About LifeGym

We are just normal people that has transformed our health and physic on our own.

We educated ourselves.  Though most of us have graduates degrees, some are not in anything related to health and fitness.

We tested ourselves.  Created our own routines and diets.  Some of us were/are in the military, but they put morons in charge of PT, unqualified, uneducated, NCOs, who are NOT personal trainers; just saying.

We kept what works, supported by our results and data, and eliminated what did not.

Some of us were/are a certified personal trainer and a nutritionist, but, at the end of the day, why?  Everything you need, anyone can find.

Some of us once weighed 120lbs straight out of high school, and were skinny and toned.  Maybe even around 9% body fat due to extra fast metabolisms.

We got tired of being so weak, skinny, and out of shape; so we changed that.

We did our research, dug deep, and started eating right, going to the gym, and taking some supplements.  Next thing we knew, we were 200lbs and roughly 13% body fat.  We got big.  We got healthy.

Now we try various routines and diets, testing them to see what works best with our ever changing body.  From Intermediate Fasting, Carb Cycling, Carb Timing, Car Eliminating, Heavy weight low rep lifting, Moderate weight high rep lifting, body-weight workouts, CrossFit, Yoga, and Resistance band routines.

We try various supplements to see what works, what doesn’t and pass that information on to you.

We are not sponsored by any supplement industry or company.  Our statements are idividually, our own and our opinions, but our opinions are backed by our results and data.  Somethings only work for some of us and our body, but some things generally work for all human bodies.

Why don’t you see pictures of us specifically?

Because, honestly, it’s not really about just US, personally, individually.  It is about our results and our data.  Not about how awesome we look or how our beach body is rock solid.  That’s isn’t our point or purpose for this.  We are here for you.  And even if we do, or did, we’d just block our faces or any identifiable features; again, not about us.

Is it just one person?

We have some help from some friends who volunteer to write and test supplements and workout routines with us.  Some are in charge of the social networking and other writing, and others working out.  But, we will never be named either.  It is not about us, them, or any ONE in specific.