Category Archives: Family

Be An Independent, Free, Individual

The COVID-19 exposed a lot of people in society as nothing more than government-dependent leaches.  Whereas even the government deems them and their occupation as “non-essential.”  Italy’s government run healthcare system has even deemed the elderly lives as “non-essential,” and stopped treating them.  Americans, are only as free as the federal government allows them to be.  Don’t be a government slave, be an independent, free, individual and become SELF-RELIANT. Continue reading

Thank You Democrats,

I would like to thank the Democrat party for helping me see more clearly issues that will help me vote in the coming elections.  From abortion rights to my 2nd Amendment rights and racism, you guys have really given me some serious motivations and ample things to consider. Continue reading

Field of Dreams (1989)

TOTAL – 15.55 PTS, 3.11 AVG

An Iowa corn farmer, hearing voices, interprets them as a command to build a baseball diamond in his fields; he does, and the 1919 Chicago White Sox come. Continue reading

Merry Christmas!

Oops, was that noninclusive and offensive?  What about Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa?  Idk, what about them?  None of those are celebrated on 25 December.  On this day, 25 December, only Christmas is the event celebrated on that day.  Today is 25 December, therefore, Merry Christmas.  Hanukkah ended on 10 December and Kwanzaa starts 26 December.  Today, is Christmas. Continue reading


bigstock-Watch-Out-For-Children-427446Why is defending our children rocket science?

Laws are in place.  Schools are gun free zones.  But why are the schools themselves still defenseless?

What are we NOT doing, that can be done, to REALLY protect our Children in school?

How come we don’t model protecting our Children off how we protect our politicians, celebrities, courts, and money?  Are politicians, celebrities, courts, and money more valuable than our children? Continue reading