outdoors
  •,,, Steemit
  • DTube,, Rumble

Conservatives, Your Protests Have Gone Nowhere

Let’s face it, your nice and sweet peaceful protests have done absolutely thing. You protest abortion, and guess what, millions of babies are still killed every year. You protest Gun Control, and guess what, laws that infringe on the 2nd Amendment keep growing. It’s a nice show to put on with big names, but in actuality, it does not change anything.

Remember the Tea Party Protests in the early 2000s? What happened. Well, quite frankly, they didn’t change anything. Look at where America is today. What did they change? The party they overwhelmingly support lost the House and is on the verge of losing the Senate. “Oh but they got Trump elected” some might try to argue, but what has his influence done to abortion and gun control? Nothing. In fact, he supports Gun Control laws lol. “Oh but Trump will get to nominate traditionalist Supreme Court justices” they might also try to argue, but how has that turned out? Not good. The latest Supreme Court decision has opened the door for even more limitations on religious institutions, not to mention their avoidance of cases that would effect the police state and abortion.

Look at the large gun rights rally in Virginia in 2019. They were so peaceful and so compliant they managed to get the state of Virginia to pass even more Gun Control laws after the rally. III%s and Oath Keepers were all there, and, what did they help with? Nothing.

We still have troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan fighting this endless war that has nothing to do with YOUR freedom here. Instead these endless wars take away fathers, mothers, and your children from their families and sends them overseas to fight for someone else’s’ imposed “freedom” while you sit at home and have to worry about getting robbed, shot, stabbed, or find a job because the government declared you as non-essential. How are those parent-less homes working out for America?

Then, some of you (the peaceful republican protestors) condemn the more aggressive protesting (not talking about the looters) as of recent, such as the Black Lives Matters protests (again, not talking about the looters). Yet, THOSE protests have yielded more fruit than your “conservative, patriotic” protests. Police departments are under heavy scrutiny and facing some federal bills and potential more oversight. Cities and states have taken steps in changing their practices. Those protests have yielded fruit! Their mission is being more successful.

Aggressive protesting IS PATRIOTIC! Study the actions of the colonialist before the revolution. Study the Civil Rights Movement. THOSE were effective fruitful protests, not yours.

Your single party loyalty is pathetic and shameful. Your tribalism is part of the problem.

You preach “Vote Red” and get “conservative” politicians like Mitt Romney elected year after year. Quite honestly, most Republicans are BIG GOVERNMENT politicians. Which Republican didn’t impose some sort of Bill of Rights restriction (and still) during the COVID-19 fearmongering? Then, you try to justify the suspension of the Bill of Rights in an attempt to support your Red candidate…

You are no different than people who are against racism who vote for racist candidates (Democrat voters and Joe Biden). You claim to be for liberty and freedom but then vote for candidates that will declare you as non-essential and impose limitations to your rights. You support Police… who enforce Gun Control laws and enforce the Stay-at-home orders…

And if you unlike and unfollow us on social media because of rebukes likes this, that just proves you are the one close minded to the reality that you are part of the problem. Please do some self reflection.

Why aren’t you voting for people to demand a balanced budget amendment and national debt reduction? It’s almost like you enjoy all the government subsidies and handouts too. Your dependence on the federal government makes you a BIG GOVERNMENT supporter too.

Why are you protesting? What are you protesting? Who are you protesting?

Your police pals need to be protesting WITH YOU.

Your friends and family in the National Guard need to be protesting WITH YOU.

You need to be protesting at the door steps of the problem, all day, everyday, until REAL change happens. “But we have jobs” cool, good, then protest after work. And if it is a real concern for you, if the lives of babies are really that important to you, take some days off of work. Bring your community together, share resources, and cause change.

Your show-boat protesting is useless and invalid.

Oohhh scary you bring rifles with you to your peaceful Hawaiian shirt protests. What are you going to do with those rifles? Nothing. You will even let the police disarm you and arrest you, which has been happening. You show up to businesses that are not complying with the order to close (as they should, not comply) during COVID-19 armed, and then the police show up and arrest everyone lol. What was the point of that? It’s all a show. A show that isn’t causing any real change.

You wave around flags that say “Come and Take It” and “Don’t Tread On Me” but they, the police, whom you support, do just that, tread all over you and come and take your guns lol. And you do nothing. You obey and comply rendering your entire protest invalid lol.

Either stfu with your hypocritical useless peaceful protesting or actually take a principled stand on something.

Burning Target and Autozone, and burning tyrants are not the Same Thing.

We need to be absolutely clear about something.  Looting, pillaging, and burning private companies and innocent small businesses in the community is not the same thing as damaging and burning tyrant oppressive establishments.  But, burning tyrants should not be the first response to tyranny either.  Continue reading

The Liberty Test

The Supreme Court uses logical tests to determine if something meets a certain standard.   We The People, should do the same.  This test, anyone can apply to any sort of policy, order, or legislation tests it’s support or opposition to freedom, and expands or contracts freedoms, for all or some people. Continue reading

2nd Amendment Case Law

The Chronological case law of the 2nd Amendment.  Where the courts got it wrong, and took away freedom, and where they got it right, and empowered a free people; since 1857 all the way to the present and pending cases today. Continue reading

The Moral Issues of the 2nd Amendment

The Constitution explicitly protects it, a unalienable right.  It is the first thing suppressed by all major tyrannical governments throughout history.  Even the most honored, respected, religious leaders command it;  why? Continue reading

Proof of What Government Is Capable Of (NSFW)

All the following images are events that took place under the approval and authority of the ruling government of that time: Continue reading

How can anyone vote for massive government and more and more taxes?

This is a pretty mind blowing question.  How can ANYONE willingly desire more government in their life and more taxes that will naturally trickle down and effect them… Somewhere down the line, there is an educational, rational, illogical, ignorant disconnect from history, human nature, and reality. Continue reading

Bank of Anti-America

A friend of mine received a letter from Bank of America informing him that they would no longer process transactions for his business, without real warning.  He owns a local firearms store.  He was able to find another local bank to assist, luckily, but it made me think about dick move by Bank of America. Continue reading

Accused of being Republican?

If you think by being anti-socialist, anti-big government, pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, and pro-freedom of religion; we are then Republican by default, you are blind to your collectivist indoctrination.  We are not loyal to one party, or even a two party system.  Our loyalty is to life and freedom, and whomever advocates for these the best, no matter what political party they are a member of.  Mind blowing, hu.  Its hard to imagine not voting roboticily like an ignorant slave. Continue reading

Dear National Rifle Association,

This letter is from a couple past and present NRA members.  First it is important to point out that Gun Owners of America are better gun rights advocates than you.  It is interesting to note that you did not file a lawsuit against the bump stock ban like other gun rights groups did.  Are you guys even filing suit against New Jersey’s “high capacity” magazine ban?  What are you guys doing about Red Flag laws, that take away due process and revoke 2nd Amendment rights?  PBS published an article titled “NRA has backed more state gun laws…”  and after reading through the article they failed to actually present support for their claim… (  But what we can’t help but to notice is your actual LACK of action… or even support for other gun rights groups taking action…   Continue reading

Does Gun Control Even Work?

France has crazy strong gun control… experienced a mass shooting on Tuesday.  “Chekatt had been radicalized in prison and was being monitored by French intelligence services since at least 2015 due to his suspected religious extremism. Authorities did not say which religion; however, supporters of the Islamic State terror group were celebrating the shooting online, according to the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadi communications worldwide…Before opening fire on the Christmas market in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Chekatt, 29, yelled “Allahu Akbar,” Paris’ public prosecutor said. Chekatt escaped the scene in a taxi.”  Continue reading

New Jersey Hates Your Rights

While it is just a logical fact that criminals do not follow laws and there are more “gun free” zones all over New Jersey, the only safe place is in your home, for now. Why? because criminals (or people who want to defend themselves, now deemed criminals) will now have “high capacity” magazines OR a ton of “lower” capacity magazines and just quickly reload in the “gun free” zones. Either, they hate your rights to defend yourself against tyranny; or the officials the citizens of New Jersey elected are morons and ignorant of statistics and logic.

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Free to Boycott

Boycotting seems like it would be anti-freedom, but that is quite the opposite.  We are FREE to boycott and no one can force us to purchase something from someone unnecessarily.  Boycotting is also a form or protest and can be a tool use against those who are anti-freedom.  We have compiled a list of Business that we hope other freedom loving Americans would avoid. Continue reading

Californians Are Tools

Its mind-blowing to see all the laws that California is passing.  Kinda expected.  But what is MORE mind-blowing is how no one over there is really doing anything about it.  They have become one of the largest Mommy-Daddy state; where they direct the choices of their peon citizens in all kinds of aspects of life.  Every city in Californian just dictates your “freedoms” not even accounting for the State Laws looking over your shoulder. Continue reading

Red Flag Laws

Giving the power to psychologist (some of whom are politically affiliated) and the Government to take away the ultimate form of self-defense… sounds like a good idea, when it comes to MAYBE, Potentially, HOPEFULLY, having some kind of impact on the small number of mass shootings nation wide.  Saving just One life by risking the lives (taking away their ability to defend themselves) of others, sounds like a worthy cause, right?  Besides all the logical and rational inconsistencies, lets just look at the idea of the ‘transfer of power’ concept contained in these laws. Continue reading