About ALJ

We are American Life Journal. Normal, every day Americans, with real life American experiences.

We are a team of normal, everyday Americans who have real jobs, other jobs. This, American Life Journal, isn’t a job for us. This is not our bread and butter. We do this because, well, we love America. Because we volunteer our experiences, wisdom, and opinions, we aren’t influenced by what or who pays us more. We journal our views, opinions, experiences, from our personal life events. Issues at work, home, in our neighborhood, our community, city, and state. We speak with our friends, family, co-workers, strangers, all whom have no idea; and we like to keep it that way. We, ourselves, including ourselves, keep it anonymous.

Our Values

Unlike the fascist authoritarian actions of Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, and all those other anti-freedom, anti-free speech, anti-civil rights, anti-free market, Hitler/Stalin wanna-be CEOs and their pet, paid off politicians; we allow for a vast diverse range of ideals in our journal. We don’t all agree with everything published here, but that isn’t our point. We value FREE THOUGHT. We value FREEDOM OF IDEAS. We value presenting opposing ideas and challenging ideas. If an idea utterly offends you and triggers you to uncontrollable rage and butt hurt feelings, it is YOU, not the idea, that has issues and is the problem.

We are PRO-RELIGION and welcome the challenge of religious teachings and even the challenge of the existence of religions. Are aren’t feeble minded militant atheists who seem to hate something they claim doesn’t exist. We present a vast array of ethics and moral norms. But, no matter the faith, religion, ethic, and moral; we value life, living, freedom, and liberty, universally, unilaterally, and transcendentally.

We are PRO-LIBERTY in politics and public policy. We AREN’T Republicans! OH GOD NO. But, we are defiantly not Democrat either. We ARE for who ever supports the most liberty focused, freedom centrist policies. We are NOT party loyalists, we are fully independent voters who support anyone who is for freedom and liberty. In some ways we are liberal, in other ways we are conservative; but we are not defined by a party or an ideology.

We are PRO-TRUTH, even if it hurts your little feelings. If you glorify something horrid, we’ll tell you. If you worship something evil, you’ll know because we will point it out. If you are a liar, we’ll call you out. If you speak truth, we will support you. If you are honest, we will magnify you. Truth is not “your truth, and my truth.” Because then I would just say “My truth is that your truth is a lie,” that exposes the falsehood of your claim. Therefore, we know TRUTH is true or not, no matter who speaks it, or comes to discovery it and know it. Truth is universal and transcendent. Truth can’t be relative or defined by human norms because to state “truth is relative” is a universal truth claim, and human norms are ever changing.

Our Mission

We want to express, openly and publicly, what most people won’t say out-loud. We want to put out in the inter-webs views, opinions, and experiences that might help someone or open someone’s mind. We want to reach those who think their views and opinions are few, show them that they are not alone in their belief and ideals.

We are here to fight for the free exchange of ideas. To be free-thinkers, and free minds of those who are enslaved by the mental chains of group-think, collectivist, propaganda ideologies.

We use vast amount of methods to reach the world. From blogs, major social media sites, to underground cryto-media sites. We reach our friends, family, co-workers, community members, in person, quietly, and engage their ideas and thoughts, views, and opinions.

Who Are We?

We are just every day Americans. We work various level jobs in various industries that have found each other, over time, and have partnered up to create The American Life Journal. But it’s not WHO we are that matters, it’s WHAT we have to say. Our ideas, views, opinions, and thoughts are worth more than any amount of money we make in our life time. Ideas change lives, change cultures, change history. They are tools of freedom, weapons, and tools of oppression.

There are people who hate free-thinkers, who hate the people they want to control from ever thinking for themselves; so, they hate us for freeing their mind, for speaking truth, freedom, and liberty of self thought, logic, and individual rational thinking. Because of this hate, they want to silence us, to harm us, to punish us. They want us to be fired from our jobs, for our friends and family to turn against us, want our governments to come and take away our property. Because of this FACT, we remain unidentified, silhouettes. Who we are doesn’t matter, what we say does.

Our Composition & Partnerships

We are several outlets of views and opinions who all came together, yet, still maintaining our areas of experience and focus. Writers for the political section are military and veterans who have worked for or are working for various government entities, county, state, and federal. They are active in their communities and local political and humanitarian organizations. The writers for the health and fitness section were the proud group from LifeGym. They were certified personal trainers, nutritionists, sports science enthusiasts, and also serving in the Armed forces and veterans. Their personal experiences speak for themselves. The writers for the religious section are devoted to their faith and have extensively studied philosophy, theology, and apologetics; but are also gracious in their engagement with opposing religions and irreligious. Who they are specifically doesn’t matter, their views, opinions, and experiences freely expressed is what matters. They are all free thinkers, truth seekers, and liberty minded in their areas of experience.

Join Our Cause

If you share a passion for our values and mission, please send us tips, comments, questions, and or even partner with us! Share our articles, social media posts, volunteer to write for us, and engage your friends, family, and community.