Bank of Anti-America

A friend of mine received a letter from Bank of America informing him that they would no longer process transactions for his business, without real warning.  He owns a local firearms store.  He was able to find another local bank to assist, luckily, but it made me think about dick move by Bank of America.

Think about that for a second.  The 2nd Amendment is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT and a Bank by the name of Bank of AMERICA is against that very CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT… They are so against it, they could care less what business owners they screw over and what US Citizens have their constitutional right infringed.  They are against your constitutional rights!  That got me thinking.

Well, Fk Bank of Anti-America.

I did some homework and come to find out, Citigroup is also Anti-Constitutional rights.  So, Fk them too.

Then I came across Wells Fargo spokesman Alan Elias’ statement where she basically said that it is not the job of the Banks to influence social or political issues.  Thus, Wells Fargo remains a Bank and not a ideological piece of shit.  That too, got me thinking

I have decided to leave Bank of Anti-America for Wells Fargo and local banks.

I closed my checking and savings accounts and transferred all my funds to new Wells Fargo accounts.  I have changed my direct deposit and auto bill pay information accordingly.  I have also assisted other friends and family in doing the same.  Any kind of loans or financial assistance or investments will be done through Wells Fargo or any other financial institution that is not connected to Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, or Citigroup.  They are dead to me.

Yeah its a hassle.  So what?  Why keep feeding monsters that just help others to eat away at your rights?  How lazy and moronic are you to say dumb things like “I support 2nd Amendment rights” then, bank with those who fight to take away your 2nd Amendment rights. lol

Either sit down, shut up, and get treaded on or DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  I did.

Fk Bank of America

Fk Citigroup

Don’t be their bitch.  Dump them and move somewhere else.

Support Wells Fargo and your local (pro-constitutional rights) bank.

Here, made it easy for you:  Open a Checking Account at Wells Fargo,  then contact your Bank of America or Citigroup and tell them to fk off.  Provide them with your new acc# and routing # and have then transfer YOUR money out of their hands.  Peace.

I call this the #LeaveBankofAmericaChallenge