Evil Dead (2013)

Total 13.75; 2.75 AVG

Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods.

Where do I start… the acting is meh, it’s okay. What I expect from horror movies. The story, was, meh, what I expect from horror movies. Not too original, but wasn’t too bad. Now, the visuals and cinematography is where the money is at. That was quality. But. But, let me inform you, this film is violent. Probably the most blood I’ve seen in any movie. The horrific scenes are what made it, most definitely, a horror film.

Acting – 2

Story – 2.5

Visuals – 3

Cinematography – 3.25

Personal Impact – 3

Buy/Rent or Bootleg – Buy/Rent.

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